
Friday 7 April 2023

Animal magic out in the garden

Good morning, though I would share a card or two as we are at the midway point of our two week challenge at Allsorts where our theme is 'A/G with the option In the Spring Garden'.

Lots of lovely prizes this month from OakwoodAALL and CreateStamp AddictsRuth Hamilton DesignAldridge Crafts, you will find a photo of all on the challenge blog.

The Bunnies are very busy out in the gardens and paddocks and several have produced litters which are such fun to watch, the other evening two little ones chased each other around the orchard for what seems like forever until they got so tired and laid down to chew some grass (photo below).

So the Bunny image on AALL and Creates In the Wild seemed the perfect choice for a card, it's one of several large stamps in the A4 set. A soft stamped background and a little stencil work along with some washi tape and words from Power of the Word was all it needed. 

I would like to link this to The Flower Challenge were they would like to see background stamping as well of course as flowers. I have also been directed to the Path of Positivity challenge so would like to enter with the above card, the option is inspired by Literature and this image always makes me think of Watership Down and whilst I wouldn't consider that quite literature it's a book so loosely associated!

Another using A&C's Crocus along with the larger Mouse from Cute Mouse. Again I kept the Oxide background soft adding some stencilling using the stencil inked and spritzed with water and used as a stamp rather than inking through the stencil, some washi tape and the word Crocus from the same set stamped into one of the arrow/banners from Wildflower.

This one is for the Current Country View Challenge which this month is Things with Wings so hope my Swallows are sufficient for the wings element. I have used the lovely blossom from A&C's Elegant Stems one of three large images along with the swallows from Fully Fledged. I did all stamping with Oxide Spiced Marmalade and just dragged out the colour on the largest blossoms.

Sam the Squibble (so named by youngest Granddaughter) contemplating the bird feeder outside the kitchen window a couple of weeks ago, note the rather extended tummy and below another visit this week, this time to one of their own feeders on one of the trees. Tummy much smaller and as she scampered down the tree, or rather chased off by one of her relatives, there were clear signs she's had her babies and feeding them. Following their activity last year I imagine we will get a sight of the babies is a couple of weeks.

This chap, a Green Woodpecker was feeding in the top paddock the other day, there were actually a pair of them but I was too slow to catch them both.

And the pair below have given us lots of viewing time this Spring, looks as though the Wood Pigeon has bagged himself a rather classy mate who may be a racing Pigeon, although we've not got close enough to see if she is ringed. But clearly they have become a pair and nesting in one of the trees, so looking forward to seeing what they produce. 

Like Swans, Pigeons mate for life, so it's really sad when one loses their mate as they sit dejected and pine away. But we have loads of them on our land and think they see it as a safe haven from local gun loving farmers and we're very happy to home them.

Here are those adorable baby bunnies, or kittens to give them their official name.

Finally a couple of photos of some early blossom, above the Clematis armandii, rather late this year, it usually flowers early March, but that's the season we've had. And below Viburnum x burkwoodii, they both smell amazing so fragrance as you walk around the immediate garden.

Hope you enjoy my little glimpse of Nature, it's so magical. Have a lovely Easter everyone, hope the sun shines where you are.
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  1. Wonderful Spring cards and an amazing selection of photographs,you are so lucky to have squirrels come to feed in your garden

  2. Stunning animal life in your patch, B. Thanks for sharing.. and your creations also...
    And sorry B., I did forget that one only rule in my scatterbrained way. Thanks for fixing it up and popping over commenting.

    May bless your Easter time aswe remember the best gift of all, salvation bought at great cost, through our Lord Jesus' death on a lonely hill many years ago - and prayimg God's blessings on your health too and your dear ones.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

  3. such beautiful cards Brenda
    fabulous photo's and your clematis is fab

    gr karin

  4. I too get squirrels they chewed through my garden lights so not my best friends at the moment ☹️ they are cute though! as are your cards so beautiful and lovely photos too enjoy Easter xx

  5. Thank you for my nature walk this morning, the sun s shining here and I have enjoyed your picture share. You are so lucky to be able to capture all that on your doorstep. Lovely cards as always. Wishes for a Happy Easter too xx

  6. Two fabulous cards Brenda and a lovely collection of photos from your garden. Your Clematis looks amazing, I didn't realse that there was one that flowered so early.

    Sue xx

  7. What beautiful creations and your visitors are ad
    Cheers, Dr Sonia

  8. Fabulous cards and stamps-love all your Nature pics too.
    Carol x

  9. We also have the vibernium blosseming and smeling so beautiful! Love all your photo's! Both cards are beautiful and could not pick a favo... Hugs, Gerrina

  10. Wonderful cards, Brenda and an amazing selection of photos!
    Thanks for sharing with us!


  11. Lovely nature theme card Brenda and great photos from your garden. We're quite a way behind you as far as blossom is concerned, it's quite cold and grey here today.
    Avril xx

  12. Beautiful cards in those lovely spring colours and, as always, fabulous stamping.
    Your photos are wonderful- how lovely to be able to watch so many species of wildlife from your garden- spring has truly sprung at last - beautiful blossom and baby animals in plenty! I've rarely seen a woodpecker- once or twice in a cottage garden on holiday there was one amongst the copious amount of birds that visited the bird tables! I often hear them in our local woods but have never actually managed to catch sight of them- maybe a dog thundering around makes them fly away when we get close!
    Have a Happy Easter weekend

  13. Two really gorgeous cards Brenda. Thank you for sharing photos of all the lovely nature you are so lucky to get in your garden. Your photography is awesome.

  14. Love these two spring cards along with the photos. Nature is a wonderful thing.

    Happy Easter to you too xxx

  15. Lovely cards Brenda!
    Great photos!
    A clematis already!! And your Viburnum is lovely!
    And your
    Only the crocus, aconite and snowdrops are blooming here!
    The daffodils are coming, but no flowers yet!
    Hope you are well, and that Daisy is keeping on track!

  16. Per me è sempre una gioia vedere le foto del tuo paradiso naturale, ci sono così tanti animali che qui non vedo mai e splendide piante fiorite!! Un sogno!! :) E non solo per te e per chi guarda le tue foto, ma anche per gli animali! I piccoli coniglietti sono adorabili!!
    Non sapevo che anche i piccioni sono monogami, imparo sempre qualcosa! :)
    Anche le tue cards riflettono la splendida Natura intorno a te, sicuramente hai molte ispirazioni! :) Queste di oggi sono stupende, il washi tape strappato devo assolutamente provarlo, è così veloce da mettere e molto d'effetto!!
    Buona Pasqua nel tuo magico mondo, spero che abbiate il sole e che tu possa goderne appieno!
    Un grande abbraccio!

  17. Johnny Morris popped into my mind when I saw yout title Brenda, I loved Animal Magic!! Lovely cards and it's always wonderful to see your garden and its occupants. Hope you can manage to capture some pics of Sam the Squibbles babies!! Hope you hve a lovely Easter weekend xx

  18. Such lovely animal and bird life in your area Brenda, thanks for sharing the lovely photos.
    A beautiful card too, as always

  19. Gorgeous card!
    so very beautiful photos!
    Happy Easter Brenda to you and your family!

  20. Two beautiful cards, Brenda, and a wonderful selection of photos also - you live in a beautiful spot

  21. I really love the bunny on that first card. It reminds me of my grandma. She loved bunnies.

    The mouse looking at the crocus is so cute.

    Great monochromatic CAS card for the third card. Love the happy orange color.

    Love the little squirrels. I wish I had some near me but alas I have not seen any. I imagine the neighbor's cat has chased them off as he likes to kill the birds that swoop low too and leaves them as gifts for many of us neighbors.

    Super sweet bunnies too.

  22. Beautiful Spring cards Brenda..thank you for sharing picture of your garden wildlife living in the countryside certainly has its benefits…have a lovely weekend


  23. Your cards are beautiful as always Brenda, I love each one and so glad I don't have to pick a favorite!
    It surely looks like spring is in full swing over there. Loving all the wildlife and your blooming shrub looks wonderful! So far only my daffodils are blooming but my Forsynthia shrubs are almost there! It's been a chilly March so Mother Nature is a little behind over here :)
    Wishing you a Happy Easter!

  24. What a beautiful card and that sentiment is perfect! Great color and texture! I thought for sure you were going to reference The Velveteen Rabbit here, but you surprised me with your title! I went to check out the book and it definitely looks like an interesting and inspiring read! Thanks for sharing your beautiful card with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

  25. Lovely cards Brenda and amazing close ups of your garden visitors. We had to take a pigeon to our local wildlife hospital this morning. They think a cat had been messing with it, don't think it will survive, but they will look after it. Have a lovely weekend x

  26. Three beautiful cards Brenda .. lots of lovely spring flowers, bunnies and birds with fab inky backgrounds. Gorgeous pictures also of your garden wildlife and flowers .. we get squirrels daily in our suburban garden and I adore watching them, but having bunnies as well must be wonderful
    Pauline x

  27. Beautiful cards, as always, Brenda love the colours and the beautiful rabbit on the first. Fabulous photos too, it's so nice to have the sunshine this week and see Spring really starting to blossom.

    Pat xx

  28. Your cards are always inspiring Brenda and it was lovely to take a turn round your property too! I agree that spring has come rather late this year but your Armandii is making a wonderful show! Interesting to hear that pigeons mate for life - I didn't know that. I do wish they wouldn't do so in my little garden though as it disturbs the little birds!! Happy Easter, Vicky x

  29. Your cards are fabulous, and I love that bunny on the first card. Wonderful designs, and TFS those wonderful photos of nature! Amazing pics. I LOVE your clematis - I've planted it through the years but never could grow it for some reason. The bunnies are just adorable too :) Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

  30. Great assortment of cards, Brenda. Thanks for sharing the first one with us at The Flower Challenge.
    You also have some wonderful photos of nature at its best. I love watching the birds at my feeders and trying to keep the pesky squirrels out.

  31. Gorgeous cards Brenda, lovely designs.
    Fab photos too, we got a puppy in January so he chases the squirrel out of our garden!
    Lorraine x

  32. What beautiful cards Brenda, I love the Spring colours! Thanks so much for joining in with us at Country View Crafts and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  33. A super set of cards and wonderful Spring photo's, I never seem to have my phone/camera to hand when these events happen in our garden. We have had a woodpecker land on our bird feeder twice recently and by the time I get to take the photo he is gone :(

  34. A dapper rabbit on your first card and lovely ink work. I must use my AAL & C mouse! It looks fab on your spring card. My absolute fave is the work with the marmalade ink - it looks so beautiful.
    Great photos and the star of the show I think are the kittens (didn't know that is what they are called!).

  35. Love seeing the pictures of your world! Great cards--especially love the first one--so beautifully artistic!

  36. Beautiful monochromatic card, Brenda!
    Thanks so much for joining in with us at Country View Challenges this month!
    Evelyn xx
