
Saturday 11 August 2018

Boys to Men

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and it's the last of our fortnightly ones covering the holiday period, we will be back to normal again next time round. Apologies I've not been round to visit much this week, we have a very poorply doggie who has taken most of our time this week.

Tracy chose the theme of 'Boys to Men' but I am doing the post for her as she is understandably still not up to crafting following the loss of her son Scott. We have a super prize on offer again from Marianne Designs so do pop over to the challenge blog to take a peek. 

So I have two male orientated cards and both have a touch of the Ocean about them. The top one was a recent Chocolate Baroque TV sample featuring stamps from Seaside Scenes and Seaside Dreams.......try sayig that one quickly! I stamped the shell border onto some Kraft card, highlighted with a white pen, cut out the top edge and then fixed an oblong TL die in place behing the border to create an aperture with the shells still in place. Next I stamped the scene and added just a little colour with Pan Pastls, fixed behind the frame with foam pads and finally coiled some string.

I made this one some time ago and found it lurking in my picture file so Tracy's theme seems the ideal time to use it. I used Pan Pastels and a stencil to create the rope border, then stampd the focal image and coloured in with pencils. Next I stamped the quote and used a piece of a wooden  kebab skewer and string to make it into a sail shape.

And here is Poppy when she came home Thursday. The previous week we were back and forth to the vet who seemed to think we were overbearing 'parents' and said it was just a abscess on her anal glad and prescribed antibiotics. By last Sunday monring she was so poorly and our own vet refused to refer us to a specialist so I called a totally different practice about 40 minutes away who one of our son's uses, they said come immediately and diagnosed a Pyometra. 

They operated and it was touch and go for a few days and we were going there 2/3 times a day to see her but she is home now and eating (well chichen that is) and drinking but still needing carrying out to the loo sometimes. So the labradores are enjoying a bit of respite as she is normally in charge of them and suffice to say all three are now registered with the new vets practice. Hope you like her pink buster collar, so much nicer than those rigid things.

As it's a two week challenge again I hope it will give you plenty of time to join in with something for the guys who for many of us present a problem when it comes to making cards for them.
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  1. Two fantastic cards Brenda, the one at the top uses one of my favourite
    CB stamps. I love the way you've used it. Sorry to hear of your vet problems but glad it got sorted before it was too late. I love the pretty collar as you say so much nicer than the rigid ones.

    Sue xx

  2. Oh the poor patient, I'll hope speed recovery.
    Fabulous cards, love the first one, rough and krafty.
    Have a nice weekend;-))m

  3. Love your fabulous cards Brenda - the nautical theme is such a good one for masculine cards!
    So glad to hear Poppy is on the mend, albeit slowly, and she looks gorgeous in her pink collar. So glad you changed vets!

  4. Unimpressed with your vet... not only did he fail to diagnose correctly, not once but several times, refused to refer Poppy to a specialist, but also made you feel like malingerers! He merits to be told of his error in front of a full waiting room...
    On a different note, the artwork is beautiful, I love the partial frame die-cut, very decorative and the shell stamp is gorgeous. Have a great weekend, I hope Poppy recovers fully! xx

  5. Lovely cards glad you went with you instincts over Poppy and I'm glad she is doing well now. Have a more restful weekend. Hugs xxx

  6. Two gorgeous cards Brenda
    Poor Poppy but so glad you got her sorted, no thanks to your own vet, xxxx

  7. awww poor Poppy, cuddles from me. Love your men cards they are brilliant and love the 'string'

  8. Love the soft tones and the white lines on the craft of your first card, but the 2nd is my favorite; love the stencilled robe (great stencil; have that one too) and so clever how you made sail! Makes it an unique card! Glad poppy is back home and hope she soon will lead the troupe again! (Sometimes you just have to listen to your heart) Hugs, Gerrina

  9. Two lovely cards pleased you weren't put off by your vets and got a second opinion, its like our children we know when things are right..wishing poppy a speedy recovery..


  10. What a fabulous pair of cards Brenda! I find masculine cards so difficult but you make them look easy.
    I'm so pleased that Poppy is on the mend and thank goodness you got a second opinion.
    Carol x

  11. Wonderful guy cards Brenda. Wishing Poppy a speedy recovery. Nicola x

  12. Hello Brenda, what a horrible experience at your vet's, I'm pleased you found another who cared more. I hope Poppy has a speedy recovery.
    Now your cards are fabulous, I love especially the CB card, both are brilliantly designed.
    Oh and Poppy is gorgeous, love her collar, take care, Kate x

  13. Fabulous cards Brenda, I love the seashell border and you do an amazing job of the partial cutting of the aperture!

    Poor Poppy, hope she is better soon , think you need to permanently change your vet and let them know in no uncertain times why!

    Joan x

  14. I love these nautical cards Brenda, the shells on the first one look so dimensional with the white highlights and the stencilled rope on the second make a for a perfect frame. Sorry to hear Poppy has been so unwell, but I am sure now at home and with your loving care and attention she will make a speedy recovery. Her cone is very stylish indeed!! xx

  15. Poppy has been lucky to find the vet that have done the correct diagnosis!!
    A Pyometra is very dangerous! So glad that she now eat good food and is at her home with you! :) Her pink collar looks delicious and surely is less irritating that a plastic one! You have golden hands with stitching, too!
    Fabulous cards, love the so creative details you added to the beautiful CB stamps!!
    Big hugs, have a lovely Sunday with your furry friends!

  16. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. Great images and backgrounds, especially love the rope circle and very clever use of the kebab skewer.
    Great photo of Poppy, not surprised you changed vets.

    Kath x

  17. Two super masculine cards, Brenda, impossible to choose a favourite.
    Glad you visited a vet which took your concerns seriously. Wishing Poppy a speedy recovery. xx

  18. beautiful card!
    hope Poppy will be better soon!

  19. Fabulous cards really love the fist one and the coiled string looks perfect--love Poppys collar and hope she is feeling much better--what a scare!!!
    Carol x

  20. Two fabulous cards again this week Brenda, love the ocean themes!
    Poor Poppy, hope she recovers quickly! Glad you were able to quickly find a vet to help her!

  21. gorgeous cards Brenda.....and I hope the dog feels better soon........

  22. Great cards Brenda, glad Poppy is on the mend and lucky you took her for a second opinion x

  23. Great card. Glad that Poppy is doing well. Have a great week.

  24. Lovely makes here Brenda and so appropriate for me to see these on my Cornish holidays! I am so glad that Poppy is home and you can now care for her. I do hope she continues to improve. Bit of a shock about your vet not referring her though? xxxx

  25. Hope Poppy is completely on the mend, soon! Glad you were determined to discover the problem. Gorgeous cards - I am especially enamored with the kraft cardstock and white highlights on the seashell border against your pastel scene. It's beautiful! Wonderful cards! Wishing you a fantastic week! hugs, de

  26. Ach poor wee Poppy! But glad to hear she has been sorted!! I am loving your makes today and hope I see scenes like those on my holidays this week :)

  27. Two beautiful male cards Brenda, lovely designs. Glad that Poppy is getting better and that the operation was a success. Just got back from holiday so playing catch up at the moment.

    Pat xx

  28. Two fabulous cards Brenda, love the Kraft/shell frame, looks stunning, and the rope stencil adds another beautiful frame to the other image.
    Poor Poppy, glad she's on the mend now - sounds like a very arrogant vet, no wonder you've registered with the new one.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  29. Two lovely cards Brenda, I love the coiled string detail on the first one.
    I hope Poppy is well on the mend now.

  30. Oh my goodness poor Poppy, thank goodness you took her to another vet, I do hope she is well on her way to recovery.

    Great cards, love how you have used the string and kebab stick. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  31. Two fab cards, love the sea theme.
    Poor Poppy - thank goodness you didn't take notice of the vet. I know you are a very experienced pet owner, lucky Poppy to have you. Love her fetching collar lol!

  32. Hope Poppy is well on the way to a good recovery, good to hear you took her to a vet that finally listened to you.
    Two lovely makes, the seashells look great stamped and highlighted on kraft. x Susan x

  33. So sorry to hear about Poppy & so glad she's home & recovering! I think Fritz would much rather have that collar than the cone he recently had to wear. I love your masculine cards & how you've used twine on both of them!

  34. Deux jolies cartes.
    Bonne convalescence à Poppy.

    Two pretty cards.
    Good recovery to Poppy.
