
Saturday 4 February 2023

Garden visitors

Morning Peeps, our new theme at Allsorts is ''I love.....' as selected by this weeks host Lynn and our prizes for February come from WOWVOWCraft Stash, AALL and Create and Ruth Hamilton Designthere's a photo of all those up for grabs on the challenge blog.

As with many of us my crafty 'I love's....' are varied but one things that remains a constant is a love of colour, a bit of grunge and anything Nature related which come in abundance from AALL and Create and I feel privileged to be able to promote their amazing and often quirky designs.

For this one I used Kraft, something I don't use as often as I should, masking the edges I used Oxide to create the focal panel, a mask and the same ink to create two circles, stamped one of the images from Patches with Clair Acorn to add background interest and carry the circle theme and a white pen to add dots around the edges. The blooms from Elegant Stems were stamped twice and cut out and placed over the circles, words from Power of Word and the two small birds from Pheasants. Finally a matching envie.

We've seen an unusual amount of Deer activity across the paddocks the last few weeks, we get Muntjack and Rose Deer passing through most days but usually just the one, occasionally in the Summer a Doe and her Fawn. So what we've seen lately is unusual, one day there were six but the camera wasn't to hand.  We put the activity down to the cold weather and shortage of food so with horses inevitably the paddocks hold interest.
Photos aren't brilliant, I get too much camera shake with my dodgy hands but you get the idea. The following three were caught at night on the wildlife camera which is sited in the orchard. it's always exciting going through the footage to see what we captured, sometimes not a lot, other nights more activity and on this occasion a rare Badger visit.
This last one was across the Fen as we came back from the Vet's on Tuesday.

Hope you have a good weekend and my thanks for your always appreciated visits.
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  1. Your choice of colours and stamps are beautiful against the Kraft card, a wonderful selection of pictures from your orchard

  2. gorgeous card Brenda and fab photo's

    gr karin

  3. Such a wonderful card and great photo’s. Greetings Marja

  4. Your project is stunning! Love the added circle; ,akes everything come together and gives depth! Great to see so many wild live nearby; think they are in surch of food... What a magical place to live at the moment Brenda! Enjoy the weekend!

  5. I love your gorgeous card and the stamp that you've used. I also love your wonderful photos of the wildlife that comes through your garden.

    Sue xx

  6. Lovely card with such beautiful flower images and they look great on the kraft card. Fabulous wildlife photos I love to see what wildlife is around at night. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  7. BEautiful card love the stamps and background.WOW love all the nature/animal pics
    Carol x

  8. Beautiful card, love the techniques to create the background and the dimension of the flowers. Lovely wildlife pictures too
    Pauline x

  9. I love the collage feel to your card and the colors are gorgeous together too. Super stunning flowers. Wow that fox!!!

  10. Stunning card that orange against the kraft and those white dots really draw your eye.....beautiful. As for your photos, how interesting to see what is on your doorstep. Thank you for sharing. xx

  11. Well Brenda- 'I love' your card! Fabulous background colours and stamping- the focal flowers are beautiful.
    Amazing animal photos, it must be so exciting to watch the footage of the wildlife camera and see how many night time visitors you had.
    PS I also love my new A&C dog stamps- couldn't resist the temptation!- they arrived yesterday and I'm hoping for some time to play with them this weekend!

  12. Beautiful card design on kraft, the addition of the white dots is very eyecatching. Fab wildlife photos too.

  13. The card really shows off your fabulous style so well with the beautiful background and gorgeous flower!
    And such wonderful footage of the wildlife! Always so nice to see! We had a racoon in our backyard a few weeks ago, we had just let one of our cats out for a quick evening outing when we saw her staring at something and realized it wasn't just another cat. Had to bring her in right away to avoid a confrontation. Glad it wasn't our male cat out at that moment, he would have already ran towards the racoon.

  14. I just LOVE this card with those awesome images and great stamping you did! I thought the circles were lined with gold beads until I read you added them with a white pen! A truly wonderful card! Great nature photos too, especially that fox! So close!

  15. Not a lover of using Kraft card myself but oh my goodness you done it proud here. I just love your beautiful card. Hugs Mrs A.

  16. Ciao Brenda, sei riuscita a trasformare un pezzo di carta color kraft in un'opera d'arte con quel background stupendo e i bellissimi fiori! Davvero molto ispirante!! Ho letto con attenzione come lo hai realizzato e credo che prima o poi proverò a lavorare sul kraft con gli oxides e mascherature varie. Adoro i colori che hai scelto e i puntini bianchi che combinano perfettamente con il sentiment. E quei fiori a decoupage sono davvero uno spettacolo!!
    Mi fa molto piacere guardare le foto degli animali selvatici intorno a te, che meraviglia! Sembrano tutti ben nutriti :)
    Spero che alla visita dal veterinario abbiate avuto buone notizie.
    Un abbraccio

  17. Fabulous card Brenda and I love those colours on Kraft and the flowers look stunning.
    Great wildlife photos and I love the fox and badger photos.
    Avril xx

  18. A lovely card in typical Brenda style, I can spot one of yours anywhere :)
    Beautiful photo's too of the deer and other wildlife, so lovely to see them. I actually saw a woodpecker for the first time in my life yesterday, you can hear them in the trees but I have never seen one and it landed on our bird table in the garden and proceeded to tuck in to the fat balls in the cage. With all the housing being built on land surrounding us I fear that their habitat is gradually being eroded and so have smaller areas to find food. Like you, the camera was not to hand and I'm sure if hubby wasn't there beside me to see it he would not have believed me.

  19. OH! I LOVE the flower stamp, the layering of it, the green and circles on the Kraft is just gorgeous, with a lovely sentiment and colouring, a stunning card Brenda. As for your photos, how wonderful to have so many wild animals so near to you, Fabulous photos, I would be at the window and my camera would be out all the time.
    Faith x

  20. Those colours look amazing on the kraft card. Love the bright white from the dotted circles too. They really help focus the eye. Thanks for sharing all your wildlife photos too, they are incredible xx

  21. I love your card today Brenda, the colours are gorgeous. Love the wildlife pics too, amazing to see these so close to you

  22. Love your backgrounds Brenda, and this is no exception - its exquisite and shows off the flowers to perfection.
    Loving your wildlife photos - you take some wonderful shots, especially the one across the fens

  23. This is lovely!
    You make it look so classic and elegant AND easy!
    I just spent hours having a redo....cause sometimes I just make pretty trash!
    Tried a new fold, and cut 8 pieces wrong..haha!
    Thanks for sharing the wildlife!
    We've had a pheasant in the yard this last week!
    Hope you and Daisy are well!

  24. Such lovely cards, Brenda! The pheasants still appeal, I feel resistance is futile...
    Fabulous photos of the wildlife in your garden too. x

  25. I absolutely LOVE this floral card. It's a stunner. Great background and fab focal point.

    Lovely wildlife photo's too! Aren't you lucky to see such a variety! I didn't see them, but a couple of foxes woke me up this morning . . . making a lot of racket! xxx

  26. Such a gorgeous creation on Kraft card Brenda. I always get a surprise how different the colours become when coloured on kraft card.

    I adore your wildlife photos, they look great to me.

  27. Great card Brenda.
    I believe there are deer now in Halsall, the village I grew up in. I am going back next week to see Mum and family so hoping I can get out for a walk and see some, xx

  28. Always love seeing your nature pictures, Brenda! What a great surrounding you're in! Your card is one of my favorites--love the flowers, the white dotted circles, the oxides on kraft--everything!
