
Monday 18 December 2023

Hellebores and Fairies

Morning Peeps, it's mid month inspiration day at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are  Winter Flowers and Foliage and Favourite Colours along with the A/G option.

Above a tag using AALL and Create Hellebore (1063) and Tag it Yourself (27), Kraft card and Oxides to create the circles, white pen to add definition then the Hellebore stamped twice and the flower heads coloured and paper pieced. The wording comes from the same stamp set.

Moving onto my SS share, as explained in my post at the beginning of the month I find it hard to say which colour is my fav as I love colour generally (except blue) but pinks and purples pop up regularly so that's what I have today. 

A masked centre panel then a background of blended regular distress inks and glycerine, I remember this technique demonstrated by Sheena many years ago to create a really soft blend....and I'm still using the same bottle of glycerine! All stamps are Lavinia most from the latest collection.

The challenges run until 3rd January so still plenty of time to join in.


  1. Beautiful magical scene - I'd forgotten about the technique with glycerine, a blast from the past eh??

  2. A fabulous tag in gorgeous , and a magical forest scene

  3. Beautiful tag, lovely stamp and that is a very striking tag die .. I never make tags, I don’t know why, maybe I should try it! Your Lavinia card is a very magical scene, the ink blending is a lovely soft effect. I’ve never heard of ink blending with glycerine before .. I’m intrigued by that now!
    Pauline xx

  4. I am just loving this tag with those great edges and beautifully colored flowers! The scene on your card is just gorgeous with the fairy and delicate little trees! The colors look amazing with that great technique you used!

  5. The tag is beautiful Brenda, the kraft background makes the colours stand out beautifully. Gorgeous card using the Lavinia stamps- never heard of using glycerine with the distress inks but it truly is a lovely effect.
    Hope you're doing ok.

  6. They are both gorgeous. Your hellebores look wonderful on the kraft card with the green background. What a wonderful and colourful scene on your second card. I have not heard of blending with glycerine. It looks amazing so I might have to try it sometime. don't think I have any glycerine anywhere though xx

  7. Great tag!
    I am a fan of Kraft!
    Gorgeous card! Love the colors!
    I will have to look up this glycerine technique!?

  8. Gorgeous tag, love the Hellebore image and that's a lovely card. She's such a beautiful fairy and I love the magical scene you created.
    Avril xx

  9. They are both gorgeous but I do love the hellebore on the Kraft card, xxx

  10. Stunning work on both Brenda, beautiful hellebores on your gorgeous tag. Love how you showed off the stamps on your card, a beautiful background. I hope you are improved and feeling better.
    Faith x

  11. Great tag with the beautiful hellebore flowers-fabulous background on your card although never heard of the glycerine technique.
    Carol x

  12. Lovely makes! Wishing you & your family a wonderful holiday season! Hugs, Greta

  13. Love the floral tag - which is very pretty. But the Lavinia fairy card has stolen my heart - it’s stunning. Xxx

  14. Your tag is just beautiful Brenda and your fairy card is absolutely magical!!

  15. Beautiful tag Brenda and your Lavinia card is gorgeous with beautiful colours, I just love the new fairy Starr, Kate x

  16. Two really gorgeous creations Brenda. Your tag is gorgeous but the fairy card has melted my heart.

  17. Wow lovely tag and card Brenda x

  18. Lovely tag and beautiful card;-))m

  19. gorgeous tag and card Brenda, love it and Fine Christmas karin

  20. Beautiful! the tag ad your lovely hellebore, super colouring. I remember Sheena demoing that technique too. ...and lavinia fairies, wonderful as ever! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. xx

  21. Ciao Brenda, finalmente arrivo, sono in ritardo con tutti i commenti! Il rosa dell'elleboro è perfetto sul verde e anche sul kraft della tag! I puntini funzionano molto bene e anche quello strano bordo bianco!
    La card è straordinaria, adoro la magica scena con la fata e l'albero e quei colori che hai usato sono meravigliosi!Hai creato delle luci incantevoli!!!
    Non ho mai saputo della glicerina con i Distress Inks, solo con le matite. Devo fare una ricerca e magari provare, sono così soffici e vellutati!!
    Sei sempre una grande ispiratrice!!
    Spero che tu stia un po' meglio...

  22. Both so pretty Brenda. I love the colours of your forest scene, it's gorgeous. Have a good Christmas x

  23. Beautiful cards B, especially that gorgeous magical scene xx

  24. Two wonderful cards. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas. Anesha x

  25. Hi Brenda two beautiful creation I love the image on the tag I used to grow these in my old house always loved them the fairy scene is so magical it's nice to see a bit of magic these days
    lolo x

  26. Think blogger didn't show your post in my blogrol for a I scrolled back a bit and came at this post. Love the Lavinia one; the purple makes it special and the little banks give it so much depth! Your flower is beautifully colored and I love the green in the background! Hugs, Gerrina
