
Saturday 1 February 2020

Vintage at Allsorts and latest Hochanda TV makes

Morning Peeps, a scheduled post because as this goes live I should be having my second eye op and as it's Saturday I need to tell you about our new challenge at Allsorts where Wendy is our host and would like to see a 'Touch of Vintage'. This weeks lucky winner will receive a prize from Craft Stash.

I am also posting (scheduling) over at the Chocolate Baroque Blog today, you will find my shares further down. All four stamp sets were designed by Lesley using her own vintage blueprints plus beautiful florals, to say I loved working with these is an understatement and I got totally carried away ending up with rather a lot of samples, some are below and I will be sharing more later in the month.

This is a sample from last months Chocolate Baroque Hochanda shows, the background was created on the Gelli Plate, then the steampunk Owl stamped in Versafine black and I decided to leave it uncoloured  and just added a couple of pearls for the eyes. Then some texture paste added through a stencil, a sentiment from the same stamp released and matted onto corrugated.

And a tag made from Artisan Designs stamps, also created for Hochanda TV., background stamping over Oxides, the flowers stamps, cut out and decoupaged and some white highlights added, oh yes and a Chocolate Baroque Bee.

I've again been told I need to have a two week screen break to try and preserve the nerves from more stress and strain so will see you all in due course.
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  1. wow gorgeous design and beautiful and gorgeous cards/tags Brenda
    Gr Karin

  2. Oh my goodness Brenda these are stunning - every. single. one!!!! Love the gelli-plate background in the top one.
    Praying all goes well with your eye op

  3. Superb collection Brenda! Love the circle background CAS cards, you always manage to bring something new and fresh in your creations! Have a good rest, the blogs will wait... xx

  4. Hope your operation goes well. Keeping you in my prayers. Love your cards they are stunning!!!

  5. Stunning cards Brenda..and different, but they are always so tastefully and professionally done. Hope the eye op goes OK..thinking of you. Hugs xx

  6. A fantastic collection of amazing cards Brenda. Sorry to hear that you've got to stay away from the screen, but if it helps thats great.

    Sue xx

  7. Fingers crossed the procedure went well Brenda. A lovely lot of your fabulous work to look at today. I love the variety of sentiments on these cards xx

  8. These are so wonderful!
    Hope all goes well for you!

  9. So nicely done Brenda. Loving your vintage piece for Allsorts with the use of cardboard and those new stamps you're showcasing for Chocolate Baroque are stunning and so unique!
    Thinking of you and hoping all goes well with the eye surgery!

  10. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery

  11. So love the last five cards here. The stamps and the colours are so up my street. I hope your eye operation goes to plan. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hugs Mrs A.

  12. Another fabulous array of wonderful creations, especially love the first two.

    Kath x

  13. An amazing selection of cards Brenda, the tags are beautiful with great sentiments and stamping. Hoping your up and about soon.
    Babs x

  14. A stunning array of makes Brenda, xxx

  15. Ciao Brenda, dita incrociate per la tua seconda operazione agli occhi, sei nei nostri pensieri e nelle nostre preghiere!!
    Le tue creazioni per Hochanda TV sono così artistiche e amo tutte le differenti colorazioni e tecniche che hai usato. C'è sempre tato da vedere e da imparare da te! Splendide ispirazioni per CB, per Artisan Designs e per i challenges!
    Un abbraccio e a presto!

  16. Stunning cards as always Brenda, and fab photos too.
    I hope the op went well and wish you a speedy recovery.
    Take care of yourself
    Sending hugs
    Lorraine x

  17. a lovely selection of inkyness - loving the colour combo on the last one. Strangely enough I've been using these two colours myself today too!

  18. Lots of beautiful, artistic makes, Brenda! I especially love the first tag--gorgeous!

  19. Stunning selection Brenda love all the fabulous stamps and texture-and of course the little Bee
    Carol x
