
Saturday 18 August 2018

Butterflies and blossoms

Morning Peeps, a bit of a photo heavy post as today I am sharing some more creations from the recent Hochanda Chocolate Baroque shows over on the DT blog here, also my mid month inspiration for both Penny Black and More and Stamping Sensations challenges.

Not happy at all with the NHS, heard nothing after my last CT scan in June so assumed all was OK. Apparantly not, this week I receive a letter as I had been "lost in the system", still a problem with my left kidney but more worrying it picked up something on my right lung and I have been referred to Papworth Hospital. And it gets worse, I have a "telephone consultation" with a chest specialist on Wednesday, I know GP's do it but I expected better from such a prestigious hopsital. OK rant over!

My Stamping Sensations piece uses more stamps from this months sponsor Rubber Dance, I stasted with a Distress Ink background, a stenciled window and added Butterflies and Daisies from RD, stamping Butterflies several times to cut out and decoupage.

And a second Stamping sensations creation using the Butterflies again and the Crazy Flowers stamped onto a Distr ess Ink background.

Next my Chocolate Baroque shares, full details of stamps used and how I made them can be found on the link above to the DT blog.

And last but by no means least my Penny Black shares where our theme is 'I spy with my little eye something beginning with B'. Another tag, I rather liked the colours on the one I shared a couple of weeks ago so I went with the same but using Penny Black stamps and stencils.

"B" for Butterflies, Blooms and Braid

B's are Blossom (and the name of the stamps), Blue and Birthday

There is still plenty of time to join in our challanges as they run until 29th August.

Happy weekend all.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Brenda these are just stunning, all beautifully different x
    NHS- What can I sat waited four weeks for a doctors appointment x

  2. Totally gorgeous set of card, very hard to pick a favourite, but I'll say it's the first one.
    Sorry to hear those healthy problems, anyway, enjoy the weekend;-))m

  3. I'm sorry to read of the incompetence of the NHS once again (they have lost Hayleys MRI from last Christmas and are still looking for it!). I do hope that you find out what they've picked up very quickly. Your cards and tag here are beautiful and I recognise that braid used on the tag!!!!! xxxx

  4. Oh what a frustration with 'the system'... I can appreciate it as our system can be pretty horrific at times too.
    Love your cards, they are gorgeous, especially the first one... your shading is so wonderful I had thought the window was 3-D at first glance.

  5. Beautiful cards Barbara, couldn't pick a favourite love them all. So sorry to read of your health issues hope you soon get sorted xx

  6. Wow Brenda what a fabulous selection of cards daughter is still waiting for results of biopsies taken in March we’ve chase them up numerous times but we are still waiting! Hope they get you sorted out very soon..sending you a big hug


  7. Beautiful post of these lovely cards but the first has to be my favorite.

  8. Such pretty cards Brenda, each a delight. I'm sorry to hear that you are having on going issues and that you slipped through the system. I hope your telephone consultation gives you some positive news. Having worked for the NHS for 34yrs and as the Mum of an devoted but totally overworked GP I know that the system is at breaking point. Sad but very true. Hugs xxx

  9. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the one with the beautiful flowers on the music score. Sorry to hear of your scan problems, do hope you get it all sorted soon. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  10. What a stunning collection of cards Brenda, I think the two with butterflies are my favourites in this collection.

    Sue xx

  11. So sorry to hear of your experience Brenda, it sounds very worrying for you and stressful. The NHS is being strangled by this evil government, and the previous one. They want it privatised completely, and unless you're one of the elite, you'll have little chance of rant over,but it's an issue I'm passionate about.
    I hope you get your appointment soon, I'd keep badgering them.
    Your cards are as always gorgeous, every one of them so different, they're fabulous inspiration, Kate x x

  12. Best wishes for your appointment and for your health, Brenda! In Italy there are the same problems with hospitals... :(((
    A great compilation of cards, I already seen the samples for CB and I'm very impressed by them, especially by the one with the Christmas Roses, it's just a delight!
    Love your Penny Black tag, such amazing colours and the Rubber Dance sample looks great with the fresh tones and the beautiful Trio butterfly stamp!
    Big hugs and have a nice weekend!

  13. Hi, B! Your soul-touching masterpieces always exude peace and harmony. What a precious gift you lavish upon the rest of us in gifting your dear heart through artwork. Loving all the images from the butterflies to the background elements.

    I'm sorry to hear about more icky health news. It's very difficult knowing that people get "lost in the system", but it's true. Once it happens to us, we have a different take on everything, from the compassion toward others who experience the same, to the untrusting attitude we might have toward those who are supposedly in charge of our health care. Hoping that there will be good news for you soon. thanks for sharing, hugs, de

  14. The artwork is lovely as usual Brenda, I love the Rubber Dance butterfly and flower, as well as the PB brushstrokes blooms! Shame about the NHS news, very poor show, I do hope you get more attention in the future.

  15. So sorry to hear about your problem with the NHS. Hope they get things sorted. Love your creations, they are stunning as always.

  16. Amazing creations again Brenda, with all the beautiful stamps and artistic use of supplies. I love them all but think my most favorite one this time might be the Penny Black & More tag.
    So sorry you are still dealing with health problems, and wishing you all the best!

  17. More gorgeous designs and of course my eye is always drawn to the ones with butterflies on them. Hope you get your phone call and results explained for you. Worrying to hsve been lost in the system. Hugs Mrs A.

  18. Wonderful cards Brenda! My fav is your tag ;-)
    x Daniela

  19. awesome makes Brenda - Love all of them - not just the CB ones! Popped over to the site and left you some love over there! Big hugs rachel x

  20. What a gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, they are all so pretty and I do love butterflies.
    I'm sorry to hear you're having so many problems with the hospital. I hope things improve for you soon
    Lorraine x

  21. A truly fantastic plethora to feast the eyes on Brenda...they are all so beautiful in their own them all...your cards are always stunning! Sorry to hear about the health issues and i do hope you get some information son and that it gives you peace of mind. xx

  22. Wow, this post is full of gorgeousness Brenda, I have much to learn with my inky backgrounds and I always draw inspiration when I visit here. I must take a peek at the Rubber Dance website, it's new to me, their stamps look lovely.
    I hope all goes well with the hospital consultations and things are soon remedied.

  23. A fantastic set of wonderful creations.

    Kath x

  24. Wow! You've been super busy - even with your health concerns... love the B cards and the top one especially, but they're all lovely works of art.

    Hope things are better than expected when you get to your next appointment and that you don't need a telephone consultant! We can't help but worry when we don't have all the details... and your mind must be running riot! Mine would. I'll add you to my prayers, Brenda.

    Thank you for all the inspiration and for the wonderful prize you sent - I got it when I got back from a short holiday with my son and his family. Such a lovely surprise!

    Hope your son and his wife are having a good time and keeping in touch regularly to put your mind at ease. It's not been an easy few weeks for you.

    Thinking of you.

    Cath xx

  25. All beautiful Brenda but really love the 5th one -gorgeous image and looks so ethereal with the delicate colouring.
    Sorry to hear of your ongoing health problems and hope the telephone interview goes well.
    Remember when I fractured my ribs in Dec(15th) they also tested my heart-now 3 months ago a specialist from the hospital rang as said they had found an iregularity(app a hole in the heart) and I had to see a specialist-I have an app 27th Sep!!!only 9months after the event-hope this means it isn't serious but does explain a lot of the symptoms I have been getting
    Carol x

  26. Oh no--that is scarey to find out now everything wasn't OK. Hope it all gets sorted out soon--whatever is needed. Beautiful array of cards, Brenda! I really love the look of the second card with the beautiful background & black butterflies!

  27. Oh dear that is poor of the NHS, hope things will be ok. What a stunning collection of cards. So much gorgeousness. Take care

  28. Such amazing cards, but I think my favourite is the pink tag, such lovely colours! I hope things improve for your soon on the health side of things x

  29. I really love your first and third cards Brenda. You do a fabulous job with your creations. I do hope your health improves soon. Crafty Hugs, Carol x

  30. wow Brenda gorgeous cards great stamping and designs

  31. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the stamping and shading on the first with the layered butterflies. Gorgeous CB Christmas cards too. I love the tag, and I'm not surprised you wanted to use the technique and shades of the previous one again, stunning/
    Sorry about your issues with the NHS, to find out that you had been 'lost in the system' - well at least you've been 'found' Hope everything goes OK with the telephone consult on Wednesday.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  32. Hi Brenda, apologies for my absence but I'm finally here to play catch up. These are a stunning selection of cards, especially the pink tag and the super stamped background on the robin card and the sentiment stamp on the first card is wonderful.
    Sorry to hear about your problems with the NHS and I hope that the telephone consultation goes okay. I remember being given a telephone appointment once and when they rang me it was only to tell me they didn't have any (proper) appointments for at least 3 months and that they'd be in touch when they could fit me in! Take care xx

  33. A post to scroll up and down a few times; great this collection of cards! The first with the stencil-sponged background is my favorite, but there are a few directly following that one...
    What a bad luck that they lost yours...yiu come enough in the hospital and certainly didn't need another appointement there... Hugs, Gerrina

  34. love those cards!
    stunning work as always!

  35. Gosh Brenda, lots and lots to admire!! Sorry to hear that you were "lost in the system " Brenda, I hope you have been offered a soon appointment to make up for the delay xx

  36. WOW, Brenda - your cards are absolutely stunning!!! Thank you so much for making such gorgeous cards with my stamps. I love your style and choice of colours! ♥
    I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you hear some GOOD news soon! *hugs*

  37. Très jolie série de cartes.
    J'adore les trois cartes et tag papillons.

    Very nice series of cards.
    I love the three cards and tag butterflies.

  38. What a fabulous display Brenda! Especially love the sentiment in your first card. I've never heard of a telephone consult like that - I do hope all has gone ok. Sending you very best wishes, Nicola x

  39. I love the quote that you used on the first card! Very inspirational, I love the quote on the card. Thanks for the share, hope you had a fantastic weekend. Keep up the posts.
    World of Animals

  40. Wow, these are such beautiful works again. I like them all very much.
    Hugs Carola

  41. Jeepers Brenda hospitals are the pits but we have to put our lives in their hands unfortunately. Hope all turns out well for you!! I love your selection of creations today and my favourite is definitely that tag!! Stunning colours!

  42. What a great collection of cards, Brenda. Kisses, my talented friend.

  43. Just love that pink tag - so pretty. Love the robin card too - great framing. Obviously they are all fab, these are just my faves!
