
Sunday 11 November 2012

Shrinky fluterbys

Good evening to you all, I hope you've all had a good weekend.

I promised to share some more of the butterfly samples I made for Stamp Addicts program which is on Create and Craft TV tomorrow at 11am, it's a two hour show so don't forget put it onto record........note to self !!

Both of these two cards have the large butterfly from the set stamped onto shrink plastic and coloured with Pan Pastels before shrinking. I think this is one of the most enjoyable butterflies I've ever used on shrinky, because it's such a large stamp with fabulous detail none of that is lost when it's reduced in size. And of course as with any colouring medium the colour of the Pans intensifies when shrunk.

The card at the top has a simple border created with an Imagination Craft stencil and sparkle medium and the butterfly coloured to match. I bought a couple more stencils and colours at the NEC on Friday and I'm quite looking forward to having a play with them.

The frames on the bottom card were created with one of the little corner silhouette stamps shown on a previous program, but all are still available from Stamp Addicts here.

Enjoy the rest of your evening, soon be time for the result shows of both Strictly and the X Factor.......... despite all good intentions not watch this year I was hooked from the start, mind you there are so few decent programmes lately the choice is limited.


  1. How exciting for you to have your samples shown on Create and Craft. They are gorgeous. Such beautiful butterflies and love the stamped backgrounds.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  2. Love your butterfly cards Brenda.

  3. Beautifully shrinked butterflies. Love the background of the first card.

  4. Two lovely cards Brenda, you do make lovely scenes with your stamps

    jacqui x

  5. These are gorgeous I love the colours and the butterflies are beautiful. Caroline xxx

  6. They are both so gorgeous Brenda...and I will be recording the show too hun...:o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  7. Wow 2 beautiful creations,I love the colors.
    Gr Elly

  8. ooh they are gorgeous ... i love shrinky but don't use it enough!
    Lisa x

  9. Gorgeous cards Brenda such a beautiful butterfly. I like the effect of shrink plastic but not used it for a while. Have made a note to get hubby to record the show tomorrow. I am a strictly fan - it is the only programme that l manage to watch all year lol. Take care x Susan x

  10. Stunning cards Brenda. Love those butterflies. They look amazing in shrink plastic. The first card is my favourite, I love the border. Thanks for the reminder about the Stamp Addicts programme, I'd best go and set it to record before I forget!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  11. Brenda this is breathtaking beautiful. Fantastic.
    Lovely greet

  12. Beautiful cards... I love butterfly cards, these are just so effective.
    Kim M

  13. Great Card B. Just back from a weekend at stampaddicts. Tracy xx

  14. Gorgeous cards Brenda and just love your shrink plastic butterfly looks great on your sparkly mask


  15. Brenda stunning cards as usual, trying hard to resist the PanPastels.

  16. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the sparkle on the first one, so pretty!

    Tags xx

  17. Beautiful cards Brenda. I love the colours and gorgeous butterflies.
    Lorraine x

  18. WOW!! those butterflies look amazing. I love the colours and wonderful layouts


  19. Stunning cards, Brenda. Those butterflies in shrink are superb and thanks for the info on colouring them with Pan pastels - not something I would've thought of trying!

  20. These cards are really beautiful love butterflies, I really like the 2nd one but both are gorgeous Hugs Denise xx

  21. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. Love the background with the sparkle medium. Stunnig.
    Glad to have given your hubby a reason to smile this morning.
    Beryl xx

  22. Amazing combination of stencils & shrink plastic in both samples - I can see you're enjoying both the stencils & the PanPastels.
    Paula (PEP)

  23. Stunning Butterfly cards Jules! Love the embossing and shimmer! Great vines and flourishes!

    Hey Brenda, please send me an email with your address so I may prepare a christmas card to send you, dear!

  24. A beautiful card Brenda. Whoops, sorry I messed up with the Penny Black and More entry, I had missed the fact that digis are not allowed. I do apologise. Judy x

  25. Both of your cards are just Gorgeous!!Loved the way you have created the Bg on the first one and the butterflies look just amazing !!

  26. Stunning work with the butterflies, Brenda! Have never worked with shrink plastic before but I love how it turned out.

  27. Ooooh, I am so behind the times...I did now know about the shrink plastic! It looks gorgeous!
    Both cards are so lovely.

  28. These butterflies indeed stay beautiful when schrinked! Love the frame you made on the second card and af course the colours of the butterflies! Hugs, Gerrina

  29. More gorgeous flutterby cards, they are so pretty. I am still hunting for my shrink plastic which I have put away so safely it is well hidden BooHoo :o)
    Jackie xx

  30. Brenda these butterflies are so beautiful. Two gorgeous creations. Note to oneself get out the shrinky.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  31. TWo really beautiful cards!!! Have a great week.

  32. Both gorgeous cards, loving the butterfly stamps, they look great in the shrink plastic! xx

  33. So enjoyed the show and saw some of your cards! These are so pretty and what a clever idea to use wire for their "feelers" (cannot think of the right word!) I need to get my shrink plastic out again and play! Michelle x

  34. Wow! These are so beautiful, I love the your shrink plastic butterflies, they look amazing
    Lindsay xx

  35. I loved Then!!! But the first is perfect!!!


  36. These are so FAB cards Brenda!!! Love them :)
    Hugs (:Betka:)

  37. Such beautiful cards again Brenda ! Colors are so beautiful, and love all sparkles on the first !
    have a nice day my friend !

  38. Hi Brenda, what a lovely effect those shrunken butterflies! Love it! Hugs Frea

  39. Gorgeous cards Brenda... Those Butterflies are Stunning.... Hugs May x x x

  40. The butterflies are beautiful created in shrink plastic Brenda!

  41. How fantastic....the colours have come up so well when these butterflies have shrunk. Brenda you have created such lovely cards with them. I so should dig out my shrinky plastic.
