
Saturday 16 March 2013

Spring Poppies and Saturday candy

Good Morning to you all, time for another challenge at Allsorts and this week Sarah is cooking up a 1,2,3 recipe for us.

But before I tell you about my card I want to let you know about my new Saturday giveaways. When I had my craft room spring clean last month I came across quite a few brand new items that I have never used and I figure probably never will...............impulse buys that seemed a good idea at the time. And realistically there is no point in hoarding when somebody could put them to good use.

So every Saturday I will post a new crafty item and announce a winner the following Saturday from all comments left during the week, if you leave more than one then you get entered again. Simple as that and the only other requirement is that......................

1) You are a follower (candy only blogs will be discounted)
2) Post the logo above on your sidebar

Here's what' up for grabs this week, a set of Hero Arts stamps:

Now onto my DT card and I admit that I was a bit weary of the brief as I don't often mix two different DP's and apart from flowers and leaves and the odd pearl or gem use few embellishments, so I am hoping this will fit the bill. I masked the top and bottom of the reverse side of a piece of Centura Pearl..............I tend to use this a lot for my inky projects as it's so much cheaper than my favourite Fabrinano watercolour card....................but gives equally good results.

Next I sponged Pan Pastles, red, orange, yellow and brown, masking a sun of course...........have to have one of those............the repeat stamped one of the new Spring stamps from Penny Black 4308K Field of Poppies. I coloured the flowers with the red Pan Pastel and the stems and corn with watercolour pencils. I mounted onto some red and black DP's and added three butterflies as my embellishments and liquid pearls for their flight path.

And here's one extra card using the Etched Rose stamp from FlonzCraft who are one of you sponsors this week, the other is My Heart Pieces.

I hope you will be able to join in our challenge this week and will pop in and see you all, meanwhile have a lovely weekend everyone.


  1. Another stunning poppy card Brenda, it is soooooooooo beautiful :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Beautiful card!!! Love the poppies :)

  3. This is beautiful Brenda. The 'view' makes me think if lying in a field and looking through the flowers.
    Beryl xx

  4. Hi sweety,this new card is really gorgeous,your favourite elements on it:butterflies and flowers,especially the Field of Poppies^_^
    Thanks for all chance give us to win many beautiful prizes^_^
    I'm going to put your logo on my sidebar^_^

  5. Blow the's beautiful anyway!! x

  6. What a beauty, love the colours, Jx

  7. YES... poppies and butterflies. These are a few of my favorite things (Sound of Music lyrics hahaha).
    Great card and I have to try these with the beautiful red from Panpastel too. Love the butterflies!!
    xxx Marianne

  8. What a nice way to "get rid" of some things you haven't used. Thank you for the chance.
    Love your card - so CAS and love the sparkly background.

  9. This is lovely Brenda. Tracy x

  10. I like it :) I want take part in candy...

  11. Quick work Brenda and it looks great, both do. xxx

  12. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the poppies and the wonderful sky on your first card. The image, papers and flowers on your second card are beautiful and I love the colour scheme
    Sue xx

  13. Hi Brenda, both equally stunning! The top one is just so tranquil and perfect. Ruby x

  14. Both very pretty cards Brenda. Hope you have a good weekend. Carolxx

  15. Absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda, especially the poppy one with the stunning Pan Pastel effect. You're being so generous too with that wonderful candy idea too and will pop the badge on my sidebar for you.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  16. Both cards are stunning, Brenda, though my personal favourite is the top one with the poppies, but then I adore poppies. Your candy logo is now on my sidebar and a pretty addition it is too :) Elizabeth xx

  17. Although both cards are pretty, the first one is my favourite. You've created such a tranquil scene with those poppies and butterfies and that bottom border is a perfect finishing touch. Do you have any idea how many poppy stamps you own?
    I will put the logo on my sidebar.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Marianne x

  18. I really love how you sponge the sun. Seen it on a few of your cards. Must try that some time.

  19. Lovely cards - the poppy one is glorious!
    Alison x

  20. I love your scene and the rays with the sponging on the first card, gorgeous ! Love the poppies as well. Your 2nd card is also beautiful. Have a great weekend, Shirley (ps don't worry about me in the draw, I've also been giving away excess to friends)

  21. Oh fabulous creations again ! I'm in love with the card with de poppies ! The second is a beauty too, of course !
    Thanks for the chance to win !
    and you know, my card is reday for your great challenge ;-))

  22. Both cards are so beautiful. I love them!
    Hugs, Uta

  23. Hi Brenda, I like both of these very much. That rose stamp is particularly gorgeous.
    Rosie x

  24. Beautiful card, love the flower in the corner.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  25. The second card is so beautiful :))
    hugs from Poland!

  26. Love the cards - the poppies are stunning.

  27. Two stunners your gorgeous poppies and love the mixture of music and colour papers of your second card


  28. It's beautiful. I love the colours!

  29. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I love the poppies, I love the musical papers with the lovely rose, Thank you for a chance to win some goodies. I am off to post your badge in my side bar,
    Kevin xx

  30. I love your cards with flowers :) Thank you for another chance to win. I'm going to put your logo on my sidebar. Hugs, Aluna

  31. Hi Brenda, love your cards, expecially the top one, the background is just gorgeous and I love those 'rays', so pretty. Aren't we the lucky one that you like cleaning LOL!! Will place your logo in my sidebar. Have a great weekend, hugs Frea

  32. Oh these are gorgeous Brenda I absolutely love the how you do your sun rays and the colours are beautiful, and a beautiful layout on the second card, sorry that I have been a bit rubbish this week will have a scroll through and catch up with what you have been up to. I am working on a card for your competition but I actually have another idea as well so you might get two if I can get myself in gear lol.
    Will pop your saturday give aways badge on my blog now too =)
    Lindsay xx

  33. Both of these are so beautiful Brenda. Love the poppies and the colour and love the layout to the second card. Will pop your candy on my sidebar and so generous to offer regular Saturday candy.

    x catherine

  34. This is such a great idea to have weekly candy Brenda, you are so very generous. You always make such perfect scenes on your cards. Have a good weekend and I hope your cold is on its way out? xx

  35. Really like the background you created on the first card, great cards. Hope you are feeling better. :) Got a golf match tomorrow so wishing it will not be too wet and cold. :)

  36. Lovely cards Brenda.
    Thanks for your many giveaways.
    Gr Elly

  37. Beautiful cards. I love the 'rays' coming off the sun on the first card. Beautiful.

  38. Love this poppies card very much Brenda. Really wonderfil
    nicecweekend and lovely greet

  39. I love that first card of yours - the scalloped edge with the black matting is quite striking & I love that butterfly flying off your background. I've put your logo into my sidebar. I know what you mean about impulse buys too - I've just given my local crafting friend a whole load of things that I'm not going to use.
    We've got snow here - very strange indeed.
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    Paula (PEP)

  40. two stunning cards Brenda,

  41. The first card is a true artwork! And perfect for the challenge! The rose is so beautifully colored on the second; you just now how to inspire me again! Hope you're having a good weekend, hugs, Gerrina

  42. I love your poppy card and your explanation of the making. Will add your candy to my side bar. Hugs Mrs A.

  43. Two stunning cards, Brenda. I love them both, but the top one just has the edge for me. Gorgeous colours! I will add your logo to my sidebar too. Maybe I need to do this, as I am running out of room for new goodies!

  44. beautiful card Brenda - really wonderful - and thanks for the chance on the saturday giveaways - will pop your logo in my sidebar! Hugs rachel xx

  45. Wow, both cards are great! I love the way you used the stamp on your second card. What a great idea to offer your unused items in a candy every week! Hugs, Hanneke

  46. Guess which one is my favourite lol.. fabulous!
    Lisa x

  47. Such stunning cards, your talent always blows me away! xx

  48. Two fabulous cards Brenda. Thank-you so much for being so generous with weekly candy and for chance to win. Pic on sidebar. Nicola x

  49. Love your new poppy stamp, you make the most gorgeous poppies. Like how you turned the dies on point in your second card.

  50. Hello lovely Brenda!

    Your first card looks so much like your blog header, I LOVE it!

    I do have a card done for your challenge, but I want to do another one as well!

    Have popped your logo in my sidebar xoxo

  51. Fantastic Cards the 1st one looks like your blog header :) thanks for the chance to win hugs Nikki
    I have some candy too :)

  52. It's beautiful! I will add your logo to my sidebar too.

  53. Two beautiful cards! A lovely sunray background with the flowerfield and the otherone is very stylish. hugs, Marlies

  54. Gorgeous cards as always Brenda Love the poppies...Thank you so much for the chance with the fabulous candy...will post on sidebar.. Have a great Sunday.. Hugs May x x x

  55. Your card looks like your header..... Beautiful. The second card is very pretty too.

  56. Two lovely creations, Brenda. Your sun rays behind those poppies are fabulous. Hugs, Lesley

  57. Both the cards are very pretty!! Love the first one more..

  58. Oh.. and yes!! the first card looks like your header!! :)

  59. Brenda the first card is superb, I always wonder how you get the sizes and proprtions right when stamping your scenes. I really love this one. Gorgeous second card, love the colour scheme and roses too.

    I have added your candy logo to my side bar for your Saturday giveaway, it's a wonderful and generous thing to do Brenda, there's gonna be some happy bloggers out there each week.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  60. Your card is gorgeous! The rose is so beautiful! I will add your logo on my blog :) I am so happy that I found your blog :)

  61. Stunning projects, thanks for joining us at Artistic Inspirations this week :) xx -Paula DT

  62. So beautiful! I love the wonderful poppies and the rays of the sun! Then your second card is truly delightful! Love the papers you've paired and the wonderful flower you've stamped! Have a wonderful day!

  63. Two lovely cards, Brenda! I especially have fallen in love with the poppy card. I had not thought about creating a fantasy colored sky full of sun rays! It is beautiful, and makes me want to make the same type of background! Thanks for the fantastic ideas (and so proud of you for cleaning out your craft room in a single day! wowser!) hugs, de

  64. Wonderful card! And the idea of the blog candy is awesome! Thanks for the chance!

  65. Another beautiful poppy card, the sunrays are amazing. The rose card is stunning, I just love the vintage feel to it : )
    TIA for your generous giveaways, am looking forward to what goodies you want to get rid of in the coming weeks/months; it might give me incentive to clean out my space (but probably not : )

  66. Hi Brenda, I'm so glad to be home from my babysitting duties and catch up with my favourite blogs again. I love this poppy card, it's stunning. The rose card is equally stunning but as you know I can't resist poppies in any form. I may have to buy this stamp. OK no may about it I will have to buy it! I love the embellishments on the second one but all the poppy card really needs is that lovely butterfly.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  67. Gorgeous cards, Brenda! Love the sun rays with the poppies.

  68. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the poppies on the first and the gorgeous roses on the second.
    Lorraine x

  69. Both cards are fantastic, but I really love that sunset! It is wonderfully beautiful. I would love to have more details and directions on how exactly you sponged it to get those lines.

  70. Oops! Forgot to add that I will be posting your Saturday giveaway pic in my sidebar.

  71. 2 stunners, your cards have such style x

  72. Your cards are beautiful Brenda.
    I added your logo on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance,
    Gr Elly

  73. What fun to enter these draws!
    Your cards are superb! I love the first one as it is just so you! I have grown to associate these cards with you...the econd is fab in it's own lovely in the contrasts of colour...bold and beautiful!

  74. Forgot to say that I added your giveaway in my sidebar!

  75. I'm back again and now I'm catching up... you've been very creative the last few days, wonderful pieces to see.
    I especially love the one with the poppies.

  76. Oh B... those poppies - oh they totally melt my hear - adore that stamp so delicious and yes the background is great too.. and well greeting stamps we can all do with them great candy, Shaz in oz.x

  77. Brenda both this cards are totally awesome... My fav has to be the poppies and I am really taken with your sun! wow!! hugs me xx

  78. Hi Brenda, just wanted to pop over and say thank you for the lovely comment you left on my Allsorts 3-2-1 entry - it means a lot to me so thank you very much!
    I've had a good look through your blog hun and I love a lot of the cards I've seen, your poppies are stunning, which is a flower I particularly love! Beautiful art, very inspirational hugs Karen P

  79. Love the sky effect around the sun.
    Wouldn't mind having some of that here.
    Again I adore the lace effect around the frame image on the second card.
    Really do look like lace don't they ? :)

  80. Beatiful poppies!!!
    The sky (here) is sad and grey... where is the spring?!?!?!?
    Chiara (from Italy)
