
Saturday 28 January 2023

Man's Best Friend

Morning Peeps, our new theme at Allsorts is 'Boys and Men' hosted by Ellie.  Following our new regime of publishing winners monthly instead of every week, the prizes for February come from WOWVOWCraft Stash, AALL and Create and Ruth Hamilton Design, there's a photo of all those up for grabs on the challenge blog here.

And eventually the promised A&C shares using the new Dominic Phillips fabulous Dog stamps that several of you have been waiting to see. Those who know me will see why I instantly fell in love with this new release from AALL and Create, each of the new images is adorable. Being a family of dog lovers, in our immediate circle we have several Labs, Terriers, two Vizsla's, an Akbash, a Dachshud and even a Dalmation so I can see lots of Birthday cards in the offing.

As always they stamp beautifully, so detailed and a joy to work with, above I have used one of the images from Canine Dreams and have decided this one is a Lab. The links go to C&C, being new they are not on the A&C website just yet but should be very soon. A masked circle, Oxides onto a piece of acetate, plenty of water and 'splodged' around the edge of the circle. Once dry and with the mask still in pace I stamped the clock from Wildflower, removed the mask and stamped the Dog and added a bit of colour using Distress Pencils.

I wasn't sure about the second for a man as there's flowers but hubby seems to think it's fine so happy to go with that. This doggie is one of the smaller images from Man's Best Friend, but still a good size, my card is an A5 so gives you an idea. The background stamp is Endless Circles inked with three different Oxides, spritzed with water and stamped. The Dog stamped with Versafine Clair, same with Roses from Sent with Love stamped onto offcuts inked with Oxide, cut out and fixed into place and the single Rose placed through the lead. Some Washi Tape, sentiment is part of a larger stamp which has a small dog across the top so masked before inking as I only wanted the words, cut into a circle and fixed over two little hearts which come from Toucan stamp set.

As mentioned lots of offcuts for the Roses and sentiment but I don't have a photo for them so not sure if I'll get sent to the naughty corner by Miss Di and Sarn, but going to try my luck and like up to the Snippets Playground.

My final A&C share for today uses the largest image from Man's Best Friend, we decided this might be a Spaniel......the tail led to this decision. Again an Oxide 'splodged' background, stencilling, a bit of background stamping using Grunge Alphabet and Patches and the Dog simply stamped focally and a sentiment from the same set, he really doesn't need to much more. The added smaller words are from my favourite Power of the Word.

Also a couple of recent makes for Highlight/Two Red Robins, theres always a 10% discount code on my sidebar for anyone buying from them. For this one I used dies from Hedgerows and Touched by the Rain collections (but all elements available individually) plus Milly and Merlin and Broken Boundaries.

And a little bit of Spring using A Drop of Light, Botanical Beauty, A Drop of SnowA Dwarfs Pin Cushion, the birdie is from Hedgerows and the sentiment from my Moments stamp set available following the link or Create and Craft.

As always thanks so much for your visits and words of encouragement.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Your canine cards are stunning Brenda,beautiful backgrounds as always and those wonderful stamps,all perfect for those difficult masculine cards. Of course I love the Two Red Robin cards

  2. Such a lovely post full of wonderful cards. Nice to see a bit of Spring in the TRR cards.
    I love the A&C Labrador image with the flowers on its back. Great cards x

  3. I can see why you have fallen in love with these new stamps Brenda, they are stunning stamps, and the cards you have made are amazing!!
    The final two are totally different, but both beautiful also

  4. gorgeous cards Brenda I saw yesterday the new dog stams they are gorgeous

    gr karin

  5. Wonderful work as always Brenda with lots of fantastic inking and stamping techniques with your new stamps, plus very pretty spring feel cards using the TRR products.
    Pauline x

  6. Brilliant cards and backgrounds-love the new fabulous stamps and the last two Nature ones
    Carol x

  7. Oh my gosh you now have me on the hunt for those dog images. I love them so much and they would make a great addition to my collection for all my donation cards. And I love all three of the cards and the colors you used too. Thank you for sharing where you got them now to save a bit to purchase them for myself. I also love both your bird cards and all the wonderful colors and layers. Very eye catching.

  8. Hi B., no explanation necessary on you liking these stamps as soon as saw first card. It is beautiful and my favourite image. ❤ When you shared the breeds of dogs in your family group.. that is quite a collection. Is only one in our family.. and a pug which I think are not a good breed. I'm a bit weird and think it unkind to have animals that are bred to uncomfortable levels with their nose, and breathing in pugs.
    Not that I'd say that to my beloved family member. I just see it differently I guess.
    The other cards are equally beautiful too.
    Thanks for sharing, and praying each day that God will bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. Fabulous cards, as always, Brenda. I love all your doggie cards, great images and lovely "splodging". Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  10. wow I do love the first card you made with the flower on the is simply unique and delightful. I do love dogs too. I also love your floral card...such a medley of beautiful blooms
    Cheers, Dr Sonia

  11. The dogstamps from A&L are beautiful! I totally understand why you are so happy having them and you used them in great ways; love the colours! Enjoy the weekend!

  12. Wow these are all amazing I especially love the doggy ones what fantastic detail brilliant work Brenda
    lolo x

  13. I absolutely love your doggie cards Brenda- the stamps are fabulous and your designs showcase them brilliantly! Of course my favourite has to be the first one with that wonderful Labrador stamp- I'm off shopping now!

  14. They all are such beautiful cards and no wonder you like those new dog stamps. I love that you added florals too, it shows that masculine cards can have flowers without being girly and they'd make some fabulous Valentines cards for males.
    Beautiful TRR creations too, I am so ready to see all things spring in nature. In the meantime it's wonderful to see them in blogland!

  15. Absolutely Fabulous creations Brenda, I love the dog stamps as for the flowers on them, most men are gardeners of some sort, so I think they are perfect for masculine cards. Especially the way you have made them. They really are very lovely. Love the Red Robin cards too.
    Faith x

  16. Brenda your canine cards are gorgeous, I can see why you loved the the backgrounds and as always amazing colours. Your floral and bird cards and stunning


  17. Those stamps have your name written all over them! You've made beautiful cards with them. I think my fave is the yellow and blue one, but they are all amazing.
    Pretty spring cards too.

  18. Love your doggie cards Brenda and beautiful colours. The K9 stamp is very clever, made me smile when I realised. Have a good weekend x

  19. Gorgeous cards B! LOVE those doggie stamps, shame there isn't one anything like a Havanese or I'd be there like a shot. Your snippets entry is so lovely and the sentiment is so very true! BTW, taking a photo of your snippets is optional in the Playground. Sarn and I did stipulate it for one of the recent voucher challenges but generally, unless we specify it, just a mention is absolutely fine.

    Blogger doesn't like me right now - keeps logging me out for no reason that I can identify!

    Enjoy the weekend.
    Di xx

  20. Such a lovely post full of amazing cards, Brenda!
    I love the dogs!


  21. Your post is a real feast for the eyes this week. Wonderful cards. Love those dogs and the colourful spring scenes. They cheer me up no end xx

  22. I love these cards Brenda. Those dog stamps are just adorable! Hope you are doing well. Life is fun here as Richard broke his ankle and is in a cast for at least 4 weeks. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha x

  23. These canine stamps are a must for any dog lover. I especially love your first card shown. Hugs Mrs A.

  24. Holy Moly! Great assortment!
    Love the colors you 'splodged' on the first card!
    The dogs are fabulous stamps
    Your bouquet is beautiful. And so welcoming, as we are getting a cold front for the next few days...hard to think of Spring!
    Hope you are well! Daisy too!

  25. Brenda your so talented your cards are stunning love the dogs and the floral backgrounds beautiful colours too! xx

  26. As soon as I saw your first card I thought how much they looked like one of your labs! The stamps are fantastic and so are your cards... The TRR are lovely in a totally different style. x

  27. A brilliant selection of cards and one of them certainly made me think of the chocolate lab in our family.

  28. Hi, Brenda! What a great new doggy set! There are times I wish my dog SMELLED as good as these dogs LOOK - all florally and pretty LOL The cards look marvelous, and so do your bird creations. There is something so especially wonderful about birds - in all they contribute to our lives. It must be difficult living in areas (like metropolitan places) where there are no trees, very few birds other than pigeons, and no happy singing, chirping or sweet morning greetings. Sometimes, the noise in our background is deafening! LOL And I love everyone moment of it! Wishing you a great week, B! xx

  29. Oh Brenda, questi cani timbrati sono a dir poco meravigliosi!!! E che splendide interpretazioni, le tue card sono magnifiche!!! La prima specialmente attira il mio sguardo, quel cerchio mascherato e i colori delle macchie di inchiostro sono così caldi e vibranti! Davvero adorabile con l'orologio che spunta all'esterno! Tre meravigliose cards a tema cani e adoro anche quelle coloratissime con i prodotti Highlight/Two Red Robins, qui da me ci sono tantissime gazze, non molto simpatiche per la verità perchè si mangiano tutta la frutta, ma sono molto belle. Credo che quelle con le ali azzurre siano le femmine, ma forse è un'altra varietà.
    Stupenda la busta con i fiori che escono, molto ispiratrice.
    Una abbraccio

  30. Such an awesome lot of canine stamps, you have really brought them alive with your lovely backgrounds. Very pretty creations fro Red Robins too.

  31. Oh my goodness! Being the doggy lover that I am--those cards got all my attention in this post! Totally wonderful work!

  32. A stunning collection of cards Brenda, I love the dogs (but still waiting for mine to arrive) especially the one with the roses added.

    Sue xx

  33. What a wonderful collection of cards, and I'm especially loving those dog stamps and cards! They're perfect for anyone who loves dogs and the designs are just gorgeous!

  34. What wonderful stamps these are Brenda and yes, you are a shocking enabler lol!! Loving the birds from Two Red Robins and what beautiful scenes you have made with them. Lovely to see the spring flowers - daffs are showing a little bit of yellow at the edge of the field behind my house!!
    Vicky x

  35. A post full of adorable card designs Brenda, the colours are just gorgeous.

  36. What amazing cards Brenda, I absolutely LOVE those dogs and the Spaniel is a ringer for our Bowie!! Beautiful springtime Two Red Robins makes too. xx

  37. Your designs are gorgeous! I love the colour combos that you have used. Thanks for stopping by my blog :o)

  38. Those doggy stamps are AMAZING. Such gorgeous cards you have produced Brenda. I love the splash of colour in your bird and flower cards, so beautiful!
