
Saturday 4 March 2023

Four legged (domestic) friends

Morning Peeps, our new theme at Allsorts has been chosen by Mervi and is ''Four legged friends'.....of the domestic variety. Our March prizes come from OakwoodHighlight CraftsAALL and Create and Craft Stash, there's a photo of all those up for grabs on the challenge blog.

The Dachshund is making another appearance this week, she's one of the images from the new AALL and Create Mans Best Fried stamp set  recently released on Create and Craft TV, stamped with Versafine Clair Nocturne and heat embossed with detail clear EP. A bit of colouring and stencilled hearts, it needs little more.

A second one using another new A&C release called Canine Dreams, I decided this one is a Vizsla or at least will be for the purpose of a card for one of our sons and wife who have two of them, Prince who was joined by Luka, he was a rescue from Cyprus. A simple masked sun and Pan Pastels, the focal image stamped, two little Butterflies from the same set and some colour on the lamps.

And in my efforts to try and be more active in blogland and add a challenge entry to my posts, here is one for the current Simon Say's Wednesday challenge where they would like to see slimline cards. An Oxide background, stencilled leaves, the blooms from AALL and Create Blooming Poppies, the sentiment is from the same set embossed with detail white EP and cut into three. This is not a new set but has so many beautiful images.

Again I am running late with my swap for the the February Card Chain reveal, below is the card I sent to Carol following the Brick/Aqua/Sand colour options. The background is Rice Paper sprayed with Oxides sprays, the Rose is from AALL and Create Sent with Love, stamped and paper pieced, the words are from Power of the Word.

Have a good weekend and thank you so much for your visits and words of encouragement.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Fabulous cards Brenda,the ones with the dogs are perfect for so many occasions and recipients,as always your floral cards are stunning

  2. Gorgeous dog stamps and lovely cards as well the stunning floral ones;-))m

  3. Another beautiful collection of cards, Brenda.
    Thank you for the warm welcome to the Allsorts DT. xx

  4. Another fab collection of cards Brenda. The doggie ones are particularly striking with the silhouettes against the inky skies, and I love the pretty floral makes … the rose has to be my favourite, I love the colours and background.
    Pauline xx

  5. All fabulous cards-the slimline one is my favourite,love all the stamps -Thank you for the beautiful card I love it and thank you for explaining how you made the background I have examined it a few times lol
    Carol x

  6. Lovely silhouette dog stamps Brenda and your floral cards are always so pretty and colourful.

  7. I love finding new dog images. They really are quite handy when I need a new image or two for my donation cards. I love that hot dog with the hearts and the dog by the lamps. Two wonderful cards.

  8. A lovely selection of cars today- I'm especially drawn to the doggy ones! I've always wanted a Dachshund...I love big dogs but there's something very appealing about the feisty little Dachshund! With your dog- oriented family you're sure to get plenty of use out of these gorgeous doggy stamps.

  9. Such a gorgeous collection of cards Brenda. I love the dogs and the rose card at the bottom is stunning.

    Sue xx

  10. Lovely cards Brenda. I also love the background effect on your CCC card, is that the rice paper that gives the mottled look? I recently bought some rice paper and haven't used it yet, which is why I am interested xx

  11. Lots of wonderful creations here Brenda. Beautiful florals and loving the new dog stamps! What a treasure you sent to Carol for CCC!

  12. Hi Brenda

    Such a lovely collection of cards. The first two being perfect for the Allsorts theme. xxx

  13. All of your cards are so pretty as are the images used x

  14. Ciao Brenda, quel lucido bassotto nero è davvero stupendo con il suo fiocco rosso e tutti i cuori! Anche la silhouette dell'altro cane è interessante sotto il grande sole sullo sfondo sfumato. Bella slimline, adoro quel frame e anche la bella card con la rosa sulla carta di riso.
    Anche noi abbiamo avuto una settimana di gelo e vento forte, a sorpresa. Ma oggi la Primavera sembra davvero arrivata. Peccato che non ha piovuto, abbiamo avuto un inverno molto siccitoso e questo diventerà un problema per l'approvvigionamento di acqua questa Estate!
    Buon weekend!

  15. Hello Brenda, I've not been around much and have missed your blog. I'm still recovering, from Covid. Anyway, I love your selection of cards, so very different styles, really you can do anything. The animal cards are fabulous,and the floral cards are so pretty with gorgeous colours.
    We have two young Dachshunds next door, who at the moment are crying as they have been left on their own, they are sweet wee things, and another two across the road, they are pretty young too. They seem to be very popular little dogs. Hope all is well with you, Kate x

  16. Loving your canine cards Brenda and am currently planning a doggy card of my own! Your slimline card is beautiful too with that gorgeous frame and the rose on its collage-style background. Enjoy your week too! Vicky x

  17. so pretty cards with dogs!
    very beautiful cards with flowers!

  18. Love your cards Brenda. Those dog images are great. Hugs Anesha

  19. All wonderful!
    The canine silhouettes are quite eye catching!
    I'm not sure that I have any stamps Of four legged friends of the domestic variety!? I will check!
    Lovely slimline, and stunning card you sent Carol!!
    Hope you're well and Daisy is feeling better!

  20. I love that little sausage dog so much - I'm glad it got another outing! Lovely background for the dog silhouette stamp. Fab flower cards, the colours on the last one are so very pretty together.

  21. I love this post! 4 Beautiful cards!! Love the dachshunds and the flowers, the colours and the effects! Enjoy the weekend!

  22. beautiful cards you have made Brenda

    gr karin

  23. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the four legged ones and the slimline but my favourite is the rose - so beautiful and with lovely colours.

    Pat xx

  24. The doggies cards are cute, the first one made me slile! The stand out for me though is the rose card you sent Carol... what a stunner, the composition is brilliant as are the colours you used. x

  25. They all look super Brenda, love the doggies, xx

  26. Lovely, lovely pooches B!! The second most certainly could be a Vizla xx

  27. Each of your cards are special and beautiful, but having been a dachshund mom, I'm partial to the first card! I just LOVE the sentiment within the image! NJ on each one of these beautiful cards!
