
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Storm clouds brewing

Good morning Peeps, hope everyone is having a good week.

I'm a bit behind showing you my mid month DT inspirational cards, so apologies to my team mates at Craft a Scene and FlonzCraft Vintage Stamping challenges. The delays all stem from my computer problems last week when several of my schedule posts were deleted along with some of the images in my gallery, so it's been back to basics as I've had to start again with a lot of my work. 

The card at the top follows this months theme at Craft a Scene where it's all about 'Troubled Skies'. I wanted to achieve a really brooding stormy sky and used the cumulus stamp from Stampscapes along with several others to create the scene and coloured with Pan Pastels. 

My second card following our 'Traditional Christmas' theme uses another of the lovely vintage style images from FlonzCraft which are paper pieced with Kaiser Craft DP and I use the coordinating ones for the background and poinsettia which is a spellbinder die.

As anyone who visits regularly will know I really enter challenges nowadays as my eyes can't cope with all linking up, but today I'm going to have a go as I've seen a couple on my DT rounds which I think these cards would work for. 

The first is the top card which I would like to enter into:

An Oldie but a Goodie - Anything but Christmas (all stamps are oldies by a good few years)
Speedy and Friends - Add a fence

and he second card:

J&C Creations - Floral delights - I am hoping my poinsettia will fit the bill

Have a good Tuesday and is always thinking so much for visiting.


  1. Two great card, love the scene you created.

  2. Two lovely cards but I do like the first one best, love the image. xxx

  3. Two fabulous cards Brenda the sky in your scenic one is you traditional Christmas card also


  4. Your 'stormy' sky is fabulous Brenda and the whole scene is brilliant. You really have taken to Pan Pastels like a duck to water.
    The second card is brill too. Love those papers and the image - well - don't I just wish I could EVER have fitted into a dress like that.
    Beryl xx

  5. Wow,these are fabulous cards! Love the storm clouds!!It`s Great!!
    Have a wonderful day,Brenda!
    HUgs,Kari :)

  6. Stunning cards Brenda, the Christmas one feels of a bygone ago with those shades of red and green and gorgeous image and just love the water scene, reminds me a bit like the lakes when we where in Canada. Carolxx

  7. Oops - new operating system on the laptop - just lost my comment as the screen slid sideways!! Love the brooding sky & the sense of the outback/country that the first one gives. the lace & colours of the second are so pretty & very Victorian in feel. Take care with all the computer gymnastics.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  8. Your cards are lovely! I like the dark storm clouds on the masculine card (the fisherman should get off the lake by the look of them but that's when the fish really start biting, isn't it? Along with the mosquitos!lol)
    Your Christmas card with the gorgeous retro stamp of the couple dancing. Love the gold tips on the flowers.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. Hi Brenda, Wow, I love the top card, really gorgeous card. Hope all is well with you. Pami x

  10. OMG Brenda that scene is so amazing, I don't know how you do it, but it's stunning, a work of art.
    Love the vintage style xmas creation, the poinsettia is lush and the image is fabulous.
    Don't forget to link up to OBAG with us.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  11. Hi Brenda,
    Both cards are so different to each other, and both absolutely gorgeous! The first one feels so peaceful and then under that there is a party going on!!! lol
    Dot x

  12. These are fantastic Brenda, that first one...the sky is amazing! Well, the whole thing is amazing but the sky is just phenomenal, I don't have any idea how you can make inks and colours look like that lol :P

    The second one is gorgeous too, I love that poinsettia die, I really must try and invest :P

    Tags xxx

  13. Hi Brenda, LOVE your Christmas card, the papers & poinsettia are gorgeous together with your design. The scene is great too ! I hope you are doing well, Shirleyx

  14. Love the scenery card! The sky looks just as I saw these here about 10days ago! The second card does take my back to Newyear parties when I was a child... Love the colours on that one! Hugs, Gerrina

  15. Two beautiful card's. Caroline xxxx

  16. Beautiful cards Brenda! Love the sky on the first one and the dimensional flower on the second card is so pretty.

  17. Hi Brenda, these are truly gorgeous. You've created a perfectly troubled sky! Ruth x

  18. Both gorgeous cards Brenda, the scene on the first one is just breath taking and I love the papers, the lace and the poinsettia on the second one
    Lindsay xx

  19. These are both gorgeous Brenda.
    I love the colours and the scene with that wonderful sky on your first card.
    The vintage image on your second card is beautiful and the poinsettia looks wonderful


  20. Something is definitely brewing in the first card Brenda - it is another of your lovely scenic cards. The second is a lovely Christmas card, the poinsettia is gorgeous. Pauline xx

  21. Two beautiful cards Brenda, the scene on the first is absolutely gorgeous.

    Pat xx

  22. Oh so nice cards again dear Brenda ! The sky of the first is fantastic, and the second is so elegant, love the flower !
    Have a nice day !

  23. Computers can be such a pain can't they Brenda. 2 lovely cards here, I so like the paper poinsettia you have made...gorgeous.
    Jane x

  24. Lovely Brenda, I especially like the first card I do think you make some really good scenes

    jacqui x

  25. O my word Brenda.... That sky looks real.. Fantastic scene.. Love the second too very elegant card...Hugs May x x x

  26. Thanks for your visit, Brenda. I am also suffering with computer problems - it is the 13th of the month though, so it should not be a surprise really. I love your two cards, especially the DT one. If you are having trouble with seeing the screen, I believe there is a gadget that you can get to magnify it all, or you can increase the size of all print. I really enjoyed playing with the charcoal, and it was all apart of pushing myself to do something that I was not comfortable with to learn for myself. have a good week. xx Maggie

  27. Wow these are stunning Brenda, love both of them, both a stunning work of art. ... yes you rarely enter challenges, was quite surprised when I saw :) Good luck xxx

  28. Hi Brenda that first card is outstanding, everytime I see one of these images I really want to be transported to wherever it is, the scenes always look so peaceful and serene, excellent card, the second one is also a beauty fabulous image and colours.
    lorraine x

  29. Two great cards. The first dark and a bit stormy...that fisherman should head for shore and fish over a rocky outcrop!
    The second is so pretty! That poinsettia is gorgeous.

  30. Both beautiful cards Brenda, love the scene on your OBAG card, your colouring is so perfect. Please mention your over 6 month item to be in with a chance of winning tho. Great poinsettia on the 2nd card too by the way. Jx

  31. Love both your cards Brenda, great image on the Christmas card & I love the way you have made your poinsettia. Thanks for joining us at J & C Creations this month.

  32. Forgot to say thank you for reminding me of the Penny Black and more. I haven't stamped for quite a while so had forgotten about this challenge. I updated my card.

  33. Two beautiful cards Brenda. I got it right this time at Penny Black and More! Haha. Judy x

  34. Two stunning card Brenda and the first one is just amazing - so much work it must have taken hours l think l would want to frame it and put it on display. Well done on entering challenges - hope you are lucky, take care x Susan x

  35. Both these cards are lovely Brenda, but I really love your silhouette cards a lot! You can almost imagine yourself there standing by the water early in the morning. Its beautiful!
    Pearl x

  36. Oooo!La!La! I ran out of words for your stormy card, Brenda!

  37. Brenda you've created two wonderful cards, love the soft colors on the first and the poinsettias on the second one.

  38. oh wow i just love those storm clouds .. although i prefer them on your card to in the sky lol
    Lisa x

  39. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. The stormy skies look absolutely fabulous, and I love teh scene you've created. The poinsettia on your second card is a stunner, i love the gold tips.
    Lorraine x

  40. They are both amazing Brenda especially that scene one. I am always in awe of these creations of yours!!

  41. Beautiful cards Brenda. Inspirational. I think my favourite is the first one, it's so true to life.

    Hope your computer is behaving better now!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  42. Both cards are absolutely beautiful Brenda, I love the first one, I wish I could make cards like that, and I like the image and poinsettia on the second.
    Kevin xx

  43. two stunning cards Brenda. Hope all has settled down since the computer issues last week. You have probably guessed that I love your scene x

  44. Great Stampscape. THanks for joining Speedy Fox and Friends.

  45. terrific thanks for playing along at Speedy Fox and friends

  46. Both cards are wonderful, but the top one is my favourite :o)
    Jackie xx

  47. Me again, Thanks for joining our challenge Oldie But A Goodie with this fabulous entry, one day when we get together Brenda i'm gonna sit down and watch you create one of these marvellous scenes.
    good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  48. Both cards exquisitely done Brenda. Your stamping really is artwork. Nicola x

  49. Love your stormy are so great at creating scenes. Thanks for joining us at Speedy Fox and Friends this week.

  50. super cards, I really love the festive card the image rocks and really reminds me of a christmas party! and I dont have to tell you how much I love the scenes you create!

  51. Gorgeous scenery & colors! Thanks for joining us at Speedy Fox & Friends.

  52. gorgeous cards brenda! i love how every one of your cards is just so different; i think i should learn to mix things up a bit. i love the calming effect and colours of the first and the traditional look of the second with the beautiful poinsettia.
    have a good weekend,

  53. Wow, wow, wow, the stormy scene is just amazing, you are sooooo clever with your inks x

  54. Love them escpecially the second one with the beautiful colors!

  55. Two gorgeous cards your colouring is amazing love it Hugs Denise xx

  56. What a terrific scene on the first all those grasses and leaves. Wonderful second card too especially the hint of lace at the top.

  57. This is fab!
    Thanks for joining us at Oldie but a Goodie!
    Helen x
