
Saturday 2 March 2019

Favourite seasons

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week Tracy is our host and it's so nice to have her with us as and when she feels up to it. Her theme is 'Seasons' and she would like us to make a creation featuring our favourite season of the year. Our winner will receive some Tattered Lace embossing folders and frame dies.

I hope those of you who had the unprecedented burst of sunny weather enjoyed it, to sit in the garden for lunch in February for several days in a row was certainly a treat and as my in house weather man kept reminding me "make the most of it as it's back to normal next week" and seems he's right.

My problem with the theme is that I love all seasons except winter and out of choice create for Spring and Autumn and as my pre-prepared work is getting low went for a couple sitting in my folder, a tropical summer sunset and an Autumn fairy scene.

The top one has a Pan Pastel background and a mixture of Sutter, Stampscapes and Art Impression stamps plus a little bit of colouring with pencils. The bottom lolly stick creation has a base of Oxides, leaves tamped with Distress Inks and heat embossed mainly with copper embossing powder, the Lavinia Fairy stamped with Versafine and heat embossed with a variety of embossing powders. The sentiment is (I think) from Inkylicious and the Ivy across the top Lavinia.

Happy weekend all and do pop over to the challenge blog to see what season my team mates favour.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Two stunning cards Brenda..your tropical cards reminds me of beautiful warm sunshine and love the colours of your Autumn card


  2. Two wonderful creations Brenda. We were definitely spoilt with the super weather last week and I wish I was on your tropical island right now, it's pretty chilly here this morning. Have a good weekend xx

  3. Beautiful pieces, Brenda - you're so good at doing scenic and both of them show evidence of this. Hard to imagine summer at the moment, but yes, it was wonderful to have the unseasonal warm weather for a little while and it's still not cold for the time of year. I love Autumn and Summer, too but my big favourite just has to be Spring, with all the new life and chattering birds. Love your desert island paradise scene :-)
    Cath x

  4. Gorgeous creations, love the autumn fairy and the sentiment.
    Sunny greetings;-))m

  5. Happy to hear you've been enjoying some time in the sun, Brenda. We've been experiencing cold and rain over here, but yesterday the sun broke through again and I've been able to sit out in the sun. Hopefully to be repeated today. Love your bright and multi-coloured fairy against your soft autum background.
    Have a good weekend!
    Marianne x

  6. Two wonderful creations. It has been beautiful. Hope all your furry babies are well. Hugs Anesha

  7. Two stunning cards Brenda. Such a shame that our early spring seems to have disappeared.

    Sue xx

  8. Two stunning pieces as ever B. xx

  9. Gorgeous cards Brenda and I love the 2nd one with all the sentiments.
    John has checked forecast and it seems like rain, rain and more rain in the north west. Xxx

  10. Both beautiful! I have trouble choosing too...although the summer and being outside and the colours of autum have a slight more favorite points...
    I too enjoyed the unexpected sunny-warm days and am prepared with a lot more energy for the real spring days that mmaybe will come....
    Enjoy the weekend!

  11. Here the sun seems shine, even if some clouds make immediately the air so fresh, so I think it isn't still spring, but it is coming! :D
    I love your fav seasons too, they are so colourful! :D Fabulous inspirations, the summer card makes me dream about school holidays LOL :D I need them so much! Great scene,so relaxing!!! Love the lolly stick creation, very creative and warm! I have to try stamping on lolly sticks!
    Hope you feel better and can enjoy the weekend!

  12. Such beautiful cards Brenda, love that tropical scene, wish I was there now!! I am with you about the seasons though, like them all, even used to like winter up to 2 winters ago.
    But spring has to be my favorite one, probably because of the promise of nice warmer weather for several months after such a cold winters which seem to be normal now here in Illinois.

  13. What a gorgeous scene Brenda, I love the colours and the plaque is stunning, gorgeous images and colours, Kate x

  14. I love what you've made Brenda and the sea on the first one looks amazing. Your lolly stick creation is superb too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Crafty hugs, Sandra x

  15. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I love the summer island scene. Have a lovely weekend.

    Pat xx

  16. Both fabulous love the beautiful scene on the first --love all the embossing on the lolly sticks I bought a BIG bag over a year ago and still unopened!!!
    Carol x

  17. Two brilliant creation Brenda, a really lovely tropical scene and my words don't you eat a lot of lollipops?!
    How fabulous to mention all the seasons.

    Kath x

  18. Two lovely cards Brenda, love the tropical scene, and the Autumn fairy looks stunning on the lolly stick background
    Avril xx

  19. Two beautiful creations. Great made

  20. Oh my that beach scene... just what I like! I wish I could be there! I love the multi-colour embossing on the faierie too, one of my favourite technique! x

  21. these are very beautiful cards Brenda
    Gr Karin

  22. Love that tropical scene reminds me of my recent holiday. The lovely autumn stick art is so lovely too - just captures the season perfectly.

  23. Thank you for making such wonderful creations for my theme, they are gorgeous Brenda. Love the warm colours on both.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  24. Brenda you always makes gorgeous creations!
    love them!
