
Monday 9 April 2012

Fairy silhouettes

Good Morning to you all, I hope you are having a lovely Easter holiday. If you are in the UK then you might well have rain as we do, but what better opportunity than to stay in and craft.

Our internet went down yesterday and this morning is on an off so thought I had better post this quickly before it goes again.

All the goodies I used are below, basically some simple brayering and stamping using the lovely arch dies, I was unable to find them anywhere to give the link, but they are made by Go Create which I bought at Stamperama and I am pretty sure it was from Once Upon a Stamp, so it just might be they are out of stock at them moment as they are not showing on their web site.

I would like to enter this card into this months challenge at Craft a Scene whose theme is 'Silhousttes'.

Thanks for dropping by, I always appreciate your visits so much.


  1. Lovely card the touch of sparkle on the butterflies


  2. I love your new shape of card it goes so well with the beautiful stamp. Staying in to craft sounds like a good idea here too. It's drizzling in N. Ireland. Ruth x

  3. This is so wonderful,hun,I love the little butterflies!
    Enjoy the last day of Easter! :)

    Hugs,Kari :)

  4. This is just beautiful Brenda! Wonderful colours and I love the image! Hope you had a lovely Easter. Pami x

  5. Beautiful card. Love the whole look.

  6. I love the fairy scene you have created Brenda, with those delicate colours and butterfly accents.

  7. What a beautiful silhouette card, I love the church window shape :)
    Jackie xx

  8. Oh wow, this is stunning Brenda, love the colours and the card shape, the scene is beautiful x

  9. What a beautiful card. Nice colors too.

    Hugs Astrid.

  10. Stunning card Brenda, just beautiful, love the touch of the butterflies, Fab, Hugs May x x x x

  11. I love the way those red butterflies pick up the red of the foliage & the whole feel of the background scenery is very real despite being in what might be considered unorthodox colours. The warmth of the sun is beautiful.
    Rain here too & husband is getting twitchy about the length of the grass in our bank of woodland! Strimmer time is imminent.
    Paula (PEP)

  12. Love the design, it's amazing how you combined all stamps and colors. It looks like a fairy tale, so beautiful!
    Lieve groetjes Anja

  13. Beautiful Brenda - soft, delicate and very pretty scene.
    Beryl xx

  14. SUperb desing ! So original creation, love it !

  15. love this lavinia stamp, she is stunning, beautiful colours and brayering. hugs heidi x

  16. You have made a super card. I love the shape and the scene. Thanks for joining us at Craft a Scene. NancyD

  17. Hi Brenda. Beautiful scene and gorgeus image. Have a nice day. Lily Anuska

  18. Hi Brenda

    So much rain here it has looked like fog!!!!!

    I am sure the gardens are well happy though .. .. and we just kept ourselves indoors LOL!!

    Your card is gorgeous as always. Love your thumbnails on your post. Pleased you managed to get them to work.

    Hope you have had a good Easter.

    Love Jules xx

  19. Hi Brenda, smashing image! Love this magical scene! HUgs, Frea

  20. Hello!

    This is beautiful - I love it! I have not made a silhouette card but now am inspired to do so! Wishing you a sunshine day!


    Barbara Diane

  21. Hi Brenda, this is so beautiful, Lavinia's stamps are gorgeous and l just wish l had the confidence to use mine many still need introducing to the ink pad x Susan x

  22. I like so much this card, and the colours are very nice ;)

  23. Brenda, your card is just stunning! Beautiful colors and layout!

  24. Incredibly whimsical and beautiful, Brenda. As always, your cards just blow me away. It really is a beautiful card. Lee xx

  25. Very magical Brenda! Sending you a smile..

  26. Gorgeous card Brenda. The shape seems to go really well with that lovely image. I've got a Cuttlebug but I'm beginning to be tempted by the Grand Calibur. So far I'm managing to resist!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  27. oh Hun,this is gorgeous,love the shape of this card,and the scene is amazing,hugs Cherylxxxxx

  28. oh this is beautiful... i love the arched shape
    Lisa x

  29. OH Miss Brenda, this is a delight love that lovely fairy and silhouettes, and great shape too!

  30. This is really beautiful Brenda - Love the gorgeous gothic arch shape too! :)



  31. A beautiful Scene, Brenda. Great colours and brayering. Hope you had great fun getting inky x

  32. Wow this is so stunning and magical Brenda, I really must get round to having a play with my brayer, this is just so gorgeous
    Lindsay xx

  33. This is awesome Brenda, love the silhouette fairy image, and beautiful scene.... so elegant xxx

  34. How beautiful, love all the details and soft effect you created! Stunning! Thanks for joining us at Craft a Scene!

  35. What a great card and a fun design. Good luck and thanks for joining in on the fun at Craft a Scene challenge blog.
