
Monday 18 March 2013

Candy and Penny Black and More reminders

Good Morning Peeps, a really quick share before I start work with a reminder that over at Penny Black and More our March challenge 'One for the Boys' still has another ten days to run so plenty of time to join in and today some of the DT are sharing some more of their inspirational work with you.

With Mr Mojo out of town whilst I've had flu I din't get round to making one for that post as the majority of last weeks work ended up on the bin, but here is one really really, really quick card I made first thing just to show willing.

The main image is Penny Black Japanese Maple, the sentiment Penny Black Flourish Birthday and the shading has been done with Pan Pastels.

Don't forget there is a set of Hero Arts stamps to be won in this weeks Saturday candy, I will announce a winner each Saturday drawn from all comments made during the week. All you have to do is:

1) You are a follower (candy only blogs will be discounted)
2) Post the logo above on your sidebar and leave a comment

Have a good week everyone.


  1. Hi Brenda, sometimes the simple things are the most effective. I love this card. Such a gorgeous stamp set off with beautiful colours.
    Dot x

  2. Hi Brenda!
    Very cute cards! I like it )

  3. This is gorgeous Brenda. I love the image and the effect of Pan Pastels is fab. Stunning.
    Hope you will soon feel much better.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  4. This is an elegant card... I love the leaves sillhuette...
    thanks for the chance with the candy, I put the badge on my sidebar.
    Ardilla :)

  5. I love the colors of this beautiful card.
    Gr Elly

  6. Love the simplicity of this card. So tranquil too.

  7. Beautiful card Brenda,fabulous stamping and I like the colours.
    Kevin xx

  8. Lovely card Brenda. Love the doodling around the image and the black and blue frames. They really make the image pop.
    Marianne x

  9. Fabulous card Brenda...just going to post the pic on my side bar


  10. Hi sweetie, so sorry you're down with the flu; I've had my share already! Nevertheless, a gorgeous card hun! Hugs Frea

  11. Stunning card my dearest creative friend^_^
    It's a work of art ^_^
    Have a beautiful day^_^

  12. This more than shows you are willing Brenda - its gorgeous! Nicola x

  13. Fabulous card, Brenda! I love your over stamping with the Japanese Maple. Lovely soft colours, too.

    Thank you so much for your kind words of support when we lost Cookie. We are all missing her so much. Hugs, Sasha xx

  14. Hi, Sue! When you use the pan pastels like that, do you just "scrub the color" into the cardstock? It looks gorgeous, and highlights the leaves, too. A very classy looking card. I very much enjoy the PB solid stamp images - they are just lovely, and your card looks wonderful. hugs, de

  15. Beautiful card Brenda, love the Japanese Maple in real life and this image is gorgeous, looks so good the way you have used it.

    Pat xx

  16. awesome!! Love the stamping...

  17. Oh Gorgeous card Brenda, superb doodling, love that !

  18. such an elegant card - beautiful work xx

  19. A perfect card for a man!! Thanks!!!

  20. So soft and subtle, but very beautiful, Brenda! Love the doodled border.

  21. Wow! So simple, but so beautiful. Love the colours. Hope you're feeling better now, and have a great week. x

  22. Lovely card. Great stamp this PB stamp of the maple leafs.
    xxx Marianne

  23. Hope you're over your flu Brenda! The card is gorgeous, simple is great sometimes :D It is so elegant. I made a card last night to enter your blogaversary challenge, got to take photos of it and upload it now :) I've also added your Saturday Candy logo to my sidebar!

    Tags xx

  24. Beautiful card Brenda! hope you are feeling better xx

  25. Gorgeous card Brenda. I love the image and beautiful colours.
    I hope you are feeling better soon
    Sue xx

  26. This is lovely Brenda, ideal image for a male card. Lovely image and I love the style of the sentiment too. Probably people who aren't crafters wouldn't believe how a different "happy birthday" can alter the look of a card completely.

    Hope you're feeling better. Take care,

    Kat xx

  27. I love your framing of the panel & they way the sentiment has its own gap to extend into the deep white border. The matting upon black & aqua looks super with the pale aqua glow around the image. Hope you're improving quickly.
    Paula (PEP)

  28. Your comment made me laugh Brenda,I must admit I'm a dinosaur also with all things that involve technology,but due to Google closing down their reader on 1st July I have changed to Bloglovin so I can still follow all the blogs I do now and hopefully not lose my followers,so that is why I have Bloglovin,really easy to do,if you ever want to know anything about it just leave me a comment or drop me an e-mail....Beautiful card,I love the image and your design...
    Mandy x

  29. Simple and yet striking, Brenda! Love the fading shadow of the branches and the doodled frame!

  30. Gorgeous card. I hope you have recovered.
    Rosie x

  31. Great card!
    Hope you feel better soon!

  32. What a lovely CAS card. I love the image and the border.

  33. Gett well Brenda !!!
    What a wonderfull clean card, less is sometimes more.
    Thanks for the reminder, I forgot to put your logo in my sidebar... now it´s done *smile
    hugs hellerlittle

  34. What a beautiful card Brenda. I hope you are feeling much better...hugs
    I went to PDA this morning as it's only 12 miles from here. Unfortunately they don't do the right kind of gold and silver linen card but I did get some with different textures :o)
    Jackie xx

  35. This is a stunning CAS card Brenda, just beautiful, I love the colours..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  36. Stylish card Brenda :) and isn't this flu the pits ! hope you on the mend
    Von ♥

  37. This card is so beautiful. I love this CAS-Style and the colors are so fantastic.
    Hugs, Uta

  38. Very classy card Brenda. The image looks fabulous and I love the colours.
    Lorraine x

  39. might have been a quick card but still a beautiful one!
    Lisa x

  40. Absolutely beautiful... the layered stamping is just gorgeous, and the background is stunning - one of my all-time favourites of yours, Brenda!
    Alison x

  41. This looks like such a quick and easy card. I love the stamped image! Great card!

  42. Good thing to hear you are feeling a bit better! This card looks lovely! The colors work really well together. Hugs, Hanneke

  43. Beautiful card Brenda and has a really stylish look to it. Hope your feeling a little better. yes the crackle stamp I have been using is from that set with the corners and you are going to love it !!
    x catherine

  44. An elegant card! And by the great colorchoice it can easily used for a man or a woman. Clever! Hugs, Gerrina

  45. Fabulous stylish card for a man!
    I'll put your logo on the sidebar!
    and... we still have lots and lots of snow;-))m

  46. This is fabulous Brenda - mainly because I love that stamp and have wanted it for years - but not actually managed to get my mitts on it yet. I saw it once at a show on the way out (spent out too)but I'm determined to get it one day.
    Beryl xx

  47. beautiful card, love that it can be used for a guy, love the colors to !!!!

  48. Beautiful card Brenda, Love that image and lovely colours... Hope you are feeling a little better... Hugs May x x x

  49. A really beautiful card Brenda, I love your choice of colors and beautiful work again with the pan pastels. Also thanks for the above post about google reader, I have no clue if I use google reader, but I don't think I do after reading your post, so nothing for me to worry about either.

  50. Wonderful card, I like the doodling around the image.

  51. A lovely simple and elegant card! I love the leaves!
    Pearl x

  52. Just had a feast looking back on all your creations that I missed whilst away, breathtaking as usual! Michelle x

  53. What an elegant and stunning card, love the frame you added

  54. Great image B. love it..subtle shades..

    ..okay a great idea here for my PP too of for item to do it..

    Shaz in oz.x

    PS Just maybe late today D

  55. STUNNING card I LOVE this stamp too! hugs me x

  56. Absolutely gorgeous, love it, that stamp is beautiful
    Lindsay xx

  57. This is gorgeous, love your stamping and the wiggly lines make a terrific frame. I love the colours you have achieved with the pan pastels! Maddy x

  58. Semplice e delicata. l'azzurro è il mio colore preferito.
    un abbraccio

  59. Hi Brenda, this is just stunning. I love the delicate shades in the background and the fabulous stamped maple leaves. A real treat for the eyes. Elizabeth xx
