
Wednesday 4 April 2012

Trying out a new system

Hello peeps, from a wet, windy and cold Cambridgeshire Fens, can't see there's much chance of an Easter like last year when it was barbie time.

This just a really quick experimental post with a different way of detailing the products I have used. It's because so often people mail me and say they like something or the other but can't find it anywhere or not sure what they are looking for. So I am going to try showing little thumbnails of the main products used in each piece I share, with a link to the codes and product details so you can either order from there or alternately know exactly what you are looking for if heading of to the local craft shop.

This one using one of the new La Blanch stamps has been nicely distressed, the very slightest hint of watercolour on the image, hessian leaves which I find cuts beautifully with Spellbinders through the Grand Calibur.

Let me know what you think and if it's more useful to find what you are looking for.


  1. Очень красивая открытка!

  2. very rustic look, love all the detaild and color!!

  3. I really love your card. The elements are just so pleasing to the eye and I really like the thumbnail view of supplies used! :)

  4. Everything works so well together Brenda, love the gorgeous look you have created here, love it. Carolxx

  5. So beautiful Brenda...and I love the rustic feel to your creation hun :o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  6. OOoooh... Brenda!! Wonderful rustic tones and textures!

  7. A really lovely vintage style creation Brenda. I think your thumbnail idea is rather good as it's much quicker to take in than a list of supplies.
    Hope your weather soon improves.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  8. I love the colours you have used for this card, and the design looks very sophisticated.

  9. Stunning card, love the detail. Fab thumbnails too. xx

  10. Gorgeous card Brenda love the rustic the idea of showing us what you use..


  11. Really stunning card Brenda, love those distressed papers and the Tim Holtz clock die is one of my favorites, really beautiful
    Lindsay xx

  12. Beautiful, rusty colours, stunning card.
    Fabulous flowers - as the earlier photos from your garden.
    Don't worry, we have got more snow!!!
    Happy Easter Brenda;-))m

  13. Hi Brenda, lovely card a beautiful piece of art. I like the thumbnails you are using it will be helpful. Thank you for reply on pins, l bought a broken necklace in a charity shop - l liked the beads and thought l would be able to use them on pins but don't know where to start yet x Susan x

  14. What a really useful idea..thank you! A lovely card too in beautiful autumnal colours to suit your image. xx

  15. This is beautiful Brenda, love the style and distressing .. so elegant xxx

  16. love the effect of this card.
    hugs kelly

  17. Gorgeous card lovin it :)
    Hugzz Val xxx

  18. Hi Brenda, love the card, very vintage and distressed and the image is great. Your thumbnails are very helpful but I imagine it's time consuming to source all the products you use. Hope you have a lovely Easter. Elizabeth x

  19. Gorgeous card Brenda, love the colours and these flowers are beautiful with that sweet image.

    The thumbnails are a great idea, really easy to see what you've used. I've seen this idea on Kath's blog too and it definitely makes it easier when you can see what's been used.

    Kat xx

  20. A beautiful card Brenda. The colours, papers and embellies go perfectly with the vintage image.
    Bery xx

  21. Absolutely gorgeous Brenda! I believe there is nothing you do that I don't love! This image is so sweet :)

  22. What a beautiful image and it looks sooo pretty and vintage with the color wash....the flowers and leaves are beautiful, too, and I just love the monochromatic color combo!!!!!

  23. hi brenda! this is a beautiful distressed card! i like the thumbnails; being a 'visual' person, it's nice to see the products you used and now it'll make it very easy to go shopping. :)

  24. so cold here,there was snow on the hills of Wales last night,I could see from my veiw from the restraunt,very pretty though.
    Your card is fabulous ,love that image and the Hessian leaves look great.janex

  25. WOW!!! This card is very beautiful!!!
    The colour and flowers is so nice!!

  26. Like the new style with the wee piccies, but doesn't it take a long time to load it all up?. Love this card, she looks so sweet perched in the nest. gorgeous distressing. hugs heidi x

  27. A wonderful idea and what a gorgeous card :o)
    Jackie xx

  28. Hi Brenda, BEAUTIFUL card, love the texture of the leaves! I like the thumbnails, it is really nice to see the products you use, especially if it is something I just have to get after seeing it in your project! I bet it takes some time to do for us... but it is appreciated!
    Crafty Hugs,

  29. Hi Brenda I just found "your" blog and how delightful it is. I shall be your newest follower here. This is a really gorgeous card and the thumbnails idea is brilliant, thanks for sharing. It's been really cold today but as we now have a lovely long bank holiday weekend I am not complaining as there will be time for crafting ;0)
    Jane x

  30. Oh wow, this card is gorgeous, Brenda! Love it!

  31. Simply STUNNING Brenda! Gorgeous, rich, perfect embellishing!

  32. Oh Brenda that is gorgeous I love your beautiful image and the whole card is quite stunning. hugs Shirleyxx

  33. Nice colours and lovely card.

  34. Your card is stunning Brenda, gorgeous colour scheme. I love the thumbnails, have seen them on a few blogs recently and yes they certainly are very useful. Hope you have a lovely Easter:)

  35. The image is terrific stamped in brown (interesting to know you used Archival ink for that) & beautifully coloured. The flowers are very pretty indeed & I like your mixture of hessian & punched leaves. I'm an absolute product info addict - especially when it comes to inkpads, dies & colouring materials - so to have the thumbnails/links is a lovely treat for me.
    Hope you have a wonderful Easter.
    Paula (PEP)

  36. Gorgeous card, I love those flowers and the image is beautiful.
    Becky x

  37. Ooooh, gorgeous!
    Colour, flowers, image - altogether = absolutely beautiful.

  38. Gorgeous card, Brenda! Love every details on this card - well executed!

  39. Hi Brenda, long time no see, lol, I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Easter Holiday. I love this card so much it has both a vintage and rustic look to it, both of which i adore so much, the distressed papers and that image seem to belong together, a really beautiful creation.
    Lorraine x
