
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Brusho playtime

First I saturated the cardstock (see below for type) with water before sprinkling colbalt blue, violet and leaf green and just letting them merge together. Hero Arts scroll stamp, Rubbernecker sentiment and Hearflet Creations flowers using the same method to colour after stamping and cutting.

Good Morning Peeps, hope you are OK, I know lots of you have nasty flu bugs so to those of you who do I do hope you are soon feeling much better.

Our internet was down all weekend and is still off more than on at the moment so blogging and commenting has been very much if an when until they get it sorted. So what do you do when you can't while away the time in play..................and on this occasion it was with the Brusho's Santa delivered. I am demoing with them in a couple of weeks so need to get my head round them so it was the prefect opportunity to get messy.

Oh what fun they are as well, no secret that I love lots of colour and anything inky and messy so I was in my element and though I would share a few. I still have lots to learn with them but am fairly happy with how it's going so far. I have experimented with various cardstock to see what gives the best results and to my mind it's Fabriano HP 300lb as it's such a sturdy weight, I find lighter weight card warps and does not give such a nice finish when matted onto the cards which is probably not surprising given the amount of water used to get the full benefit of the powders. I have tried out various methods in my playtime and listed under each photo what I did with the Brushos.

I created the moodly sky by first masking a sun with Pebeo masking fluid and laying a piece of paper over the bottom section before sprinkling cobalt blue (it has to be one of my favs as it gives out such gorgeous hues of blue and purple as it dissipates in the water), purple and orange onto the dry cardstock. Next I spritzed with water and dappled with my finger until I was relatively happy with the spread of powder. The stamps are a mixture of Stampscapes, Inkylicious, Clarity and Art Impression. The ground section of the card was added using Pan Pastels once the sky was dry.

To achieve the graduated look I started by spritzing water liberally over the top section of the card and added violet, then repeated the spritzing twice more coming down the page adding ultramarine and then lime green. All stamps are Inkylicious. I was really pleased to discover that the Brushos bleach out beautifully which is what I did to the raindrops before adding a little white gel pen.

Here I spritzed the top section of the card first and sprinkled on turquoise, then more water and tilted the card around to allow the colour to run downwards to give a sort of rain effect. As you are totally in control you can make the drips go whichever way you want. Then I added a little orange Brosho to the bottom section before stamping with stamps from Indigo Blue, Art Impression and a Penny Black bird in the foreground.

The background on the this one was created by sprinkling scarlet and blue and then instead of water I used iridescent gold Glimmer Mist to activate the powders and scrunched a piece of cling film over the top, left for a few moments on the radiator then removed to reveal a lovely gold faceted effect. It doesn't really show on the full photo so there is a close up below. The stamp is Penny Black.

My final one is a very random background, I sprinkled blue, sea green, white, leaf green and emerald onto the cardstock then liberally spritzed with water and just left the colours to activate. The teasels and sentiment are Sweet Poppy Stencils using glossy black paste.

What I particularly like about working with Brushos is that the colours achieved on each piece are totally unpredictable as each one has other colours within them and vary dependent on the volume of liquid added. For example I used no yellow, orange or pink on the card above yet all of those colours are within the finished piece.

And they are not that expensive compared with some colouring mediums, the individual colours are about £1.40 each (Ken Bromley Art Supplies which is where I also but my Fabriano) and if you buy a box set of either twelve or twenty four it works out even cheaper.

Have a good Tuesday all and as always any questions please do mail me and ask away.


  1. Oh Brenda - these are GORGEOUS! I am really struggling with my Brushos - am far too heavy handed - lots of practice needed - which may start today now that the snow has come! LOL x

  2. What a gorgeous collection Brenda! You do amazing work with that brushos stuff! until next time, hugs :)

  3. Wow !! what a totally amazing array of cards ..Each one is just so beautiful ..The vibrancy of colors and the various background created are really fabulous !
    I hope your internet starts to work again soon ..I feel quite helpless without internet access myself :)
    Thank you so much for always dropping by my blog and appreciating my work ...Means a lot to me !

  4. Hi Brenda my internet has been a pain too....but I see you have made up for your creations. They are all stunning, gorgeous creations and lovely colour combination used...xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  5. Such beautiful cards Brenda, I love that background effect that you've used on them. They really are fantastic xx

  6. Oooo what an absolutely stunning collection of cards - i so want to come round and visit you for a play ;-), i hope you are feeling better and your cooker has been fixed, luv Sam x

  7. Wow,thats a lot of creations. Beautiful.
    Gr Elly

  8. Happy New Year Brenda.
    Such a fabulous display of cards. Love how you have done your backgrounds and all beautifully stamped. The raindrops you have created using bleach look amazing.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  9. These are beatiful cards!I love the Blue color in the first one!They are all stunning cards,Brenda!
    Hope you have a lovely and creative week!
    Hugs,Kari :)

  10. Hi Brenda, lots of gorgeous designs, love your results with Brushos. I've also been playing with them, they are great fun. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  11. What gorgeous, vibrant colours on all of these beautiful cards Brenda. Looks like you had a great time playing with your new Christmas present and created some fabulous works of art. Good luck with the demo coming up soon, everyone there will be wow'ed by your samples.

  12. Oh wow Brenda, what fantastic cards! You have really got to grips with the brusho s and produced fabulous backgrounds, I've been sitting here totally bored and uninspired but now I'm going to go have a play, I think I'm too heavy handed with them as I seem to get pieces that are not suitable to stamp on. Hope you get your internet sorted soon


  13. Such a stunning selection of cards Brenda. The colours really do look amazing.
    Sue xx

  14. Wow, and play you did! Such gorgeous cards, Brenda! Love all the beautiful backgrounds you created! I hope you get your internet fixed soon, but then again, maybe not if you will be making more beautiful inspirational cards like these!

  15. Wow Brenda what a fabulous selctions of cards...wonder colours and scenes....


  16. Wow, the colour blue you've used on these Brenda is stunning, fabulous designs, very effective, love 'um!!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  17. The backgrounds are amazing - what fun you are having. I have not seen Brusho's here yet

  18. Hi Brenda
    Fabulous collection of cards. The backgrounds are amazing. I especially like the colours of the purple one at the top of the post and the gold shimmer one too.

  19. Wow fab selection of cards, the background are all amazing

  20. WOWWWW Brenda these are all so beautiful, you have been busy and what awesome effects you have created, that Cobalt Blue is so striking and vibrant, amazing images and designs, stupendous makes.
    lorraine x

  21. Wow what an amazing array of beautiful art. Its always so uplifting popping in here.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  22. Gorgeous B, I'm loving experimenting with them, they're so addictive my favourite colour has to be the emerald Green, I just love all the colours it creates! Going to read back over your techniques next time I have a play. X

  23. stunning creations, love the depth of the blues of the flowers

  24. wow Brenda, you really have had a great play with your Brushos! I love the one with the raindrops - just gorgeous.

  25. Oh wow, they should not you off the internet more often Brenda if this is what you get up too. Absolutely stunning.

  26. What a fabulous set of cards your Brusho backgrounds are brilliant
    Jackie x

  27. Wow, these are amazing cards. Love the bright colors.

  28. Gorgeous, gorgeous cards, Brenda! I love them all! You have produced some stunning backgrounds with your brushos and I love your choice of stamps too! Wonderful

  29. Stunning cards Brenda, all gorgeous
    Lorraine x

  30. OMW Brenda you have had a fantastic play time, what a gorgeous assortment of cards - love them all. I was only thinking the other day that l have a lot of pots of starburst stains l bought from the Stamp Man and never used - l am aiming to get them out for a play as the results with clingfilm are lovely. x
    Hope your internet is soon restored - snowing a blizzard here at the mo x Susan x

  31. So fantastic, just love all the mix of colours, couldn't see the picture of the last one though. I would so love to try these but would need a week of tuition to get the hang of them, have you got a spare room lol.

    Kath x

  32. Wow, I love everyone....the colours are amazing. Thanks for sharing each of your techniques too. Oh....I really like the one with the gold mist....clever idea to use that instead of water.

  33. Wow what a feast foe the eyes today. You are ao good at all the inky stuff and I adore the top one especially, those flowers are beautiful and of course I love the colour. Glad you have been having fun x

  34. Oh Brenda, thanks, thanks so much for all your "lessons"!!!! I have a lot to learn and these explanations on as you did your fabulos scenes help me a lot!! Love the colours blending, love expecially the colbalt blue, violet and green you used. The first card is fabulous, it captured my heart
    Your talent is exceptional, congrats!!

  35. Wow, so many cards!! Love to play with Brusho and Bister myself and now it can be addicted... Great colours and beautiful cards! Love the raindrop-card and the last card best... Those raindrops look really like they lay on the card! Hugs, Gerrina

  36. These are all fabulous Brenda I love them all but my favourite has to be the rain drops
    Kevin xx

  37. Lots of handmade beauties. Very creative backgrounds and Love the way how you have created those raindrops. Looks very natural.

  38. Wow, these are gorgeous. I love all the purples and blues.

  39. You're so making me jealous that I don't have Brushos in my stash. This is a parade of amazing work! But I simply must know about those flowers in the first card. Did you make them or buy them? If you made them, you should totally do a tutorial on that because I would read every word!

  40. Oh wow, what a stunning selection of cards Brenda, I love your background effects, and the colours on the first card are wonderful :o)
    Jackie xx

  41. What wonderful beautiful cards and love all those fabulous background you made of each of your cards. I especially love the flowers in the first one.

  42. Beautiful cards Brenda such gorgeous colours, I go to Ken Bromleys with Alan as it's only in Bolton and je buys all his paper and paints for his watercolour painting from there, may have to have a look at these Brusho's next time.

    Pat xx

  43. My mouth is wide open Brenda with total awe. What fabulous makes and the backgrounds are some of the best I have seen in blogland. Superb Brenda.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  44. I see you have been getting inky Brenda. AndI bet you loved doing these as much as we are seeing them. Great creations. Judy x

  45. these all look wonderful Brenda - still haven't tried these brushos but I daresay it won't be too long. Take care and big hugs - and thanks for your card - you are very kind x

  46. Hi Brenda, your experiments with the Brushos are fabulous. Thanks for sharing how you did each one. I love mine but haven't really had enough time to experiment. Think that might change after seeing your makes.
    Avril xx

  47. wow-these are beautiful, my fav is the one with the water droplets but they are all stunning. I've been off to look at brushos - tempted, but I just got the gelli plate so............
    Lynn x

  48. A beautiful selection of cards Brenda. All so different and unique. Must admit I am liking the look of these brushos.

  49. These are all simply stunning Brenda! Gorgeous colors and stamping!

  50. Hi Brenda, I'm here to play catch up and I must say you have had a fabulous play with your new goodies. All these cards are stunning and the colours are amazing especially the gold effect (on the close up). Hope you have a good weekend and get your internet sorted xx

  51. Wow what magnificent beauties showcasing you creative talent. Have not known about these Brushos, will do some research and check them out. Thanks for your visit and sweet luv.

  52. Looks like a fun time was had creating these beauties Brenda, gorgeous colours so loving the raindrops too. Haven't had an inky play for so long! Oh and by the way, have a hubby just like yours! Retired from one job to carry on his love of farming now, probably never retire now. Least it will keep him out of my hair lol! Xx

  53. Seems so fun to be able to make so many cards, brenda! Have never heard of Brushos and just checked it out on youtube - it looks cool but I just love how all your cards turned out.

  54. beautiful cards... lovely sceneries... nice rain drops...

  55. These are all amazing. Love the vibrant colours. It seems everyone is talking about these and I was thinking I may have to investigate and then you surprise me with what seems a reasonable price. May have to treat myself to an early birthday present. Hugz

  56. Oh gawd no! I need more Brusho colours! These are blooming brilliant Brenda - I haven't liked my own papers or card when I saturated the card stock and sprinkled the Brusho on so I am going to have to try again lol! I've actually been playing with the set of Aquatints bought me for Xmas today and I have very mucky blue/purple fingers lol! From the Aquatints and some old inks that I am playing with trying to perfect my Northern Lights technique before I do a tutorial. Keep warm huni xx

  57. Wow ... What an amazing collection :-) x

  58. Have not tried the brusho's...but these cards make me want to try. Gorgeous depth of colours in all of them.

  59. Flowers are amazing. Simply stunning. Card is in my favorite color, so I'm delighted.
    The remaining cards also impressed me with its beauty. Brusho gives amazing possibilities

  60. Beautiful work,just learning to use my Brushos,need lots of practice to get them to look like yours!
    Great inspiration!
