
Saturday 17 January 2015

A hint of Spring and some rather exciting news

Saturday morning means it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts but before I tell you about that I have a bit of news to share...............I have been invited to be part of the Tattered Lace inspirational team, exciting or what. Our work along with Stephanie and Nancy's is posted here on an almost daily basis, the blog is new so if you are a Tattered Lace fan or just enjoy using the dies you already have you need to add your name so you don't miss a thing as it's full of tips, inspiration and free downloads.

I feel very honored to be given the opportunity to work alongside the other talented crafters on the team and create with Stephanie's awesome designs. Next Monday 19th January sees the launch of a tattered Lace four day deal on Create and Craft and one of my Allsorts DT pieces this week features some of the new products which include some really clever and rather different embossing folders. I have been busily working away with both the new folders and dies and will be sharing more with you in the coming days...........and that includes some cute, scary or what from me.

So back to our new challenge at Allsorts where Susan has played right into my my hands with the theme of 'Spring Flowers'. We have two fab sponsors this week A Passion for Stamps and Marianne Designs. It's no secret that I love Springtime and don't need much an excuse to create cards with Spring flowers.

On the top card I used one of the new Tattered Lace embossing folders with coredination, sanded it down and cut a circle to make an easel card, I also cut out one of the butterflies to use as an embellishment. I made three flowers using punched shapes and my idea was they are Alstroemeria, I know they are more of a summer flower but there are some Spring varieties......OK with you Susan ? The Ivy is a Tattered Lace die, it's extremely detailed and quite large but cuts like butter with just one run through the e.bosser.

My second card is a little scene that can be seen at the end of our garden every Spring !! I used my Timmy cabinet card die for the base card and stamped with a mixture of Chocolate Baroque and Lavinia stamps, distress markers to add some colour to the flowers and Pussy Willow and Pan Pastels for the sky. Finally I used a mask, grunge paste and glitter to add some fairy magic.

Thanks so much for taking a peek and if you also have fairies at the end of the garden please do tell, it would be nice to know that I am not the only one living in a fantasy world.


  1. Your pretty cards really are a taster of what's to come, sadly not for a week or two by the looks of it!! Couldn't be happier for you on your new Design Team Brenda, you are a certainly a perfect addition and I shall look forward to seeing what you get up to. I haven't bought any Tattered Lace dies....yet, but do have several embossing folders xx

  2. Congratulations, will look forward to your posts for this team! Love the cards.

  3. Wow well done on your news, exciting indeed. Two fab cards today, love sanded Core'd. Would love to think the scene at the bottom was true x

  4. Wonderful beautiful cards and congratulations too.

  5. Hi Brenda, congratulations on being invitied to join the Tattered Lace Team they have one hell of a talented lady on their team now. Thank you so much for all the comments youve been leaving me, Im so sorry for not coming by more often to leave you some its very remiss of me, Ive rather lost the urge to do much Blog Hopping and its selfish of me to expect people to pop by when Ive been so lapse. Anyway I do appreciate it and please forgive me, your cards are always stunning and I think you must be one of those ladies that has lots of mojo, mine seems to go walk about at times and its a struggle for me to get started. Anyway love do take care and look after yourself, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. huge hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  6. Congratulations Brenda that's great news! 2 beautiful cards, I love the completely different layouts. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog xx

  7. Congratulations Brenda that's great news! 2 beautiful cards, I love the completely different layouts. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog xx

  8. Big congratulations on your new DT place. I look forward to seeing all your samples.
    Your cards are stunning, the colours and flowers on your first card are gorgeous and I love the magical scene you have created.
    I hope you have a good weekend.
    Sue xx

  9. WOW, wunderschön eKarten
    glg Gertrude

  10. Congratulations on your new DT , you will be such an asset to them!
    Gorgeous cards today too Brenda. Love the pretty designs and flowers.
    Have a good weekend
    Lorraine x

  11. Stunning cards Brenda! Great inspiration and lovely fairies.
    Congrats and Happy weekend;-))m

  12. Wow a beautiful set of creations. Loving the cheerful yellow and green of the easel card and the dreamy feel to the gorgeous second one. Huge congrats on your well deserved design team spot.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  13. Stunning cards Brenda. Love your colour tones, beautiful image and the design...xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  14. Brenda what great news and a well deserved post....will look forward to seeing your creations...
    Love todays cards to toally different but equally stunning cards


  15. Exciting news Brenda!
    Your cards is very beautiful.

  16. Wow Brenda! Totally stunning creations here and congratulations on your fantastic news too. Tattered Lace dies are so gorgeous so lucky you!
    Fliss xx

  17. Hello Brenda
    Congratulations on your new role with Tattered Lace, you are one lucky lady getting to play with all those fabulous dies. I have a few (as they are quite expensive) which cut beautifully every time no matter how detailed they are. I look forward to seeing the cards you make with these amazing dies.
    Love the cards today especially the fairy one.
    Take care

  18. Love so much fairies!! And love always your cards!
    Today here they are many beauty, expecially the first one, this stand-up circle card is really fabulous, as the sentiment you used and the butterflies in the embossing!!
    Congrats for your task!

  19. Two corkers as always Brenda. Congrats on the TL position! (Feeling a bit grot today so won't be going or listening but have everything crossed). xx.

  20. Hi Brenda, your designs are gorgeous, love the flowers and ivy on the top one. Congratulations to be asked to work on the Tattered Lace Team, their products are beautiful. However they are lucky you said yes. Have fun ! Shirleyxx

  21. Congratulations on your new and well deserved DT spot, can't wait to see what you create with the new folders and dies.
    Love both of these cards, especially all the flowers (punched and stamped). Hope you have a good weekend xx

  22. Big congrats on your new DT position at Tattered Lace! Love their dies - look forward to seeing your creations! Your cards today are gorgeous!

  23. Lovely card Brenda, well done an congrats xx

  24. Hi Brenda, congratulations on your fab news! Super cards once again, love them both. Ruby x

  25. Well Congratulations... I am so happy for you and can not wait to see your creations. Both of your cards are beautiful. The flowers on the first one look stunning.

  26. Beautiful cards Brenda, I especialy like the second one with the scene from the bottom of your garden as soon as I saw it I thought, lucky Brenda with fairies at the bottom of her garden!!!! my six granddaughters would love it if we had them at the bottom of our garden. Enjoy your weekend.

    Pat xx

  27. We got horses at the bottom of our garden. Very pretty cards. Congrats on the Tattered Lace DTship. Hugz

  28. Congratulations on your new DT position, I am excited on your behalf as well as a bit green with envy... I will be following your debut although not on TV. Love your charming faerie scene but no faeries in my garden to report. Maybe it's too cold today!

  29. Oh WOWZER Brenda what fantastic news I am thrilled for you CONGRATULATIONS it all sound so exciting, I love watching the shows on C&C. Brenda I love both these wonderful spring time cards full of so much delight.
    lorraine x

  30. Two beautiful cards Brenda. Both beautiful designed. Lovely flowers on the first one and you've created a wonderful scene on the last. Congratulations with your new DT job! hugs, Marlies

  31. Yay!!! Way to go Brenda!!! I'm not surprised though because all of your creations are stunning.
    You are one of those crafters that are just naturally good at it and I think you're a bit like in me in that you want it to be 'perfick'. My crafting has changed over the last couple of years and without blowing my own trumpet I know that it has improved because of loads of practice and seeing lots of beautiful creations on your blog inspired me to do and be better at this. They should count themselves lucky too Karen xx

  32. Two stunning cards, Brenda. Huge congratulations on your DT position! I was only drooling over some tattered lace dies in a magazine earlier. Can't wait to see what you do with them

  33. Love the green and yellow and those gorgeous flowers, complete contrast with the fabulous pastel colours of the second card.

    Kath x

  34. Beautiful creations, gorgeous flowers on the first.

  35. Congrats on the new Tattered Lace DT - they certainly have some gorgeous dies and l know you will do them proud - my TL die total is one (so far)
    Two stunning cards Brenda, the alstermeria's could almost pass as daffs. Love Love Love the second card - all those catkins, bluebells, crocus - a stunning spring scene. We have fairies too Brenda but usually when l have had a G&T lol, enjoy the rest of the weekend x Susan x

  36. More beautiful work. I have never thought to use a core card stock with an embossing folder. Very effective.

  37. Very nice, and the cards you made in the previous post are stunning!
    Hope you're well!

  38. These are both really beautiful Brenda, and Congratulations they are lucky to have you!!
    Kevin xx

  39. All that gorgeous green on the first card is a winner with me, green is my favourite colour. Both cards are wonderful :o)
    Jackie xx

  40. Wonderful cards and great new Brenda, Congrats, xxx

  41. Congrats on your new DT post with Tattered Lace and they have gain a very talented DT. I am a big fan of dies and really looking forward to your work with Tattered Lace.
    Love how the sanded look on your easel card.

  42. Oh my gosh, congratulations Brenda! Tattered Lace, that's amazing! You will have so much fun on that team, I'm sure...and they are so lucky to have you! Oh boy, I can't wait to see what you make with those gorgeous dies! Love your easel card, so much texture and your cabinet card is so whimsical! Love em both! hugs until next time :)

  43. oh hun you always,produce,such amazing cards,with beautiful detail just love,them to bits,hugs Cherylxxxxxxx

  44. Congratulations Mrs B I am well jealous. Just ordered the big panorama tattered lace deal and eagerly awaiting its arrival. I will be poking you for inspiration now lol. Loving your gorgeous creations. Hugs

  45. Congrats on being part of the Tattered Lace inspiration team, well deserved and I am sure you will love it.
    Great cards here today, very different from each other, using different techniques but equally at gorgeous.

  46. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    da zeigst du uns aber 2 tolle Karten ,die letzte gefällt mir besonders gut,
    glg ulrike

  47. Great news Brenda and congratulations. Love your beautiful cards xx

  48. These are gorgeous Brenda both so pretty. Congratulations on your new position on the Tattered Lace team, very well deserved and you'll be such an assett to the team.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  49. Hi Brenda, two gorgeous cards. Really loving the colours in the shaped easel card. Congratulations of being part of the Tattered Lace inspiration team too.

  50. Congratulations Brenda - thats fabulous news - popped over and joined the site - looking forward to seeing what you do! Gorgeous cards today. Big hugs Brenda and thanks for your kind words. Hugs Rachel x

  51. Gorgeous ... Love the soft colours of the 2nd one :-) x

  52. Congratulations on the new DT, B! I love TL! Your pretty, round easel card looks great with the coredinations paper! Lovely scene in your second card as well. xo

  53. So fab news Brenda ! Congrats !!!!!!!!!!
    Your cards are fab, as always ! ;-)


  54. What a beauty and eye catching details. Beautifully crafted. Thanks for your visit and lovely comment.

  55. BIG congrats on the DT post Brenda, well deserved and your cards are fabulous!
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  56. Congratulations! What a delight to be on that wonderful team. Well done you!

    Your first card is such a fun fold and the flowers and butterfly look fab with that embossed circle.
    Your second...well, what can I say...another wonderful scene and fabulous design!

  57. Congrats on your Guest DT! Always nice as you get some recognigion!!
    Love the scene with the Lavinia fairies and I will hop over to see your GDT-piece. Hope you have a good week, hugs, Gerrina

  58. Love these creations Brenda. Oh WOW what a lovely read! I am absolutely delighted for you - well done you! You enjoy! Judy x

  59. congratulations Brenda!! wonderful cards!! beautiful green one!!
    Moxie Craftie

  60. Congrats on your new DT Brenda - they're so lucky to have you - and such gorgeous cards here too - just love the green one hugs judith x

  61. Congratulation - these are wonderful news. Both cards are amazing.

  62. These cards are lovely. I love that fairy. Congrats on your new DT position.
