
Saturday 19 November 2022

Trees and Leaves and a bit more Christmas

Morning everyone, a bit of a lengthy post so hope you can stick with me till the end. At 
Allsorts this week Dena has selected the theme of 'A/G with the option of Tree and/or Leaves. There's a £15 store voucher to be won from WOWVOW. I also have a share for the current Snippets Playground, one I made specifically for the purpose for a change! 

Above is one of my recent makes showcasing new releases from AALL and Create, this one is called Fallen Leaves, I was so happy when this landed on my doormat as I love making Autumnal cards and anything with trees. The Maple leaf in the set is beautiful and I simply stamped onto some inked offcuts and heat embossed with detail copper EP, cut out and placed with some twine onto a computer generated poem, one of my all time favourites, Tennyson's original 1833 version of The Lady of Shalott. The word 'leaf' is from the same set and the Cute Mice can't help but make you smile.

My second share features Lavinia stamps, I started with a masked and inked circle then stamped the tree focally and built up the scene with the mask still in place using Versafine Clair Acorn and added some colour and highlights. After removing the mask I stamped the acorns and twigs and sentiment from my Moments stamp set. 

Below my Snippets share, I saw this die on the blog of Di's partner in crime Sarn, she kindly sent me the link and within minutes it was ordered. I cut the leaves from lots of snippets and sprayed with mica sprays, arranged over some stamped A&C twigs onto a Gelli Plate background and added the word Autumn and Pheasants which are also A&C.

There are some exciting new releases in the pipeline at Highlight Crafts, but until I can share them two contrasting cards showing the versatility of TRR. Above a snowy scene using one of the backgrounds from A Frosted Eve along with dies from the same collection, Geese from Having a Gaggle and foliage from Gift from a Loved One, the hues of green in this and trees match so well.

Below a fairly CAS design by comparison using Poinsettia and Christmas Decor cut four times and arranged around a pretty old Penny Black sentiment.

Whatever your weekend holds, I hope it's a good one, we're in London at one of our son's, the improvement is mobility since my spinal procedure is opening up options closed in recent months.
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  1. So many cards! A feat to start my saterday of... Love the AC one, but my favorite is the Lavina.... ope you have a good weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The autumnal cards are stunning Brenda,as always your TRR cards are inspirational,these dies have enabled me to keep crafting whilst waiting for surgery

  4. Your Autumn cards are beautiful Brenda the colours are amazing then your cards are always full of the Christmas cards too.... enjoy your time in London


  5. All wonderful cards Brenda and those two little mice are so cute on the top one. Pleased to hear you are able to get about a bit more now. Have a good weekend x

  6. Wow great stamping on the ink cut off on that first card. I never seem to remember to add ink cut off to cards. I need to rethink using them.

    Super masking and images on your Livinia card.

    Absolutely gorgeous leaf wreath and great colors on those leaves.

    Love that wonderful snowman scene.

    That poinsettia spray card is incredible. Love the layers and colors.

  7. What a feast for your eyes your wonderful array of arty goodness. Of course Lavinia always ticks the boxes for me and I love your leaves and tiny mice on the first card. Have a lovely weekend.x

  8. Always such a variety of beautiful cards on your posts Brenda, these are fabulous as always! Such wonderful colours on the first three- you've inspired me to dig out my neglected gelli plate and inks!
    So pleased that the procedure has helped your mobility- it must be wonderful to be able get around more easily and visit your family, have a lovely time in London.

  9. Ciao Brenda, buon Sabato! Anche oggi ci stupisci con le tue fantastiche creazioni, così diverse ma ognuna spettacolare!!
    Adoro quella foglia d'acero che hai doppiato ed usato così bene nella prima card, abbinata all'antica poesia e ai divertenti topolini!! Una creazione fantasiosa ma al tempo stesso sobria!
    La card di Lavinia con la busta coordinata mi fa sognare, come sempre quando guardo le tue magiche scene! Colori caldi e luminosi e un perfetto accostamento dei bellissimi timbri! Stupenda la ghirlanda di pigne intorno ad una parte del cerchio e il tuo sentiment è davvero bello! La mia card preferita di oggi! :)
    La ghirlanda di foglie bucate che hai tagliato con la tua nuova fustella si abbina così bene con il timbro di AA&C e quel grande fiocco, e il tuo sfondo luminoso è davvero impressionante!
    Bellissimo il paesaggio invernale con le oche e i pupazzi di neve, un sogno ad occhi aperti! :) E la CAS finale è elegante e molto festiva, mi piace l'effetto 3D! Hai lavorato davvero molto!
    Un abbraccio, abbi un buon weekend!

  10. Lots of gorgeous cards here Brenda, think my favorite might be the first with the beautiful autumn leaves and what a great idea to type up your own page.
    So glad to hear you are doing better and can get out and about more! Enjoy the visit with your son!

  11. A gorgeous array of cards Brenda, love the Autumn ones and those mice on the first are so cute.
    Beautiful Christmas cards, love the snowman scene.
    Enjoy your time in London.
    Avril xx

  12. All fabulous cards and love all the beautiful Autumn leaves and for goodness sake all these Autumn challenges and I completely forgot I have those leaf dies!!!Gorgeous bow on the wreath too-good to hear your procedure has worked with your mobility
    carol x

  13. A gorgeous selection of cards, love the Autumnal ones with their warm tones.

  14. WOW! and many more WOW's Brenda, what an amazing set of cards, love the leaves on the poem with the little mice. Your tree scene is just gorgeous, beautiful details. OH! Those leaves! They are incredible, especially with the stamping under them. Then the stunning bow, WOW! The last 2 cards are so pretty and traditional, I really love them all.
    Faith x

  15. A wonderful collection of cards, Brenda. The second one is especially stunning, I love the design. Enjoy the weekend with your family. xx

  16. oh your cards are gorgeous!

  17. Beautiful work Brenda - I love all the texture you achieve simply from stamping!! never mind the stunning cuts in your last two cards
    I too love that leaf, but am trying not to break my budget any further... to bring dies into NZ is so very expensive!!
    So glad to hear your mobility is improving

  18. A gorgeous array of cards B. I love the way you've made a wreath with those super leafy dies. All your scenic cards are so wonderful you can look at them for ages and spot different

  19. Forgot to say thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. There's a nice cup of hot chocolate waiting for you up in the Treehouse, once you've finished playing on the swings.

    Hope you enjoy your trip to London too. xxx

  20. Fabulous cards for many occasions, all so beautiful;-))m

  21. What a wonderful array of cards Brenda, all so different too. I love them all, and the Lavinia card is of course beautiful, Kate x

  22. Five mind blowing creations Brenda. Every one of them is a work of art.

  23. Autumnal and Christmas all look wonderful Brenda, xxx

  24. Five very special and very different cards. I like them all in different ways, but I think I will pick out card 3 for that lovely gel print background and wonderful wreath of leaves. can imagine the sparkle from the mica xx

  25. I love the different styles Brenda! Have a wonderful time in London - so pleased to hear your mobility has improved. Vicky x

  26. Wonderful cards as always Brenda - and I do so love your Snippets entry - fabulous!The leaf dies are spectacular aren't they - such fun! And am so pleased to read that your back procedure has helped you. Great news!


    Di xx

  27. Absolutely stunning array of cards x

  28. beautiful and gorgeous cards Brenda

    gr karin

  29. Wow Brenda you have been busy!! Another fabulous set of cards. I have been trying to build up some supplies for autumnal cards as it is an area that I lack, and I love the maple leaf stamps ... I recently bought some similar but different ones. These are beautiful on the inked background, and against the delightful poem. Your Lavinia scene is stunning as always, and the third leaf wreath is gorgeous ... bizarrely I have been discussing that very die set with Sarn too as I was already considering it when I saw it on her blog ... it's still in my basket along with a few other dies as I try to decide whether to be good or naughty lol!! Might just pop over to my basket now ....
    Pauline xx

  30. Those maple leaves are so beautiful and as is the card. A fabulous circular Lavinia scene, it looks so good in the autumnal hues. The snippet card is pretty with the lush bow too.

  31. Gorgeous makes Brenda, you are putting me to shame - I'm struggling to make 1 card!
    Lorraine x

  32. Wow what an amazing and beautiful selection of cards Brenda I love them all they are so exquisite and full of detail and texture superb work
    lorraine x

  33. I am not sure how I missed this!
    Every card is beautiful, and I LOVE the snowman scene with the geese!
    Glad to hear there will be options available to you!
    Hope you're doing well!

  34. So pleased to read that you are feeling the benefits and are out and about Brenda. What a fabulous selection of cards including lots of lovely flora and fauna. I have, at last, bought some Lavinia stamps that should be with me soon (once Royal Mail are back at work!!) xx

  35. Goodness Brenda you have been super busy and they are all absolutely lovely and very inspiratonal!

  36. Beautiful cards! Really love the first one with the Fall leaves & the snowy scene!
