
Wednesday 25 May 2022

Sam the Squibble has babies!

Those who are regulars know we have a few squirrels in the garden, fondly known (yes all of them) as Sam the Squibble, the name given by youngest Granddaughter when she was small and it stuck.

The pair who live closest to the house have just introduced their little family of three to the great outdoors and it's been lovely watching them frolic together and learn how to feed from their feeders. I've been trying to get decent photos for a week, in the end I've had to go with these otherwise they will soon be a big as their parents.

The parents can sit on the feeding platform and reach under the lid, the babies have to almost get inside to reach it but doing a pretty good job of clearing it regularly. It's difficult to know exactly how big they are and they are not up for being caught, but I would think they would fill an outstretched hand.

This is the biggest of the three babies, maybe a boy, but he's been fascinated by hubbys weather station all week and eventually had to go check out if it's another sourse of food.

Meanwhile his sisters played on a seat.

Below if you look very closely you can see Mum or Dad watching from the above branch as one of the little ones feed.

And it wouldn't be Spring if I didn't share a few photos from the gardens and I could say spot the Lab as there seem to be a few lurking.

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  1. Fabulous pics Brenda, how wonderful it must be to sit and watch the antics of the baby squirrels. I remember visiting my grandparents as a child, they lived in London, and feeding the squirrels in the park around the corner from them.

    Sue xx

  2. Wow Brenda; baby squirrels in the garden; so great! Love those animals and I never get tired looking at them and there clombing moves! Will be fun to see the babies grow!
    And I don't get tired seeing your beautiful flowers in the gatden; you're so lucky; these are beauties! Here the weather took a turn; now less geat and everyday there is rain... Not that bad; the gardens need it! Hugs, Gerrina

  3. what beautiful photo's Brenda

    gr karin

  4. Fabulous photos Brenda..isn't nature wonderful!xx

  5. Gorgeous photos Brenda- you did well to capture such good pics of the squibbles- they move like lightening! Your trees and shrubs are magnificent in full bloom! I enjoyed playing spot the Lab too!

  6. WOW brilliant pics of the baby sqibbs-there are some in the trees down sons drive and they come and look in the sun rooms windows-drives the dog beserk lol-love all your fabulous trees and shrubs and of course the beautiful chook
    Carol x

  7. Hi Brenda, your photos are super, and the squirrels are so cute and your garden looks wonderful, and of course your lovely dog is just a star, Kate x

  8. How lovely to see your fabulous garden pics Brenda, and the squibbles too. We don't have them here, and I was fascinated with them when we visited our daughter in Nova Scotia each year

  9. Oh, che bello spettacolo, Brenda! :) Grazie per aver messo le foto! Come vorrei poter vedere gli scoiattoli dalla mia finestra mentre giocano e mangiano! Tu hai un vero privilegio! I piccoli scoiattoli sono molto dolci, curiosi e buffi mentre esplorano! Il tuo giardino è un vero paradiso, immagino che tu abbia un giardiniere per tenerlo così curato. Il piccolo albero con i fiori blu è meraviglioso, non ne ho mai visto uno così! Le tue piante stanno benissimo e sono una vera gioia per gli occhi con le loro splendide e abbondanti fioriture!
    Spero che il sole duri, così puoi goderti la primavera nel tuo meraviglioso giardino!

  10. Fabulous pictures Brenda….the squirrels can be quite amusing to watch…beautiful flowers too


  11. wow, I love all your photos of your garden, such beautiful trees and squirrels are super cute.

  12. I am amazed by your photos!! We live in a forest settlement and we have a lot of animals, including squirrels, of course. Last year a mother came with her three babies. I hope they will introduce their babies to us again this year.

  13. Amazing photos! You got my attention with those squirrels! We love squirrels here at our house too! Love your photos!

  14. Your garden looks like the perfect place to sit and watch the world go by, so much to see. Thank you for sharing it with us xx

  15. thank you for sharing these beautiful photos, and the Squibble family and their antics, Brenda - a fabulous post

  16. Your gardens are just incredible, Brenda! Thanks for sharing the photos - most of what you have growing won't grow in our area. However, the squirrels are taking over in our "yard". We have actually trapped and relocated 9 squirrels the past fortnight. We relocate them to a national park a few miles away. The feathers on your chicken are SO INCREDIBLE! Feathers always mesmerize me with their intricacies. Thank you for sharing! hugs, de

  17. Great photo’s Brenda, the baby squirrels look cute and the colours in the garden are beautiful.

    Pat xx

  18. Oh I do look forward to your annual garden pics Brenda and these are just as wonderful as previous years'. So pleased the squibbles have had a family!! They are such characterful creatures x

  19. Thanks for a delightful walk around your garden, so much too see. Fab pics.

  20. Beautiful garden pictures, Brenda. The blue blooming tree is stunning but then they all are! And aren't squirrels so fun to watch! We too have lots in our backyard. Can't count them as we have some coming from the neighbor's too they run back and forth between the yards. And how fun to have them all named Sam! Fun fact, when I had a line of digi stamps years ago (my hubby's drawings) I had a squirrel line and the boy was named Sammy Squirrel :-)

  21. Love seeing pictures of late spring gardens- so beautiful. The little squirrels are adorable. I like them, though I have several friends who don't at all.
    Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.

  22. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden pictures and your "squibbles". All delightful xxx

  23. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos Brenda - and I enjoyed playing spot the lab!! The one at the end was rather obvious but I am well versed in the curling up under trees type of pup! Vicky x

  24. Love seeing your beautiful pictures, Brenda! Lots of squirrels in our neighborhood & Fritz is actually getting so used to them he doesn't get agitated on our walks now.

  25. so gorgeous photos!
    love to seeing how preety is there!
