
Saturday 21 May 2022

Allsorts 13th Birthday

Morning everyone, it's an exciting week at Allsorts as it's our 13th Birthday so our theme is simply 'Anything for a Birthday'. So many prizes to be won, a huge paper, scrapbook and card bundle, some images from Ruth Hamilton Design and thirteen prizes of stamps from a whole range of companies. 

I've been part of this fabulous challenge since day one but I think this is the first time I've really felt like I was scraping the barrel a bit, being non too well my normally bursting file of ready made work has run low. This one was made some time ago using a Penny Black Poppy, grasses and sentiment and a really old Hero Arts wheat stamp.

Edited: however........Thursday I had a burst of energy and got the above made so adding another to this already scheduled post. It felt good to get inky and have a play with my AALL and Create goodies.

I do hope you will join in the fun week we have planned and look forward to seeing all your Birthday inspired creations.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Stunning cards, Brenda I just lovehow you have done that flowerpot, I think it could be picked up as a real one.Many Happy Returns! Vee xx

  2. what gorgeous cards you have made to celebrate Brenda

    Gr Karin

  3. Two beautiful cards Brenda. Hope the treatments are helping. Sending healing prayers. Anesha x

  4. Two beauties to celebrate the birthday challenge,I love your delicate poppies and potted plant,the background colours and design are fabulous

  5. CONGRATULATIONS on keeping the challenge running for 13 years.

    Two beautiful makes, obviously I love the Poppies and the second card is so pretty with the soft subtle colours.

    L x

  6. Two fabulous cards, love the second one, that pot looks real! Hope you feel better soon, take card Brenda xxx

  7. Two fabulous cards Brenda, and so glad you had a burst of creative energy - I can certainly see the change in your style between the two cards!

  8. So good to read that your energy went up and you could do some of your loved inky hobby! Both so attractive and appealling! Hope the energy comes more often and stays! Enjoy the weekend!

  9. Beautiful cards as always Brenda, so glad you were able have a crafting play.

  10. Two fabulous cards Brenda and I particularly like the pink and green one and the effect on the plant pot, very realistic. Congrats on the 13 years. Hope your health improves soon x

  11. Your cards are Stunning as always.Do hope you are feeling better.xx

  12. Two beautiful floral cards B. Love all the gorgeous inkyness of the second card xxx

    Hope you feel better soon xxx

  13. First Happy birthday to Allsorts, it's some acievement keeping a weekly challenge running for 13 years so well done to you and the team. Thanks for all the lovely challenges and fabulous inspiration you have given us.Both cards today are beautiful- the poppies on the first contrast so beautifully with the soft green background. So pleased you felt well enough to create the second, gorgeous focal stamp and lovely subtle background....and the craft therapy is so good for you! Hope you feel better soon.

  14. Glad you feel a little better after the treatment, B. Sorry to hear things are a bit more tough than usual. When the energy is present, I immediately take advantage, too. It doesn't help trying to "store" it, does it? I am in LOVE with both cards, but particularly your stenciled card and matching envy. PURE GORGEOUSNESS! The green shading around the clay pot looks amazing. Happy Birthday to Allsorts! They are most fortunate to have enjoyed your artwork for 13 years! hugs, de

  15. Happy 13th birthday to Allsorts and glad to hear you had a burst of energy hope it continues.Both beautiful cards but really love the second one great stencilled background.great syamp and your flowerpot looks brilliant
    Carol x

  16. Your first card really does conjure up a wheat field full of poppies, I love the soft green background and black and red framing. I am so glad you had that little burst of creativity as you have created a fabulous background and I love the dusky pink and green. Happy birthday to Allsorts xx

  17. Hi Brenda, your cards are so beautiful, I love the images and the brilliant background stamping.
    Congratulations on being 13 years old, but sorry to hear that you have been poorly, let's hope your energy comes back and stays, Kate x

  18. 2 gorgeous cards Brenda for our special birthday celebration .. fabulous inky floral creations So glad you felt well enough to make a card you were happier with, though the first one is really lovely.
    Fancy you not knowing Kavinia do a honeysuckle stamp 😀 it’s definitely one for the w ish list methinks !! I like it as it is a bit different for Lavinia ie. Not a silhouette flower.
    Pauline xx

  19. Ciao Brenda, sono felice che tu sia stata meglio e abbia potuto fare una card appositamente per i 13 anni di Allsorts!! E pure la busta!
    Spero che la terapia inizi a fare il suo effetto e che l'energia rimanga! Immagino i momenti difficili che stai passando e mi dispiace molto.
    Il campo di papaveri è così vibrante sullo sfondo verde delicato, e adoro la card che hai fatto con i timbri AALL and Create! Wow! Quel vaso sbrecciato a decoupage fa davvero risaltare i fiori e lo sfondo stupendo!! Il merlo è adorabile :)
    Ti auguro una buona Domenica e spero che lì da te il tempo sia buono. Qui fino a ieri sembrava estate, ma oggi sono arrivate nuvole nere...

  20. Two beautiful floral creations here Brenda and so nice to hear you've had a burst of energy to get inky!
    And congratulations on a job well done for successfully running this challenge blog for such a long time! You do know so well how to keep it all organized!

  21. Such beautiful poppies! One of my favorites and both cards are beautiful.

  22. Two beautiful cards Brenda Especially the one with the flower pot. I am glad your energy came back a bit. Stay well. Marlies x

  23. Love the poppy card Brenda, they looks fabulous growing in the grasses and wheat. You had a very creative burst of energy when you made the A&C card, fabulous, love the colouring and the background just makes those flowers pop.
    Hope you're feeling better.
    Congratulations on keeping Allsorts challenges going for 13 years.
    Avril xx

  24. Super cards Brenda...who doesn't love a poppy. Happy 13th Birthday to Allsorts. x

  25. Happy 13th Birthday Allsorts! Both of your cards are so pretty and perfect for the birthday celebration. I always think of my Mom when I see poppies. Said a prayer for you.

  26. Glad you felt better & boy did you make use of it, Brenda! Love your pink floral card! The red poppy card is beautiful, too! Love the addition of the wheat!

  27. They are very beautiful cards Brenda. Happy birthday to Allsorts. Xx

  28. Love your wonderful flowers, Brenda!


  29. Two wonderful cards Brenda, always lovely to see your signature Poppies.

  30. What a pretty pair of cards to celebrate such a special occasion! I love the red poppies on the first, but the background on the 2nd is over-the-top gorgeous! I love anything with clocks and the little bird perched on the sentiment is just too cute for words! I hope the treatments are working for you and that you'll soon be feeling chipper again! Take care!

  31. Two beautiful cards Brenda, the poppies on the first look beautiful set amongst all the wheat and the second stamp is really gorgeous with the flower in the pot. I do hope you are soon feeling better and able to get back to crafting.

    Pat xx

  32. It wouldn't be a celebration without a poppy or two Brenda!! What gorgeous cards and I am not sure how you have aged the flowerpot in the second card but its fabulous xx

  33. Congratulations on your Allsorts birthday Brenda and glad you are feeling well enough now to enjoy the celebration. Two beautiful cards as usual I wish I could produce realistic flowers as you can . Well done for thirteen years of organising the site and giving us all inspiration with your detailed comments .Jx

  34. Gorgeous cards, so beautiful.
    Loved your garden pics above;-))m
