
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Google Reader changes ????????

Morning Peeps, there seems to be lots of talk going around blogland regarding Google Reader being disabled on 1st July and as I'm something of a dinosaur with anything outside my normal blogging comfort zone and not a social networker, it got me worried so I've been scouting around the tinternet.

I can see loads of people have already changed to something called Bloglovin but not sure what this would give me because as far as I can tell I don't view blogs in Google Reader because when I see new posts from those I follow pop up on my dashboard there is a button to the right which says "View in Google Reader". If I click that it gives is totally different formal to my norm.................I did say I am a dinosaur, so lots of you might grin at this comment. But I hope I am assuming rightly that means I don't actually use Google Reader.

Anyhow, for those of you who remain as confused as I am about it all, this is what I found from Google Forum:

"Your blog won't disappear. Your followers won't disappear. Your list of blogs that you read now might disappear if you use Google Reader but we all have plenty of time to switch to a new reader and truthfully, it's not as big of a hassle as it sounds

The reading list on your dashboard is based on the feed of the blogs you are reading and their feeds are not going away. If you have items in your reading list on the dashboard that are only there because you added them through Google Reader and they are not Blogger blogs, they might be removed from the list when Google Reader goes away but any Blogger blog that is on your Reading List because you used the "following" gadget on another blog to start following it, should remain intact. 

GFC is already a basically discontinued product, and the removal of Google Reader will not affect its status. So if you clicked "follow" on a bunch of blogs, your blogs will still be on your dashboard after July 1st."

It must have been about this time last year that the dashboard interface changes were imposed on us all and seems to me Google is driving us towards fee based blogs, I'm sure it's only a matter of time. There was also similar talk about following and followers all disappearing and many peeps added a different follower gadget, but nothing actually changed on that front Google wise.

I think there is a good degree of tinternet hype and opinions being voiced at the moment as to what we should all do and this leads to panic reaction, but it worries me how much is actually based on fact and would prefer to be able to make an informed decision.

Your views and thought greatly appreciated........................


  1. HI Brenda I am with you on this a complete dinosaur as well...I think you are right about people paying for blogs like everything else thats 'free' there does come a time when we have to pay..I see that quite a few people have alrady taken the step to change but think I will wait a little longer...scaredy cat me..lOl..lOl.


  2. thanks for that Brenda! I'm still confused (my middle aged brain doesn't deal well with change!) and have set more computer literate husband on with task of working out what the changes mean! I haven't signed up to bloglovin yet - but like you I generally just catch up with the blogs I follow when they are updated (and I see them on my dashboard). I'm more concerned that (a) I don't lose my ever-growing list of blogs I follow (as I can't remember them all off-hand!) and (b) that I don't lose the followers from my own blog! So I'll try and do some research too! thanks, Kim x

  3. You'll still be able to see your blogs on your dashboard. Blogger blogs will show up automatically,but if it's a Wordpress or Typepad blog, you will have to add it manually to your dashboard to see it if you don't have it bookmarked somewhere else. A lot of people like a blog feed reader, because they can go back and read all the posts they missed, bookmark favorite posts,etc. The thought of losing that capability is what is making folks upset, but there are many other options, like Bloglovin'

  4. Thanks for finding the above blurb Brenda. I have added things to my readers list just by copying and pasting the URL and that's always seemed to work. I suppose that may change if they are not Blogger blogs though. I got used to the new interface very quickly and I do prefer it to the old one so maybe any changes we do have to endure may be for the better too. As for fee based blogs - I hope that doesn't happen as it will exclude some people from being able to enjoy this great way of keeping in touch and enjoying their crafting.
    Beryl xx

  5. I'm with you, Brenda. I went along with the following disappearing madness last time but this time I just sit back and see what happens. It's not a big problem that Google Reader stops working - Blogger stays and I can see all updates from there (hopefully).

  6. I think I was just as confused as you are/were but thanks for sharing that piece of info, it has cleared up a few of my worries and questions. I do read my blog updates through Google reader so have signed up with a new one. But as far as I can tell it seems like you just read and keep up with blogs through the main blogger dashboard page so I don't think this will effect you at all :) ...I hope lol
    Fiona L x

  7. If I read bit like you put it on your blog I can only say that, if you, like me, don´t use Google reader, there is nothing that changes. They are not trowing the follow posibility out, so...I ´wont have to do anything.
    As long as you don´t use Google reader you (and I) should be oke!

    Hugs, Gerrina

  8. its all confusing, hope the blogs IIII follow and mine are not effected by it!!

  9. I've given up with the Reader function & just have links on a dummy blog sorted via date order so I can always see when there is a new post. I've added the link
    Paula (PEP)

  10. Thanks Brenda, I am also very confused and that does not take much lol. I have logged into the bloglovin thingy but not sure about that at all. So I will be watching you carefully for any more

    Thanks again

  11. I don't understand,sorry,I use now Google Chrome,because I had problems with Google reader,I don't now if can help you my dear friend.
    I see many lady request 'follow me on Blogvin' but I thought is one more thing...
    Please let me know if you receive suggests by mail from other can help you,so I can know can I do with my blog,Thanks a lot^_^
    Big hug,

  12. As I read it, it only influences the option of followers. Now you follow blogs with Google friend connect and that will stop working. Also people can follow your blog this way, so your followers will go away. But by using for instance a service as bloglovin all your followers are transfered with 1 push of a button. And then all will work as before.
    Don't know if Google is really going but I took it as a precausion to register with bloglovin.

    Sorry if my English isn't that good...

  13. Hi Brenda, Thanks for the info, it sounds as though things wont change too much, and all the blogs I read are through 'Following' so 'fingers crossed' I must admit I hate change!
    Avril xx

  14. Another confused dinosaur here Brenda, I'm not sure what, if anything i'm going to do. I suppose as usual i'll be last minute and wait and see what happens nearer the time. It doesn't sound as bad as I first thought though having seen the information you've found so thank you for sharing that
    Claire xx

  15. I'm not even sure what's happening now. But I guess I'll have to wait and see also... Reading this post makes me updated.. Thanks for sharing!!!

  16. Thanks for the info Brenda. I'm one of those persons who sit back and wait until something is really changing and by then many other people have already found and shared a solution. It's good to know that this change primarily affects Google Reader and GFC. I normally copy the url of the blog I want to follow and add it to my Dashboard, so it seems that I will be fine (for now), just like you.
    Marianne x

  17. I would like to join your dinosaur club too, Brenda! I have heard about it but I told myself not too worry too much until I see some alarming sign! (might be too late) However, after reading your mail, I am more relaxed now as we, blogger blog will not be affected if it comes to the basic stuff. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  18. Thanks for the explanation Brenda, I think there are quite a few dinosaurs about lol. I laughed out loud at your comment on my blog this morning lol. Nice to know you can recognise my cards so easily lol (I think).

  19. Brenda, Thanks for posting this. I was quite confused.

  20. Thanks for the information Brenda. Like you I have seen loads of posts about this over the last few days and, since I don't like technical changes I was feeling less than impressed. From what you have posted though it does indeed look like the blog list on the left of the dashboard will stay in tact and that sounds good to me! I guess it is just a case of watch this space and see what happens!

    Sharon x

  21. Not sure how this affects me either Brenda. I mainly catch up with blogs when I see them at the top of my bloglist or challenge list in my sidebar. Not keen to start messing about with something new. I remember people changing to some other sort of followers list last year but I just left well alone then and I'll probably do the same now unless I have to change.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  22. Hi Brenda , like you i am not panicking and am just going to see what happens
    Thanks for the info
    Lisa x

  23. Ouchh ! Don't understand very much...So i wait and see, lol ! glups !!

  24. Now I'm more confused Brenda. I though the followers were disappearing. I have signed up to Bloglovin' just in case. On,y took me a couple of minutes and if the blogs I follow disappear from my reading list I won't have lost them.

  25. I think you must have read my mind today Brenda as I have been looking into this over the last few days and came to exactly the same conclusion. I too only view the blogs I follow on my dashboard and the google reader button is to the side and gives a very different view. That means that I do not use Google reader and it will not change anthing when it goes. The only problems that bloggers will have is if they used the friends connect, or RSS feeds to follow blogs. To follow non blogger blogs I always subscribe to via email. I think there has been a lot of panic out there and a bit like the non existant millenium bug which never happened I think this is likely to do the same! I was going to put out a post but I am delighted to see you have done this, thank you. Jane x

  26. Thanks for the info Brenda, i don't use the reader if i did i would never get out the chair i'd be there all day lol, the only ones i'm interested in are those blogs i have on my side bar and challenge blogs, as far as i can see bloglovin is just a facebook thing it just keeps all those blogs you are following from networked blogs in 1 place, i have noticed on the dashboard gadgets a new gadget called google+ followers and i believe this is to replace the old version not sure but i have added it and will see what happens when the time comes
    have a lovely evening xx

  27. One more Dinosaur here lol. I just will wait and see, we still have lots time.
    Hugs Nat

  28. My views and thoughts?? ((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))) I had not realized there was so much fear out there about Reader going away. You are sweet to educate those who have fallen victim to the fear ((((((((( more hugs ))))))))))))) because you can never get too many LOL hugs, de

  29. I read blogs like you do Brenda so here is another dinosaur over here in Canada

  30. I had not heard anything about Google Reader going away, but I hardly ever use it, so no worries to me. The notes you posted says that Blogs you are 'following' will still show up in your reader, so I'm not worried :) Thanks for sharing the information! Shirleyx

  31. Impressive color in the Blog Header. Well done!!!!

  32. I tried to sign up for Bloglovin the other night and was going to try again, but after reading these comments, it seems I have no need as I can see my followed blogs in blogger. cheers.
    Lynn x

  33. Oh sorry I don't understand my blog and my followers continue to exist?
    The blog I follow on my sidebare continue to exist or not?
    Can you explain a little bit for me,by a comment on my blog or by mail,if you have time?
    Thanks so much,

  34. That would be right, o normally use the dashboard but have started using Google reader on my phone of a night time. That way I can be in the lounge room with hubby and have time together. I will have to keep an eye out for changes. Thanks for letting us know Brenda. :-)

  35. Hi Brenda,
    If you are happy with how you view blogs then you have no need to change, I wasn't reading fellow bloggers blogs before was too much faffing foe me (maybe I wasn't doing it right hehe) but I can now follow and comment on all posts an blogs I follow cos it's so much easier with them popping up in an app on my phone or via the daily email they send :) It's your choice if you are happy with how you do it stay as you are :) xx

  36. I use the dashboard too B. dinosaur or no! :D

    .. and wondering why it is such a scare going on? several blogs have been to have asked you to join with bloglovin' which seems you to want facebook which I dont like at all..
    Your info is very reassuring as you say truth and fiction are hard to define at times,
    God bless dear friend, Shaz in Oz.x

  37. Yes it is a bit confusing. It may not affect my follower list but I decided to join Blogluvin today just to cover me in the event that I should lose any followers on July 1st.
    Joining Blogluvin was easy so no problems there and it copied all my followers over in seconds. It gave me the OPTION of connecting to facebook which I declined. I looked at it this way- If the change does not affect me then I have lost nothing and will just delete Blogluvin. If it does then I have covered myself. Simple as that,peace of mind really.

  38. Oh my.
    I LOVEEEEEEEE the follower widget.
    I don't use facebook or even visit it and I hate google reader so I really hope they don't change things too much :(

  39. Found it. I don't use Google reader either so it still looks like we're OK. I always add through the follow this blog bit if it's there or add the URL manually. Keeping my fingers crossed though.
    Beryl xx
