Tuesday 18 June 2024

Summer Rose and Buck House

Morning everyone, it's mid way reminder time at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are Fabulous Florals as selected my me (transparent as ever) and a Mood Board along with the usual option of AG with your stamped element. 

Note added: MIA and apols for lack of visits. Nearly eleven weeks, several GP telecom consults and A&E visits fobbing me off with a Crohn's flare up, Thursday an A&E registrar listened, sent me for a CT scan, stones in both kidneys (again) and one lodged in the urethra so today a 'day trip' to have the lodged one dealt with.

Back to my shares and I wasn't terribly happy with the colours of my WLS make above as the pocket looks way off colour from the Rose, in reality the colours were pretty close. Made the pocket from a 12x12 sheet of Bazzil, score board and border dies, AALL and Create Rosy Posey stencil (138) and Sent with Love stamp set (831), stitching stamped from Time Heals All (1110). I would like to share this at the Path of Positivity challenge. 

More Lavinia using again the Digitalis, Felicity sitting in the fore contemplating her day and a kaleidoscope of Butterflies appropriately called Flutterbies. The sentiment is a really old one from Stamp Addicts.

And a couple of the first official photos from our day at Buckingham Palace for the Investiture. I was waiting for more before I shared but the system is rather archaic and they are sent hard copy proofs, a few at a time, these scanned so not as clear as I would like. Owen is not one for fuss and bother but said he throughly enjoyed the day. 

As you can see he's grey, myself and his siblings we all went that way at school (Clairol is my best friend!). When he was first in the Police Force he was nicknamed badger as at the time he still a a hint of black down the sides, as he climbed the ranks and moved to the Home Office the name seemed to disappear, wonder why!


Aquarius said...

Two lovely projects as inspiration for the challenges. It is so annoying when colours which 'go' together when seen for real then look so wildly different in a photograph. Hope your 'day trip' goes well even if it has taken a very long time to get there. Not a great fan of medical consultations via telephone 🙄.

kiwimeskreations said...

What wonderful projects Brenda!! Loving the mauve rose.
The investiture looks as though it was a wonderful day - what a proud Mum you must be! Princess Anne is such a wonderful woman, too.
Sorry to hear that system has let you down - same thing happens here too - Thanks to Dr's strikes, specialist clinics at our local hospital have been cancelled twice now - what should have been a late May consultation has been twice delayed and is now at the end of July.... I won't believe it until I get to see the specialist face to face!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Oh Brenda, anche i calcoli!E uno nell'uretra! :((( Davvero non manca più nulla! Però sei stata fortunata che ti hanno fatto la TAC subito! Spero che te li dissolvano in fretta e che finalmente tu possa avere almeno un minimo di pace!!!
Quel blu della card per WLS è sensazionale, lo adoro!! E mi piace moltissimo l'abbinamento con quel viola! Lo stencil delicato, la forma interessante e la busta con la deliziosa chiusura... Un capolavoro!!!
La fatina nel giardino pieno di fiori con le farfalle svolazzanti si rilassa al sole... vorrei che potessi farlo anche tu! Una bellissima card luminosa!
E poi le foto della Cerimonia di Investitura a Buckingham Palace, wow! Non mi aspettavo tutto quel rosa nella stanza! :D Una giornata davvero emozionante per tuo figlio e per voi! Lui sembra molto rilassato e a suo agio, ma anche molto modesto! Mi fa sorridere che lo chiamavano badger :)
Un grande abbraccio, dita incrociate e preghiere per oggi!!!

coldwaters2 said...

WOW Brenda you must have been overwhelmed with pride he looks so smart. I absolutely love your creations Brenda I actually think the first one looks amazing the colour is so vibrant the second one has a bit of magic to it with the fairy. I am thrilled that finally someone in the medical profession listened to you and something positive is now being done it makes such a difference when someone listens
lolo x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Two lovely projects both beautifully stamped and designed.
A proud day for all at the Investiture shown by these lovely photo's too and I hope your procedure goes well today.

Glennis F said...

Good luck with your proceedure Brenda, and looks like a day to be proud of too!

Sandra H said...

Wow Brenda how proud must you be so pleased you shared your photos and stunning creations too l always say your so talented and you really are an inspiration l also hope your procedure goes well sending lots of hugs x

meg said...

Thank goodness you're eventually to receive treatment Brenda,I hope you feel better soon.Two beautiful projects in gorgeous colours.

Investiture pics are a wonderful momento of the day

EmmaT said...

2 fabulous creations, love the idea of a little pocket. Fabulous photos of your son's special day, nice to get some official pics to go with the memories. I hope you are feeling better soon. Sending lots of positive vibes. Emmax

Carol L said...

I just adore your summer rose card and envelope! The colors and design are fabulous. The 2nd card is so serene and peaceful too and has a calming affect on me. The photos of the investiture are something to be proud of too, what an honor it must have been! As for the kidney stones, I don't envy what you're going through, but I've been there with lodged stones in my kidney. I learned that drinking the equivalent of half a fresh squeezed lemon in warm water to start every morning keeps kidney stones small enough to pass easily so that is my routine and I have not had any stone issues in more than 6 years. My body will continue making stones, but the lemon water keeps them small enough to easily pass. It worked a miracle for me and I'm grateful for having learned this. I hope things are resolved for you soon and that you can feel well once again.

ScrappyHorses said...

Wow, the summer rose card and pocket are stunning; beautiful in the purples! Loving the photos! How proud and excited you must feel! Thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! Katrina

Ellibelle said...

Your cards are beautiful and such great picture from the investiture to remember that special day!

KarinsArtScrap said...

you have made a beautiful tag and card Brenda.............gr karin

KraftyKoolKat said...

What lovely pictures of your son, you must be a very proud mum! Your two creations are so gorgeous Brenda. I love the striking colours of the first card and the second is so magical and I love that pink. Sorry I haven't been around much to comment on your creations but I am getting so busy with my work in The Salvation Army these days. Also I am not well at the moment and I am suppose to be flying to France on Monday. 😬

Chris said...

Glad someone listened at last Brenda and you're getting the treatment you need. You must have been in a lot of pain with that wedged kidney stone, hope the procedure goes well.
Gorgeous cards as always, a beautiful rose and magical fairy scene.
Photographs to treasure, how proud you must feel.

crafty-stamper said...

A day for you both to be proud of.Hope your day out solves the problem and about time someone listens.Both gorgeous cards and love all the beautiful stamps especially the rose.
Carol x

Liz said...

Two fabulous creations, Brenda.
Great photos of a very special day for your family.
Liz xx

HilaryJane said...

Oh no, not kidney stones. They are so painful. You have been having a time of it recently. I do hope things settle down soon for you. Thanks for sharing the pics from the Palace. What an amazing occasion. You won't forget that in a hurry. Love the cards especially the first one xx

LesleyG said...

Two beautiful creations Brenda, particularly like the pretty rose. How awful you’ve had to battle to get treatment, sadly seems to be the norm, hope you feel better soon. Lovely photos, what a special moment on a special day xxx

AlisonC said...

It looks like you've been having an exciting time! What great memories you'll have. The foxgloves are beautiful against the pretty sky. I love a bit of inking.

Crafting Queen said...

It must be such a relief to finaly get someone to listen to you. Hope they remove the stones quickly. You must be such a proud Mum, great photos. Love your creations. Have a great day. Anesha x

Linby said...

So beautiful and looks lovely to me. They don't have to twins they can be sisters!
Brilliant photos from the Palace.
Hope today you are free from some pain?

Lynne said...

Two wondeerful makes with gorgeous colours Brenda. Sorry you are still having problems and hope your trip has gone well. You must be so proud of your son, lovely photos x

Wendy L said...

Your makes are gorgeous Brenda as per but I love the lilac one, fave colour.
Lovely pics and a very proud time for you, xxx

Helen said...

Two beautiful inspiration cards and fabulous photos too - a very special day.

Helen x

Mission Self Storage said...
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Conny said...

So fabulous creations, Brenda! And wonderful photos, thank you for sharing. I hope you are feeling better soon.


Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

You have such a great eye for colour - 2 beautiful cards.
Hope you're feeling better today - sounds like you've had the run around for a while.
Oh wow! Congrats to Owen. You must all be so proud of him. Fabulous achievement and hope it was a wonderful day xxx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

A beautiful rose and envelope, love how the colours work. The digitalis, is lovely with the fairy and the butterflies enjoying them, we have lots of self seeded ones in the garden nearly all different colours, love them a lot, like your card. As for your hospital visits etc, what is the NHS coming to? Terrible stories coming out all the time. I hope you are feeling better after the procedure, it must have been so painful for you. As for the Palace, great to see the photos, a great memory for you all, reimbursing the pride you all feel. x

Sarah said...

In this age of super hi tech cameras and the like, photographs never seem to show "true" colours on projects do they?! Great makes Brenda, love the fastener on the envelope and the pretty foxglove border. I hope the stones have been sent on their way and that you are feeling better. Terrific pics from the palace of Owen and Princess Anne xx

Craftyfield said...

Love your pocket shape Brenda! Both cards are beautiful too.
Exciting times et the palace for your family...
I wonder if these consultations by phone are really useful in cases like yours, stones are so painful I would have thought a diagnostic would have been quite obvious! x

Pauline C said...

2 beautiful projects Brenda, I love the vibrancy of the rose tag and pocket, and the Lavinia fairy and flowers are so pretty. Great pics from the Investiture, what a thrilling and proud day that must have been.
Sorry to hear you’ve had more health issues and had to have another procedure, which I hope will have sorted it. I had to have a CT scan myself this week … on hol in Dubrovnik, caught Covid, fainted in the shower and hit my head. Pretty traumatic experience.. luckily CT scan ok as far as I can make out though 6 days later I can still barely touch my head and I have a big yellow bruise on my temple! Not the best holiday ever sadly, though Dubrovnik is a fabulous place if you’ve never been xx

Lisa said...

It sounds like you've had quite a tough time with your health recently, and I'm glad you're finally getting the treatment you need. Your handmade cards are beautiful, and I love how you've used the Rosy Posey stencil and the Sent with Love stamp set; it's a lovely piece to share at the Path of Positivity challenge.

Gail L said...

I am glad you are feeling/ getting somewhat better! Hopefully everything is coming along nicely!
Your cards are fabulous!
Thank you for sharing the investiture pictures!
How wonderful!

Mervi said...

Gorgeous rose card and envelope, lovely stencilled card.
What a wonderful and memorable moment in life;-))m

Greta said...

Beautiful makes, Brenda! I have a terrible time getting the colors to look right in my photos, usually. Happy at least one thing can be taken care of for you! Hope you're feeling better soon. What wonderful pictures! Can't even imagine what that day was like for all of you!

cuilliesocks said...

Congratulations to your Son Brenda, and thanks for sharing your photos, a great day for you and your family.
Your card is gorgeous, beautifully designed and coloured, Kate x