
Saturday 14 October 2023

Textures Florals

Morning everyone, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts where this week Lorraine is our host with the theme of Add some Texture along with the usual the A/G option. This months fabulous bundle of prizes come from Stamp AddictsOakwoodHighlight CraftsRuth Hamilton Dedsign, AALL and Create and Craft Stash.

It's a rather long post so a cuppa or glass dependent on time of day might be called for!!

A heads up for the AALL and Create fans out there, lots of new goodies coming next week to celebrate their 7th Birthday with a preview show on C&C at 12 noon Monday 16th where you can see all the new stamps from Antour, Tracy, Bipasha and Janet.

My texture above comes in the form of acrylic and gesso on the Gelli Plate background which does have lots of texture but not really evident on the photo. Then a bit of a play on words with Textured Florals from AALL and Create which were stamped onto inked offcuts and cut out. Two white circles with some stamping and a little Birdie along with a couple of sentiments and splats of white Posca.

Electronic die cutting machines (yes a sort of review): In my experience most have a down side, with my Switch it's the plates which warp quickly, expensive to replace (a year in and on my third set) and intricate dies usually need two runs through. The Big Shot is great and replaced it last year after ten years, but the size can be restrictive.  

But, the new Pro Cut A4 electronic machine which landed in my craft room recently thanks to Highlight Crafts seems to be the exception and so far I'm really impressed. I've only ever said that once before and that was my e.bosser which expired least year after more than ten years of good service, sadly no longer available.

I left it a while to see how the Pro Cut performed before I gave it the thumbs up (or down) but so far would recommend and the price is competitive as well, plus it's shape is far more compact than the Switch which is a bulky piece of kit. I don't know the secret with the plates on the Pro Cut but they are still as flat as new after some really heavy work. And a big bonus everything cuts perfectly, detailed dies as well with just one run through.

So now I'm able to cut collections so much quicker with two on the go at once......well that's the plan, so long as I'm quick enough to keep up with them. All I have to remember is to put the dies the right way up and not cut through the magnetic shim......yes done that already, I used to do the same with the e.bosser, the Switch doesn't have one and that just might be the difference in performance.

I've been pretty under pressure with TV samples the last few weeks and not much time to play, so this was a nice diversion. I saw a link on a blog which in turn sent me to YouTube and then another and typically I can no longer find it, but think I got the gist of the technique.

Basically you 'splodge'.... technical term......colour onto watercolour card which is first spritzed with water as this helps the ink distribute and beak down the fibres. The videos I watched used distress re-inkers, I only have two colours, a green and pink so added some yellow Dylusions, but probably not enough contrast of colour. Once dry you ink the debossed side (indents, I always get this one confused) of an embossing folder with Versafine Clair nocturne, place the coloured side facing the black ink and run through a die cutter. I did a re-ink of black and ran through a second time. I then made a second one using the same folder, will share next week. 

Then remembered I had several colours of Oxide mica sprays and the one below was used for that, however it was much harder to get a solid back finish as the mica spreads, but still quite effective.

Have a good weekend all.
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  1. Beautiful cards, Brenda. I love the design and colour combination on the first card. Your other two cards are so striking, it sounds like a really interesting technique to try. xx

  2. Loving the floral card with the various textures, actual and visual. Interesting to read about yet another machine on the market and I hope it continues to perform well.

  3. As always I am blown away by your creativity,beautiful cards,a big thank you for the step by step instructions for the 22nd and 3rd cards

  4. beautiful flower cards you have made Brenda.
    great that you have a new machine I still turning by hand [ lol ]
    have a great wekend

    gr karin

  5. Fabulous cards Brenda Your floral + texture one is beautiful, and I am loving the drama of the black backgrounds.-
    here is a link to the video

    There are also the written instructions on Group of Seven Cardmakers here:

    One of the group has also used Brushos for the background


  6. Beautiful cards Brenda loving the top one it looks so detailed seeing your comments on die cutting machines I still have the little baby Tattered Lace one that I won off you many moons ago use it regularly I also have an electronic one but never use it I do have an A4 manual one that I bought off Ebay some time ago and I use that one for anything over A5 size but I also have a Big Shot that I use regularly the cost of these things limit replacement goods but at least I have a few to choose from lol.
    lolo x

  7. Three really beautiful cards. The collage on the first card is wonderful and I really love the sentiment on that card. Gorgeous colors on the second and third cards.

  8. Your top card is so creative Brenda and I love the effect of the embossed cards with black background. I might give it a try if I have a suitable embossing folder. Have a good weekend x

  9. Gorgeous cards, especially loved the first one.
    Have to check that diecut machine, if I could get one here too, my cottage electronic machine broke down.

  10. So beautifully made and what a fun new technique, not heard about it before. Saw a little sneak peek about the new Aall and Create stamps, how fun! I'm so happy though that I finally got my hands on some of their older stamps at a wonderful discount, the beautiful Textured Florals was another one which is currently on the way to me (yes, I had recently placed a third order :) Could not resist their discounted prices!!

  11. Beautiful cards Brenda, the first one is my favourite with all that lovely texture and the paper-pieced flowers, interesting technique on the other two, it's always fun to try something new and experiment using what you have to see how it turns out- these look fab.
    I've been toying with the idea of an electronic die cutter- I use a Big Shot Pro at the moment, which I've been quite happy with. This one is definitely food for thought, so thanks for the review.
    Have a good weekend

  12. Fabulous 1st ard-background and stamps, love the technique you used on the the last two cards too.I have had a big shot for absolute years and only had one replacement plate adespite using it all the time,the handle came off and have to hold it on when I use it lol-but heyho it still works.I did buy an ebosser a few years ago but due to limited space it was kept in a cupboard so sold as it hardly got used!
    Carol x

  13. Your cards are equally beautiful with texture and amazing color, and I so appreciate your good reviews as well. My Big Shot is old and tired but I'll keep it until it dies because it still works. I still have a Big Kick machine (which came before the Big Shot) which I use only for embossing side by side with the Big Shot which I use only for cutting. The old things work quite well after a number of years, so I'm pleased.

  14. Love your colourful inky embossed pieces. Also love the A&C card at the top of the post. xxx

  15. Even though you haven't had much time to play you never cease to amaze with all your lovely creations and ideas each post. A wonderful textured piece on the first card and I love the pink and blue combo too.

  16. Great cards today, I particularly like the second and third ones. I have just made some cards with that technique too and am trying to find time to write a post and share them. It is a great technique. I have done it before by using a black marker pen to colour the background. It gives a lovely dense black background but it takes ages. The inking method is much quicker but also much messier! Thanks for the inspiration and the little review of electronic die cutting machines xx

  17. Beautiful cards as always Brenda you have great ideas love the embossed pieces so creative, backgrounds are stunning x

  18. Ciao Brenda, immagino quanto tu sia stata impegnata con i lavori per la TV, ma nonostante tutto sei riuscita anche a provare nuove tecniche!!
    La card per Allsorts è magica, così piena di bellissimi dettagli e textures! I fiori sono stupendi e quei cerchi sembrano trasparenti, che bell'effetto! L'immancabile uccellino è delizioso e adoro il dettaglio di quel filo! I tuoi sentiments sono così versatili!
    Davvero belle le altre due card! Ho già visto questa tecnica ma non l'ho ancora provata. Mi ricorda quei lavori con i pastelli a cera che facevo da piccola, grattando via la cera per creare disegni cangianti. :) Grazie per aver raccontato la tua esperienza con i diversi tipi di colori.
    Sono contenta che tu abbia una nuova fustellatrice elettronica che ti velocizza il lavoro! Questa Pro Cut A4 ha davvero un buon prezzo rapportata alle altre fustellatrici (ho seguito il link). Io ho una Sizzix A4 manuale. Trovo che una macchina A4 sia utilissima in certi casi!
    Buon weekend! Spero che tu ti possa riposare un po'!

  19. Your cards are all stunning!
    I want to try the technique you've used.
    You know me, this has mess written all over it!!
    I found this video
    Can probably copy & paste?
    I was also interested to hear about your electronic die cutter.
    My Big Shot is on it's last leg! There was a 'sproing' last night, but so far is still working!
    Have a great rest of the weekend!
    Hope you are well!

  20. Love the technique that you discripe and think it is a fun one to do! (Saw ir at Darnell's groupe blog)
    But... that first one is just stunning! Love the background and all the little details that make the flowers pop in a great way! Enjoy your weekend!

  21. Wow, that is a long post but very interesting. Good review on the machine though. I still have my Gemini, still cuts will but numerous sets of plates as warp quickly, still have my cut n boss too. Lovely cards too Brenda, xx

  22. Beautiful cards Brenda. A lovely blue and pink colour combi and the other 2 are very bright and cheerful. Take care, Marlies

  23. I didn't reach the end of your post before hopping to the Pro cut page! My old Spellbinders has plates that do not bend (although won broke in half despite its 1cm thickness!) but my Big Shot is absolutely awful in that regard. Although I'm quite happy with a manual machine, at this price The Pro-cut is a good option. I do wonder if the plates would work in my Big Shot too... x

  24. What beautiful cards Brenda, I love the designs and the fabulous colours.
    I have a CC Gemini, and it's never used, I just don't like it and so heavy to move, I don't have space to have it on a table or my desk. I don't like how it cuts, a waste of money in my opinion. If I had just waited I would have bought the Big Shot plus.
    Anyway, I hope you get on alright with your new machine, take care, Kate x

  25. WOW! Brenda, what gorgeous cards, love the pink and grey of your first card, with the sparkly bird, a beautiful design with texture too. Then your colourful cards, with the incredible embossing technique I've read about, you have cracked it. They are beautiful. As for a die cutting machine, I am still on my Grand Calibur and its original plates, which are still flat. I'm sticking to it.
    Faith x

  26. Fun to use 'Textured Florals' for this texture challenge Brenda and the background has plenty of texture too so it's texture all the way! Loving the bright colours you used for your EF technique cards - they are so effective. Thank you too for your electronic die cutter reviews. It's always good to get a proper unbiased word of mouth review from a real crafter who has actually used them continuously! Vicky x

    PS Thanks for your comment about Lulu and Eva. Yes, I knew they'd get on as I've walked them together for quite a while now. She's been here for less than a week and it's as if she's lived with us for ever!

  27. Great cards Brenda and what an interesting technique too. Thank you for your comments about the ProCut 4, an interesting read. Although I have been very pleased with my Gemini (despite the warped plates) it is starting to make a strange noise so might need replacing in the not too distant future. I got the no fill rug out for the boy last night and I had to dig out woolly gloves this morning to do the poo picking!! Looks like rain is on the way though xx

  28. A gorgeous set of cards Brenda. I particularly love the colours and design of the first one - so pretty
    Lorraine x

  29. Love these cards, very vibrant. Hope all is well. Still quite busy around here but hopefully soon get time to craft again. Sending hugs. Anesha x

  30. Your first card is beautiful with that lovely layout and colours. So much too see. Two striking cards with the technique you used too. Thanks for the info about the die cutting machines.

  31. Gorgeous textured card Brenda, so much detail and interest. Love the two debossing cards .. beautiful vibrant result. I’ve not seen this technique before, and I don’t have any spray colouring media as I shudder to think what might go wrong crafting in the dining room, but I’d like to try this with some other splodged colours.
    Pauline xx

  32. Lovely cards Brenda, your floral cards are always beautifully presented with stunning colours....enjoy playing with your new 'toy'


  33. Stunning cards and great techniques Brenda. That is great information to know about the cutting machines. Thank you!

  34. Gorgeous texture on your Allsorts card, Brenda - thanks for the inspiration!! Love the colorful patterns with the deep black on the other cards too!!

  35. Beautiful cards, the first one has gorgeous flowers and lovely colours, your two "play" cards are great, love the fabulous rainbow colours on the second one.

    Pat xx
