
Saturday 10 January 2015

New and cute....eeeek

Time for our new challenge at Allsorts where Mervi would like to see'New and Cute' creation, our sponsor is Cuddly Buddly.

As always the word 'cute' fills me with dread, but a challenge is what it's all about and I am hoping my fairies will count as cute, or at least cute'ish. I bought the Lavinia fairy carriage and quote at the NEC in November and this was their first outing, all stamped in black archival and the background and sky usings torn paper for the hills, a mask for the sun and my usual Pan Pastels. The branches and flowers across the top of my scene are also Lavinia and I just love this Lavinia quote, then the fairy wings, wisteria and carriage curtains have a little glitter added, well you can't have a fairy and no glitter now can you.

Happy weekend all.


  1. WOW, die Karte ist ja ganz was besonderes und so schön gestaltet
    glg Gertrude

  2. The comment about "cute filling you with dread" made me laugh :) lovely card x

  3. I did wonder what you would do with this theme Brenda and I think we can safely say that fairies are cute (the "tidy" fairy that lives with us most certainly is...ahem!!) and in fairyland those tiny horses would be cute too!! So you've nailed it!! xx

  4. Truly cute and adorable card, fabulous fairy fantasy.
    Happy weekend;-))m

  5. There has absolutely got to be a law that say fairy wings have to have glitter. I'm certain of it! ;-)
    Love this card Brenda, it's beautiful! x

  6. Brenda you've created a lovely scene! Don't know about cute, as I'm no specialist or fan of cute myself! Love the quote... xx

  7. Good morning Brenda
    This challenge is right up my street. I love cute images so will definitely be entering this challenge. Your card is beautiful as always, the colours are stunning and yes I think fairies can be classed as cute.
    Enjoy your day. I hope it isn't too windy in your area.

  8. Hi Brenda
    A gorgeous and magical creation, love all your details and inking too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  9. A lovely fairytale card Brenda.
    You seem to have been banished from my reading list as I have missed the last creation (awesome by the way!) - have signed in again!
    Hope things are OK with you. xx

  10. 'Cute' may not be the first word that pops up in my mind, but those fairies are definitely sweet, as is your card, so I think you're safe LOL. I hope you have been able to recuperate from your eventful holidays and am hoping 2015 will be uneventful as far as your health is concerned. My husband and I started the new year off with severe colds but the worst is over now.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Marianne x

  11. Beautiful and magical are the words that popped into my mind as soon as I saw this Brenda, the softness of the colour is so perfect for the silhouette stamps, awesome design.
    lorraine x

  12. Love your awesome creation Brenda , the silhouettes are gorgeous as are the

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  13. Holy cow Brenda! This is straight from a fairy tale, wow! The colours are so dreamy and the entire scene is just so whimsical and magical! Well done!!! Happy weekend, hugs and smiles :)

  14. Something quite different for you Brenda! It's pretty cute and I like the carriage and horses, the quote is brilliant and it's a lovely card


  15. This is stunning Brenda, such a beautiful design and I love the colours.
    Sue xx

  16. Gorgeous Card Brenda!

    I love the fairies, they are cute and your background has been done beautifully.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  17. Stunning card Brenda...hope you are feeling better...


  18. Fabulous! Love the background and the scene! Asd always a great work, stunning!

  19. Beautiful card Brenda, love how you have made a great scene with all your images. Have a great weekend.

    Pat xx

  20. Lovely work B, great scene as usual.

  21. Hallo liebe Branda,
    ich finde deine Karte zauberhaft und die Feen einfach ein Traum,
    glg ulrike

  22. You have still done a lovely card Brenda, xxxx

  23. Such a beautiful and magical card Brenda. I love the colors!

  24. Cute is my favourite style! You did a beautiful job with your cute fairies! Just love your background!

  25. That is CUTE!
    Lovely scene, and I really like the sentiment!

  26. Stunning card Brenda, loving all those Lavinia stamps and a fairy is certainly not a fairy without a sprinkling of fairy dust, enjoy the rest of the weekend x Susan x

  27. Absolutely gorgeous it!
    Lorraine x

  28. wonderful card Brenda.
    I like the color of your card and the sentiment.
    very nice.

  29. very pretty Brenda, I love that soft colour you have used

  30. Definitely cute Brenda, love it. Its like the front cover of a Cinderella story!

  31. Lovely card Brenda, don't worry about cute, those tiny fairies are the cutest sweetest little things, love it!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  32. This is so very pretty, gorgeous shades of PP's and rely lovely images, love the sentiment and how true in more ways than one!
    Things with wings is my horror.

    Kath x

  33. Love that sentiment and it is so very true. Beautiful card and wonderful way you have used the ribbon to attach the sentiment too.

  34. So lovely, that's a wonderful card.

  35. This is gorgeous. I love the scene you've created.

  36. Brenda, what a gorgeous scene you have created and I like the sentiment
    Kevin xx

  37. Gorgeous card Brenda wish I could do backgrounds like that. Yes fairies are cuddly if you can catch them.
    Margaret M

  38. This is gorgeous, love the purple & the yellow together? ... & I love the stamps you have used :-) xx

  39. Beautiful card :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  40. Well, if I knew how to say "no", I would be in so much trouble! lol! It is a very lovely card Brenda and I love the sentiment. NancyD

  41. beautiful scene you have created!! awesome!!

  42. This is gorgeous dearie.Love your new stamps. I think fairies are very cute. Such a stunning scene too.Apologies for the lack of comments lately, can't seem to get back in the swing of things. Hope you're hanging in there and taking things easy.Take care.Big Hugs xxx

  43. Waving right back to you Brenda. Lovely card too. Judy x

  44. Cute enough for the scene!! But I have seen cuter here...just teasing :) Hugs, Gerrina

  45. Oh love this fairy scene ! A wonderful card Brenda !
    Big kisses !

  46. What a beautiful card, so sorry I missed it earlier :o)
    Jackie xx

  47. You do magical and whimsical better than anyone I know Brenda.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x
