
Saturday 21 October 2017

Time to spook and graduation photos

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday so that means it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts and this week Susan is going all spooky on us with the theme of  'Halloween'. Our sponsor is Little Claire. Below you will also find a few photos from Azaria's Graduation in Cambridge this week, not the best as taken on my phone and as it literally poured all day photo opportunities were limited.

It was a bit like a day out with the Boswells.................some of you will remember the TV sitcom where the family did everything en our experience there is usually a limit of three tickets to Graduation ceremonies and they are like gold dust, but there was a surplus of them up for grabs so we managed to get ten (at £25 each I might add) and those able to attend had a lovely family day with a meal afterwards.

I don't really do Halloween but have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed making this one. Starting with a piece of Bristol Vellum cardstock I placed a large circle mask in the centre and used black distress ink to build up the outside colour, once I was happy with that I removed the mask and used the negative that I had cut from to cover the black area and inked the circle. The images were all stamped with black versafine using Chocolate Baroque and Lavinia stamps, a piece of ribbon and matted onto coordinating cardstock. The sentiment is computer generated.

She seemed to have a perpetual smile and thoroughly enjoyed the whole day despite the fact that it never stopped raining. She told me afterwards that she had "so" been looking forward to the day but it went far too quickly.

With brother Zachary who graduated last year and sister Anysia, as you can see she's a tiny little thing and it's scary to think she is now in her first year of teaching English at secondary school and I might add not in the least phased by the whole experience.

I totally missed the hat throw, well at least all I ended up with was one hat in the air and rain all over the lens. But we do have the official photos to come but seems like the end of an era, we have had so many Graduations in recent years with both the 'second batch' of children and then grandchildren and Azaria is the last of the 'bunch' although we do have a couple of Masters underway. 

And such a diversity of subjects from them all, Art and Photography, Pure Maths, Cybernetics and Virtual Worlds, History, Criminology, Applied Criminology, Geology, Equine Husbandry, and English. Don't know where they get it from, I was 40 before I got as far as taking my degree, bet there again I did make a very early start in my teens on marriage and motherhood so something had to wait!!

Happy weekend all.


  1. Great card Brenda and wonderful pics, xxx

  2. What a wonderful family you have!

  3. A super spooky card and such wonderful family photograph for the family album. I can see why you’re so proud of your lovely Granchildren. Crafty hugs,Sandra x

  4. A great halloween card Brenda, I don't 'do' Halloween, so have nothing suitable to use this week.
    Lovely graduation photos, you must be very proud

  5. Beautiful halloween card.
    Happy weekend;-))m

  6. Well done on your Halloween card, Brenda. I don't do Halloween either, but I think I have a set of stamps that I won some years ago. Thanks for the pics. You must be so proud. I'm still really happy that I did not pursue a career as an English teacher, even though I'm qualified. After getting my degree, I jumped at the chance to take a (free) course in technical writing, and then worked as a tech writer for 10 years before becoming a freelance translator. Hope your cruise was relaxing and reinvigorating.
    Have a good weekend!
    Marianne x

  7. Fabulous spooky card Brenda I don't do Halloween either made a few for DTs last year and ended up throwing them all away!-but I can appreciate a good one and love your spooky scene-great family photos and good reason to be proud of them all
    Carol x

  8. Big Congrats to your lovely Grandaughter's for her graduation! Hooray! :D
    Loved also seeing all your girls with the graduation hats, such wonderful family -and memories to treasure- you have! :D
    Your Halloween card is spooky and so beautiful, great scene!
    Hugs, have a happy weekend!

  9. WOW Brenda you must be so proud of your family and hats off to you to getting a degree at many would have given up!
    Dr Sonia

  10. What a great Halloween card Brenda, suitably spooky. I loved Bread and had a bit of a crush on Joey!! You must be very proud indeed and the photographs are lovely to see xx

  11. Fab card and graduation photos too
    Hugs Kaz x

  12. Beautiful card. This is nicely done. Gongratulations to your grandaughter for her graduation. Well done and what good that she can go for work.

  13. fabulous halloween card Brenda and gorgeous photo with gorgeous girls.
    Gr Karin

  14. Lovely Halloween card and gorgeous photos of the graduates Brenda, I am sure it was a lovely family day despite the rain. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  15. Lovely photos of the graduation despite all that rain. Love your spooky card too. Hugs Mrs A.

  16. A wonderful spooky card Brenda, love the inky scene! Great photos too, congrats to the graduate! Glad everyone had a good time despite the rain!

    (Sorry if I am commenting more than once, my computer is acting up so not sure if it posted any comments yet. This is my 3rd try.)

  17. Beautiful spooky design, I love Halloween cards, but also don't make them as I don't know what to do with them! We don't give out cards for Halloween over here. Also congratulations to the graduate :) Sorry I haven't been around for a while, it's been very busy this year, but maybe it will settle down soon. I hope you are doing well, take good care, hugs xx

  18. Great spooky card and lovely family pictures.

  19. It's a super nice card again.
    Congratulations to the graduates. Beautiful photos.
    Hugs Carola

  20. I love your card Brenda - and I adore the photos - wow graduation - that was a few lives ago it seems to me!!! Big Hugs rachel xx

  21. Fabulous spooky card Brenda and very atmospheric too.
    Lovely graduation pics and you must be so proud of your grandchildren and their achievements.
    Fliss xx

  22. Such a great card! And congrats to family! I got my bachelors of science in biology last year. I also had children before finishing school. I'd rather be young with my children so I can play and chase my grandchildren without breaking my bones! That's still decades away! I'd love to go to graduate school but family comes first!

  23. A brilliant spooky card Brenda, love the fab scene you've created.
    Gorgeous graduation photos too. Congratulations to Azaria.
    Lorraine x

  24. Super card Brenda, great background and lovely images.
    Fabulous photo's and what a wonderful Family you have. I would love to see a photo of you and Hubby surrounded by all your Sons and Daughters and all your Grandchildren, bet that would be a stunning photograph.

    Kath x

  25. love your spooky creation and fab photos, you must be so proud xxx

  26. a very spooky card! congrats to the happy graduate!

  27. Great Halloween card, not something I make much. Gorgeous photos

  28. wonderful card!
    love it!
    so very nice photos!

  29. Great Halloween card Brenda! Overshadowed by the graduation pics though... So nice you could have a big family gathering on this occasion. Something to be proud of!

  30. I too don't 'do' halloween, in fact I dislike it immensely, but I must admit your card is dramatic. What a lovely set of graduation photos - so much to look back on with pride, and to be thankful for, that the family have done so well for themselves academically.

  31. Fabulously created scene B, awesome technique. LOvely photos.xx [aNNie]

  32. A wonderful spooky card Brenda, so pleased you all had a special day despite the weather.
    Hugs Babs x

  33. Great atmospheric card. Lovely photos.

  34. A fantastic Halloween card Brenda and a fantastic photo of your granddaughter and also of her and her brother and sister too. Glad you had a great day despite the weather.

    Sue xx

  35. Absolutely spookily fantastic Brenda, love the composition of images and amazing colours. Sort of cards I have never made, no one to give them to.
    My degrees were late in life too, like you I was busy bringing up my son.
    No wonder you are proud of your very clever family, congratulations to Azaria,and fabulous photos, Kate x

  36. Such a lovely card! I love the scene you created and the colours are wonderful 😁. It looks like everyone had a fabulous time at the graduation too! Wishing you a happy new week! J 😊

  37. Great Halloween card, Brenda. Congrats to your granddaughter. She is really pretty!

  38. A bit late to the party Brenda so forgive me (but i am on holiday!!!). A super Halloween creation and I so enjoyed looking at the graduation photo's - a lovely share. I can't believe that Hayley is already in her second year, the time goes so quickly? Down in Cornwall this week, back on Saturday xxxxx

  39. A wonderful spooky creation and wonderful Graduation photo's, gorgeous family Brenda, so pleased you enjoyed the day.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  40. Congrats to Azariah. She looks beautiful and happy! Beautiful pics Brenda! So glad you had a nice time.

  41. Lovely family photos Brenda you must be very proud of al their achievements.
    Great card you have obviously given it a lot of thought to come up with this magnificent scene. x Susan x

  42. Super Halloween card Brenda and great Graduation photos... looks like a fabulous day was had by all despite the rain xx

  43. First of all huge Congratulations to Azaria on her Graduation in Cambridge. You must all be very proud of them all. The photos are lovely and what a handsome they are.

    Your Halloween card is great fun. What a lovely scene you've created. Barbxx

  44. Your card looks great! Just spooky enough for me and for Halloween :)! Sounds like two great days, one that marks jet again the end of a period in your good that there will be so many more great things happening in your and there live that will be great days and good memories... Hugs, Gerrina

  45. Love your card - the scene is just fabulous! I don't really do Halloween but I adore this card! Wonderful graduation photos - congratulations to Azaria! xxx

  46. Hi Brenda it has taken awhile to get here but I have finally arrived, Brenda your card looks fantastic and very atmospheric, great graduation pics, hope all is well with you
    lorraine x

  47. Beautiful graduate--can't even tell it was raining! The perfect Halloween card, Brenda!

  48. What a beautiful girl...and a very happy looking one, I might add!
    Your card is fab. I love the spooky scene you created within the moon shape...

    Sorry not been round as much...I seem to keep saying that.

    I have both my daughters living within walking distance now. The married younger daughter and kiddies is 6 doors away, and now my eldest is 12 doors away in the other direction. Life is busy at the mo as she is renovating the house she bought this summer and it seems she often needs Mum or Dad to let in contractors or to supervise workmen.
    Gkot so busy with that this week that I almost forgot to post Rudolph Days!

    Will take some time this week to catch up in blogland!

  49. Wow, wonderful Halloween card. I love the scene. Great graduation pictures as well. Congrats to the grad.

  50. lovely card Brenda. And beautiful graduation photos. Judy x

  51. I love your spooky card Brenda! Congratulations to the graduate, she looks amazing and with very proud parents and grandparents!
