
Saturday 30 July 2022

Butterfly Meadows

Morning everyone, time for another challenge at Allsorts and this week Mervi is our host with the theme of Butterflies and/or Bugs. This week we have two prizes, a lovely Woodware Butterfly stamp from Craft Stash  and a craft stencil.

I really appreciate all you kind words, I know I'm a tardy blogger lately as I still can't sit for too long in one stint, but hopeful with the visiting physio mobility will improve......our eldest Grandson is getting married in two weeks and I am determined I am going to be able to walk from A to B unaided by then.

I'm showcasing a few older AALL and Create stamps today as I've not been able to do much with my new releases as yet, the links go to A&C's own web site where you can order direct.

Above from Key Botanicals onto an inky oxide background and a pen nib for the Butterflies thorax. A&C do lots of A7 worker sets which come in so useful, I've used Splodge,  'Reckoner Digits and the wire/line is from Patches along with Grungy Alphabet, an A5 set.

A second which is CAS by comparison to the one above, this time AALL and Create Through the Meadow, it's an A4 set with three good sized images. Stamped in black and some colour added to bring out the pattern with a sentiment and letter B added from the set mentioned above. And I picked out the little number element of the main image and stamped a second time onto inked card and placed over the original.

Enjoy the weekend and as always thanks for your visits.
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  1. Love the zingy colours and pen nib on the first one. The second one as you say is more CAS and such pretty colours, really showcases how to use A&C stamps for a clean finish.

  2. Fabulous cards, can't pick a fave, both so beautiful;-))m

  3. Highlighting the butterfly's thorax with the pen nib draws the eye straight to it,the colours are beautiful,the second card is a stunning CAS design

  4. a lovely and gorgeous card Brenda

    gr karin

  5. 2 stunning cards Brenda, love the zingy colours and use of background stamps on the first one, and I absolutely adore how you have coloured the second one .. that is a stamp set I have just recently purchased and I really love it .. I must try something similar to this with it xx

  6. Two stunning cards Brenda. hope the physio does the trick and gets you walking unaided for the big Day.

    Sue xx

  7. The new A&C stamps are gorgeous brenda and you've showcased them perfectly with your lovely designs.
    Fingers crossed the physio will improve your mobility for your grandson's wedding- your determination will help!!

  8. Both beautiful cards Brenda, but the second one is definitely my favourite. Hope you'll be well enough for the upcoming wedding x

  9. Both fabulous cards Brenda love all the stamps and inky background.Hope you are well enough for the wedding
    Carol x

  10. Both gorgeous cards in their own style! The AALL stamps are always great, just too many!!! How exciting having this wedding coming up, Brenda, I hope you can walk as you want and maybe even dance a bit! x

  11. Gorgeous zesty colours on the first one Brenda and a pretty pink and lime combo for the second. The stamps you have used are fab!

  12. Two beautifully done creations Brenda, I am especially loving the first with those stunning colors and inkyness, but the second is gorgeous too, have always admired that beautiful stamp.
    I'm sorry you are still having mobility issues. Glad you have a physio coming to your house to help you improve!

  13. Great cards! good luck with the physio.

  14. Two beautiful cards Brenda, fabulous stamping and colours. Good luck with the physio, I hope you et to the wedding....I'm sure you will, take care, Kate x

  15. Ciao Brenda, spero che la tua mobilità migliori presto, in tempo per il matrimonio di tuo nipote!!
    Come sempre le tue cards sono così ispiratrici!! Bellissime tonalità di verde nella prima e il pennino come corpo della farfalla cattura lo sguardo così bene!! La seconda è una CAS stupenda e dolcissima e quella farfalla applicata sembra prendere il volo! Bellissimi colori anche su questa card!
    Ti auguro un buon fine settimana!

  16. I am glad to hear you are making progress. Fingers crossed that your mobility is better by the wedding day. I love both these cards, the first because it is green and the second because it is CAS. Bet that's no surprise to you xx

  17. Stunning cards Brenda- I do love your work, you are an inspiration! So glad to hear you are making progress to regain that which was taken

  18. Two beautiful caards Brenda. Very bright and cheerful colours. I especially like the colours on the second card. Both beautiful made as allways. I hope your health soon improves and you can enjoy your grandsons wedding. Take care. Marlies x

  19. Two beautiful cards B! Love them both, but that Through The Meadows set just went on my wish list!

    Wishing you lots of luck in achieving what you want regarding walking independently at the wedding. xxx

  20. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I love the image on your circle of life card and the gorgeous colours. Hope you see an improvement with your visiting physio in time for your grandsons wedding. Take care.

    Pat xx

  21. Great cards! Love the elements on the first, and the colors of the second!
    Hoping physio goes well for you!

  22. Two really gorgeous makes Brenda. They are both lovely but I steer towards the second one, probably because I adore the colour and I also love butterflies.

  23. Wonderful cards Brenda. Sending healing prayers your way. x

  24. I love the colours of the first one, but I am drawn to the circles of the 2nd one... That is my favorite...
    I hope you can go and walk on your eldest grandson wedding!!
    Sending more positive energy to help you... Hugs, Gerrina

  25. Wow, Brenda, they are pretty awesome! Love the colours from the first one!


  26. Just catching up....Two beautiful cards Brenda, love both the colours but the pink and yellow and green is stunning..Hoping you're feeling better


  27. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the fresh colours of the first and wish our meadows were that gorgeous green at the moment, it's more like beige here!! It's not doing Wills any harm but Surprise is taking three sections of hay every day. I have no doubt that your determination will see you walking for your next special day Brenda xx

  28. Such artistic cards, Brenda! I adore the color combo & design of the 2nd one! I'm betting you'll make your goal! How fun to have another family wedding!

  29. Forgot to say--you wondered about the background for my candle card. It's actually a stencil from Honey Bee, so not the same company. I thought they went great together & glad you must have thought that, too.

  30. so cool! love the butterfly key-pen :) What a great idea :)
