
Saturday 10 March 2018

"Cinderella shall go to the ball"

Morning Peeps, this weeks Allsorts theme is hosted by Ellie and her lovely theme is 'Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes'. Our prizes this week comes from Be Crafty and is two lovely Wizard of Oz stamps. 

Also sharing my Chocolate Baroque post from the other day, I had scheduled the DT blog post ready but I've been under the weather again since last weekend, hence not much blog visiting this week and never quite got round it blogging it here.

I knew immediately what I was going to make for my Allsorts creation and made it weeks ago as I had Lavina's Cinderella coach and horses in my mind, it's a stamp I've had ages and not used's actually called Coach and Horses but to me it just say's Cinderella.

To start with I stamped the carriage and tree onto acetate and placed onto the base piece to create the reflection. I then stamped both images onto the card above the reflection and built up the water, background and sky with Pan Pastels. I masked the hills to add the Fairy castle, then masked the castle to add a few trees before stamping the Ivy and foreground flowers.

I found this card lurking in my unused work file where it had been sitting for a year or more, it's one I made when Sheena launched the stamp and I fell in love with Little Red Riding Hood. I stamped the little girl then covered her with masking fluid to allow me to build up the background with Pan Pastels. The branches across the top are from the same stamp set as is the Wolf who is stamped with second generation ink to make him blend menacingly into the background. A tree in the foreground which is a stencil and finally I rubbed away the masking fluid and coloured the image.

This is my CB post, my inspiration for this folded book card came from a small village just a few miles away called Abbots Ripton where the majority of houses and even the pub have thatched roofs and the limited number of new properties built in recent years have been kept to the same style.

I started by cutting from a good quality A3 card, two strips 6" deep x 18" long, scoring each to give three 6"x6" sections and then joining the two together in the middle.  To create the shy I gave a wash of blue Distress Ink and then bleached out some clouds, making sure I extended some of the clouds across the score lines.

Next I stamped the houses and church from Village LifeTown Houses and English Cottages sets and masked the buildings before stamping various trees from both sets and then building up colour using Distress Markers. I added some 'paving' using Large Crackle Background, hand drew some birds and finally drew a skyline linking each section and a few random stamped flowers.

This was a fun creation to make, not a quick make but really enjoyable and I hope I have offered a little inspiration for you to try something similar.

Happy weekend all, I do hope you will come and join us this week.


  1. Hi Brenda hope you feel better soon. I love these creations, the last one is stunning!! It must have taken you ages to do. Have a good week. Hugs Anesha

  2. Stunning posting, I admired the first card for ages, then roll down and saw the CB creation, oh my, fabulous creation;-))m

  3. So much beauty to absorb Brenda, love this whole post but I do love the Lavinia stamps. Take care.xx [aNNie]

  4. Wow, what a fantastic collection Brenda, I love the top two cards with the fairy tale feel and the village scene is stunning. Almost wish I lived there.

    Sue xx

  5. Beautiful cards Brenda, adore the cinderella one xx

  6. Your reflection technique for the Cinderella coach looks great, I've used a rubber brayer in the past but it can be easily messed up! Love, love your booklet and all the houses in it, I do have a similar project in mind but haven't had the time for non DT projects so far this year!

  7. Love them but the red riding one, wow so innovative Brenda, xxxx

  8. Beautiful cards Brenda, the zigzag is awesome.

  9. Another fabulous collection Brenda but I do love that Cinderella card so special Love and hugs Carole x

  10. Gorgeous my friend. I am currently picking my jaw up from the floor after seeing the awesome book card.
    Lets hope our 'Fairy Tale' comes true today and the Theatre of dreams does not become the Theatre of Nightmares! xx

  11. Oh my, such stunning fairy tales inspirations! Cinderella's scene is magical with that reflection and the amazing scene all around! And that Little Red Riding Hood looks just cute and adorable and the Bad Wolf.... Eeeek!!! :D He is just terrific... I's a very impressive scene!
    The concertina village looks delightful, I have admired it on CB blog, such sweet scene! Love the detail of the bleached clouds!
    Hope you are well and wish you a lovely crafty weekend!

  12. Such wonderful creations again Brenda, stunning Chocolate Baroque creation with the beautiful buildings and so beautifully colored! And what perfect cards you made for my theme at Allsorts. Especially loving the first one with Cinderella's coach and fairy, those stamps are just gorgeous!! And how wonderful the Red Riding Hood card is too, such a fabulous and a bit spooky scene! Love it!

  13. Wonderful creations. Such a clever idea to make the village card, the sky is amazing!

  14. Stunning cards Brenda, I love the little red riding hood with the wolf's face, just love it!

  15. Wow three absolutely stunning and so different cards Brenda. That folded book is something else!!

  16. Sending hugs and hope you will feel better soon.
    Lovely projects (as always) I do love the village scene

  17. Such wonderful cards Brenda, I love the fairy tale creations, especially the reflection on the Cinderella card. The CB village card is amazing, beautifully stamped and coloured, brilliant work, Kate x

  18. Fabulous cards Brenda. I adore the fairytale scene of the first one and there’s so much to look at. I love your layout and colour palette too. I love the last CB one too and I commented on this on their blog a couple of days back. Sorry to hear that you’ve been under the weather again and I hope that you feel better soon. Crafty hugs, Sandra x

  19. Absolutely beautiful selection of cards Brenda you create such beautiful scenes and I love them all
    Carol x

  20. OH Brenda those are stunning cards!
    love them all!

  21. Wow! Such wonderful cards Brenda. Fantasy themes are my favourite so I must try and make time to enter at Allsorts this week. I love the folded book card, such a beautiful village scene you have created here with lots of gorgeous details, beautiful stamping and design. Truly gorgeous.

  22. WOW Brenda. These are gorgeous. The folded book card looks amazing, there is so much work in that - love it.
    The first card is magical, a beautiful scene.
    Hope you are well
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  23. Such pretty creations Brenda! I love that book card. It's so pretty. You have created a wonderful scenery.

  24. Three totally stunning creations.
    Love the delicate colours on the first cards and the super images.
    Super image and colours on your second card and the wolf image is just amazing.
    Your final card is truly a fabulous work of art, you must have the patience of a Saint.

    Kath x

  25. Beatiful cards Brenda. A lovely Cinderella scene, a nice idea with the refelction in the wter. Little red riding hood looks great and a beautiful village creation> Fantastic work as allways! hugs, Marlies

  26. Fabulous cards once again Brenda....especially that last one...must have taken forever! xx

  27. Hi Brenda, beautiful makes, love the scene in the top one, the carriage is awesome :) Also love the CB creation, gorgeous ! Take good care, Shirleyx

  28. WOW, what beautiful cards there are.... all fantastic. I am thrilled again.
    Have a nice new week.
    Hugs Carola

  29. Fabulous creations Brenda! Love the Sheena stamped one (of course!). Really pleased to have been chosen in the Allsorts top 5 last week. I'll try and join in this week too to support you, I have that same stamp so I'll try and get a Sheena creation together! I do hope that you are beginning to feel a bit better and send you lots of love xxxxxxxx

  30. What stunning cards Brenda - I especially love the village panorama - that is amazing! I do hope you are feeling better this week.
    Hugs and Prayers

  31. These are all fabulous, Brenda! Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  32. What a stunning set of cards Brenda, love the first one x

  33. Beautiful fairytale tail card, the colour and stamping is so clever, I love how the wolf is hiding in the sky just waiting for red riding hood, what a brilliant idea, but the village card is my favourite it’s just stunning. Hope your feeling a bit better.
    Hugs Babs x

  34. Love the first two cards. The village card I saw on the CB blog and was blown away by it - wonderful work.

  35. A little late making a and family left not much time...
    I love the Cinderalla-scene; it looks so delicate and beautifully soft! And as you might remember I have that same Sheena set and think it is great... Here it is beautiful with the wolf so delicate in the background. But the book-card for CB is my favorite; such a clever idea and such great stamping; had to make it bigger to see more... Hope we all go to better health now we slowly go to spring :) Hugs, Gerrina

  36. Hi Brenda, I hope you're feeling better now, What super creations as always. Love the magical cinderella coach and the menacing wolf with red riding hood..... and your book card is so wonderful with it's picturesque village scene. I do love the old English villages with the thatched buildings. Take care xx

  37. WOW Brenda visiting your blog is always such a huge inspiration. You create such a variety of amazing creations!!!
    Dr Sonia

  38. So sorry to hear about your health. I think your cards are so realistic. The village one amazes me but Little Red Riding Hood is my favorite. On the Allsorts site, I didn't notice the wolf but on your blog I did. Wolves are very subtle when they are after us! I'm so glad I found your works of art and labor of love.

  39. Such a great, and big, project!
    Result is wonderful.

    The first card is cute too.

    Have a nice week!

  40. Wonderful fairy-tale scenes and the Cinderella carriage is fabulous. Love the book card with it's unfolding scenes, such a brilliant idea.
    Hope you're feeling a lot better now.
    Avril xx

  41. I absolutely love Cinderella's carriage, such a beautiful background, Little Red Riding hood is fabulous too, Gorgeous book card and wonderful stamping.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  42. Golly Brenda, I am so in love with your last card. your little scenes are delightful. I might just have to go and buy those stamps for myself!! hugs Mrs A.

  43. Again some stunning cards Brenda. The scene you've made on the last card is gorgeous. It's so fresh and pretty - who wouldn't want to live there! I remember Sheena launching the Red Riding Hood stamps and I love the dreamy background you've made with your pan pastels. Hugs, Barbxx
