
Sunday 5 January 2020

Butterflies flying free

It's time for our  new challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are 'Favourite Stamps' and 'Make it Feminine'. As always there are wonderful prizes to be won at both. 

I know how difficult it always is choosing just one favourite stamp, hence the theme is plural giving more scope. As a real Lavinia fan like so many of us I had to have the lovely Zamira when she was release a few months ago and here she is releasing the Butterflies within a fantasy scene of Lavinia trees and flowers with the hint of a mystery City in the distance created with a CB stencil.

I have used three PB stamps on my triptych card keeping to just pinks and green for the colouring and the lovely Penny Black quote in the centre.

I really hope you will join us this month and please do pop over and visit my teamies to see their individual creations.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Your gorgeous Lavinia scene just sealed my decision to buy some more of their stamps! The PB card is beautiful too, the brushstroke rose… x

  2. SO are so good at creating scenic cards Brenda and I love your Penny Black card


  3. Schitterende kaart
    Groetjes Gerrie

  4. Happy New Year Brenda!
    glad to see that you have been creating again and hope that your eyes are healing nicely.
    Two very gorgeous creations again today, I love the depth you have achieved in the first one with the hint of the city in the background and the bold stamping in the foreground.

  5. Happy New Year Brenda. You created a wonderful fairy scene with the lavinia stamps. Beautiful! The second cards is very sweet and adorable with a lovely design. Marlies x

  6. Absolutely beautiful cards, Brenda. Love the Lavinia scene, so magical, and I really like the triptych design of the PB card. x

  7. Two gorgeous makes Brenda, I am a huuuuuuuge fan of Lavinia so love that one and your PB make is so very feminine - love them both! xxx

  8. Fabulous makes, Brenda and both beautiful for very different reasons. Love that mysterious city in the background of the Lavinia card - just perfect - as are her releasing the flutterbies. I have that stamp but haven't yet used it...nice to see ideas for it.
    The PB card is just so pretty and CAS. Just goes to show we don't need to add so much all the time. This looks beautiful.
    Cath x

  9. Two lovely cards Brenda. I love how you've used the stencil on the first one to add depth. I have to agree with you that Zamira is a beautiful stamp and another one on my crafty wish list. At this rate, I'm going to have to work until I'm 90! A fabulous use of stamps and ink on both cards and a super start to the year. Wishing you a very happy and colourful New Year. Crafty hugs, Sandra xx

  10. Ciao Brenda, Zamira è attualmente anche il mio timbro preferito di Lavinia (anche se è ancora nella mia wish list perchè tempo addietro era già out of stock) e la tua card scenica è davvero favolosa!! Adoro le farfalle che escono in volo dalla sua mano e la città misteriosa che emerge dallo sfondo!! Bellissimi colori e tutte le piante che creano lo scenario!! Inutile dire che questa card è la mia preferita tra le tue creazioni di oggi, ma mi piace anche molto il tuo trittico con la bellissima frase sull'amicizia e quel fiocco sulle dolcissime rose!
    Ti mando un abbraccio e spero che la tua vista ora si stanchi meno e ti permetta più libertà. Qui c'è il sole, vorrei potertene mandare un pochino!

  11. Two stunning cards Brenda. I just adore the scene you created in the first card. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha

  12. Lovely inking and colour on the first card with one of my current faves. The second card also features one of my faves - look out for it soon! Love how yu combined it with the other two stamps.

  13. Love everything about your fairy card Brenda, the colours and gorgeous and the building in the background gives it that extra something. Saying that your PB card is so pretty and very feminine xx

  14. Both are such beautiful cards Brenda. Loving your Lavinia creation and well done choosing a favorite fairy, they are all beautiful and I can imagine them all being a favorite depending on the day of the week :-)
    Your PB creation is so pretty as well and loving the design with the 3 panels.
    It's so perfect for our feminine theme!

  15. Oh what a beautiful scene with those fab Lavinia stamps and I do like your triptych with that lovely verse and images.I am partial to the pink, green combo too! Hugs xx

  16. Two lovely cards, Brenda. Lavinia images are always striking and Zamora is no exception. A triptych is always a nice style of card and the colour combination of pink and green is lovely. Elizabeth xx

  17. Happy New Year to you Brenda. I love both of your cards, the fairy is absolutely beautiful and the scene you've created is wonderful.
    Love the second card, the images and design are just lovely and the sentiment is so true, Kate x

  18. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the scene you've created on the top one - it's brilliant. The Penny Black card is so pretty too
    Lorraine x

  19. Both beautiful cards and stamps Brenda -hope your eyes are doing well
    Carol x

  20. Your Lavinia card is absolutely stunning, Brenda! Love your Penny Black card too and what a beautiful sentiment. xx

  21. Absolutely beautiful cards, Brenda, but aren't there some agapanthus and penny black words missing from the first, lol? Defintiely not what I would've predicted but totally gorgeous. I love the colours too xxx

  22. Both cards are so very beautiful.

  23. Both card are beautiful, Brenda, but the Lavinia one is fabulous! Kisses, my friend.

  24. A pair of exquisite cards Brenda - love the triptych one in particular

  25. Both of your card are gorgeous. Just love the Lavinia stamps and your scene. The pink rose is awesome.

  26. Gorgeous Brenda love the design of the second one, may have to steal it.....

  27. Loving that magical card Brenda, such a gorgeous scene. The second is very feminine and pretty! Happy New Year to you xx

  28. What a magical Lavinia scene, Brenda, with those incredible buildings in the background, and another fairy taking a walk in the rolling hills! It's gorgeous! Your PB card is beautiful with the sweetness factor hitting a 10 out of 10! Loving the watercolor roses and your darling gardener. hugs, de

  29. oh wow, the first card makes me want to know what's hiding behind all that background, it's beautiful. the second card is also beautiful in pink and green and of course the triple frame is classic.

  30. Love this, such a gorgeous cards, so fresh...xx

  31. Two beauties Brenda. I love the amazing magical scene with those wonderful Lavinia stamps on the first and the second is so pretty and feminine with a fabulous sentiment xx

  32. So good to see such beautiful creations from you Brenda...hope your eyes are healing well
    Dr Sonia

  33. Stunning fairy card and lovely feminine card, both so beautiful;-))m

  34. Love these girly creations Brenda, I particularly like Zamira releasing her butterflies, such a lovely background. Hope that you are doing ok xx

  35. Love your cards. The first one is so detailed. I love everything about it, but I like everything about the second one also. Love that sentiment.

  36. Love the first card with the shower of butterflies set in that gorgeous scene you have created. The colourway is very atmospheric. One of the very first Penny Black wooden stamps I bought was this image but holding shopping bags. I know I was dead scared of colouring in those stick thin legs. Lol. Hugs Mrs A.

  37. Lovely cards Brenda, then added stencilling on the fairy card really adds a depth to the scene.
    The PB stamp is so pretty and the triptych design works so well.
    Just catching up as I've had no computer for a month!
    Avril xx

  38. Wow--these are wonderful, Brenda! I absolutely love the PB card!

  39. I like your composition on your Penny Black creation, the three panels are well balanced with the image/sentiment you chose. And of course loving your Lavinia card with the fabulous Zemira releasing butterflies. The background is a gorgeous colour.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
