
Sunday 3 March 2019

Poppies, Rainbows and Feathers

Good morning Peeps, time for our  March challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and 'Going round in Circles'. As always there are wonderful prizes to be won at both. I also have my Chocolate Baroque shares which I should actually have posted yesterday, knuckles suitable rapped.

Slow going on the kidney front and three months on of the oh so nasty pills I was put on when I was so ill in the Autumn I'm now told they've done more harm than good and I'm back to almost 24/7 chronic migraines. So it's a controlled withdrawal over six weeks and Thursday I discuss with the Neurologist where we go from here as the danger is more hemilpegics which can lead to stroke. Why or why is life so complicated?

So craft and I confess there's been little of that outside DT commitments these last few weeks and at the top you will find my Penny Black share and no surprise it's Poppies using the lovely Penny Black stamp and Distress Markers to repeat stamp the blooms and then the sentiment, die cutting the piece and mounting onto the base card with foam tape raising each element a layer higher to gain added dimension. Poppies always make me happy!

I dabbled with how to incorporate the rainbow colours red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo, purple, I started by doing several background then put those aside............more of those later in the month! Instead I decided to get out my inks of the moment Versafine Clair along with Chocolate Baroque stamps, fist I added a little colour to the sky along with a sun mask and then simply stamped using the inks in the order of the rainbow colours and added a CB sentiment which I thought went rather well with the theme.

And here are by CB shares from yesterday's post here.

Me team mates at both challenges have pulled all the stops out again so please do pop over to the challenge blogs and see the inspiration on offer and of course I hope you will join in our challenges.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Great creations Brenda and your PB Circles look fab cut from that lovely inky design xxx

  2. More stunners for your DT samples, Brenda - I love rainbows and rainbow backgrounds, so I love that challenge idea. I also love circles :-) Your card is wonderful. The poppies are perfect for that technique.
    I'm surprised you have time to make the ones you NEED to make, let alone play for fun. You're doing well and we can 'read' the improvement from week to week. I hope they can help you with those migraines, though - they can be really debilitating. Good news about the kidney. Hope that improves. Let's hope your meds are miracle workers and don't have the nasty side effects. Stay well and be kind to yourself.
    Cath x

  3. Amazing designs Brenda, all of them, the circle one is just genius, but really I love each and every one of them!! I am full of admiration for how you manage to stay so productive, despite your health issues...
    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

  4. Fabulous cards Brenda - my favourite has to be the poppies as they're one of my favourite flowers.
    Kath x

  5. Gorgeous cards Brenda, the first one is fab, love the way you have matted the circles and stamped,xxxx

  6. Wow.. what wonderful cards! The first one is really fantastic!


  7. What a fabulous collection here Brenda. I see what you mean about my card from last month.

    Sue xx

  8. Yummy makes my friend.
    3 required from the Toffee Shop! xx

  9. Gorgeous creations as allways Brenda. A lovely poppy one, a great effect with the layered stamping of the poppies. A gorgeous rainbow card, lovely stamps used and the CB cards look fantastic too. Take care, hugs, Marlies

  10. So happy to hear that your kidney is improving, and want say you that admire very much your determination and creativity despite any health issue! You are stronger than ills and bad medicines, so think positively! :) Fingers crossed for others improving about your migraines and perhaps one day you could say stop to pills and live in peace...
    Your poppies card is just stunning and amazing, WOW! Love the optical look and the fab colours! And LOVE the rainbow stamping in the second one, so sweet and relaxing! That sentiment is really perfect to match the delightful natural scene!
    I already saw your CB samples on the CB blog and admired the creativity with you made them, especially the first one with the plumage.
    Sending you positive wibes and thoughts! Have a lovely Sunday!

  11. wow gorgeous and beautiful cards Brenda
    Gr Karin

  12. Lovely cards Brenda, I'm in awe to the first - a technique I've tried but never mastered. Love the rainbow coloured stamping, goes so well with the sentiment.
    I always love to see sewing themed cards and these are fabulous with their wonderful backgrounds.
    Sorry to read the new meds have caused problems and the migraines are back, I do hope the Neurologist can come up with a solution.
    Thanks for having me as your Guest Designer for this challenge, I really enjoyed the theme.
    Hugs, Avril

  13. Fabulous selection Brenda love the beautiful poppies and rainbow coloured card as well as your Chocolate Baroque cards too--do hope they get you sorted soon as been going on a while now!!!
    Carol x

  14. Beautiful creations Brenda, I love how you used the circles on your first card, so creative. The rainbow colors on your second card looks amazing, so crisp and beautiful. I've been thinking about getting some of the colorful inks from Versafine clair as well, because I so impressed by the black ink, but also still need to add a few distress inks as well...choices, choices!!

  15. Hello Brenda, so sorry to hear of your continuing health issues and how awful the the medication caused problems for you. I hope you will be able to overcome the problems. Inspite of this you have created the most stunning cards, I especially love the poppy card, what wonderful design, take care of yourself Kate xx

  16. Gorgeous cards, love the first with poppies;-))m

  17. These are all amzing cards Brenda and I especially love the rainbow card and how you incorporated the colours. I do hope they manage to get your meds sorted and you start to feel better soon xx

  18. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the flower colours and fab design with the Poppies. Drugs a curse sometimes, hope you get things sorted soon. Carol xx

  19. Some wonderful creations here Brenda and I love the card with the feathers, so beautifully feminine x

  20. Perfect creation. Brenda. Beautiful done with the first and second card.

  21. Such beautiful cards Brenda inspite of your ongoing health are amazing!! xx

  22. Beautiful cards Brenda! I think I'm going to case that first one. Haven't used that style for ages so thanks for the inspiration. Big hugs

  23. Your poppy card gives a striking water ripple effect, unusual and clever, Brenda!
    Lovely sewing inspired cards at CB too.
    One step forward and two steps back on the health front, it must be so difficult not to be frustrated, negative or even angry. Let's hope for a break soon. xx

  24. Hi Brenda, finally I have time to visit you again. Wow, your cards and also the other works below are all great.
    Big hugs Carola

  25. These cards are really all GORGEOUS Brenda !! Love all, the poppies one is wonderful, but the others are amazing too !! Congratulations!
    I ´m so sad the migraines are back again, and I hope the doctors could help you to recover very soon.
    I wish you a very good new week, and send big hugs, Caty

  26. Hi Brenda, it's been a while. Like you I have been through a longish spell of bad health so I've struggled to craft too. However, I think your kidney problems sound very serious - I hope it improves soon. Your cards are all beautiful. Love what you've done with the poppies - PB stamps always look good. And the rainbow flowers are lovely too - such a clever idea. xx

  27. Superb set, Brenda. Love the poppies, of course, but the rainbow one stands out for me too. The sentiment is you to a T! x

  28. Brilliant creation with the gorgeous poppies and love all the circles.
    Great rainbow card with some really lovely images and brilliant design.
    Three lovey cards too.

    Kath x

  29. These are all super cards Brenda, each one is so beautiful in all so different too. I especially like the rainbow flowers! I do hope that you soon get sorted with your medication and can get to feeling good again. Hugs xx

  30. OH wow, these are absolutely stunning! Such a wonderful line up of cards, each one so gorgeous! Great work xx

  31. So sorry to hear you are back to square one with the kidneys and migraines - I honestly don't know how you can craft ... \
    Beautiful, beautiful cards Brenda
    Blessings and prayers

  32. Oh dear B sorry indeed you're poorly and the medication had such negative side effects praying for a solution without the bad bits.
    I love poppies too. Well done on creating.. lovely cards, so bright and cheery.
    Hugs... praying B. Shaz in Oz.x
    PS big seas were whipped up by cyclone from Vanuatu.. forgot to put that in my blogpost.

  33. Your rainbow card is so creative--love it, Brenda! I also love the design of your first card--so beautiful & interesting! You definitely have had more than your share of troubles--so sorry.

  34. I'm so sorry to read your health update - lets hope it is going to improve from now on.
    Love your circle design - so fresh and pretty. Of course I love all the fashion ones - all great designs.

  35. Hope they can find a way to help without the bad side effects. Hang in there. x
    Love your cards, the poppy one is just so striking. Sending hugs and prayers.Anesha x

  36. Love the way you made the round card; the image looks so different! And the CB-flowers in rainbowcolours is a great idea! Feathers on a card? I had to look closer, but on this one it fits perfectly! Favorite is the round card... Today stormy and 1/2 day raining here...not the best week to have Carnavalsholiday... Hugs, Gerrina

  37. Beautiful creations again Brenda, even through your ill health you create some stunning work x

  38. Beautiful cards Brenda, your rainbow card is brilliant, what a fantastic way to do it. The poppies are gorgeous and love all your CB creations.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  39. Stunning creations, Brenda! I love them all, but I think the rainbow one is my favourite. I do love those Clairs! It might be slow but it is improvement, so hang in there. Hope they can find you some different meds for the migraines that works but doesn't damage anything. Great big hugs xxx P.S.I have done the deed! Roll on July.

  40. gorgeous creations brenda! i especially like your rainbow card for SS and your round PB card!

  41. Looking good, love this fabulous display. colours are wonderful and the whole projects are brilliantly designed.xx

  42. Beautiful projects Brenda, such lovely colours and so many different subjects. So sorry you have the migraines back, but hope that Thursday goes well for you.

    Pat xx

  43. So sorry yo hear about your ongoing health problems. Getting old is not much fun. Sending you lots of soothing hugs. These cards are all so gorgeous. The poppies are a delight to look at and I love your rainbow effect. On the second card. Hugs Mrs A.

  44. Beautiful cards, Brenda! XXOO

  45. Gosh it sounds like you're really going through it at the moment, I'm thinking of you and hope things improve soon. On the card front wow, wow, wow.... your poppies card is divine. Blown away as always with all your creations. Love them all. Huge hugs dear friend xxx
