
Saturday 12 August 2023

All creatures great and small and tomato soup?

Morning everyone, it's the second of our two weeks challenges at Allsorts to take us through the holiday month. This time I hosting and my chosen theme is All Creatures Great and Small, so any domestic or wild creature but definitely no fantasy creatures or teddy bears! Prizes are an A 4 stamp set from AALL and Create and a £15 store voucher from WOWVOW.

Dominic Phillips dog stamp sets from AALL and Create were an immediate hit with me and I have made so many cards using them. Above the Lab from Canine Dreams, he's probably my favourite from the three Dog sets released. Simply stamped, stencilled sunray's, a sentiment from the set used for the card below and some little hearts and Mouse from another A&C set.

The Dachshund from Man's Best Friend, stamped ahed heat embossed with detail clear EP, the same sentiment again and stencilled stars.

Something out of the norm for me, I thought I would share my current favourite tomato soup recipe. We have two greenhouses so always have an abundance of them and this year one has just an Italian plum variety, very meaty and perfect for stuffing as well as soup and sauces. I've always used my Gran's recipe peeling them first and long slow cooking, the Italian way. Then recently I came across a couple of suggestions to use them as is, so devised my own version, might not be new to some but thought I would share:

Tomatoes, I rarely weigh anything but roughly 2 kg
4 cloves garlic
3 large onions (I use one red and two regular)
Handful sun dried tomatoes (ones in oil) roughly chopped
A few tbsp of the oil from above
Oregano (I use dried as it's doesn't grown well in our soil)
Fresh basil (we grown purple and green, dried is not a substitute)
Few fresh sage leaves
Olive oil and seasoning
Dessert spoon dark muscovado sugar (from my Gran's recipe)
Good slug white wine
2 tbs good balsamic
About 1-1.5 pints water or stock (can be adapted for vegan/veggies)

Chop onions and divide two thirds between two baking trays (the other 1/3 comes in later). Cut tomatoes into 2/4 pieces dependent on size, divide between the two trays. Do the same with the garlic. Sprinkle on the Oregano, seasoning and olive oil, mix well and put into oven at 200deg for about 3/4 hour, turning one or twice. Your after a slightly charred finish.

Meantime put the oil from the sun dried tomatoes into a large pan and fry off the rest of the chopped onion, when browned add the white wine to deglaze the pan. Remove tomatoes from oven and add to pan, add a little water to the baking pans to get all the caramelised edges and add along with all other ingredients. Simmer for about an hour, cool a little and use a stick blender which not only blends but the skins just disperses into the soup. Adjust seasoning to taste.

As you can see it's a really chunky consistency after cooking but blends down to a lovely soup and not a sign of any skin.

My first attempt ended up as a tomato sauce for meatballs as I didn't add any water/stock, it hadn't occurred to my that by roasting the tomatoes the liquid content had evaporated, but it did give a lovely thick sauce. So the method works for both sauce and soup. One of my Granddaughters used the recipe and added roasted peppers as well and said it was tasty.

Finally back to craft, several asked me about the card above which was one of Sunday's sneak peeks and the "floating" bells. I used this construction weight acetate which myself and the Highlight DT work with, it's significantly stronger than the usual available. Not the cheapest but you can get an extra 10% discount with my code on the sidebar. I tend to fold manually as I find it's dons't work as well using a scoreboard, I fold, use a bone folder then pull into shape.

Have a good weekend.
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  1. Loving the dog images and words. Interesting to have a lovely soup recipe amongst the craft - sounds delicious.

  2. beautiful cards Brenda and gorgeous christmas card

    gr karin

  3. I do love these dog cards you make they are so cute (and you don't do cute!). Great recipe too.

  4. Both dog images are beautiful Brenda,love the sentiment,true for the dogs we had over the years,Thanks for the soup recipe Brenda,make minestrone and tomato,your recipe sounds more meaty than the ones I have so will be giving it a go.

  5. Beautiful cards Brenda - love the sitting doggie one in particular
    That soup sounds amazing... I love roasting pumpkin to use in soup also.

  6. Fabulous cards Brenda. Thanks for the soup recipe, it sounds delicious and I’m sure it smells amazing! xx

  7. Your doggie cards are just perfect Brenda. Omg I can smell that delicious looking soup from here!

  8. I love all of these gorgeous cards and your soup recipe sound delicious. I might just have to try it as we also have plum tomatoes growing this year.

    Sue xx

  9. Love the dog cards. I have those images on my wish list. Oh that tomato soup looks great.

  10. I love both of those great dog images, but I'm partial to the dachshund card as I once had a sweet dachshund to love for a few years. I love the flowers on the lab, very colorful and fun. Your tomato soup looks just wonderful and you use all those great herbs along with the whole tomato which includes all that great flavor and nutrition too. I just froze some tomatoes yesterday that people gifted me with, so I will enjoy them in the future.

  11. A lovely post as usual, full of inspiration on the craft front and this week, a bonus recipe! I'll test it on hubby as he's the tomato soup lover :)

  12. Gorgeous doggy cards today! They're both beautiful but I'd have to choose the first one as that's my favourite stamp too- I like to think it's a Great Dane...but could be a Labrador (either is fine with me!)
    Thanks for the recipe, tomato soup not my favourite but O/H loves it and so do granddaughters.

  13. Two gorgeous doggie cards Brenda .. love how the first one is looking at the sun, and the dachshund so reminds me of a friend’s gorgeous little dog. The soup recipe sounds and looks delicious too.
    Pauline xx

  14. They are wonderful canine cards Brenda and that sentiment always makes me smile. The "see through" card is fabulous, love the artwork. Our toms have done exceptionally well this year so I certinly have enough to try out your recipe, thank you for sharing with us xx

  15. Such beautifully done cards Brenda, beautiful stenciling and loving the stamps! The soup recipe sounds delicious and I can just imagine how wonderful the kitchen must smell after making it!

  16. Fabulous cards and dog stamps-love the sentiment.The tomoato soup recipe sounds delicious but our tomato plants are really struggling this year and the beetroot crop is abysmal!
    Carol x

  17. Fabulous and beautiful cards;-))m

  18. Ciao Brenda, innanzitutto mi ha fatto piacere leggere la tua ricetta, molto diversa dal modo italiano! Sicuramente è molto gustosa e si presenta bella consistente!! Interessante l'uso dell'aceto balsamico e dei pomodori secchi!!
    Qui in Italia ogni regione ha le sue ricette tradizionali, anche se a volte variano di poco.
    Sono contenta che hai tanti pomodori in serra e che puoi anche metterli via per l'inverno, come anche le erbe aromatiche!
    Le tue cards con i cani sono bellissime, adoro quei timbri e il sentiment è così vero! Grazie per la spiegazione sull'acetato robusto che hai usato per la card con le campane, è una card davvero molto d'effetto!
    Un abbraccio, spero che le temperature si alzino anche da te, qui oggi è arrivato Caronte e fa di nuovo abbastanza caldo. Bene per i miei pomodori, i cetrioli e le zucche :)
    Buon weekend!

  19. Both lovely cards, Brenda! I'm with you on the lab stamp, my favourite too...
    Sounds like a great recipe for a flavoursome tomato recipe. I usually make mine with canned tomatoes, the best way to get ripe ones if one doesn't grow them!

  20. Ooh that soup looks yummy and your cards are gorgeous as always x

  21. Love the dog cards, they are wonderful. That soup looks yummy. Have a great week. Anesha x

  22. I love your dog cards, great images. Love the "bell" card too, such a pretty design. Love its acetate. Your soup looks scrumptious.
    Faith x
    Hope all went well at the hospital.

  23. Wow, your tomato soup recipe looks fab, and the finished soup looks yummy. Thank you for the recipe Brenda.
    Wonderful dog images and terrific cards, lovely designs and colours. Your bell card is stunning, Kate x

  24. Hi Brenda lovely to be back in blogland and what gorgeous animal cards you have created of course being a dog lover these appeal to me very much I love the flowers on the Lab, the festive card is brilliant the soup looks soooo tasty
    lolo x

  25. I love the sponging on both! And the dog stamps are simply beautiful! The photo and recipy looks tasty... if I can confince one of the two others here I might try it! Hugs, Gerrina

  26. Such a true sentiment on your lovely dog cards Brenda..Thank you for the recipe looks nice and easy to make which I like


  27. Gorgeous dog cards and your soup looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe xx

  28. Two lovely doggy cards Brenda, love the Dachshund and the quotes. I always make my own soups and this recipe sounds good, I've taken a copy and will definitely give it a try.
    Avril xx

  29. Such gorgeous doggy cards Brenda and I love your beautiful Christmas card which I must have missed first time round as we have had no internet for over two weeks, so just catching up now.

    Pat xx

  30. I love everything Brenda love the floating card and the soup sounds good too, xxx

  31. Fabulous cards Brenda. Love them all 3.
    Thx for the recipe! Your soup looks yummi, think I have to give it a try.
    Hugs from Norway

  32. Beautiful cards Brenda - love the dogs!
    That soup sounds yummy!

  33. I just love dog images and cards!
