
Sunday 5 November 2023

Christmas Characters and an awesome Moon

Morning everyone, before I tell you about our November challenge, there are changes afoot to entry requirement at both, full details on the challenge blogs, but the bottom line is we have relaxed the amount of stamping required. 

So our optional themes are at We Love Stamping 'Christmas Characters' and at Stamping Sensations 'Get ready for Christmas'. Prizes for the first comer from Sizzix and Craft Stash and at the other Penny Black

My card at the top is my SS piece using Penny Black 2808L Winter Glow, a real oldie wood mounted which I've had for many years, 3227K Hope is Born, another wood mounted stamp which I absolutely love, and 51-068 the die which PB released not that long ago but it coordinates with the Poinsettia. The Poinsettias were stamped onto offcuts inking direct to stamp with watercolour brush pens, die cute and arranged over a base with fancy panel using a Tattered Lace die.  And the mention of offcuts leads me to the Snippets Playground where I am going to link this one. I am also going to link to the current Path of Positivity following the A/G route but with the positive quote.

I will confess to having a bit of a meltdown over the WLS theme as it conjures up cute images and all those things way outside my comfort zone. After much deliberation I decided on a couple of Penny Black stamps in the hope the little girl and her Goose are characters in Christmas mode. 

Among my Mum's ancient photos there's one of me when I was about three in a coat rather like this one and I think that was behind me buying this stamp years ago, my coat was mostly red and I was feeding a Hen, of course I was, I was obsessed with Hens, Dogs and Horses from the moment I could walk. Wonder where Margo gets it from. 

The little girl is PB 40-038 Kindness and in the background 40-567 Restful, a lightly inked background, some colouring and lots of snow. As you will see this is one of the cards for Margo's second Christmas.

Finally, I couldn't resist a photo of the awesome Hunters Moon last weekend as it rose over the pond in the corner of the top paddock. I remember this moon so well from younger days as it marked the start of the hunting season, always a source of excitement as our village meet (Hunt) coincided, then I loved riding to hounds, now, older and wiser, no way would I partake.

I do hope we can encourage you to get crafting and join us this month.


  1. Beautiful cards, different in style but just right for the challenges. I particularly like the poinsettias which are striking

  2. the first card is gorgeous and elegant Brenda the second card is cute and a beautiful scenery and card

    gr karin

  3. Che dolcezza le tue card di oggi, Brenda!! La prima è straordinaria con quel design, veramente una bellissima ispirazione! Adoro il sentiment, è il vero senso del Natale che molto spesso dimentichiamo, e quel taglio ondulato con la griglia a mosaico su fondo nero è adorabile e davvero perfetta con le bellissime Poinsettia!! Elegantissima, raffinata e dolce, sono cose che amo sempre vedere nelle cards!
    La card per Margo ha una dolcezza infinita, e adoro come l'hai colorata ad acquerello!! Wow! Bellissime sia la bimba che l'oca, sembra una scena uscita da un libro di fiabe di quando ero piccola. Io non vivevo in campagna allora, ma già adoravo gli animali e le fattorie. Tu sei stata molto fortunata. :) Lo scintillo della neve e il cielo dello sfondo aggiungono preziosità ad una scena davvero sognante. Sono sicura che Margo apprezzerà!
    Impressionante la luna, che foto stupenda!! Molto triste però che sia il segnale che si possono uccidere gli animali. Anche qui è iniziata la caccia e il mio cuore si stringe ogni volta che sento uno sparo.
    Ci sono alcuni giovani caprioli che gironzolano qui attorno, una splendida sorpresa circa un mese fa...! Sono usciti dal bosco e sono venuti a curiosare fino alla recinzione del mio terreno. Spero che continuino a scorrazzare sani e salvi e che ripopolino il bosco! Qui di animali ce ne sono veramente pochi.
    Aggiornamento sulla pioggia: qui da me ha smesso e stamattina c'è un bel sole, anche se le temperature si sono abbassate velocemente. Ho ancora parecchi pomodori sulle piante e alcune zucche che devono maturare, spero di raccogliere ancora qualcosa. Ma in molte altre regioni d'Italia purtroppo piove forte e c'è allerta.
    Un abbraccio, buona domenica!

  4. A stunning poinsettia card with a wonderful inspirational sentiment Brenda,Margo will be thrilled with her beautiful vintage style Christmas card.

  5. Beautiful cards Brenda, but the little girl and goose is so gorgeous love everything about it, the image the colours just wonderful. Fabulous photo of the Hunters Moon too.

    Pat xx

  6. Those flowers look outstanding with the split panel and fun design in the middle and I love that sentiment too! Card #2 is just delightful with that sweet little girl and her dressed up goose! I really like how you did the sky too. And just WOW to that hunter's moon, what a beautiful photo!

  7. I love the bold design of the Poinsettia card but your sweet little girl stamp has stolen my heart this morning. Beautifully coloured too it makes the perfect Christmas card for your granddaughter.

  8. Two absolutely stunning cards today Brenda - the old wooden PB stamps are absolutely gorgeous and so stand the test of time - looking back I wish I had bought more, especially the brushstroke flowers and fab sentiments. I love how you have put both these cards together.
    Pauline xx

  9. Beautiful poinsettia Brenda and a lovely design. Your little girl is so sweet and you've created a lovely background for her x

  10. Both fabulous cards,I love the beautiful poinsettia and the sentiments,love the beautifully cute image on the second card-I really struggle with cute lol.Brilliant picture of the Hunters moon, we always get a good view of the full moons(depending on cloud)a they are always right opposite our front windows.
    Carol x

  11. Two lovely creations Brenda, both beautifully designed and stamped, the very different styles show your versatility and it's always good to re-visit our older stamps.
    Love the photo of the moon- what a magical atmosphere, anything could be going on beneath it!!

  12. Beautiful cards Brenda. I think we all had one of those coats at an early age, even my own kids. Wow you captured the moon perfectly. What an amazing photo!

  13. Two beautifully done cards Brenda, love how you combined the tree with the girl and her goose image to create that wonderful scene, so nice to read the reason why you purchased that particular stamp too. I have my hedgehog stamp obsession from a childhood memory as well :) Margo will so love her cute card!!
    Beautiful Poinsettias as well with that wonderful quote.

    PS: I noticed my blog link isn't working on the Stamping Sensations blog. Sometimes those permalinks give me trouble. Here is the actual link, this should work: (hope you don't mind updating on the challenge blog when you get a chance. )

    Oh, and what an amazing picture of the Hunters Moon!

  14. Such a gorgeous holiday card! The poinsettia are beautiful; your watercolour brush effects are stunning! Such a lovely design and the sentiment is perfect! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

  15. Two really gorgeous creations Brenda. In my mind the little girl and the goose are exactly what is needed for We Love Stamping this month.

    Thank you for the gorgeous photo of The Hunter's Moon, fantastic bit of photography!

  16. Hello B, lovely to see you in the Snippets Playground! Gorgeous cards as always from you and your little girl feeding the Christmas goose is absolutely adorable! Such a perfect card for little Margo as well. Watch it if you venture towards Sarn's 'Bonfire Night hooch in a flask', strong enough to make your eyes water! Really pleased that you've opened up the two stamping challenges more - I'll do my best to join in for sure!


    Di xx

  17. Fabulous cards Brenda and it's lovely to see you "do"'ve nailed it with that gorgeous card and back story about you buying the adorable stamp. One for Margo to treasure for sure. What a catch of the hunters moon too xx

  18. A stunning Poinsettia card Brenda, love the colouring on the image.
    The card you've made for Margo is gorgeous, such a sweet image on a lovely background.
    A fabulous photo of the Hunters Moon, very dramatic.
    Avril xx

  19. Beautiful cards Brenda they are both top notch work I have some old PB Wood stamps unfortunately not this one but the same little girl in an Easter scene I do have a weakness for these older stamps I am so glad I did not get rid of all mine your colouring of both cards is superb and the photo of that moon is magic
    lolo x

  20. A stunning poinsettia card using your snippets.
    Cute little Christmas card for Margo too.

    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you at the bonfire in the Playground shortly! xxx

  21. Forgot to mention how wonderful I think your Hunters Moon photo is, Very striking xxx

  22. I think the little girl feeding the duck is so cute and perfect for Margo. I like the way it is slightly different for you. thanks for sharing that amazing moon too xx

  23. Lovely cards!
    The poinsettias are so striking!
    Love the little girl with the goose!
    You did well out of your comfort zone!
    Great Hunters Moon photo!
    Hope you are well!

  24. Love the sweet girl and beautiful scene! But the flowers are my favorite! They pop so beautiful on the black and white background! A real great photo! Must have been a beautiful night! Hugs, Gerrina

  25. A couple of amazing cards, Brenda - your poinsettia card is exquisite, and that wee Margo so beautifully coloured, and set against such a wonderful background.
    Your moon photo is stunning!

  26. Two fabulous cards, Brenda. So very different in style, but impossible to pick a favourite. Thanks for sharing a wonderful photo of the Hunters Moon. xx

  27. Beautiful flowers and the peep of the lattice die is a great idea. Love the card for Margo - you should write your tale down and keep it with the card for her.

  28. WOW your card with the little girl is so beautiful and I love the tree in the background, great combination.

    And your card with the flowers is absolutely stunning, fantastic art, Brenda.


  29. So wonderful, Brenda! Love your art work as always :)


  30. These are gorgeous Brenda and I particularly love your striking split panel poinsettia card. Those flowers are just so beautiful and wonderful verse to match. Such a heartwarming scene on Margo's Christmas cards, just perfect. Fabulous Hunters Moon picture, just perfect to craft with too. Michelle x

  31. Ooh so pretty is your first card l just love your poinsettias a great card and what a gorgeous image with the little girl both are so lovely x

  32. What a striking way to use the poinsettias in this split panel design Brenda! Love it and that gorgeous sentiment. Cute isn't really my thing either but you made a wonderful card for Margo who will empathise I'm sure! Very impressed at your atmospheric photo of the Hunters moon - mine never turn out! Vicky x

  33. With so many PB stamps in my stash, I don't know how it is I don't own the poinsettia & sentiment! Adore that card, Brenda! What a sweet story goes with the 2nd card which is also wonderful!

  34. Wowza I really love the flowers on that first card. They have so much dimension to share in the image. The second card is so super sweet. That little duck reminds me of the show Friends. I have gone back and started watching it again. Oh so much fun.

  35. Both stunning cards Brenda, Love the elegant poinsettia, with its die cut centre. The girl and goose is such a lovely image, so nostalgic, I used to wear clothes likes this and always with a hat, until I lost a hat in an after school playtime with my friend. I didn't wear one after that. Thanks for the memory. I was out looking at the moon too, I'm a moon watcher, which ever month. The Hunter moon was gorgeous this time.
    Faith x

  36. Two beautiful cards, congrats 💐☺️ have a great week
