
Saturday 25 August 2018

Lets get musical, a Snippet and Rudolph Day's

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and we are back to our normal weekly challenges. It's Wendy's week to host and her chosen theme is 'Music', We have a super prize of Tattered Lace dies on offer so do pop over to the challenge blog and join us.

An update on this weeks telephone consultation with Papworth Hospital which I mentioned last week. Well what a waste of time that was, it took all of a minute and all I was asked was my religion and nationality, I am sure that is vitally important to the state of my lung, they said I have been "prioritised" and have an urgent appointment in just under four weeks time. If that is urgent goodness only knows how long one waits for a routine appointment.

Back to my creation for this week and I knew instantly what I would use for the theme, it's a sample I made for Bee Crafty some time back but never blogged. My starting point was to use Pixie powders and lots of water to create the inky background blowing the wet mixture to spread it into 'dribbles'. I used my Timmy stamp platform to stamp th image with black versafine, I find the positioner really helpful with silhouette stamps as it gives you the opportunity to stamp several times to get a deep impression. The sentiment is Penny Black.

And a share for the new Rudolph Days over at Mo's, they do seem to come round quickly. It's a Chocolate Baroque TV sample from last month's TV shows using the lovely Serena image which I stamped with versafine black and coloured in, cut out with a TL die and mounted onto an emossed Holly background, the folder is also TL. A CB sentiment and some organze ribbon.

And here's one for the current Snippets Playground challenge over at Miss Di's. Now I'll be the fist to admit I'm not very frugal with paper and cardstock, my waste bin is testament to that, but here I had to be as I only had one sheet of the pink left. So I cut the smaller layer from the middle of the larger and it worked OK giving a large enough margin so did exactly the same with the white layers and I hope that can be classed as snippets. The Rose image is Stamp Addcits, stamped coloured and some glossy accent rain drops.

Happy weekend all and we look forward to seeing all your music inspired creations over at Allsorts.
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  1. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the lush ribbons, makes them even more sumptuous . Happy RD xxx

  2. Fab cards Brenda, and that first one surprised me somewhat - not your usual type of design at all - brilliant! xxx

  3. Your cards are lovely - as always- and I especially like the music one. I will have a search to see if I have anything suitable for this challenge

  4. Super design Brenda for the music card, and gorgeous other cards . xxx

  5. Oh what gorgeous cards Brenda - I especially like your snippets one - that stamp is stunning and you have coloured it beautifully.
    What a fad a fassel with the hospital - 4 weeks would be reasonable for a high priority appointment here, but it always leaves you wondering what's going on 'inside' and is it getting worse!!
    Prayers and blessings

  6. Hi Brenda,
    Happy Rudolf Days.
    what a very lovely selction of cards.
    Their designs are so wonderfully created.
    Love the splats on the first one and your Rudolf one has a gorgeous stamped image and so wonderfully coloured too.
    Super use of snippets for Miss Di's snippets challenge, and that rose, ribbon, and bow look stunning.
    Thank you for joining the Rudolf Challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.DT

  7. A fabulous selection of cards and all so different. I love the pink of the rose card x

  8. Three stunning cards Brenda, I love them all. I've been trying to clean and clear some of my craftroom all week (it looks more of a mess now than when I started) hopefully I will get it finished today and join in with some of the challenges.

    Sue xx

  9. Three wonderful cards Brenda, Serena is gorgeous, all though are beautifully designed.
    I guess nowadays four weeks constitutes as urgent, honestly bureaucracy gone mad. I always say that my religion is my business when asked, but that's more perverseness on my part as I won't answer daft questions. Take care of yourself Brenda and have a grand weekend, Kate x

  10. Wow B, your cards are outstanding, sure love the first one.x

  11. Wonderful designs, Brenda. Your first card reminds me of some music stamps that I own but haven't used so far, so I'm hoping I can create something for the Allsort challenge this week. How frustrating healthcare and hospitals can be. Hope it will all work out. DH has another CT scan scheduled for Tuesday, but the oncologist is confident everything will be ok.
    Have a good weekend!
    Marianne x

  12. Three wonderful designs as always Brenda but I do love the effect you acheived on the first one.
    Thought it might be something like that with your phone appointment - it's just so they can tick the box and say that they've given you an 'appointment' within the set time limit! Enjoy the bank holiday xx

  13. Love the cut out detail on your snippet card, the added "je ne sais quoi" too a formal card. The music one is vibrant, perfect for teenagers!
    Sadly it is the government that requires all this form filling now required of us everywhere... I hope your urgent appointment comes rather earlier than that proposed, Brenda. xx

  14. Great electic mix of designs - all fab.

  15. A wonderful assortment of cards Brenda, the first one would be a perfect card for a music loving teen! Love those splashes of color!

  16. Three super cards. Hope things go well with the hospital when you get your appointment.

  17. Three fab cards Brenda, always a pleasure to visit.

  18. Three gorgeous cards, Brenda!

    The first is stunning i just learned to do that inky blown background. What a fun image you have added here.

    The second, your Rudolph Days card is lovely. Serene image and pretty dies and ribbon detail.

    The third is beautiful! Beautiful image and beautiful bow.

    Thanks for taking part in the August Rudolph Days Challenge.

  19. I'm stunned by the hospitals bureaucracy, their priorities and the meaning of urgent aren't just as ours, isn't it? :(
    Fabulous and so vibrant music card, so modern! Love the splatters on the back!I agree about stamp platform, it's really a big hand, especially with those silhouette stamps that need a lot of ink!
    The CB sample is just delicious, wow!! Love how you used Serena, great colouring and design with that inked embossing and the gem in her hair!
    The last one is very elegant and sweet and love the details of raindrops!

  20. Those are lovely cards!
    Glad you're a priority!

  21. A fabulous trio of cards, each so different and yet all so skilfully put together.
    Specially love number 2 and 3, though the background on 1 looks incredible!

    As to your appointment, - the NHS is in a shocking state....

  22. A triple treat today. Great music card, love the background, this card could have been an album cover way back when.
    Sweet image and a lovely subtle background.
    My favourite, love the image and the gorgeous colours the bow is stunning and I have to admit I have done that with papers/card for backing. Must remember the touch of glossy accents for raindrops.

    Kath x

  23. I love the "dribbles"!! I studied them for quite some time, looking for differences, before doing the sensible thing and reading your explanation of the process!! What a great technique!! Lovely cards, as always. How frustrating for you that the telephone triage was merely a box ticking exercise Brenda. Statistics play such a big role in the NHS these days, it's madness xx

  24. Three wonderful cards, Brenda. I especially love the effect of the Pixie Powders on your first card, a great background for the lovely silhouette. xx

  25. Fabulous cards Brenda;-))m

  26. What a gorgeous collection of cards Brenda and it is a sign of your creativity that they are so very different! If I could only pick one it would have to be the last one - simply stunning and I love the beautiful ribbon and bow.
    I hope you get some answers from Papworth soon - it must be so worrying having to wait.
    Carol x

  27. What a great effect did you create with the blowing! And a beautiful coloured serene 2nd card, but the 3d is my favorite; beautiful coloured and layered! Have a fun sunday!

  28. Great cards Brenda, love the splashes of paint on the first, the beautiful image on the second and your lovely snippets creation. Sorry your telephone conversation didn't go well and I hope your appointment gets better results. Have a good bank holiday Monday tomorrow.

    Pat xx

  29. I love how you have cut around the rose bud at the top of the stamped image and exposed some of the lovely pink paper behind. Thee effect is stunning. Hugs Mrs A.

  30. An adorable set of cards, a great, funky music themed one at the top and pretty Christmas and female birthday at the bottom, you've covered all the bases with these Brenda.

  31. Hi there B! What wonderful cards, as usual! I totally adore your snippets make - it's super-elegant, such a beautifully coloured rose with its own droplets of dew, great use of snippets and the flamboyant bow is stunning!

    As for the NHS, it's in a mess - full stop. I do hope you get this latest health development sorted out pronto. Fingers crossed here that perhaps you get a cancellation.


    Di xx

  32. Three stunning cards, Brenda! I love them all. The inky technique with the guitar works really well! Love your Rudolf day cards and your snippet card too x

  33. All your cards are wonderful Brenda but I do like , especially,
    the Rose . It is so classical and the colours are lovely ,so worth using the last of your pink paper ! I love the raindrops on the leaves Jx

  34. Fabulous selection Brenda- love the bursts of coloured energy coming from the guitar-beautifully coloured Serena image-gorgeous bow and rose image it looks 3-D--so you know "minimum" of 18 weeks for a regular app
    Carol x

  35. Oooo what a stunning Xmas card and am loving the no paper design too, thanks for joining us at Augusts Rudolph Days Challenge, Luv Sam x

  36. Oh Wow, what fantastic cards. I especially like the first card.
    Big hugs Carola

  37. More wonderful cards to delight us all they are stunning as always. I hope you get your appointment very soon Sending love Carole x

  38. Excellent collection of cards! The first one with the splash of colors is vibrant!

  39. More fabulous cards Brenda, I love the music one with the colourful splats, I'm with you on stamp platforms, I sometimes wonder how I managed before I got mine! The Rose card is beautiful. Sorry you are being made to wait so long for your "urgent" appointment, seems par for the course these days

    Joan x

  40. Gorgeous cards, Brenda. The music one is my favourite! Kisses, my friend.

  41. Thanks so much B for your birthday wishes, had a fabulous day which is almost over.xx

  42. Beautiful & unique Christmas card & great use of the powders, Brenda!

  43. Fabulous cards Brenda, brilliant 'splats' of colour on the first.
    Hope you don't have to wait too long for your appointment.
    Avril xx

  44. How great is that boy card with the big blobs of colours. Love it. Your other cards are amazing.
