
Sunday 6 August 2023

Sunny Sunflowers, Buttercups and sneak peeks

Morning everyone, the first Sunday of August means it's time for our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are as always Anything Stamped with options of Masculine and a Summer mood board. Prizes this month come from Highlight Crafts and Craft Stash

Above my take on the mood board taking the colours, Sunflower and birdie. The base panel is inked then a spritzed stencil laid over and dabbed to lift some ink. The Sunflower is from AALL and Create A4 stamp set Friendship Florals, the little birdie from Blackbird, the circles from various sets and the words from Seasons. Both this card and the one below show, I hope, how well A&C stamps sets work together, you can pull small elements from different sets and they blend into a design as thought that's how it was meant to be. The mesh is another piece sourced from one of hubby's greenhouses.

My masculine card again combining different A&C sets has a scored and inked base panel, love the effect created by just dragging ink pads down the score lines. Some stencilling and circles and leaves from Foliage, coloured, cut  out and layered and Woody from Follow you own Path and an envie to match. There's lots of snippets in this one (all the elements, bird, leaves, circles, sentiment) so popping to the Playground and Simon Say's Wednesday challenge with the Sunflower at the top of my post.

Another taking the sunny yellows from the mood board using one of the new Tracy Evans releases from AALL and Create which showcased on Create and Craft recently. I am late to the party with these samples due to the eye issues which I'm pleased to say now seem settled. For a change of scenery I'm going into Stamford hospital this week for another spinal procedure......I like to mix it up! It's some distance from us but has a wonderful pain management department which seems to be in a time warp, usually as many staff as patients in the small ward. 

I love the Buttercup called Build Me Up and have used several of the stamps to make a larger plant stamped onto a brayered and stencilled background, I used blue and yellow but the colours merged to create a greenish colour......should have remembered that from school days! 

I have also been having a play with the other stamps and stencils in the release and whilst I love most......I have always said I will be honest in my appraisal of any products I am promoting....... I remain unconvinced with Flower Smudge. Whilst they still have excellent stamping quality and I usually love working with silhouette stamps these seem neither one thing or the other.......sorry guys, may just be me! Below one of those I made using the set, I tried lots of variations and colours but still not happy.

Finally a few sneak peeks of new releases coming to Create and Craft TV tomorrow, the first Chantilly and Twine, a new Tattered Lace collection of foundation dies with beautiful Orchids, flowers and fauna all of which have free complimentary Reflections/Charisma sheets. Tattered Lace is now back in house with Stephanie at Highlight Crafts and products can be found under the Brand section of the website. The Orchids in particular really lend themselves to decoupage.

The decorative dies above come in both square and circular sets and match the pearl dot frames I have from many years ago as a DT for them and I know from your blogs many of you have them as well. I've always been a fan of an arch shape so this new set below really appeals, I cut twice and made little hinges from offcuts to make a gatefold card. 

Below a new Create and Craft in house die release and there is also a USB which contains all the elements plus Backing DP's and lots of cute little mice and other characters......yes I did get outside my comfort zone and make samples with them, proof below! There's a real feel of tradition with these dies but blended with elegance for some special seasonal cards.

The above card has a frame made from stitched dies cut twice and hinged at the top to create a top fold card (may be called an 'A' fold, sure someone can tell me), then acetate added to the aperture which gives an impression of the bells floating/hanging. The TL sentiment has been fixed onto the back panel acetate. The backing DP on the second comes from the USB.

Many thanks for your visits and have a good Sunday. 

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  1. Goodness, you have been busy making these lovely cards as inspiration for us. Hope all goes well at the hospital.

  2. A wonderful collection of cards here Brenda. So much to look at and enjoy.

    Good luck with your spinal procedure next week. Glad to hear your eyes have improved.

    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. You’re an early bird up in the treehouse breakfast club today! Here, have a croissant and a mug of coffee! Xxx

  3. Wow that's a lovely selection of cards all so very beautiful and creative x

  4. Your AALL and create cards are stunning Brenda,lots of detail and beautiful finishing touches,though I can appreciate your doubts about the flower smudge,it seems to lack the crisp detail of most of their stamps.As always love the cards using the Tattered lace collection and the usb

  5. Wow Brenda you have been busy making this stunning array of cards. I love the pretty colour schemes and composition of your first 2 A &C cards, and the lovely new stamp on card 3. Interesting hearing your opinion on Flower Smudge … I have just ordered it along with 2 other stamps from the same release so hope I will like working with them. Your Highlight Crafts cards are so pretty too, and I particularly love the techniques you have used on the C&C hanging bells with the frames and acetate.
    Hope all goes well with your procedure this week
    Pauline xx

  6. Oh mamma mia, Brenda, quante card hai preparato!!! Sei stata davvero molto occupata e creativa! Tutte bellissime e molto diverse tra loro, come è tua abitudine! Concordo con te sui fiori della quarta card, credo sia difficile farli risaltare bene. In ogni caso hai fatto un ottimo lavoro, quel rosso sgargiante con quel verde attirano sicuramente l'attenzione!
    Tuo marito si chiederà dove finisce la sua rete se continui a prendergliene dei pezzetti :D LOL Mi piace molto l'effetto di questo tuo riciclo!
    Adoro le orchidee della quinta card, bellissimo design con quel frame decorativo! I fiori della gatefold ad arco sono stupendi, amo sempre vedere come realizzi questo tipo di card. Mi piacciono anche molto le card di Natale, così festive ed eleganti! E quei topini nell'ultima si stanno davvero divertendo un sacco sulla neve!
    Anche io nell'orto ho pomodori per la salsa, da mettere in freezer per l'inverno. Spero di avere abbastanza tempo ed energie, mia mamma mi assorbe parecchio e l'orto lo curo io da sola... il tempo non mi basta mai e la fatica è tanta.
    Un abbraccio, buona domenica e spero che le temperature da te si alzino un po'. Qui di giorno fa caldo, ma la notte è fresca, non sembra agosto...

  7. Once again a real feast for the eyes with this showcase Brenda. You have been busy. So glad to hear your eye issues have improved and xI wish you well on the spinal procedure. xx

  8. A wonderful selection of cards Brenda, but I think I'm with you on the Flower Smudge, not really sure about it.
    My favourite has to be the one with bells, it is beautiful. Hope all goes well at Stamford x

  9. Wowser! Where to begin? I know what you've been doing on these wet and windy days we've been having. So glad your eyes are better and you're able to spend more time crafting - at least it takes the mind off not being able to be outside.
    All the cards are beautiful, a lovely variety of themes and techniques, my favourites, as always, are the stamped ones, they are amazing.
    Good luck with the spinal procedure.

  10. You certainly have been a busy little bee making all these beautiful cards! I can't choose a favorite but the little mice frolicking in the snow in the last card is just too cute for words. Nice job on everything. I'm happy for you that your eye issues have settled down and I wish you the best results in your upcoming spinal procedure too! Hugs!

  11. Wow, I am absolutely amazed by the sheer beauty of your card collection! Each one is a spectacular masterpiece in its own right, and I can't help but be enchanted by the artistry you've poured into them. Your use of texture and layers is nothing short of genius, adding depth and dimension to every card. If you’re interested in adding your card to another challenge, check out my challenge here:
    Cheers, Makira

  12. Such a lovely collection of cards Brenda you've certainly been busy. Wishing you well with your procedure I will be thinking of you


  13. Now that's a fabulous collection of cards! Of course my favourite is the understated Masculine make but I love the new releases from Tattered Lace too... x

  14. Good to hear your eye issues have settled down and hope all goes well with your spinal app.Fabulous selection of card and stamps I love them all,I was going to ask if the mesh was a stamp lol
    Carol x

  15. Such a gorgeous lot of cards Brenda, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of them all. Thank you so much for your message thinking of me.

  16. Lots of beautiful cards here, Brenda. I love them all and so hard to pick favorites but have been loving your work with Tracy Evans' stamps! Wonderful new release for Create and Craft TV too, my favorite from that lot is the one with the 2 candles in the traditional red, gold and green, but once again they all are beautiful!
    Happy to hear your eye surgery was a great success and wishing you all the best for the spinal procedure this week! Sounds like you'll be in good hands!

  17. WOW!! Brenda, what stunning selection of cards today, you've been really busy. Such marvellous stamping and gorgeous designs and colours. I love the Christmas card with the bells, so beautiful.
    I hope all goes well with your appointment this week, take care, Kate x

  18. Wow so many cards and all so beautiful;-))m

  19. Such a selection of beautiful cards B - not sure where I could even begin. Your snippets card is so perfect - beautifully made and also such a lovely cornflour palette. I do think that turquoise and beige are a match made in heaven!


    Do xx

  20. Wow you have been busy! Love all the inspiration amd the first four are my favorites! Hope you had a good weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  21. Oh my goodness Brenda, this is an amazing array of cards - all beautiful, although that messy flower stamp would leave me with doubts too...
    Love the unintentional green background - it's perfect :)

  22. You have been busy, so many beautiful makes. If I had to pick one it would be the masculine card with the woodpecker. You've achieved beautiful colouring and all that cutting out of the different elements of the stamp really makes for a wonderful card.

  23. Oh my goodness Brenda what an eye candy blog post you have made for us. Your cards are absolutely amazing, so bright and cheerful and for all seasons!!

  24. A fabulous array of cards Brenda, you have been busy!
    Love the first two A&C cards, but like you not too sure about the flower smudge. Love the Christmas cards, especially the acetate frame with the hanging bells.
    Avril xx

  25. wow you bin busy beautiful and gorgeous cards Brenda

    gr karin

  26. Such a fabulous array of cards Brenda.

    Sue xx

  27. It's always such a pleasure to have a wander through the Brenda Gallery! What a stunning display today! I love the different styles and also appreciate your honesty - we don't always get on with stamp styles and it sounds as if this is the one that didn't float your boat!! Vicky x

  28. I agree with Vicky, your cards are an art gallery, that can be travelled through, all wonderful and beautifully made, have to agree with you on the smudged flower card too.
    Hope everything went OK with your hospital visit.
    Faith x

  29. Stunning cards Brenda, LOVE the dragged inkpad technique on the first, I think even I could do a good job of that!! The orchids are glorious and, of course, those cute little birdies sang to me. Hope your hospital visit goes well xx

  30. wow Brenda...what a fabulous selection of cards..I'm always amazed at how many beautiful cards you can make.

    All gorgeous as usual.


  31. Lots of great imagery on all of these cards. Looks like you have been busy making lots of great cards.

  32. Dear B., there is no doubt about it you really do a variety of styles and cards, and it’s hard to pick a favourite but there’s a reminder there I’ve nit made one Christmas card this year… yet!. Think that’s a first since 2010. Better start thinking about it.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X  

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz} {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  33. What a huge collection of very impressive cards. I think the first 3 are my favourites. Sorry for my late visit xx
