
Saturday 28 October 2017

A winter walk

Saturday morning and time for this weeks new Allsorts theme and this week Tracy Mouse is our host with the theme of Christmas Animals or animals is Christmas surroundings.

Confessions time to explain why this is going to be such a short post, somehow I managed to schedule it for last week so two went live that morning, I quickly deleted it but have been poorly all week with another kidney infection and totally forgot to write it up again. So back on antibiotics and my GP arranged for next Thursday's scheduled appointment with the urologist to be moved to Monday.

A very short explanation on my card, Pan Pastels for the background and a mixture of Penny Black, Crafty Individuals and Inkylicious stamps plus hand drawn fence.

Happy weekend all.


  1. what a gorgeous card!! (and I love the blog header pic too, has it been there a while and I'm not observant, or is it new? no need to answer, as you're poorly - it was just a passing thought! Hope you get well soon.

  2. Sorry to hear that Brenda, hope things will improve for you

  3. Stunning card Brenda, hope you are soon feeling better

  4. A beautiful scene Brenda, the Pan Pastels are perfect for these soft skies! I do hope your infection clears up soon, I know these things have habit of recurring and being increasingly difficult to treat. xx

  5. beautiful and very pleasant scenic card brenda. hope all well

  6. Wonderful card, a lovely scene. And I love the beautiful sentiment from Penny Black.

    All the best for you Brenda.


  7. Gorgeous card! Hope you are feeling better;-))m

  8. What a wonderful card, love the winter scene, it's all so sweet.
    Valerija xx

  9. What a wonderful card, love the winter scene, it's all so sweet.
    Valerija xx

  10. A beautiful winter scene Brenda, hope you feel better soon, xxx

  11. Beautiful card B, love this wintery scene.xxHave a lovely weekend.♥

  12. Such a beautiful winter scene Brenda, I love it. So to hear you've been unwell again, hope it soon clears up.

    Sue xx

  13. This reminds me of a lovely walk in one of our beautiful national parks just on the out skirts of where I live, plenty of deer, people walking there dogs and the stunning scenery. Your card is amazing Brenda as always. Hope your feeling better soon.
    Hugs Babs x

  14. It's a beautiful scene Brenda. Love your card. Hope you feel better again soon xx

  15. This is absolutely wonderful!
    Lia xx

  16. gorgeous Brenda great in these pastel colours
    Gr Karin

  17. Stunning snowy scene it's gorgeous. Hope you get sorted at hospital take care love and hugs Carole x

  18. Gorgeous as usual Brenda, beautiful scene....

  19. Sorry to here that you're not so well again Brenda, I hope you feel better soon.
    Love your card, a charming Winter scene and lovely stamps used, take care, Kate x

  20. Beautiful winter scene Brenda. So sorry to hear you're suffering again and I hope you get things sorted soon and recover quickly. Take care xx

  21. Love how you so effortlessly combine various stamps to create beautiful scenic cards
    Hope all gets well with you soon Brenda
    Sending hugs
    Dr Sonia

  22. Hope you are feeling better Brenda, kidney infections are horrid. Your card is marvellous, the delicate sky is the perfect colour for a frosty morning walk xx

  23. Sorry you have an infection. Do hope you feel better soon.

  24. So sorry for you, Brenda... :( I wish you get well soon!
    You know that I ADORE your scenic cards, especially those with animals and this one is SUPER with these delicate colors, it has a wonderful peaceful feel!
    Hugs and blessings, take care

  25. A gorgeous wintery scene, love the soft colours.
    Sorry to hear you have a kidney infection, I hope you are soon on the mend
    Take care
    Lorraine x

  26. A really gorgeous and peaceful scene, stunning card.

    Kath x

  27. Totally gorgeous. Hope you are soon better

  28. Hi, B! Such a lovely early morning scene quite reminiscent of our front pasture with deer at dusk and dawn, and the gentle colors floating to the grass. So beautiful, Brenda. Hugs, de

  29. Hope you feel better soon Brenda!
    The card is lovely, and I really like your Halloween card, & graduation pics in the previous post!

  30. Just got back from my holiday last night so just doing a bit of catching up! I love this winter scene Brenda, a nice mixture of stamps and the pan pastels are perfect - do you seal your pan pastels on with a fixative (I always have but often feel it's a waste of time)?. xxx

  31. Hi Brenda I am so sorry to hear that you have been poorly I do hope that the meds work and you feel better soon. Brenda I absolutely love this beautiful creation the scene is awesome perfect for the festive season, take care
    lorraine x

  32. Hi Brenda, hope you feel better soon. What a beautiful card, the scene is stunning and I love the delicacy of the colours, just perfect for the scene. Tracy x

  33. Wow you combined so many stamps in such a beautiful way! Always love your scenes, but this one is special with the animals and lady walking the dog!
    Great inspiration for me again :)! Hugs, Gerrina

  34. This is wonderful Brenda, perfect for my theme. Hope you have some improvement from the infection soon and feel a lot better
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  35. Beautiful scene and selection of stamps-love the sparkle on the snow--hope you feel better soon Brenda
    Carol x

  36. Such a beautiful and tranquil wintry scene, Brenda. Great job on the fence as well.
    I'm sorry to hear you're having to go through yet another kidney infection. Let's hope this problem can be sorted out soon. Good luck tomorrow.
    Marianne x

  37. This is such a pretty winters scene that you have created. I have been busy making some but nowhere near your calibre. Hope your antibiotics clear the kindney infection on the head fast. Hugs Mrs A.

  38. What a fabulous winter scene Brenda I think it is so atmospheric and love the pretty soft pastel background it really evokes the feeling of a cold winter's day. If I received that as a Christmas card I would treasure it and probably frame it too. Sorry to hear you are not too good at the moment, hope you feel better soon! x

  39. Beautiful card with a lovely winter scene. I hope you are soon feeling much better.

    Pat xx

  40. What a wonderful scene Brenda - it really is very pretty! Big hugs rachel xx

  41. A really lovely card Brenda and such a beautifully serene scene. Really sorry to hear you're not well and hope it clears up very soon.
    Take care, Fliss xx

  42. Bummer you've got another infection, but at least you're home & it's not ruining your holiday. One of my favorite cards, Brenda--absolutely gorgeous & I can't believe you drew that fence!

  43. Fabulous card.
    hope you will be feeling beter soon
    lots of hugs

  44. This is so beautiful Brenda! I love that scene. I hope you feel better soon. Lots of hugs!

  45. A beautiful card Brenda - love your sky, and the fence is perfect there. So sorry to hear you are not well - hope you are on the improve now, and that the urology appt goes well.

  46. What a beautiful crisp scene you've created. Love the hand drawn fence too.

  47. What a magical scene's a very beautiful card. Barbxx
