
Tuesday 31 July 2012

New candy challenge and June winners

Note: I have pasted the Inlinz for my Poppy Challenge onto the bottom of this post as well to make it simpler to find,  it won't matter which you link to as it will show up on both posts. I will make it a sticky as well.

Good afternoon everybody, my robotic fingers……… a.k.a. my word recognition system seems to be going well and I had a little venture into blog land today testing it out, next big test will be some challenge commenting over the weekend.

You do have to be a little careful with pronunciation I found, to my great embarrassment I sent an e-mail to a friend last evening mentioning the Big Shot Express, unfortunately it didn't spell shot quite right and replaced the 'o' with another letter, I'll leave you to make you own mind up what it actually typed ! Needless to say I didn't realise until after it has gone.

I think it's time I revealed the winners of my last candy and at the same time remind you that I also have a £20 Sir Stampalot voucher to be won. To be in with a chance of winning I'm inviting you to take part in a little challenge. I just love poppies and posted some pictures on my blog yesterday here if you want a peek, taken in the fields around our house, all you need to do is:

* Enter a card or any sort of crafty project which either has poppies on it, hints at the colour or idea of poppies or has an image coloured in with the beautiful poppy colours. Basically have fun and let your imagination run wild.

* Link your piece of artwork to InLinkz below.

That's it and as I said it's mean to be for fun, but if you want to grab the logo at the top of this post and pop on your own blogs, please feel free to do so. I shall be around to take a look at your entries ably assisted by my new software.

Now the two winners from my June candy are:


Congratulations to both, please e-mail me with your full postal addy's.


  1. Great to see how useful this tool is for you. I'm quite sure that your friend will have realized that you don't have such words in your vocabulary.
    I hate to think what such a tool might make make of my occasional lapses into Swenglish! My husband has enough trouble correcting my pronunciation of words that I learnt through reading & didn't hear spoken.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. oh lol... i cant wait for the spelling mistakes Brenda .. it will lighten the mood when commenting lol!!
    Lisa x

  3. Wow How exciting I am so chuffed to bits to be a winner such lovely candy,Thank you so much Brenda, I am off to email you
    Kevin xx

  4. Thanks Brenda :) I bet your friend had a giggle at your e-mail too :) Glad you're getting on well with your new software overall!

    Have a good weekend.

    Tags xx

  5. Brenda, voice recognition sounds like a great alternative to typing. What a great idea. I am sure your friends can forgive little issues with the software as you learn to use it. Welcome back. NancyD

  6. Congratulations to the winners - enjoy.Thanks again dearie.Really pleased you've found a tool that'll make life so much easier for you.Look after yourself.Love the poppy pics.My favourite flower.Hugs Debbie x

  7. Jippie! Thanks Brenda! I had to look twice before realicing that my name was one of the winners! Glad your back altough you had to call in some technical help. Technology is there just to help us make things better; so why not use it? In this way you can keep inspiring us and we can keep enjoying your beautiful artwork! Great pics of the poppies. Greetings Gerrina

  8. Great that it is working so well, Brenda. I remember using some voice recognition thing on a DS brain training game and it nearly got thrown through the window! I sat there bellowing numbers at it, lol!

  9. Well done to the lucky winners. Lee x

  10. so glad you have this new tool, its got to be a blessing for you, love the picture of the poppies!!!

  11. Glad to hear you've got your new voice recgnition thing Brenda, I hope it makes life a lot easier for you and it looks like you're going to have a few laughs along the way
    have a good weekend
    Claire xx

  12. Congratulations to the winners, glad to hear that you are getting on well with your voice recognition software
    Lindsay xx

  13. I adore poppies, can't wait to enter this one


  14. congrats! xxxxxxxxx mimi

  15. Brenda you crack me up...thanks for sharing your story about the gave me a Monday chuckle!

  16. oh I am super glad you are able to get back onto blog-world with the audio word recognition system, how cool! Ain't technology grand!?

    Can't wait to play along with your challenge! :-)

  17. I love poppies... I hope to have the time to enter it!!! =))
    How are you dear? hope you're fine...
    warm hugs dear

  18. Poppies - How could l resist. thank you for the chance to win. Take care x Susan x

  19. Hi Brenda, A beautiful card, I was so glad to hear better news of Buffy. Paulinexx

  20. Hi Brenda
    Hope you are feeling better....Fabulous cards from everyone ...
    Hugs sylvie

  21. Hi Brenda,
    I got a fit of the giggles reading your blog and you know why I think Terminator is defintley going to stick as a nick name you know with all the techno stuff you are using:)
    Hope all is ok with you and looking forward to a terminator comment when I finally get my mojo back and get round to making a card !!

  22. hi there dear B. - well finally popped over to say thank you very VERY much for your encouraging comment on my last post and to say have been thinking and praying for you and Buddy and have done a card in his honour and specially for your comp.. and just managed to finish it before it closed - phew that was close!! lots of love Shaz.x
    PS oh and added some yummy pickies of our beach to drive all your dear folks nuts... your surfing son would have loved the big seas we had last week and even bigger ones the week before!

  23. Well done to the winners and there are some beautiful entries.Had to enter - flying by the seat of my pants but made it. I just adore poppies....Take care sweetie.Hugs Debbie x

  24. Beautiful poppy cards, really pretty. Laughed at your "typo"!! Ages ago when email was new to the masses I sent my sister an email, only I did a spell check and didn't check what it had changed. Her name is Jackie and spell check couldn't find it and decided to change it..... so she opened up her email to read "Hello Jackass"!!! True story!

