
Saturday 4 November 2023

Down in the woods

Morning everyone, it's Saturday again and a new challenge at Allsorts where this week Ellie has chosen the theme of The Great Outdoors and as always there's the A/G option. Prizes this month come from StampendousOakwood Direct and WOWVOW.

For the one above I've gone magical, the Fairy and Badger are out in the woods and I'm sure there are lots of other little creatures hiding and watching. All stamps are Lavinia and the background Pan Pastels which were well overdue for an outing. Some sparkle on the Fairies wings and a matching envie.

Then I decided to make a second one with an Autumnal feel using the lovely Maple leaf from AALL and Create's Fallen Leaves which I stamped three times onto some inky offcuts and cut out. The tent fold base is constructed with an acetate centre panel over which I placed the leaves. Words from the same set, some stencilling, a strip of washi tape across the top and my favourite little Squirrel.

At Highlight Crafts we've had several releases on Create and Craft over the last week so I'm a bit behind sharing a few samples. The first three were created with the new MCS Best of Christmas, now available as a direct download as well as USB.

The gold on the Madonna and frame is a fabulous new product from Cadence, Gilding Tilsen, it's the easiest format of gilding flakes I've ever used. I've wasted so much gold leaf over the years as never happy with the result. Tilsen is very fine shreds applied with a brush over a coat of Mixion, it really is so simple yet so effective. I've used it on a number of projects and the jar still looks as full as when I started so on balance not as expensive as might appear when you look at the price.

The next ones are using Blossom Boutique which is the Weekend Wonder over at C&C.

Have a good weekend and as always many thanks for your visits.


  1. what gorgeous stamping cards Brenda great scenery and gorgeous 3D cards with those fab flowers

    gr karin

  2. Beautiful DT cards, a magical fairy scene and the warm colours of autumn with the gorgeous squirrel. Wonderful cards for C & C

  3. You've been busy, a lovely selection of cards as always. Love the fairy one for the challenge. Not too sure the great outdoors has been such a good place to be in recent days. Hopefully the storm has moved on now 😉

  4. Stunning cards, wow you've been busy. Loved the first one;-))m

  5. Wow what a fest to see so many cards here! Love the Lavinia one and the one with the squirrel, but that won;t be a surprice... Hope you have a good weekend and sending some energy to you!

  6. Your 2 outdoor cards are really cute. I love the Livinia images on the first card and the leaves and layout on the second card is well done.

    The other cards have some incredible imagery and layering. Nicely done on all of these gorgeous cards.

  7. You have been busy! Lots to satisfy that crafty fix here brenda, but of course, for me it's Lavinia all the way and a super card in the woods. You have reminded me about my pan Pastels too!! x

  8. WOW - another stunning collection of beautiful cards. You're very talented Brenda x

  9. Great work Brenda, so many cards so many styles! Pan pastels, another blast from the past I too have neglected them! I am going to investigate this new gilding medium...

  10. Your stamped 'outdoorsy' cards are both beautiful- especially taken with the magical Lavinia one- must try to remember to use my sadly neglected pastels more they make such lovely soft backgrounds.
    Your sample cards are stunning, as always, a lovely varied selection of themes and styles.

  11. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. I always love your fairy ones and the floral in an envelope has such pretty colours. Have a good weekend x

  12. Wow Brenda you have been busy - a wonderful selection of cards as always. I love the soft colours and composition of the Lavinia fairy card, the gorgeous autumnal colours on your leaves for the A&C card, and the gilding flakes are very stylish and professional looking - I've never used gilding flakes so don't really know much about them.

  13. Fabulous selection of cards,love all the beautiful flowers,love the Autumn leaves and the stamped scene with the first card.
    carol x

  14. Lots of wonderful inspiration here Brenda. What a great idea to use the acetate for more interest and such a beautiful Lavinia forest scene! Wonderful showcase of the new products as well, all so nicely done!

  15. You have been busy making such beautiful cards! I love the sparkly fairy wings and matching envie on the first card, and those maple leaves are such a great nod to Autumn. The gilded golden flakes look stunning on the Madonna card, just wow! Everything is eye candy today, thanks for sharing everything!

  16. A beautiful Lavinia card and fab sparkly wings. Love how you used the leaves and the cute squirrel too. The gilding flakes certainly make for a gorgeous card. I'm sure you know which one is my fav amongst these beauties.

  17. WOW stunning selection of creations Brenda all so diverse in their themes, the top two are superb the bottom samples are outstanding
    lolo x

  18. Wow, stunning cards. I adore the Christmas ones, so beautiful. Hope all is well. Sending love, Anesha x

  19. Great job with a very creative assortment!
    I love the light in the fairy and badger card, and that envelope of pansies is just gorgeous!
    Hope you are well!

  20. A super post, full of pretty floral cards. I love the fairy card at the very top, a lovely stamped and inked scene.

  21. Un post ricchissimo Brenda, così pieno di meraviglie e ispirazioni!!! Tutto è così bello!! Stupenda la card con la fata e il tasso, sai che adoro le tue scene magiche con le fate di Lavinia! La card con le foglie e l'acetato è molto artistica e lo scoiattolo è così carino e dolce!
    La card con la Madonna è davvero eccezionale, non solo per l'immagine che è meravigliosa, ma anche per tutto quell'oro che la rende simile ad un quadro antico. I flakes che hai usato funzionano così bene!
    Luminosissima la card con la silhouette della natività e mi piace che ci sono anche i cervi. La card retro con la vetrata e tutto il lusso è davvero d'impatto!
    E le ultime tre cards con i fiori sono deliziose, una più bella dell'altra! Bellissima la busta delicata in contrasto con i fiori così vibranti! I garofani rossi e i bucaneve sull'acetato sono molto eleganti e la forma ad arco della easel card mi piace molto, così come lo splendido bouquet e quel fiocco centrale che guida lo sguardo.
    Sei stata davvero molto occupata e spero che ti abbia aiutato a distrarti in questo periodo doloroso.
    Spero che la pioggia non abbia fatto danni da te, so che ci sono stati allagamenti. Anche qui in questi giorni la pioggia sta devastando molte zone, purtroppo, specialmente in Toscana e a Portofino, ma anche in Veneto. Da me piove ormai da giorni, ma non è molto forte.
    Un abbraccio

  22. Wonderful collection of cards, Brenda. My favourite is the one with Lavinia stamps, no surprise there! Thanks for the reminder that a have a box of Pan Pastels which really need to have an outing. xx

  23. A stunn8ng array 9f cards Brenda. The florals are beautiful and so vibrant.

  24. A feast of beauty for the eyes Brenda - loving all your projects, especially your maple leaf card.

  25. Love this gorgeous array of cards Brenda, you must have stayed up day and night for a couple of days to make them.🤣

  26. Wow, a plethora of lovely here Brenda!! xx

  27. Fabulous cards Brenda, love the little fairy scene and a lovely design with the Autumnal card.
    Beautiful samples for Highlight Crafts, love the designs of the floral ones.
    Avril xx

  28. I managed to run out of time before I got to Allsorts yesterday so here I am trying to catch up. This is a very impressive collection of cards. I particularly the first one xx

  29. What a wonderful selection of cards Brenda, and the Madonna card is stunning, the gold leaf is amazing. The autumn leaves card is gorgeous, fab stamping and colours, really couldn't chose a favourite if I had to, Kate x

  30. Wow absolutely stunning cards x

  31. You are so productive & all are lovely! I'm especially drawn to the unique leafy card & the beautiful manger scene!

  32. Catching up Brenda! What a gorgeous mix of cards, I love the squirrel and leaves cut out card. The Madonna card is stunning with the gold. Your Nativity card is really lovely with the images making a wonderful scene. How beautiful the Art Deco lady is, it's so elegant. Last but not least, your floral cards are all so very beautiful with images and cut out, making fabulous cards.
    Faith x
