
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Poppy winners

It's not often I'm lost for words, but I was seeing how many of you took the time to enter my little poppy challenge, your friendship really has touched me and I'm not sure what to say to you all other than a huuuuuuuuuuuuge Thank You.

Each and every entry was stunning and reminded if I needed any reminding mind you...........that I have such talented crafting friends and no way could I choose just one winner, all of you are winners in my book, so I had to ask Mr Random Org., to do it for me. In fact I asked him to pick one for the Sir Stampalot voucher and then three more who I will send a little gift to, nothing wild just something which might come in handy.

The news on Buffy remains much the same and she is very much up and down, Saturday she wouldn't eat and had difficulty standing so we constructed a blanket sling to get her to the loo, then Sunday she bounced right back. Today she is very quiet and it took the best part of the morning for her to finish her breakfast, but she seems relaxed and in no pain, so will continue a day at a time.

I've gone on a bit of a fitness regime, well as much as you can when you can't walk or move too far, I joined the gym at the local Mariott who had a good offer going, six weeks unlimited use for £39, I'm not up to using the gym equipment, but I do love swimming and have been for a half hour early morning session every day so far, I'm almost up to half a mile each session now. They call the offer 'Fit in Six' not sure how fit I will be at the end of it, but can't do any harm as I see it.

So enough waffle, the winner of the Stampalot Voucher is...........................

Congratulation Beryl please mail me and I will explain what to do next.

And the three runners up are.......................

Well done you you three as well, please all mail me with your postal addys.

At the risk of repeating myself, a massive thank you to each and every one of you for taking the time to join my little challenge and share my poppy addiction, or should I say 'our poppy addiction'.


  1. hiya sweetie
    i'm glad she's a little bit better sweetie
    thank you for your chance to win such great prizes
    all the best with buffy, i hope she's soon all beter hunni
    hugs angelique

  2. Hello Brenda and a huge congratulations to all the winners .. it seems poppies are a very popular flower.. and we love to use them in our crafting.
    Glad to hear Buffy is ok... i guess she will have good and bad days .
    Enjoy the swimming.. its the only sport i like to do..
    Lisa x

  3. Congratulations everyone!
    Thanks for the update on Buffy!
    Good for you with the swimming!

  4. Congrats to the winners, so glad to hear Buffy at least is not in any pain at this time... look at you at the pool you will be going for gold soon!!! I love swimming enjoy! Hugs May x x x

  5. Glad you've got somewhere to go for the swimming - sounds rather good. Take care of yourself with Buffy - keeping you in my thoughts. Sorry I didn't manage to get an entry done - rather more bed rest for me than I'd like at present but got a good system with the MacBook whilst keeping horizontal & at least the Sakura tangling pens work when upside down!
    Paula (PEP)

  6. Glad to hear Buffy is ok... i guess she will have good and bad days .
    Happy swimming to you *lol

    Congrats to the winners !!!
    Hugs hellerlittle

  7. Aw Brenda, glad to hear Buffy isn't in pain, bless her. Good luck with the swimming, it is such good exercise, well done you. Many congratulations to the winners x

  8. Congrats you all.
    And what a good and great news that Buffy is OK Brenda.
    Lovely greet

  9. Congratulations to the winners. It's good to hear that Buffy is ok at the moment and in no pain.
    Nikki x

  10. Congrats to each & every one of you x

    hugs sally x

  11. Glad to hear Buffy is still on the go and not suffering. I'm sure they're like people and some days will be better than others. Nice to hear you're enjoying swimming. I know some people here go swimming regularly but nowhere is very near unless you have time on your hands, unlike me! Some go to Curves but again not handy unless you live near them.

    Congrats to Beryl, Jane and Sovenoko. I'm really pleased to find my name among the runners up!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  12. Congratulations to all the winners! Wow brenda the swimming is very impressive - keep it up!
    pauline x

  13. Oh wow - how lucky am I to have been picked my Mr Random Number Generator. Thank you so much - I only got in by the skin of my teeth too!
    The swimming will do you the world of good Brenda - and you can put the world to rights as you're plowing up and down the pool.
    Hope Buffy continues to remain comfortable and I hope that when the end comes it will be a peaceful one.
    Beryl xx

  14. Many congrats to all the winners, what a lovely challenge it was Brenda and thanks for organizing it. I am so pleased that Buffy is comfortable. Well done to you as is so important at every level (that comes with my physio work hat on ;0)
    Take care,
    Jane x

  15. Hi Brenda !

    You sure did have great submissions for the "Poppy" challenge. I wanted to enter, but never got to it. Next time ! I hope Buffy remains stable and with you for as long as possible. My heart goes out to you, we've nursed a beloved & sweet Cat that was terminal, it's so sad.

    I feel bad that I've been whining about a knee injury, while some people as you mentioned struggle to walk far. It makes me feel less concerned and more thankful. Fitness is a big part of my life, it feels great so I'm glad to read that you are working out at a pool.

    You are a very talented lady, love your designs :) I hope your day is going well, sorry to be so long-winded. Shirleyx

  16. Saw my name, for a runner up, how lovely, and Beryl as a winner ,loved her card, great challenge. janex ps will email my address in case you don't have it.

  17. just read about Buffy,poor darling, my Huddy is up and down, but tonight enjoyed a lamb bone, chewed with his 8 back teeth. Just love Buffy and hope for the best, hope your ok too.
    We had a visitor today, Uncle Eric, 96 and doing ok, just been with family for a meal.His daughter bought lots of my cards, she can sew and cook things out of this world. janex

  18. Glad you are doing well with the swimming, its a great past-time, who knows we might see ya at the next Olympics ;-) hehe

    Take Care Brenda! xoxo

  19. Well done ladies. Im afraid the project I had in my head didn't quite come out the way I wanted so it was a bit of a disaster. Thats what I get for listening to my over active imagination, lol. Enjoy the swimming Brenda. Lee x
