
Saturday 3 June 2023

Pretty in Pink

Morning everyone, this week at Allsorts Sarah is challenging us to use dies on our creations, for those of you who really don't have any then there's always the A/G option. June prizes come from SizzixAALL and CreateAldridge CraftsLavinia and Ruth Hamilton Design.

Eye progressing, but screen time still limited so grateful for the better weather (some days) to sit in the garden where I took a few photos making this post a tad picture heavy.

Both my DT shares feature dies from Highlight TRR using some older releases, above a wreath shape created with three circle die cuts placed onto an embossed base panel and the Poppies and Wheat arranged around it plus a couple of Squirrels. Below a simple design, die cut flowers again, layering dies to build up the design and a die cut sentiment and envie to match.

Dies play a huge part in our crafting so I hope you will share some of yours with us this week.

As promised photos starting with our brilliant display of Digitalis,

Spot the distant onlookers
And the tiniest baby bunny making it's way in the big wide World
Those Labs get everywhere
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  1. Most definitely 'pretty in pink' and also some beautiful garden photos. Pleased to hear that the eyes are making progress.

  2. Such pretty cards Brenda - great work! Good to hear your eyes are recovering well.
    Love your garden photos, and the photo bombers - the labs and the wee bunny!

  3. So pleased to read that you're eyes are improving Brenda,two beautiful cards using the floral diecuts,love the white backgrounds.Your garden pictures are stunning.

  4. Gorgeous cards Brenda, the TRR collections are so good! I enjoy very much seeing your wonderful garden and all living creatures in it. The chestnut tree is fabulous as are the flowers. x

  5. Gorgeous cards Brenda and I do love seeing pics of your garden, so pretty and I do miss my English garden, xxx

  6. Absolutely gorgeous floral cards and stunning garden pictures.
    Glad to hear your eye is making progress. xxx

  7. gorgeous cards Brenda and you garden looks fab love your digitalis, I don't have them, but I did several times but don't do it.
    But I don't give up.

    gr karin

  8. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love those flowers. Great photos too lots of beautiful flowers there, I think our garden is a few weeks behind yours, most things are just opening now the sun is here. Glad the eye is progressing, have a lovely sunny weekend.

    Pat xx

  9. Two stunning cards Brenda and fantastic pictures of your beautiful garden. I love the photo of the foxgloves. I used to have them in my garden but they seem to have vanished the last few years.

    Sue xx

  10. WOWZA I am blown away at all the incredible flowers. Both cards are just beautiful and oh my gosh the photos are incredible.

  11. Glad to hear your eyes are making good progress and love all the beautiful garden pics,our foxgloves are no-where near as far on as yours in fact none of the shrubs are.Love both the cards and beautiful flowers
    Carol x

  12. Two beautiful floral cards Brenda and your garden looks stunning and so full of color!
    Happy to hear your eye surgery went well and that you are recovering nicely to enjoy the beautiful garden!

  13. Both are stunning cards Brenda, I love how you layered them, they're gorgeous. What a very gorgeous garden to enjoy, with such beautiful blooms. Thank you for sharing them, they must give you so much joy. Good to hear your eyes are improving too. I know I nag, but please take care with using them too much!
    Faith x

  14. Fabulous cards!
    Love your gorgeous garden, so beautiful wisterias and all;-))m

  15. Two gorgeous card cards garden is lovely what a beautiful collection of colours the wisteria is amazing...sadly we lost ours two years ago... Its just so nice to sit in your garden and look at all the different plants and flowers, very inspirational


  16. Glad you're making good progress, must be huge relief!
    Two beautifully cards using some stunning die cuts and your garden is looking glorious, this is such a beautiful time of year.
    Love how the dogs get in on the action :) they're beautiful too.

  17. I am glad to hear you are making progress with your eyes and your garden is just stunning. At least we had sun today, it has been cloudy and cool all week here. Everything is very dry again now so roll on some rain, Love your cards especially the second one, very clever use of those dies xx

  18. Un post meraviglioso, cara Brenda!! Innanzitutto per le ottime notizie sul tuo occhio e sul bel tempo, così che puoi gioire della natura e stare lontana più facilmente dallo schermo :) Le tue foto riempiono di gioia anche me, che stupende fioriture!!! E quel minuscolo coniglietto è delizioso!! Spero che la sua mamma sia lì vicino e non si sia avventurato troppo da solo. Nella stessa foto vedo anche che hai una bella serra! :)
    Come puoi immaginare adoro le tue due cards con i fiori di TRR... sono uno spettacolo!! Li hai arrangiati così bene per comporre la ghirlanda con le spighe di grano e la seconda card è dolcissima e favolosa come dice il sentiment!! Adoro quei fiori!!!
    Qui fa molto caldo, l'Estate è già arrivata! Ci sono molti turisti e le persone vanno già alla spiaggia.
    Un grande abbraccio!

  19. Good to hear your eyes are progressing!
    Lovely cards, and thanks for sharing pictures of your garden!

  20. Two fabulous cards Brenda, absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing the beautiful floral photos. Please to hear that your recovery is going well. xx

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Beautiful designs with the lovely flowers and dies. Your garden looks fantastic with the beautiful flowers Take care, Marlies

  23. Two very pretty cards with the TRR dies Brenda, and wow what stunning pictures of your garden .. the variety of flowers is really amazing! Glad your eye is making progress
    Pauline xx

  24. Absolutely beautiful floral displays Brenda, both on your cards and in your garden! Lovely displays of those rare labrador blooms too!! Glad to hear the eyes are progressing and glad that you've had some good weather to enjoy the outdoors. Vicky x

  25. Two really gorgeous creations Brenda. Thank you so much for sharing photos of your beautiful garden and awesome flowers. Love the bunny and the dogs too. Glad your eyes are on the mend. Please carry on behaving yourself though!!

  26. A beautiful wreath. I do love the framing on the second card though. Such a fresh pretty layout.

  27. A beautiful wreath. I do love the framing on the second card though. Such a fresh pretty layout. Gorgeous foxgloves and that tiny rabbit!

  28. Both gorgeous cards Brenda and a lovely envelope to match too. Pleased to hear you are progressing well x

  29. Wonderful die cuts Brenda and I thought it must be about time for the tour of your beautiful garden. It's looking particularly gorgeous this year and the photo bombers always make mme smile!! xx

  30. So many beautiful colors in your environment! It's like you live in a park & fun seeing the labs & the tiny bunny! I love wreaths, but the 2nd card is really catching my attention with it's fun design!

  31. Beautiful card and what a wonderful garden you have! Love looking at those florals & shrubs, such serene surrounding.

  32. Both cards look so pretty with all those flowers, but your garden is just heavenly and I'd be sitting there enjoying all that beauty every day if I could! Oh my, I'm so impressed with all those beautiful flowers. I'm just loving all that gorgeous wisteria along with that precious little bunny! Your labs are beautiful too. Take good care of your eyes after that surgery, I'm glad you've seen improvement. Enjoy your garden!
