
Saturday 11 January 2020

Say it with flowers

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts. This week I am your host and no surprise on the theme 'Say it with Flowers'. There is a lovely floral stamp and sentiment from Bev and the gang at Bee Crafty for this weeks lucky winner.

I'm sorry I am not getting to your blogs as often as I might like, but I had a bit of a setback with my eyes and referred to the Cambridge University eye unit. I'm now having to use steroid drops several times a day to control the inflammation and not able to spend long in front of the screen as the glare is painful.

My top card is one of those I made for this weeks Chocolate Baroque third anniversary shows on Hochanda, the stamps are beautiful and created by Lesley from her own blueprint's. They were such a success that they sold out in the first seven minutes of the first show, they are now on extended and further extended delivery which means David is beavering away to get all the orders out.

For this card I have used one of our sponsors recent stamp releases Large Doodle Art Butterfly stamp set, a background of Distress Oxides and some stencilling with ink, texture paste and Be Crafty stencils, decoupaged the flowers and used lots of bright and cheery colours.

And here's a few Chocolate Baroque shares from my post on the DT blog here. which featured in last months Hochanda shows.

Hope you all have a good weekend.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. What a lovely collection of cards Brenda all so different...sorry to hear you’ve had a set back with your eyes Brenda hope the eye drops are helping


  2. Brilliant set of cards, Brenda. The strutting chicken and sentiment made me smile! So sorry to hear bout your setback, do rest your eyes, the blogs can wait...

  3. The stamps on the first card are so unusual, I thought you had combined two stamps at first but on visiting CB I see it comes like that.
    As always lots of lovely inky inspiration.

  4. So sorry to hear your eyes are so painful - do hope the boffins can sort it for you!
    Loving your cards Brenda, and I can understand why that floral stamp sold out so quickly

  5. Great selection of cards. Hope your eyes improve

  6. Hi, B! I expected to see a complete floral lineup and was pleasantly surprised at the array of themes you shared! Loving the new CB stamps. I can see why they sold out so quickly. I am especially fond of the bokeh technique in your second card. Brenda, I hope you find some relief for the eye pain. I can imagine how the glare must cause additional nerve pain. I feel badly advising some of our blogging buddies that I can no longer read their posts because the font on their blogs is the smallest blogger offers, and I just cannot read it any more, so I don't know what they share on their posts. When Hurricane Irma came through in 2017, it caused a problem with the retina, and a brief tear occurred in my left eye. It's like having a constant oily film on the eye, so I can't see through it. But at least it is not painful, and when neurological issues like yours, that's gotta be tough. Please never be concerned about leaving comments on my blog. Your friendship and inspiring strength is a joy and gift to me. hugs, de

  7. Great cards Brenda. The new CB stamps were fabulous, as were the samples and I love the colour palette that you've used here. The Cockerel is outstanding and the sentiment made me smile, thank you. Wishing you a happy week ahead x

  8. Beautiful cards as always Brenda, love the image and fab sentiment on the first one. Hope your eye inflammation is soon sorted and feeling much better. Happy to you and yours and have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  9. Beautiful cards Brenda and all so different! xx

  10. What a super selection of cards Brenda. I really love the steampunk themed ones - always drawn to that style.
    I hope your eyes get better soon so you can enjoy more of your crafting time.

  11. Hello Brenda, every card is gorgeous, I especially love that lovely floral image from Bee Crafty, wonderful selection.
    Sorry you have had a set back with your eyes. I hope the medication can get them sorted out, take care, Kate x

  12. Love the CB samples you shared today, the first flower is so beautiful and the cockerel and sentiment made me smile,
    Love the combination of bright colours you used on the BeCrafty card, so cheerful on a wintry dat.
    Sorry to read about the setback with your eyes, hope the new drops are the answer.
    Avril xx

  13. These are all so beautiful with the gorgeous stamps and inking. Loving all the florals, and the rooster is gorgeous!
    I'm sorry to hear about your setback on the eyes. Hoping the drops are helpful and there is never any need to apologize for not being able to visit blogs as much as you like to. Health and well being are always more important!

  14. Great cards - (loving the chicken!)Hoping the clucking comes from the chicken and the crowing from the red bird! xx

  15. Super cards once again Brenda.
    I hope you get some relief soon with your eyes, xxx

  16. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, love all those florals and pretty colours.
    Sorry to hear you've had a setback with your eyes, I hope they improve soon
    Lorraine x

  17. Lovely cards Brenda, I am rather fond of the steampunk chook and the thingummybob really made me smile!! Sorry to hear to that you had a setback with your eyes but hope the drops are doing their job xx

  18. Fabulous selection of cards Brenda love the steampunk cockerel and the beautiful freesia stamp-great sentiment too-hope they soon get your eyes sorted
    carol x

  19. Good grief Brenda, what a fantastic collection, some gorgeous images, stunning colours and brilliant designs and not to mention your colour choices.
    Each one has something very different, the rulers on the first one,, the lovely retro colours on the second, the great image and sentiment on the third, super background on the fourth and the sentiment on the last one.

    Each card so differnt but all beautifully made.

    Kath x

  20. A gorgeous collection of cards Brenda. So sorry to hear about the set back with you eyes, hope they are soon better.

    Sue xx

  21. Non devi scusarti, Brenda, la tua salute viene prima di tutto!!! Mi dispiace molto per i tuoi occhi infiammati, spero che le gocce facciano effetto presto! Stai lontana dal computer più che puoi!
    Le tue cards per CB sono stupende. Quella di ispirazione per Allsorts è la mia preferita, ma mi piace anche moltissimo quella con il gallo steampunk, così divertente e luminosa, e con la bellissima texture!! Molto dolce e delicata quella di ispirazione per Be Crafty, che splendidi colori e il decoupage ci sta benissimo!!!!
    Qui c'è il sole e le verdure nella nostra serra hanno bisogno di essere innaffiate :)
    Buona Domenica, spero che ci sia un po' di sole anche da te

  22. Oh Brenda these are so very beautiful cards.
    Don't worry about blog visits I understand you are health is important and you must take care of your self.
    Lots of hugs

  23. Beautiful cards Brenda. I hope your eyes soon improve, take care. Marlies x

  24. Stunning cards Brenda. So sorry your eyes are not doing well, hope the drops help. Hugs Anesha

  25. Wauw wat zijn je kaarten weer prachtig
    Je bovenste kaart met Fresia zijn mijn favoriete bloemen
    Groetjes Gerrie

  26. these are beautiful cards Brenda I like the first one
    Gr Karin

  27. So sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your eyes, it must be so frustrating and quite debilitating. Despite that you are still managing to create some amazing cards. Very well done you. My favourite is the second one, love that background xx

  28. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda x

  29. Beautiful selection of cards as always and I especially love both of the flower ones. So sorry to hear you're having problem with your eyes and hope you're fully recovered very soon xx

  30. Gorgeous cards and lovely flower stamps;-))m

  31. I´m sorry to hear your eyes are painful Brenda, and I hope you ´ll feel better soon.
    Your cards are all AMAZING !! I love them, love the colours, the backgrounds, the stamps :) Great your Art.
    I wish you a very nice new week, feeling better soon, and I send you big hugs

  32. Your cards are beautiful as always Brenda. Please don't bother commenting on my blog. I'd rather see you get extra rest. I hope your eyes improve with the steroids. Take care xxx

  33. So sorry about your eyes, Brenda. Hope things improve with the drops. Lovely cards in this post!

  34. Fantastic cards. Especially love your color combinations. My favorite are second and fourth. And now to the most important thing - your health. Hope that your health is going to improve that you can create as much as you wish.All the best in 2020.

  35. These are all gorgeous. Hugs Mrs A.

  36. What a gorgeous collection of cards, Brenda and I'm amazed at your creativity when your eyes must sting! Hope they get better soon.
    Carol x
