
Saturday 17 March 2018

Daydream Fairy

Morning Peeps, this week I've been totally missing from blogland, mad ambulance rush last weekend, yet more antibiotics, more bloods and was summoned back within hours and seems I have stage 3/4 kidney impairment/failure. Apparently there are five stages, they say it can't be reversed but meds may be able to prevent it progressing further, but it's early days and need lots more tests and so on.

I've not crafted for a couple of weeks now, save the one card below which is unheard of but just not been well enough. Those who know me are aware that I am always a forward planner and have work ready and scheduled weeks ahead so I am hoping that will stand me in good stead for a time. Hopefully I can ease back into some crafting but I honestly don't think I can carry on with regular blogging over any beyond my remaining DT committements so will play it by ear.

Lucky all was scheduled from here on and this week's Allsorts theme is hosted by Tracy Mouse and is 'Bring on the Bling. We have two stamps from Little Claire as a prize for one lucky winner. It's also my turn to post over at the Chocolate Baroque blog today, my pieces of artwork are below and you will find how I made them and links to all the products used in the post over there.

As I said, very little activity on the craft front, but I did try and managed just one card..........which took a couple of days...........for the new Butterfly Challenge. The new format actually helped in that it supplies the basic requirements so only had to come up with my design, have to say I am not overly happy with it, but it's made so sharing.

I used DI's the create the background, then built it up using stencils, stamped CB Butterfly off the page, stamped it a second time and cut out, coloured and decoupaged and added a PB sentiment. I believe I have covered the following elements of the Butterfly Wheel: Light Blue, Lavender and Lemon (script stenciling), Letters, Layers and Lace (Butterfly's thorax) and of course the Butterfly.

Back to my Allsorts card and my starting place as is normally the case with a scenic card was to create the background with Pan Pastels and masks, in this case I used three varying sized circle masks. I then stamped the Fairy and other elements which are all Lavinia Stamps using archival black ink, glittered the Fairies wings although it doesn't show up too well on my photo and dotted some liquid pearls among the Fairy starts, or is that Fairy Magic ? 

The incredible details on the face of this Fairy never ceases to amaze me, it goes a long way to prove the quality of Lavinia stamps as many would just squish and lose that detail.

And here are my Chocolate Baroque shares for today using stamps which featured on Lesley's recent Hochanda shows which was all about cottages and houses. Hochand presenter Dave Bradford named this "the house in the middle of nowhere" which I think sum's it up pretty well and could well be where we live down a single track farm road which does indeed go nowhere...............although we don't have any hills, just flat beautiful Countryside which stretches as far as the eye can see. I'm sure I've written this before, but from an upstairs window on a clear day you can see Ely Cathedral.

And before I sign off for today, here's what I did today to cheer myself up, I am lucky to have long strong nails and have them manicured every two weeks, no secret I love bright colours but this time is probably brighter than usuall. The girl who does my nails had the same using two new coloures so she did a copy cat on mine, the phrase "old enough to know better, too old to care' comes to mind.

Many thanks for popping in to take a peek today.


  1. these are beautiful cards and projects Brenda

    gr karin

  2. Hi Brenda!
    To get the nails done is always is always uplifting.
    I do it too and always experiment with colours. Coffee
    with a touch of sparkle this time.

    I´m sorry to hear that you are so ill and hope you can
    be online for long even if it is with sheduled work for now.

    We had some contact over the years and find your cards very inspiring!

    Have a good weekend.

  3. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Love your nails, they are bling too.
    Chin up. xxxx

  4. Gorgeous blingy nails! Fabulous set of cards, all of them so beautiful.
    It's warming up here, sun is shining bright and the snow is smelting down.
    Try to enjoy and rest the weekend;-))m

  5. I love your nails too, Brenda, they look artistic and if they give you pleasure who's to criticise! The Lavinia card is excellent and as you say the quality of the stamps is great. I like your butterfly card too and can't see anything wrong with it myself! I am saddened by your latest setback and can only hope that the drugs will be effective. xx

  6. Absolutely beautiful cards Brenda! I wish I had good nails but blessed with neither good hair or nails!! Bright is definitely beautiful!

  7. Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear the news on your health!! :( Hope that the kidney impairment will be stopped with the right antibiotics and that you could crafting again early!!! Sending you positive feels my friend! Think positive how much you can... it calls lucky things!
    Having a lot of scheduled posts has been very good, I admire you planning mind!
    Why you aren't satisfied by your card for Butterfly Challenge? I think it's just a true delight! That Butterfly with the lace for body is brilliant and really wonderful! I will CASEing you ;) Fabulous colours and background!
    Love so much also your magical scenic card, such wonderful landscape with pan pastels and that "triple layers" moon is another clever detail!! The fairy looks delightful, as well all the natural elements! I have this amazing Lavinia stamp, but I tend to use colours too much vibrant for the back, so it never pop well.
    I think the pan pastels are the more indicate media: I learn so much from you, thank you!!! :)
    Amazing samples also with CB stamps! Love especially the last card, such clever use of the trees stamp to make that big flower and the inked corners compliment it so well!!
    Your nails are just delightful! Love the bright colours and the bling on them! Take care, Brenda! Heartfelt hugs! I wish you all the best you could have!!

  8. Gorgeous and sweet cards!
    I love your wonderful nails! Fantastic colours!
    Have a nice weekend.
    Valerija xx

  9. Pinned three

  10. I am sorry to hear that you have had yet another medical set back Brenda and am sending you all the very best wishes for better days. As usual your cards are beyond brilliant and I particularly like the message on the fairy card and the "house in the middle of nowhere". Take care xx

  11. A beautiful collection of cards Brenda. I love them all especially the gorgeous spring scene with the cottage and the daffodils. Your nails look fantastic too and I don't blame you for going for the bright cheerful colours, with nail like that they need to be flaunted.

    Sue xx

  12. Beautiful post B, love the lavinia project and wow look at those nails...mine are poor nursing nails, always in water and too soft, you are so lucky and they are gorgeous. Hope you start to feel better 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  13. great cards, and thank goodness for your forward planning - hope things settle and you aren't too incapacitated by this latest health news. Love the nails!

  14. Beautiful cards Brenda and I love your nails.
    Sorry to hear your health is suffering again, wishing you all the best x

  15. So sorry to hear of your health problems Brenda and hope you will improve enough for you to enjoy some crafting again. Your cards are all amazing with all your stamping, I know I could never do any like that.
    Love your nails too x

  16. Beautiful makes as always, I do love the ethereal quality to the first one. Love your nails - do what you want to do and keep safe. hugs L x

  17. Im very sorry to hear of your health problems.
    Hope all wil be better soon.
    Your cards are stunnning!
    love them!

  18. I'm catching up again Brenda and am so sorry to read about the medical problems you have been having. Your beautiful work is a real inspiration and the way you seem to manage your time is admirable. Keeping ahead is something I wish I was able to master!

    As always a very beautiful selection of cards and I really like the sentiment on the first card. Something that we should all take notice of. I love your nails. I'm afraid I wouldn't want to draw attention to my knobbly fingers!
    Take care. Hugs, Barbxxx

  19. So sorry for you to read about your health problems, Brenda.
    You show a gorgeous series of cards in various styles, but they all are beautiful!
    As are your new nail colors. Love it. Mine are always breaking, so I'm jealous on yours.
    Take care.
    xxx Margreet

  20. Love all of your beautiful cards, particularly the 1st one such pretty colours
    and as you say Lavinia stamps are so detailed.
    I'm very sorry to read about your illness, I hope they can get your medication sorted so that it halts it and you can still enjoy your crafting. As for your nails I think they are fab !
    Hugs Kaz xx

  21. Such gorgeous nails Brenda, and what a great quote to live by!
    Your cards are all works of arts again, my favorite one being the fairy one.
    The other cards are just as beautiful, I really like the colors of the butterfly card and you showcased the homes stamps so well!
    Wishing you all the best Brenda, and if you ever need any help on the DT blogs don't hesitate to ask.

  22. Oh Brenda, I am so sorry to hear about your rush to hospital. Really hope they are able to help you. Sending lots of love. Anesha

  23. Beautiful cards as always Brenda, I love the wording on the fairy one, how true ! I just love your nails !!! my nails are very brittle and break at the slightest chance so I am always envious of anyone with lovely manicured nails.


  24. Sorry to hear that your health news is not good Brenda, sending hugs from 'downunder'

  25. Fabulous always and I love that sentiment on the first card. Sorry to hear you are having another set back and hope they can get it under control. Love the are braver than I am!

  26. This makes me very sad, Brenda. I don't even know what to say, except that I hope they can prevent it from worsening. So sorry that you have been miserable and unable to craft as I know how you enjoy it. You cards are beautiful but my favourite is the butterfly card and the sentiment is right on. Your nails are beautiful and I love the sparkle and design. I haven't painted mine since I was a teenager.

  27. Oh Brenda! Your cards are always gorgeous (love today's) and I love to visit to see what you have must put yourself first and not worry about blogging! I hope things can be brought under control and that they can get you on the right antibiotics soon. I'm sending you lots of hugs
    Lorraine x

  28. I don't blame you for treating your nails to a manicure. They look lovely. wish my hands looked so good. I live in fingerless gloves the whole time. Sorry to hear that your health has had more setbacks. Hope the medics can get you on the right treatment. I love your butterfly card and you have all the required elements on there too. Love all the other cards as well. Thankyou for coming and spinning the butterfly wheel with me this week. Hugs Mrs A.

  29. What fabulous nails, I used to have fabulous nails then when my eldest Daughter got married (for the first time) I decided I would have some false nails and my nails have never been the same since, even after all these years, HUGE mistake.
    Gorgeous cards, every one tip top but do love the house ones, three brilliant cards I would have been stumped knowing how to present them.

    Kath x

  30. So sorry to hear about your health condition. Hope you will able to brace trough it.

  31. Gorgeous cards Brenda and I especially like the first one which has pride of place in my craft room, it’s beautiful, thank you. You’ve had such a tough time with your health recently and you do need to take it easy. I enjoy blogging but at the end of the day, crafting is far more therapeutic. Thank you for sharing your wonderful cards with us all. Crafty hugs, Sandra x x

  32. Super cards Brenda and the sentiment on that first one is one of my all time favourites!! Check out those nails!!!! Go girl!!!! I have mine done every three weeks - you're far more brave than I am with those bright colours!!!!!!! Katie passed her driving test this week so it's been a good week in the Harris household. Hope you are going on ok, thank you for your email this week, you take care of you for me and I send you lots of love as always xxxxxx

  33. It is a bit of a shoc to hear jet another problem with your health and racing in an ambulance; that doesn't sounds good at all...what will you have been shocked! It is nice for us that you can still show us your beautiful makes, but the most important thing is to get your health back so far that you can enjoy your hobby again... So give it time and I wish you luck with the patient that will be needed to get that far again! Big hug, Gerrina

  34. Oh Brenda so sorry to read about your continuing health problems. What a stunning collection of cards today though, some fabulous quotes. Your nails look great. Take care xx

  35. Hi Brenda,
    such wonderful cards and your pretty nails, wow!
    Have a nice sunday.
    x Daniela

  36. Beautiful cards - the first one is my favourite as I love the quote. Your nails are amazing - I wish mine grew so lovely and long like yours. Sorry to hear of your health problems and thinking of you.
    Kath x

  37. So sorry to hear you are not well again Brenda, you always seem to be so positive though and I admire you tremendously. Beautiful cards and lovely nails, keep smiling xx

  38. Glad they figured out what is wrong with you can manage it straight on. I have dealt with two family members with the same thing and know it can be managed with long term care-so my best to you!

  39. Fabulous selection of cards Brenda all beautiful but love the butterfly one just that little bit more lol-your nails look absolutely brilliant mine are terrible keep flaking and breaking!!!Sorry to hear about your latest health scare and hope the medications helps -we would miss your fabulous cards
    Carol x

  40. Love the nails, and the cards!
    Please look after yourself!

  41. So sorry and feeling sad to hear about your health problems Brenda! Hope the medical treatment will help you.
    Love your pretty nails in bright and soothing colors!
    You are true inspiration for crafter like us! All are so beautiful and I love the he butterfly one most and how you incorporated all the elements in one card!
    Sending hugs!

  42. Wonderful cards Brenda. So sorry to hear about your health issues, I hope the meds help. Beautiful nails. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  43. Wonderful collection of cards Brenda, but I especially love the fairy scene. So sorry you are having more problems but hope that the medication will help. LOVE the nails they look gorgeous.

    Pat xx

  44. these are all so beautiful brenda! such pretty backgrounds and very appropriate sentiments. your nails are lovely; i saw some mood changing nail polish on someone's hands last week. my dad has kidney disease but at 93, he resists dialysis and takes meds to slow the progress, plus has to strictly follow a diet. i told him i'd struggle with that, not being able to have chocolate. :) i hope they're able to figure out your meds soon. take care.

  45. Wow Brenda, the cards are very beautiful. Great collection.
    Hugs Carola

  46. Hi Brenda, such fabulous cards. Love the fairy background and the silhouette.
    Sorry to hear you're not well. Hope things will settle for you and improve.
    Hugs Sue W.

  47. Hi Brenda. I am sorry you have had another health set-back. I really hope the meds stabilize the situation for you. I came here from the butterfly challenge, but it is the fairy card I really like. And the little house with a red door.
    Well done for manage to blog despite feeling so poorly. Kate x

  48. Beautiful cards Brenda!! So sorry to hear that you are not doing well. I really hope the meds will help you. Your hand is so pretty. I love the manicure.

  49. So sorry to hear of your kidney problems - I really hope the medication does its job! It's so cool you got to blog, love all your awesome cards! The Lavinia one is just magical - I love the beautiful fairy and the verse is fabulous! Sending you lots of luv, hugs and positive vibes! Take care. xxxxxxxx

  50. So sorry to hear you're not well, Brenda. It must be a stressful time for you, so I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way.
    Beautiful selection of cards, as always.
    Crafting can be great therapy, so I hope you can find some time to get in your craft room and relax.

  51. I love all your amazing cards, Brenda. You have a talent for stunning layouts and color.

    I'm so sorry for your health challenges, but I love that you are still creating art and rocking some gorgeous bright nails. Beautiful things have a way of soothing the soul, don't they. Hope you feel better soon!

    xo Nancy

  52. Gosh you've really been going through it haven't you dear friend. So sorry to hear your news about your health. Hang in there dear friend. Your cards are beautiful as always and inspiring to us all. Your scenes are fabulous. You can only do what your body lets you. Take your time and do what makes you happy. Loving your nails so pretty and lovely long nails. Need to get mine done I think. It always makes me feel better when they've been done. Can't beat a bit of pampering. Sending huge hugs and love. Take care xxx

  53. What lovely makes Brenda, your Fairy card is amazing, truly Magical. Your nails look really pretty too Brenda.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  54. Oh Brenda I am so behind with my visits that I've only just seen that you've been so poorly, I do hope you're getting the meds sorted and feeling a bit better.
    Amazing cards as always and I love the fairy scene. Love your manicured nails too and I don't blame you for pampering yourself a bit. Take care xx

  55. Oh I'm so sorry & hope the medicine will be effective, Brenda. Your cards are so beautiful! Love the clever heart card & the last one may be my favorite--gorgeous colors! Now how could you not feel better with those fun fingernails!

  56. Brenda I do hope you are feeling better and that the medication is working , When we wer eyoung we never imagined having any ills did we ? and now they are catching us up , Do take care and do more things like your nails . I love all your cards but the sentiment on the Day dream fairy is so apt , What a wonderful addition to the lovely image
    love Jx

  57. Oh B, my lovely friend. So sorry things have got a bit of a hold (she says using a huge understatement of course!). Wonderful work as always, under duress, and also I adore your nails - very 'Glam. Rock Chick'!!

    I know you'll be keeping your chin up and soldiering on - you wouldn't be our lovely B otherwise! You are well loved in Blogland for sure.

    Sending love and hugs..........and a sloppy smooch from Parsnip, the 'would-be pervert'.

    Dear God - he's fed up with Easter choklit and already moving onto other little tricks! You can adopt him if you like :)

    Di xx

  58. Wow, that's a lot of cards! My favorite is the butterfly with the soft colors and of course, the butterfly, which I just love! One can never have too many butterfly images! Hugs!

  59. Oh sweet girl, how I am saddened to hear this news. I pray you will respond favorably to the meds and they will definitely keep this failure from progressing. Big squeezy hugs to you. <3 You always inspire me with your beautiful cards and even more so that I know they were made with such difficulty. Love and prayers, Autumn

  60. So sorry to hear about your health are so incredibly talented and I hope you soon regain strength to pursue your favorite hobby and hehe your nails do look so cheerful!!!
    Dr Sonia
