
Sunday 2 April 2023

Woody Woodpecker

Morning everyone, the first Sunday of March means it's time for our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are Anything Stamped at both and a Birds and Animals (real) at the first and a CAS option at the second. Prizes this month come from AALL and Create with three prizes on offer and Craft Stash with two prizes.

I won't apologise that it's yet more AALL and Create stamps but I'll confess I really do love working with them. They are I believe the best quality and designed stamps I have ever worked with in my many years of stamping and I feel so privileged that I can promote this super company. 

Starting with my card above using A&C's gorgeous Woody Woodpecker who reflects the family of them living in one of our hedgerows and who frequently feed in the orchard. Snippets used for Woody, the silhouette flower and the number strip are hopefully sufficient to allow me to go play 'TAG' in the Snippets Playground this week.

He's from Follow your own Path, my starting point was a masked circle and one of the images from Clocks and Flowers stamped with the mask in place, then randomly dabbed some ink around. Removing the mask I added the Woodpecker along with a silhouette flower which I stamped a second time and paper pieced as the wasn't dark enough for my linking, it's from the same set and finally a piece of washi tape to ground the bird and a few words and numbers form Power of Word.

The gorgeous dog from Mans Best friend is making another appearance, this time stamped and embossed with detail clear EP, a wash of oxide around and also within the aperture. Sadly I had to use this card last week as our eldest son and wife lost their 14 year old Lab. The image seemed very appropriate as at one time they had three Labs, Mum Ellie and two of her puppies, one of those Forest died last year and now Cadbury so their home is feeling very empty.

So for this one I used the large bloom from Scripted Botanicals, stamped onto a base layer with a masked and stencilled circle, then coloured with Distress Pencils, a word from Power of Word and an envie to match.

And by sheer chance I've actually got the right day to showcase the card I sent to Gail in Norway as part of the March Card Chain Challenge. And yes, it's A&C stamps again, this time an A5 set called simply Pheasant along with a flower from Friendship Florals, an A4 set packed with flowers and Birdies as well as some really useful words. The word Spring comes from an equally useful set called Seasons. The background was created with Round Digits repeat stamped, inked with Oxides and given a really good spritz of water so the colours ran before stamping

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
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  1. Wow, these are stunning stamps and cards. Such a perfect design. I love love this dog stamp, it reminds me on our dog Emma. Crafty hugs xx

  2. such beautiful cards Brenda

    gr karin

  3. Three beauties Brenda,a gorgeous selection of stamps and sentiments,love the colours on the mans best friend card

  4. Ciao Brenda, buona Domenica!
    Mi ha fatto molto piacere leggere nel tuo commento che i piccoli coniglietti scorrazzano nei tuoi prati, che scena deliziosa da ammirare!!
    La quantità di animali che vivono nelle tue terre è strabiliante, c'è anche il picchio! Deliziose la card con il picchio nei toni del verde e quella con i papaveri con il cerchio a stencil, ma la mia preferita in assoluto è quella con i labrador, un timbro stupendo e un'interpretazione davvero piena d'amore con quell'arancio vibrante e sfumato. Mi dispiace moltissimo per la perdita di Cadbury, immagino la sofferenza di tuo figlio e di sua moglie. Gli animali di casa lasciano davvero impronte profonde nei nostri cuori... anche perchè ci donano così tanto amore incondizionato, una cosa difficile da trovare tra gli umani!
    Ti auguro una bellissima domenica nella tua Natura generosa e incontaminata!

  5. Beautiful set of cards Brenda. Love all your images and colours. The woodpecker in particular really pops with that bit of dimension on the page.
    Pauline x

  6. Stunning cards Brenda love all the fabulous stamps especially the dog one-beautiful x

  7. All three fabulous and lovely cards;-))m

  8. Fabulous cards Brenda, love the orange and black on the doggie one x

  9. A fantastic collection of cards Brenda.

    Sue xx

  10. Four gorgeous cards. I agree that A&C stamps are FAB!

    Thanks for submitting the first card as your homework for the Snippets Playground. Right, I’m after you . . . nearly caught you and tagged you! LOL! x

  11. Wow awesome creations Brenda, love Woody he is gorgeous and your beautiful dog stamp, so sorry your son lost his dog last week, very upsetting but I am sre they appreciated this lovely card. Beautiful flower cards too. Hope the sun is shining for you today it's so good to see some, lets hope it lasts through Easter.

    Pat xx

  12. Wow so beautiful are your cards l love your woodpecker l once had one in my garden to my surprise it was definitely pecking at my tree now not there but lots of other trees around all of your cards are stunning x

  13. Four gorgeous creations Brenda, they are all so delightful, I can't choose my favourite.

  14. Just love all the artsy layers to this gorgeous quartet of cards, Brenda! Great use of the Card Chain colors on card four too!!

  15. Beautiful group of cards, Brenda. I'm so sorry for your son's loss. This image is fabulous and your design is lovely.

  16. All four of these cards are stunning Brenda, beautifully stamped and designed with such fabulous stamps and colours. So sad for your son and family, I can't bear the emptiness left behind when a beloved pet has gone.

  17. Super selection of cards . Sorry to hear that you picked up an infection to add to your woes. Hope you get over it fast. Hugs Mrs A.

  18. Absolutely gorgeous cards B - as always. Sad to hear about the loss of your son's Lab - what a lovely name - Cadbury, chocolate lab perhaps? Love your snippets entry - stunning woody there! I too love AALL and Create stamps - I have some unused here as they scare me a little. That feeling that I might make a right mess of using them - odd.


    Di xx

  19. Stunning stamps and an excellent collection of nature themed cards.

  20. Oh my goodness,your cards are soooo amazing and so creative.I just adore them all.Thank you so much for you comment too.xx

  21. Wonderful cards Brenda. I love the dog one, just stunning. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha

  22. Hello Brenda, so sorry to hear of the loss of your son's Labrador, our pets fill our homes with unconditional love.
    Your selection of cards are amazing, wonderful designs and colours. I do like the dog design, take care, Kate x

  23. another selection of gorgeous cards Brenda. Sorry to hear about your son's dog, they are one of the family.


  24. A beautiful array of cards here Brenda - I came to see your Card Chain card which is a beautiful collage of stampings and colors! Julia xx

  25. Great batch of cards here Brenda, all lovely in their own right. I’m sure Gail was delighted with her CCC card, pheasants are such handsome chaps!

  26. Lovely cards...again!
    I'm sure Gail in Norway loved your CCC card!
    Sorry to hear about your sons lab.
    I am grand dog sitting!
    Kalen's merle collie Clyde!
    He's fun!
    Hope you are well!

  27. I love your cards the dog one is heartwarming and the others are showstoppers!

  28. A wonderful set of cards but the doggie one wins and so sad for you son losing his doggie family. X

  29. Great cards and/or pages! Love the fresh and warm orange colours! They belong to Sprin... Can't choose a favorite; they are all special! Hugs, Gerrina

  30. Amazing work here Brenda - I love your use of the A & C stamps. They were correct to select you to be an ambassador for them, as you use them brilliantly!
    Sorry to hear about your son and his wife loosing their dog - its always hard to loose a pet.

  31. Wonderful cards, Brenda! Love your backgrounds!


  32. Woody is a fab little chap and your colours looks wonderful. I love the lab card - it really is a fantastic stamp for someone with dogs. So sorry to hear one of the labs is no longer with us. Love that stencilled circle to showcase the blooms and your card chain card is very arty.

  33. Stunning cards Brenda and totally agree about those stamps. I am really getting into them now. Your doggy card is perfect for the loss of your son's dog. I really loved the one you sent me.

  34. Another great collection of cards. They are all stunning, but I think I will pick the third one as my favourite today. I love that golden circle with the orange poppies xx

  35. You know, B, the heart loves the stamps it loves -- there's no denying it -- and we will likely always be drawn to certain styles, no matter what! LOL Loving the lab - that HAD to touch your heart deeply. All your cards look amazing with the unexpected color choices and trademark-Brenda backgrounds! {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  36. Absolutely gorgeous cards, Brenda!! I am a dog lover without a dog these days, so that one has stolen my heart!! Beautiful designs, all!!

  37. Gorgeous cards Brenda, and some lovely colours. Do love the dog and that sentiment.
    Avril xx

  38. Wonderful design and texture.

  39. Wonderful set of cards and thanks for sharing some of the spring goings on from your garden. It is always a pleasure to see. I hope you are feeling a bit better. Have a wonderful Easter xx

  40. Very lovely cards. I especially love the dog card. That stamp is on my wish list when I get a bit saved up to place an order.

  41. Oh what fabulous projects, Brenda! Really love the woodpecker card, but the card for your son & DIL has my heart. So sad to loose a fur baby & 2 close together is even harder.
