
Saturday 27 May 2023

A beautiful story

Morning everyone, it's another short post, been no blog activity, eye surgery was brought forward!

At Allsorts Lorraine selected 'Use a Stencil' along with the A/G option. Prizes can be seen on the challenge blog from SizzixAALL and CreateAldridge CraftsLavinia and Ruth Hamilton Design.

A Lisa Horton set comprising die, EF and layering stencils, Oxides and Clair's and sentiment from my Moments stamp set available from Create and Craft and Stamp Addicts.

Miss Margo on Penelope this week, at 21 months she's loving being in the saddle, never too young to start.
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  1. I hope your eye surgery was a success Brenda and it's not long till you see an improvement.A beautiful card with the layering stencils and a wonderful pic of Margo

  2. beautiful card Brenda and what a sweet photo

    gr karin

  3. Such pretty colours for these lovely flowers - stencils have certainly come quite a way since their early days. So many possibilities for great results. Take care

  4. Very pretty card Brenda, great results from layering stencils, and a great pic of Margo. Take care following your eye surgery
    Pauline x

  5. Beautiful card with gorgeous colours and image Brenda. Love the photo of Margo she looks so happy. Hope the surgery went well. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  6. Such a beautiful card Brenda. Hope everything went well with your eye surgery.

    Sue xx

  7. Super gorgeous colors on that stunning stencil.

    Way to go Miss Margo.

  8. Fabulous card, such a beautiful stencil, love the colours too.
    Little Margo looks so happy and at home on horseback - it's a lovely photo.
    Wishing you a very speedy recovery.

  9. What a beautiful layering stencil and gorgeous card made with it! The colors are so pretty!
    And Margo is so sweet! She looks so happy in the saddle!

  10. Wow, such beautiful colours!
    I hope your surgery went well and I love the happy photo.

  11. Hope the surgery went well and wishing you a speedy recovery.Fabulous card and embossing folder,love the happy pic of Margo and Penelope
    Carol x

  12. Just love the colours you used for this beautiful stencil set, it looks wonderful Margo does look at home in the saddle.

  13. Beautiful card with lovely colours.
    Lovely pic from Margo and Penelope; speed recovery;-))m

  14. This is so lovely and the chose the most gorgeous colours.. I hope the surgery went well and you make a speedy recovery xx

  15. What a gorgeous card Brenda and such beautiful colours.
    A wonderful photo of Margo and Penelope, she looks like she's having fun.
    I hope your eye op was successful, take care, Kate x

  16. Wishing a speedy recovery from the eye surgery. Great pic!

  17. The colours on this card are gorgeous Brenda and this is such a beautiful layered stencil too.
    Hope all is well.

  18. What lovely colors you've used for your flowers!
    Margo seems to be having a great time!
    Hope surgery goes well, and you are up to computer viewing!

  19. Beautiful card Brenda love the colours …Margo looks like she’s enjoying riding….wishing you a speedy recovery from your eye surgery Brenda


  20. Hope surgery goes well and a speedy recovery too! Beautiful card as always lovely photo of Margo to be riding xx

  21. Your card is gorgeous, what beautiful blooms, so delicately coloured with a beautiful mix of shades. I hope you are looking after those eyes of yours and the surgery is a success? Love little Margo on her pony, a lovely photo.
    Faith x

  22. A beautiful and in lovely blue colouring.

    Miss Margo looks very happy on horseback xxx

  23. Post corto ma dolcissimo, Brenda! La tua card è così delicata e luminosa, adoro quei toni di azzurro e verde, li trovo così giovani e dolci! Il tuo sentiment è bellissimo e merita il posto centrale!
    Margo è una cavallerizza nata, così come credo tutte le donne della tua famiglia. Penelope è dolcissima e paziente, perfetta per la scuola di equitazione :D Che meraviglia poter andare a cavallo nei tuoi splendidi prati già prima dei due anni di età! Sicuramente il tuo sentiment starebbe bene anche su questa foto. :)
    Spero che tu sia molto paziente ancora per un po' e resti lontano dallo schermo.
    Un abbraccio quando leggerai...

  24. Your card is stunning! Love the colours!
    And miss Margo looks like she can go giggle any moment!
    Good to see she likes it!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery! Hugs, Gerrina

  25. A beautiful card Brenda - love the shades of blue you used :)
    Little Miss Margo looks right at home in the saddle!
    Take card

  26. Its a lovely card Brenda, beautiful colours. I have been trying to get inky this week too.
    Margo looks so sweet, xx

  27. Such a beautiful card Brenda, a stunning colour but more stunning than that is your darling Margot and Penelope, how the chair basket saddles have evolved!! xx

  28. Fabulous card Brenda, I love the colour combination. Such a cute photo of Margo. xx

  29. I absolutely LOVE this beautiful card you sent me for the Card Chain Challenge Brenda - the layered stenciling is so pretty! What a lucky little girl Margo is to have Penelope to ride on! Hope you are feeling well after your eye surgery!! Hugs - Julia xx

  30. What a beautiful card - such lovely colors and design.

  31. Oh my goodness--21 months & she looks like a pro! It's amazing how early kids can learn things! Such an adorable picture! Your card is gorgeous--love the images & colors!
