
Saturday 23 December 2023

Cold as Ice

This will be my last post before Christmas and I (along with Rosa above) wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

My 'just in case' theory means this post was schedule well ahead! MS is having a hissy fit, left arm and hand not working making typing difficult, right leg much the same and lots of pain all round so back on morphine patches and cocktail of meds meaning I'm away with the fairies half the day 🧚‍♀️ but could think of worse places to be!!

It's a two week challenge at Allsorts over the Christmas period and Lorraine is our host with the theme of 'Cold as Ice' or the A/G option. Prizes for this challenge will fall into January's winners post and come from AALL and Create and Craft Stash.

My thinking went snow, ice and Penguins in the form of AALL and Create's Penguins and Frosty stamp sets along with their new die set Tag It, it's a great tag set as it's a decent size compared with some tags which tend to come up small.

The little stars are also in the tag die set, an inked background and stencilled stars using TH distressed translucent crackle paste, unfortunately you can't really see the crackle on my photo.

The icy element in this one are the crystals in the focal image, one of three very large stamps on an A4 set from AALL and Create Crystal Wood (864), some really soft stencilling in the background using White Lotus (170) and stamping using Shattering (713), the word 'Fox' made up with letters from Garden she Wrote (926). I stamped the Fox again and paper pieced, then the flowers several times to decoupage and arrange around the Fox.

Merry Christmas to you all.


  1. Amazing work here Brenda - love the 'cold' blue ink you used, and the images are fabulous. The stars on the tag are beautifully done. That fox and the ice crystals is an intriguing image, and you have used it stunningly on the card, and they contrast so dramatically with the soft lines of the flowers.
    Wishing you much improved health for the festive season

  2. Cool and gorgeous creations.
    Merry Christmas;-))m

  3. Well done for staying ahead of the game with these two super 'ice-cold- cards which are really great for the theme. So sorry to hear you are having problems - hope it doesn't interfere too much with your Christmas celebrations. Take care.

  4. sweet and beautiful tag and card karin

  5. Beautiful card and TAG. So sorry to hear about your health issues. I wish you all the best in 2024 and that your health problems disappear or are minimized.

  6. Great cards Brenda! Rose's expression seems to say "what do you make me do!" and is so adorable...
    Sorry to her about your flare up, I hope it won't mar your Christmas. I had a bad cold that eventually sent me to bed but I think I have got it under control now.
    Happy Christmas to you and your family. xx

  7. Rose is such a beautiful dog and she looks so festive in her Santa hat waiting for Santa to bring her presents! I love the frosty blue tag with the penguins; great stamping and decorative ribbon. The fox looks right at home in the festive blue frosty colors too, what a fun card. Sending hugs and prayers for healing and may your flare-ups settle down so you can enjoy a very peaceful and blessed Christmas. Wishing you everything good in the coming days.

  8. Two beautiful cards in lovely icy colours. Sorry to hear you are having health troules and I hope you feel a bit better again so you can enjoy Christmas a bit. I wish you and your family a merry Christmas. Marlies x

  9. Two fabulous projects but I love the tag Brenda, beautifully designed with the colours and elements just perfect for this Icy challenge.
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

  10. Wonderful image of your sweet baby. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    I love the cute penguin tag and the very lovely foxy card.

  11. So sorry to read that you have been unwell I hope you improve over the next few days and can enjoy Christmas.Two fabulous icy makes,love the stamping in both.Rosie looks beautiful in her Santa hat.Best wishes for the festive season x

  12. Love the Penguin tag and fabulous fox card.Hope you feel better soon and able to enjoy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.Ooops by the way thank you for the absolutely beautiful Christmas card.
    Carol x

  13. Two perfect cards for the challenge Brenda. LOVE those penguins and wish I'd added them to my A&C order!

    Sorry to hear your MS is playing you up - at the worst possible time! Hope it settles down again soon.

    Wishing you a Happy Christmas. Hugs, Sarn xxx

  14. Both are beautifully done Brenda, I used the same penguins as they work so well for icy cold cards. Love your stamped in that gorgeous blue for a monochromatic look on the tag. A beautiful fox image too and fabulous card created with it!
    Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  15. Your tag is really icy looking Brenda and yor card is beautiful with the little fox. Sorry t hear your MS is playing up, hope you don't suffer too much and have a lovely Christmas x

  16. Ahhh Brenda, NOT a good time to be suffering pain, I do hope that the flare up subsides so that you can enjoy Christmas- at least the meds and morphine help, better away with the fairies than in pain.
    Your tag and card are both gorgeous in those beautiful icy colours.
    Love the photo of Rosa, I am so impressed she's wearing the hat- tried for ages to get Marvin to pose in one...he was having none of it...the hat will never be the same again. take care, get well and I hope you have a lovely Christmas despite the MS.

  17. A fabulous card and tag Brenda. I hope your health improves and that you have a Merry Christmas.
    Kath x

  18. Love the icy tag and the cool card. Have a happy Christmas and hopefully you'll feel better soon.

  19. Ciao cara Brenda, sono molto dispiaciuta che la MS ti sta tormentando. Spero che le medicine e la morfina ti aiutino e che tu possa trascorrere un Natale decente!
    La tag con i pinguini è così allegra e giovanile! Mi fa venire in mente il pattinaggio su ghiaccio, chissà perché. Sicuramente dà l'idea del freddo e del ghiaccio con quell'azzurro e tutto lo scintillio! Molto bella anche la card con la volpe, davvero particolare con i cristalli di ghiaccio e le lampadine e i fiori ritagliati emergono così bene!
    Ti abbraccio. Buon Natale, per quanto possibile.

  20. Beautiful creations Brenda, I hope you are able to enjoy your Christmas

  21. Such a pretty tree and Rosa all festively dressed :-) You have created gorgeous icy projects. I'm sorry the MS has reared its ugly self, and sending wishes that it will be improved by the holiday. Merry Christmas, Brenda!

  22. Your cards definitely have an icy feel. So sorry you are still struggling with your health. I hope it calms down soon and doesn't stop you from enjoying the Christmas holiday xx

  23. Two super creations, Brenda which definitely have an icy feel.
    Merry Christmas and wishing you a happy and creative 2024. Hope next year is a better year for you healthwise.
    Liz xx

  24. Two gorgeous makes Brenda, love the designs and icy colours.
    Wishing you a very happy Christmas
    Lorraine x

  25. Gorgeous tag and card!
    Sorry to hear the MS is having a hissy fit!
    Thank goodness for good drugs!!
    Have wonderful Christmas, and all the best in 2024!!

  26. Gorgeous tree, and I love the penguins. Happy Christmas - hope the MS settles a bit for Christmas. Helen xx

  27. Beautiful cards Brenda as always sorry to read regarding the MS hopefully it will settle down and you will be feeling much better ...wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas and a wonderful new year love your tree and gorgeous doggie xx

  28. 2beautiful creations Brenda … I really love the A&C tag die and love the frosty look you have created with the penguins. The card is lovely with so much detail to look at. So sorry to hear you are having such MS problems and having to be so dosed up … hope you will have a lovely Christmas with your family
    Pauline xx

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  30. Love the tag Brenda, and the floral fix looks great too. Sad to be having a flare up right on Christmas time but all the best to you all. Xx

  31. Beautiful photo Brenda and lovely tag and card. I do hope you are feeling a little better then when you posted and hope you had a good Christmas.

    Pat xx

  32. Your makes are always so artistic, Brenda! I really love the look of your tag! Darling picture of Rosa playing Santa, although she doesn't look thrilled about it--haha! So sorry to hear the MS is causing more problems & hope by now you're doing better. Sending wishes for joy & peace in 2024!

  33. I missed this post before Christmas Brenda but am enjoying catching up now. What an adorable photo of Santa's little canine helper and two gorgeous makes too. Sorry to hear the MS is flaring - hope it's calmed down a bit now and that Christmas in fairyland worked out ok :/ Vicky x

  34. Incredible work Brenda, all so beautiful and perfect for the theme. Sorry about the MS. I hope the fairies helped?
    Faith x

  35. Your card is so beautiful and I love your tag with the penguins.

    All the best for you and HAPPY NEW YEAR.


  36. Fun photo of Rosa! The penguins look really cold and like winter. But the fox with crystals and flowers is my favorite; love the soft stencilling! Hugs, Gerrina
