
Sunday 5 March 2023

Live each moment and dance in the rain

Morning everyone, the first Sunday of March means it's time for our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are 'Spring is in the Air' and 'Wings and Tails'.  Prizes this month come from AALL and Create and Penny Black.

I have two shares for both challenges and first at the top for WLS, vibrant purple Crocus's using AALL and Create Crocus, this set also has the Viola in it so perfect for Spring cards. A soft brayered Oxide background, some stencilling using my fav A&C stencil Digits Chequered, the words Spring from Seasons stamped a few times, the little birdie from Blackbird and of course words from Power of the Word, what else! 

I am popping over to the Snippets Playground with this one as the flowers, birdie and words are all stamped onto inky snippets. Adding another as Gail just suggested I pop over to the Spring has Sprung theme at Lost Coast.

Above my first SS share following the Wings part of the theme using the wonderful Eagle from AALL and Create Fully Fledged stamped, coloured and cut out to place over an inky Oxide background which I stamped with another of the images from the same set along with Shattering, it's a small A7 stamp but so useful. And an envie to match. I thought I would enter this for the new Country View Crafts challenge where the theme is a Birthday card for a Man.

My second SS share, this times using the 'tails' element and the gorgeous faithful Lab from A&C Canine Dream, available from Create and Craft but will be on AALL and Create website very soon. I masked a circle and splattered some watered down Oxides, then  stamped elements from Fully Fledged. The dog was stamped with Versamark and heat embossed with details copper EP, this just might be a crafty friends Lab called Marvin? I finished with a couple of appropriate words from Power of the Word. Asa I think this would work for a masculine card it's also going over to Country View Crafts.

My final share for WLS was made ages ago but un-blogged hiding in my photo folders so I thought it would work using the Penny Black Magnolia blossoms....artistic licence with colours. Repeat stamped using watercolour pens direct to stamp and spritzed with water and a sentiment from Inkylicious and hexagonal dies to create the layers and base!
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  1. you have made beautiful cards Brenda with great backgrounds

    gr karin

  2. Four gorgeous cards. Love all the background inking with stencils and stamps and then a great focal point to draw the eye in.

    Thanks for coming to play in the SNIPPETS PLAYGROUND. Come up to the Treehouse where we are serving toasted crumpets and a beverage of your choice! xxx

  3. Beautiful cards Brenda…all so different using different techniques


  4. Ciao Brenda, come sempre una carrellata di cards molto ispiranti! Adoro la palette gialla e viola che hai usato per i crochi con quel tocco di verde! L'aquila è davvero impressionante e molto adatta per una card maschile, ma quel bellissimo labrador incorniciato dal cerchio nel bellissimo background è il mio preferito.
    Vedo che hai usato nuovamente la tecnica dell'acqua sul timbro inchiostrato per l'ultima card e questo mi ricorda che devo provare di nuovo, i miei tentativi in passato non erano stati buoni.
    Anche oggi qui c'è un bel sole e il freddo è andato via. :) Spero anche da te!
    Buona Domenica!

  5. You are an inspiration Brenda,four colourful cards with so many details to see

  6. All of your 4 cards are stunning the tulips look so realistic the bird and the dog are beautfully done and the magnolia blossoms gorgeous xx

  7. Four fabulous cards Brenda and those crocus are so pretty x

  8. Four gorgeous cards and love all the stamps especially those beautiful crocus
    Carol x

  9. All such beautiful cards Brenda, I love your Crocus and wonderful eagle cards.

    Pat xx

  10. Gorgeous cards and interesting backgrounds;-))m

  11. I just love the vibrancy of the colours on the first card - a stunner.
    Fab inky work and I really like how you used colour for the flowers on the doggy.

  12. A wonderful selection of cards today Brenda, you have been so busy. A bright and cheerful post on this dreary day here in Norfolk.

  13. Such a beautiful collection of cards Brenda, I love the gorgeous colours on the Crocus card.

    Sue xx

  14. What a wonderful selection of cards Brenda, such fabulous designs and colours, love the eagle card, it's amazing, Kate x

  15. A beautiful collection of cards, Brenda. Lovely designs and beautiful backgrounds. xx

  16. Holy Moly!
    Love the Crocus!
    That eagle is amazing!
    Marvin looks like a good boy!
    Magnolias are lovely in blues!
    Hope you are well!

  17. A stunning selection of cards Brenda, you have an amazing eye for your stamping!!

  18. Wonderful cards B - your snippets card stole the show for me though. LOVE the design, colour combination and the words are perfect! Fabulous, as always.

    Di xx

  19. All so inspiring today Brenda! Love the gorgeous vibrant crocuses on your first card, it really does shout 'spring'! The eagle is magnificent, a wonderful masculine make. The hexagonal magnolia blossoms card is beautiful- really love the sentiment too- and last, but definitely not least, I totally love your Labrador card- how could I not when it looks like Marvin!
    Have a lovely week.

  20. The crocus card is definitely my favourite of this batch, such an amazing colour and the green really helps the purply blue pop. The other cards are great too of course xx

  21. I love the colour scheme of the crocus card, it does have such strong contrast. The gorgeous eagle and the sweet lab from AALL are superb and the PB magnolias never disappoint. What a collection, you are so productive Brenda! x

  22. What a treat again! Love the dog cards! But the blue flower card is my favorite...but all are beautiful! Hugs, Gerrina

  23. WOW Brenda how you do manage to create such an eclectic mix of beauties!!! Human nature likes to pick a favourite but in this post I do love all of them!!
    Cheers, Dr Sonia

  24. Four gorgeous cards Brenda, love the vibrant crocuses, the fab circular spatter and the beautiful Penny Black Magnolia, plus all your brilliant inky backgrounds
    Pauline x

  25. Wow... your cards are amazing, Brenda! the backgrounds are fab!


  26. whoa! LOVE those amazingly vivid colors in your crocus creation, B. Those do not grow down here, so I always appreciate them, and recall the strong scent of Spring they offer. Your "fly free" eagle looks amazing with the strength of character, the timeless love of freedom, the reminders of explosions indicating freedom is not something to be taken for granted... thanks for the peek at how you elevated the eagle, and still used the collage background. I cannot help but smile at your lab! The colors reminding us of how much they love water. Finally that sentiment at the bottom - I do think that way a lot, and I "imagine" (pun intended) that you do as well!
    Crafting Hugs,
    {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  27. A wonderful selection , love your inking, xx

  28. Wonderful cards Brenda. Hubby got my flu so life is fun. Hoping his cast will off next week. Hope all is well with you. hugs Anesha x

  29. Four really gorgeous cards Brenda, such beautiful stamping, layout and colour palette.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. An amazing set of cards Brenda - I love that final one in particular - that
    s stunning

  32. The 'Fab 4' Brenda...stunning cards, especially like the vibrant crocuses, but as always all so very beautiful xx

  33. Absolutely GORGEOUS cards Brenda :-) All of them are just brilliant! I love how you do the backgrounds, the stencils, colors and stamping are all just perfect! :-)

    Hope you have a great week!
    Lols x x x

  34. Fabulous masculine cards Brenda (the first 2, obviously), so nice to see you joining our Country View Challenge this month! Good luck in the draw...

  35. Brilliant cards Brenda, cards with crocuses are all I can managed these days as our resident rabbits bite the heads off ours!! Marvin looks fab embossed in copper too!! xx

  36. A gorgeous collection of cards, as always Brenda. Particularly love the last one - what a fab sentiment.
    Lorraine x

  37. Great eagle card !
    Thank you so much for your contribution to our March challenge ‘birthday card for a man’ at Country View Challenges! Corrie x

  38. Great dog card too !
    Thank you so much for your contribution to our March challenge ‘birthday card for a man’ at Country View Challenges! Corrie x

  39. Lots of wonderful inspiration with these gorgeous cards, each one so pretty! I once again don't have an crocus in my garden, think the squirrels dug up the bulbs again!!

  40. OH! WOW! To all 4 cards Brenda. Gorgeous tulips, (I had a bunch given me this morning) The Eagle is so majestic, love the colours you used. The Lab is graced in flowers and wonderful in his circle. And your blue florals are so pretty with the hexagon shape. Stunning work as always.
    Faith x

  41. What gorgeous cards! I love the eagle design with the grungy background and the colours and stamps on your dog card is stunning 😊. Thanks so much for both of your entries and for joining us at Country View Challenges! Hugs, Jo x

  42. Gorgeous crocus image and fabulous colors. I love, love, love the collage card with the eagle. The dog stamp is on my wish list and looks great in the copper and blue. And Wowza the Penny black stamp is incredible. I love the watercolor feel to that image.

  43. Lovely card - thank you for joining in with the Country View Crafts Challenge.

  44. Love each one of these cards, Brenda! The first one might be my favorite, but being a dog lover--that one's calling me, too!

  45. Stunningly beautiful background work on all of these amazing designs, Brenda!! Such gorgeous creations!!
