
Saturday 7 April 2012

Molly Blooms goes to the fair

Good Morning, time for another challenge at Allsortsit's my turn to host the theme and I have come up with a game of Bingo, here's the grid which  you  will  also  find  over at  the  challenge blog and I hope you will find time to join in.

I am still testing out a new way of listing the products used on my work with the little thumbnails located down the bottom of my posts, you can click on each one to get full product details or even copy and print the individual thumbnails to take on you next crafty shop. It's amazing how it opens your eyes to the amount of products you use in just one card................bit like baking really, lots of ingredients..............which I recon totally justifies the need to keep buying crafty stash.

The fairground carousel at the top following the 'yellow, pink and blue' line is one of the pieces I made for the recent NEC Trade Show using the new Molly Blooms stamps. As soon as I saw the carousel stamp land on my door mat I saw a carousel in my mind so set about making it. I used Nesties to create the base and roof, stamped the image onto a long piece of cardstock which I then scored at intervals about 2cm deep top and bottom to fold inwards to create a lip to fixed to the base and roof to create the central element. I stamped the horses a second time to decoupage after colouring all with Cosmic Shimmers to achieve a bit of fairground glitz. The instructions sound pretty basic and I guess they are, although it took me the best part of a day to assemble it all.

My second piece is a nice messy inky creation. I dabbed the distress inks onto a silicone craft sheet, spritzed with Glimmer Mist and dragged a piece of watercolour card through before randomly stamping the background. The flower stamp has been cut out and the centre decoupaged, some pearls and seam binding and finito.

Whatever you have planned, have a lovely Easter weekend everyone.


  1. oh Brenda Hun this is stunning,you are a master,at backgrounds,and stamping,always first class,just love love this too bits,fantastic Hun,hugs Cherylxxxx

  2. Morning Brenda, THIS IS brilliant, Jasmine so wants this stamp, and this will so inspire her. The pretty messy inky card of course is my fave and the sentiment is great. have a lovely weekend, hugs heidi x

  3. wow... I have no words.. this is simply stunning dear!!!

  4. Happy Easter to you and yours, Brenda. Love the carousel, such fun.
    The card is beautiful - I am in awe of the stamped BG - the flower, pearls and ribbon lovely finishing touches.

  5. Really impressed with your carousel- brilliant job. And as for the second 'inky card - well I'm blown away. It's awsome.
    I'm loving the thumbnails at the bottom of your posts - it must take an age to do them all. Really appreciate you doing it as I am sure many more will.
    Beryl xx

  6. the carousel is so cute and the blue and purple card is fantastic!!

  7. Gorgeous carousel, and I love the background you have created on your beautiful card :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. Your carousel is wonderful and I can see that it must have taken you quite a bit of time to put together. I must say, though, that your second card is my favourite. It's simply stunning. Love everything about it.
    Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter. Here on Crete, we are enjoying warm and sunny weather. We will be celebrating Easter next week, when the Greeks are celebrating their Greek Orthodox Easter.

  9. Love the carousel and the card!

  10. The carousel is really pretty but I have to say the card is gorgeous! If you don't mind I have printed it off to have a go myself. It is lovely...well done! xx

  11. Wow, stunning creation and beautiful card. Happy Easter.

  12. Two real beauties Brenda. I love them both, but the second one took my breath away. So stunning and so you! Gorgeous! P.S. There are trees on my blog!

  13. Gorgeous projects Brenda so inspirational. It must take you an age to list the items you've used but is a great idea. Hope you have a good Easter weekend. xx

  14. great carousel and love your card x

  15. Gorgeous carousel B. and I love the colours on your 2nd card
    Have a fab weekend
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  16. I wouldn't have known where to start constructing such a carousel so I'm not surprised it took the best part of a day. It's delightful. My favourite though is your second project - I really appreciate the thumbnails for I can see the elements you use to construct the backgrounds. I've got into the habit of placing everything I use during the course of a project onto a tray & sometimes it begins to overflow!
    Take care & much love
    Paula (PEP)

  17. Love your sweet Carousel creation and the Inky mess! Just stunning, makes me want to go and have a play Brenda. Fraid not though, grandkids on the way as I type so maybe later. Have a lovely Easter. Carolxx

  18. gorgeous just gorgeous .

    just wanted to wish u a happy easter and hope u have a lovely weekend.

    take care

    jojo xxxxxxx

  19. Beautiful creations Brenda, the carousel and card are both gorgeous.... Happy Easter to you, Hugs May x x x x x x

  20. They are both so gorgeous Brenda...and I so love the colours you have used too hun :o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  21. Lovely Brenda, I just love the carousel, my mind doesn't stretch further than cards, lol!!!! I love your blog, have only just found you, but sooo glad that I did,

    hugs Vicky x x x

  22. Hi Brenda, the carousel looks lovely a beautiful project. Love the floral card always great fun to get in an inky mess from time to time and the results look amazing x Susan x

  23. Wow Brenda the carousel looks amazing. I'm too clumsy to do things like that! Clever girl! And I love your inky creation. I've just had a full crafty day with Kath, Debbi and Anne and my hands are really messy. Glue, ink, Distress Inks...I think at one point I even had pieces of tissue stuck to me! But lots of fun and if I'd been at home I'd just have made something boring.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Kat xx

  24. Wow, your carousel is fabulous. I love your card. TFS.

  25. Hi Brenda ... i love Carousels .... so your project is a winner with me.
    A very Happy Easter to you and yours
    Lisa x

  26. Two amazing creations Brenda. That carousel is so clever. I so love the colours on your card and that technique sounds so much fun of dragging the paper through the colours. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  27. Happy easter to you dear B!
    Allways topnodge crafting from you. The circus project is adorable and the purple card, well nobody i know makes these beautiful bakgrunds !
    I hope you are well B thinking of you
    Hugs from Sweden

  28. Brenda your Merry-go-round is stunning and your card is so beautiful.Enjiy the rest of your Easter weekend Hugs Elaine

  29. The card is beautiful brenda :) and the carousel adorable
    Von x☺x

  30. Both really stunning projects Brenda, the carousel is amazing and I love the colours and style of the card, I really loved your justification of buying more crafty stash too hehe =)Hope you are having a lovely easter weekend
    Lindsay xx

  31. Absolutely stunning Brenda, just love the shades of blue on the card x

  32. Wow! These are fantastic! Your carousel is amazing - such a lot of work, but well worth it, Ruth x

  33. That carousel is amazing, love what you did there Brenda!!!

  34. I like all things Carousel including your creation.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  35. Hi Brenda

    Sorry for the lateness of this comment but this week has been a bit stupid busy! I think the carousel is amazing what a fantastic project. I just adore the second project, everything about it the colour, the stamp, the design. I also love the way that you are displaying the products used, I agree it does just show you how much we use on one project. Enjoy the rest of the week, Jo x
