
Saturday 8 February 2020

Anysia's wedding invitations

Morning Peeps, another scheduled post whilst I'm on screen rest after my second eye op, but as it's Saturday I need to tell you all about our new challenge at Allsorts where our host is Kath who has chosen the theme of 'Add a Heart', very fitting as we head towards Valentines Day. We have a lovely stamp set from Stamps by Chloe for this weeks lucky winner.

I have previously alluded to making wedding invitations for our eldest Granddaughters wedding in May and now I can share them as they have been sent out. I made 100 in total starting with  the pockets made with a die, they measure 160cm square when made up and each contains five enclosures, Invitation, RSVP, SAE Envelope for reply, Accommodation in the locality and Honeymoon Dream.

Their home is all set up so they are asking for donations towards their honeymoon dream from anyone wishing to give a gift. The honeymoon is all booked thanks to Granny (yours truly) and is a Greek Island Cruise, Anysia said she wanted a surprise but Santorini was on her wish list and as she is rather partial to cruising it was an easy one. I'm just hoping there are some wedding guest contributions to go towards it!!

All inserts and envelopes were stamped with a mixture of Penny Black and Inkylicious stamps in two shades of green Versafine Clair. I had the envelopes made with lavender tissue lining to match the inserts (although they look rather dark in my photo they are a good match) which are lavender pearlescent card. I initially though I would have to heat emboss the stamping as it was pearl card, but the ink actually dried really well without having to do so.

I still have the Order of Service and Menu's to make but am rather happy that the bulk of the work is done and more importantly Anysia and Sam, plus Mum and Dad are happy with them. The reception is being held in the next village in a rather lovely converted barn overlooking lakes and farmland,  very fitting to go with the rustic theme of the wedding, they open it for only 20 weddings a year in order to retain the exclusivity of the venue.

Also as promised a photo from son Eliot's Untramarathon race last weekend when he took part in the Arc of Attrition. I'm relieved to say he completed the 100 run around the rugged coastal paths of Cornwall in 33hours and 27 minutes without any visual issues this time (no stops are allowed other than drink/feed stations and athletes have 40 hours in which to complete the race). Although he's done a good few 100 miles races before he said this was the hardest and I'm not surprised given the inclement coastal weather down there this time of year.

Thanks as always for your visit and kind words, As mentioned above I'm still on screen rest after my op but hope to get 'out and about' into blogland very soon.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Wow, Brenda these are stunning. Well done you. Hope you are doing well. Hugs Anesha

  2. Amazing work Brenda - these are beautiful.
    praying your eyes are healing well

  3. Love the pocket presentation, so delicate and so stylish in white! I can't imagine how much stamping you did to complete the foliage on all the inserts… a work of love Brenda. xx

  4. The wedding invitations look amazing - just beautiful.
    Congrats to your son - looks like tough going to me!

  5. Awesome wedding invitations Brenda, so much work but they look fabulous. Hope you are recovering well from the eye op. Many congratulations to Eliot on his finish time on his coastal run. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  6. Wow what an amazing job Brenda well done you , they really are beautiful, I did my Granddaughters a couple of years ago, it put me off for life of making anymore. Lol congratulations to your son , how did the other one get on in Spain hope he did good. Hope your feeling more comfortable now speedy recovery, have a lovely weekend.
    Babs x

  7. Hello Brenda, I hope your eyes are doing well and that the computer rest is helping.
    What stunning invitations, so much work attached to making them.
    Super photo of your son doing his stuff, congrats to him, Kate x

  8. These invitations are simply stunning and so fitting for the wonderful occasion. The planned honeymoon sounds lovely!
    Hoping you're recovery is going well!

  9. WOW!!! Che meraviglia!!! Gli inviti per il matrimonio di tua nipote Anysia sono così dolci, eleganti e raffinati!! Mi piace tantissimo l'idea della tasca che raccoglie tutti gli inserti e quel grande fiocco con il cuore è stupendo sul delicato sfondo lilla!!
    Meno male che c'è il Misti, altrimenti timbrare tutti i rametti di foglie con due tonalità di verde sarebbe stato ancora più faticoso... non è così? :)
    Tanti auguri ad Anysia per il suo matrimonio e per la sua Crociera in Grecia!!
    Congratulazioni a Eliot per la sua maratona di 100 miglia!!! Sicuramente è impressionante vedere il sentiero su cui si svolge, così ripido e a picco sul mare... e in caso di forte vento e pioggia sembra davvero anche molto pericoloso!
    Non so come fa a correre per così tanto tempo, io sarei completamente sfiancata dopo soltanto 15 minuti LOL :D
    Spero che l'operazione sia andata bene e che ora tu stia riposando gli occhi lontano dal pc. Tieni duro!!
    Un grande abbraccio!

  10. Absolutely beautiful wedding invitations Brenda which i'm sure your grandaughter and fiance must have loved.
    A very well done to Eliot on his run too and can't imagine how hard it must have been.
    Hope you're recovering well from your eye op and that you can do more very soon.
    Fliss xx

  11. The wedding invitations are stunning Brenda, it must have been lovely to make them for your granddaugher. Well done to your son for completing his run last weekend.
    Hope the eyes are getting better.

    Sue xx

  12. Fabulous wedding invitations Brenda and so much detail too. You have been super busy! Congrats to Eliot on completing his race, it must have been really cold up there x

  13. Brenda, these are absolutely stunning! And you made 100 of them, you are amazing! Congrats to your granddaughter on her wedding and that dream honeymoon does sound like a dream! Congrats to your son as well! What a wonderful blog post full of happy news! Hope you are well, Brenda. I don't get to visit as often as I'd like but I'm so glad I popped in today.

  14. These invites are stunning Brenda...but I would expect no less from you of course! Congrats to your glad he had no problems this time. Me?...well I would just get in the car!! Hugs xx

  15. These are just beautiful Brenda, so classy.
    Congratulations to Eliot too.
    Lorraine x

  16. Really gorgeous invitations , fabulous die and love the lilac and green combo. Super photo too, you must be so proud.

    Kath x

  17. thats gorgeous and so elegant Brenda great work
    Gr Karin

  18. These turned our superbly Brenda, beautiful and very elegant. Anysia is a very lucky girl to have a Grandma like you. Their honeymoon sounds brilliant too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  19. Stunning invitations, they are so elegant and must have taken an age to make. Grandma's do come in very useful don't they !
    Hope your recovery is going well x Susan x

  20. The invitations are just gorgeous Brenda a lot of work though I should imagine but your granddaughter is worth it x

  21. Truly beautiful invitations Brenda.
    Wow, how fit is your son, 100 miles in so few hours,
    Well done to all xxxx xxx

  22. What a lucky couple on all counts Brenda!! Those invites look amazing xx

  23. Wow what beautiful invitations you've made. So talented. Sounds like its going to be a wonderful day. Wow your son has done amazing once again. So many things to be proud of honey. You take care after your eye operation. Big hugs xx

  24. First of all, so pleased the op went well and hope you are being strict with yourself about screen time - we need you back fit and well! Secondly, the invitations are just so beautiful. It's a lot of work I know, but what satisfaction to be able to contribute such a beautiful part of your granddaughter's wedding day.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my doggy valentine. Guaranteed to melt the heart of any dog lover but especially one who knows labs and goldens!

    Take very good care of yourself.
    Vicky x

  25. so beautiful invitations!
    oh tahts so nice place to ahve race!

  26. Amazing post so gorgeous.xx sending healing hugs for those dear eyes.xx

  27. WOW absolutely beautiful weddinginvitations love the die-cut pockets and gorgeous bows with the bling heart.Congrats to your son wow 33 hours!!!Hope the eye op works and just catching up with commenting myself
    Carol x

  28. Wauw Brenda you have made absolutely gorgeous wedding invitations for your granddaugther. What a lot of work you have had. The happy couple will treasure these for sure.
    A great achievement from your son and that with the stormy weather. Very well done.
    Take care of yourself.

    PS Sorry I'm late with my visit, running behind as usual. x

  29. Wow the invates look so beautiful! Can see way they all were pleased with them! But what a big job!
    And what a race your sun did! ( wouldn't think of dping that :) Hugs, Gerrina (finally caught up with my work and now time again for a brouse though all I missed here)

  30. Well, what a lucky girl she is to have a grandmother who is able and prepared to put this amount of work into her wedding invites. They are just stunning and what a perfect bow on the front. I wish I could get my bows to look like that! I love the green and purple/mauve too xx
