Sunday 7 August 2022

Secret Garden

Morning all, time for our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are 'In my Garden' and 'Make it Magical". Still slow going here, think my MS nurse and physio are trying to install some sense of reality when they arrive with new walking aids (I did send he zimmer frame packing). And this week a folding mobility scooter is arriving, seven weeks of not leaving the house and reason has did present quite a challenge finding one that folds small enough for an MX5 boot.....I've driven one for years and see no reason why that should change just because my body's having a hissy fit.

There's a real treat in store for winners at both challenges, not that our prizes aren't always fabulous,  at WLS there are two prizes, an A4 AALL and Create stamp set and also a stencil from them and at SS the prize is three stamp sets from Fairy Hugs also available here in the UK from Julia (she also sells a good range of A&C stamps at competitive prices).

The background of the top card has Oxide sprays with a good helping of water to allow the ink to run down the page and I concentrated the yellow in the centre to allow me to add a circle mask which I inked round to make it pop. Then lots of stamping with both old and new Lavinia stamps to create a scene.

I'll let you choose where it is, could be the far end of the garden/top paddock where there's a natural pond which the Fairies love to frolic around when they think we're not watching, or could be or could be the actual secluded secret garden which we created years ago. The side french doors open into a very quiet area where we have a hot tub but you have to be very quiet to see them there and usually only at dusk.......well don't we all have Fairies somewhere in the garden? 

More Lavinia, again old and new combined in a triptych created with my most expensive die....a large Monsoon dinner plate and scissors, stamped onto an Oxide background. I think this is definitely down by the post where the Fairies hideout and live happily side by side with the Moorhens (who currently have four chicks) and other wildlife. I wonder what the little Mouse will find at the top of the Fairy ladder? Yes, I defo live in a Fantasy world and guess I always have.

Have a a lovely weekend everyone.
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Mervi said...

Fabulous and magical creations, love them both;-))m

Stamps and Paper said...

Magical cards and magical colours them


KarinsArtScrap said...

indeed magical and gorgeous cards Brenda

gr karin

meg said...

Two wonderful magical cards,

crafty-stamper said...

Both fabulous magical cards Brenda love all the beautiful stamps and the shape of the second one -a Fantasy world with the Fairies must be better than the reality one!Some wildlife better than others one of our cats brought a little baby rat in the other day-thankfully dead -poor little thing!
Carol x

cuilliesocks said...

Wow!! Brenda your cards are gorgeous, I love the magical theme and the colours in your cards are wonderful, lovely garden scenes and fairies.
I hope you get out and about soon, take care, Kate x

Carole said...

I adore both of these creations Brenda...they are both out of this world! So pretty and magical and lets face it a fantasy world is way better than the real one we live in! xx

Chris said...

Both these cards are stunning- a world of fairy magic to delight the imagination, I'm definitely inspired to join in!
My Mum had one of those folding mobility scooters, it was brilliant! She didn't drive herself but we could chuck it in the boot and she could come out with the family again! She had a wheelchair before that, which she absolutely detested. The scooter (or zoomer, as it was fondly called) gave her back control and independence. I wasn't keen on the reverse gear though- lost count of how many times she ran over my feet, bless her!

Helen said...

Both are gorgeous! hope the mobility scooter allows you some freedom and escape from the house! I'd be going loopy.... shame we started with a draw yesterday but listening to the Man U match today and at least they're currently losing!! have a good week

KraftyKoolKat said...

Two really gorgeous and a very magical feel to these lovely creations.

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Brenda you have exported me to a magical world that I would love to stay your cards are both so beautiful the stamps and scenes are amazing I love them both.
lolo x

HilaryJane said...

these are gorgeous Brenda, love those backgrounds. Really fabulous. At least you will be able to get about a bit more with a scooter, you might even quite enjoy it. I hope you will be able to drive it around your garden to see the horses xx

Gail L said...

I'm ok with your fantasy world with cards like that!
They're so captivating!
Hopefully you're able to get out and about soon!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Oh Brenda, avere un motorino per la mobilità in questo momento sarà un grande aiuto per poter uscire di casa!! E magari piano piano le tue gambe miglioreranno. Mai perdere la speranza, ma nel frattempo ogni ausilio è buono per riprenderti subito la tua vita!!
Oggi due cards a dir poco meravigliose, quanta dolcezza e magia nel tuo giardino segreto!! Grazie per la spiegazione di come hai fatto il background nella prima, è davvero d'effetto! Splendida scena e le ali luccicanti delle fate attirano molto l'attenzione! Bellissima anche la busta coordinata!!!
Il trittico è delizioso e anche la sua forma!! Usare il tuo piatto + forbici è un ottimo escamotage!!! :) Devo provare, ho sempre ammirato i tuoi trittici e questa soluzione è davvero perfetta! Favoloso lo sfondo con una palette molto dolce e i dettagli scintillanti!! Chissà cosa troverà il topo in cima alla scala, forse una piccola chiave per aprire qualcosa...o magari lui abita lì, in quel bellissimo fungo...
Fortunatamente c'è sempre un mondo di fantasia per sopportare/dimenticare!
quello reale! Sono sicura che le fate sono praticamente ovunque nel tuo magnifico giardino!!
Un grande abbraccio!!!

Gerrina said...

Both are so much fantasy and fine in colours! Great scenes! We all just want to life in a fairy world? During the stamping at least we can! As always so inspiring! Hugs and drive carefully! Gerrina

Linby said...

Two very magical creations, both are so pretty with the lovely inky backgrounds and touches of sparkle.
I hope you get back some freedom with the mobility scooter. MIL wanted one! We have pacified her with a wheelchair!

Pauline C said...

2 fabulous magical creations Brenda, which showcase both the old and new Lavinia stamps so perfectly .. the Wild Summer Flower is definitely my current favourite. Hope you get some outdoors mobility Jack with the mobility scooter .. I’m picturing you zipping down the pavement while pedestrians have to throw themselves out of the way .. what fun !, (only joking!!??)
Pauline xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

I've a great nephew who recreates his fairy garden at my place each visit, he's a delight in his imagination. It does have a plastic fairy in a hanging plant with ferns and duch but he redecorates when he comes... with extra goodies in the garden. Love your most expensive die with a Monsoon plate and scissors.. 🤣🤣🤣 But B. it really does makes a beautiful tryptich. Very clever!
Praying your new aids help not hinder and that your body starts to co-operate some more. Your work is simply stunning despite all going on with you.
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Tina Z. said...

wow, I am always impressed by your fantasy cards, they are such a perfection.
drive carefully, I hope everything works fine!
crafty hugs xx

Caty said...

I love your fantasy world Brenda! I always enjoy seeing your wonderful cards, full of illusion and mystery, plus the colours you use are, for me, fascinating.
It's been a while since I stopped by my blog, and I didn't know you were sick. I hope you are recovering little by little. The help of the physio always comes in handy, and the scooter will allow you togo out for sure.
I wish you a nice week, very creative dear friend, and I send you big hugss

Wendy L said...

Stunning cards Brenda, I will always be in awe of your inking and stamping, beautiful, xxx

Sarah said...

Magical cards Brenda and you have set the scenes brilliantly for each. I wonder if your fairies are keeping the MX5 ticking over for you!! xx

Sandra H said...

Totally stunning creations x

Sarn said...

Two absolutely stunning creations here B. Really like the shaped one as it's just that little bit different.

Always good to live in your own little fantasy world as the real one ain't must cop at the mo is it?

I def have fairies in my garden as they sometimes make little mushroom rings for me to let me know they've been out playing!

Good luck with the new mobility toys xxx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Beautiful, magical cards Brenda, lovely blended colours for your backgrounds combined with the pretty stamping.
I hope your condition improves and you can start to get out and about soon.

Fikreta said...

oh wow! amazing!

Fiona said...

wow Brenda...these are stunning, I love the colours and all the little stamps...they both really come together with the different little bits and bobs...I might need to invest in some of these stamps.


Mrs.B said...

Two magical cards Brenda, love the inky backgrounds. I do love the little scene on the triptych - love the colour combination on the background.
Happy to hear you've got help with your mobility needs, I had to chuckle at the image of your mobility scooter emerging from a sports car, but definitely pleased they were able to obtain one that could fold small enough.
Hugs, Avril xx

pinky said...

Magical garden cards are just second nature to you Brenda. I can just picture you in one, enjoying nature!! These cards are just beautiful!

Greta said...

Very artistic projects! Hope the new aids make a big difference for you!