
Sunday 4 March 2018

All about creatures and animals

It's time for our  new challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are 'Forest Friends and 'Feature a Creature'..........believe it or not I hadn't notice the similarity until I wrote up the scheduled teams we toss ideas around well in advance so put it down to sheer coincidence. As always there are wonderful prizes to be won at both. 

The card at the top is my first creation for Stamping Sensations using some stamps I was given by a blogging pal for Christmas, the cottage stamp and one with the pond go together perfectly to create a scene. After stamping both with Versafine black and coloured with pencils, added sky with Pan Pastels and stamped the two Penny Black bunnies on the path, my thinking is that this pretty cottage is deep in the Country and as with our garden and paddocks, bunnies are regular visitors (much to hubby's annoyance as they dig up the grass).

The fence on this one is actually called Snowy fence, but I figure it works just as well for any time of year and yes, those PB bunnies feature again.  I inked the fence and PB tree with Distress Markers and spritzed with water before stamping onto Bristol Vellum card. I painted in some hills with watery DI's and the sky with Pan Pastels, some PB birds and a sentiment.

This one, my second Stamping Sensations creation used all Lavinia stamps. My starting point was to stamp the moon then build up the background with Pan Pastels then stamp all the images into place with Versafine Black, a little colour to the Willow and some liquid pearls.

Finally, another Penny Black share, this time a masked circle and colour added with DI's, then more colour with a stencil to create the background. The animals are stamped with Versafine black with the mask still in place and the sentiment stamped once it was removed.


  1. Your forest friends are absolutely gorgeous as is your colours and colouring...amazing cards B, thanks for sharing your skills.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  2. You are right Brenda the Cottage stamp and Pond go together perfectly, another brilliant scene from you! Your Lavinia card is superb too and the last one is very striking, the circle background provides a great backdrop to the silhouettes!

  3. Love this scene cards. Blessings , Elly

  4. Wonderful cards and great design!
    Enjoy the sunday...
    X Daniela

  5. Just love thee so much you have created some amazing scenes just fabulous love and hugs Carole x

  6. A gorgeous collection of cards Brenda, especially the top one. I have both of these stamps and not inked them yet.

    Sue xx

  7. beautiful cards, Brenda!

  8. Amazing creature creations Brenda. You are just soooo talented.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  9. All such beautiful elegant cards Brenda. They all look so serene and I cannot choose which I prefer best. hugs, Marlies

  10. Stunning cards Brenda, just love the scenes you have created.

  11. Schitterende kaarten de bovenste die is prachtig
    Groetjes gerrie

  12. Heya Miss B...
    3 amazing card creations !!!!
    But my favorite is the 1st, love what you´ve done with the winterscene stamp *respect
    CU hellerlittle

  13. These are wonderful Brenda...the idyllic cottage complete with bunnies is really lovely. We had a stoat visit us back in the autumn and have only recently been getting rabbits back in the garden, I am with your Hubby on the digging...What with them and our moles too!! Your watercolouring on the second really adds dimension to the tree and isn't it a bu**er when barbed wire pings!! The little fairy on the third is charming and Circuses are foremost in my mind at the moment after my cinema visit to see The Greatest Showman which was brilliant...must go again!! Hope your snow is the flooded fields...again!! xx

  14. Awesome cards. Beautiful stamps have you used.
    Have a nice sunday.

  15. So many beautiful cards! :)
    I saw them at Stamping sensations too
    and thought it was a great theme.

    Hope you are having a wonderful
    and relaxed Sunday!

  16. Your cards should all be framed for the wall Brenda, they are just amazing!

  17. 4 beautiful cards Brenda...I am drawn to the Lavinia especially but your scenes are picture perfect. Hope it's warming up for you, the snow vanished here this morning thank goodness xxx

  18. Beautiful scenes from you Brenda, love them all.

    Joan x

  19. All so gorgeous Brenda, xxxx

  20. Each one of these cards is absolutely amazing Brenda, really beautiful scenes on each! Many thanks again for the wonderful inspiration!

  21. amazing cards Brenda, fabulous designs and gorgeous colouring. I love the first one especially, but really love them all, Kate x

  22. You know that I always love your natural and magical scenes, Brenda, and these here are absolutely AMAZING!! I can't choose a favorite, LOVE too much them all!! Pinned each one! :D Thanks for sharing your technique, I am always stunned by your talent... Great inspirations!
    Hope that all the bunnies in your heaven are safe even if the bad weather :)
    Hugs and take care!

  23. beautiful and colourful cards, Brenda, also very serene. I love your multi-coloured skies and backgrounds. oh, and of course the bunnies too. I'll have to get some of those.

  24. These are all wonderful! I adore them all but the final one is my favourite - gorgeous colours!!! Hugs rachel x

  25. four stunningly gorgeous creations, Brenda! I love them all and couldn't choose a favourite. Gorgeous colouring on the cottage. I definitely want to move in there, lol. Worryingly you are showing me Lavinia trees I wasn't even aware existed...not sure I dare look, lol

  26. I can't keep up with you are like a machine turning out such beautiful cards. Love these with the animals.

  27. Really beautiful cards! Have a great week.

  28. Looks like we’ve been spoiled again with not one but four gorgeous cards. The first scene is very familiar and I love the way that you’ve added the rabbits and used Spring colours. Your second one looks like a beautiful water colour paining and I love the stamps that you’ve used. The third is a stunning scene and the moon looks so realistic, the colours are just perfect. Fabulous use of stamps and stencils on the fourth. Thank you for sharing these beauties with us x

  29. I so wish I had your talent for creating such beautiful scenes and inky backgrounds Brenda, you have created some beauties here once again.

  30. Gorgeous cards Brenda and you stamp the most beautiful scenes-you would imagine them to be one complete stamp
    Carol x

  31. Fantastic collection.

    Kath x

  32. So many lovely scenes and creatures Brenda - bunnies appearing everywhere, I feel Easter coming on let alone Spring! All fabulous! xxx

  33. Wonderful cards, Brenda, all the designs are beautiful. I especially love the Lavinia one, so atmospheric. xx

  34. Love your gorgeous cards!
    Have a lovely day.

  35. All beautiful cards, Brenda, but I especially love the look of the second one! Love the tree & fence!

  36. Wow stunning collection, hard to choose a fave, you do these scenes so well

  37. the stamps on the first card look like they were made to go together with your skillful placement. I love the ethereal feel of the Lavinia one. All fab as usual.

  38. OMG Brenda, love all these scene cards you have created !! Its one of my favourite things to do !! Off to find my stamps now......

    hugs Diane xx

  39. Gorgeous cards Brenda, hard to find a fave, it must the fairy one;-))m

  40. These are all wonderful, such charming scenes. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  41. I enjoyed all four cards! Love the scene you made at the first; think the bunnies really fit there! The PB stamps look so different in Springcolours and the Laviniascene is so dreamy! With the last it almost looks like you were going round all the seasons..warm and summer! Supper to see so many techniques and materials...Hugs, Gerrina

  42. Beautiful colors and images! Lovely work

  43. Fabulous cards Brenda, love the first one, the cottage scene is beautiful.

    Pat xx

  44. WOW Brenda, all cards are fantastic. Especially I love the cards to the rabbits.
    Hugs Carola

  45. Beautiful cards Brenda! I love the bunny silhouettes. The sceneries are so so pretty.

  46. Wow a wonderful collection of gorgeous cards, I especially like the third one. Thanks for stopping in a my blog :) Take good care, Shirleyxx

  47. Such beautiful nature cards Brenda, you do them so well. Thank you for popping by X

  48. Absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda. The bunnies are so cute and the scenes you've set them in are beautiful.
    Fliss xx

  49. Another set of wonderful cards but favourites are the bunnies. Hugs Mrs A.

  50. You are such a prolific cardmaker Brenda and they are always so beautifully designed and executed, and your colour choices are great. I love all four of these, and the three scenes are so different but work extremely well. I love the vibrant colours for the masked circle with the african animals and the stencilling behind them is perfect. x

  51. Fabulous cards Brenda, dont have a favourite love them all

  52. Oh my goodness! What an absolutely beautiful array of cards! Each one is just gorgeous - I couldn't possible choose a favourite! I will try and join in the challenges - such good fun, thank you! xxx

  53. Your scenes are all so gorgeous...Each and every one!

  54. Love all of them. Bunnies are perfect on the cards. Love pastels you used and beautiful soft tones.

  55. Wowwww, how beautiful. Love all of them.
    Hugs Carola

  56. Fabulous cards Brenda, you always stamp the most beautiful scenes.
    Avril xx

  57. These are fabulous Brenda, one of my favourite films comes to mind, Watership Down. I love each and every one.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  58. Love the simple pleasures card! Beautiful scene and colors!

  59. Wow, so many stunning creations! They are all delightful and I'm loving how you used the snowy fence and pretty Lavinia stamps - perfect 😁. Wishing you a wonderful week! J 😊
