
Sunday 1 May 2022

Flora and Fauna

Morning Peeps, before I more on my thanks for all your lovely comments and messages on the photos of Margo yesterday, after the scary few weeks earlier in the year it's wonderful to see her so bright and happy. 

So, the first Sunday of the month means the start of our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are 'For a Lady' and 'Anything stamped with option of Flora and Fauna'. Our winners will receive Poppy themed stamps and coordinating DP's from Crafts Stash and coordinating stamps, dies and stencil from Oakwood Archer.

My five panel card above uses a new April release from AALL and Create called Woodland, I can't add the link at the A&C store as it's not loaded yet but I believe was available from some UK retailers Friday. A brayered background with Oxides, images stamps and some colour added, stencilling and number and letters from A&C Grunge Alphabet.

A real favourite on this one called Textured Florals, Oxides, background stamping using a mixture of workers stamps and that little Squirrel again, he creeps in all over the place.

One more veering to the fauna side of the SS theme, again AALL and Create stamps, a Gelli Plate background, this one with acrlic inks, the main image is one of the stamps from an A4 set called Seeds of Hope. The Butterfly and leaf to the right stamped a second time on to scraps of inky card and paper pieced and various words stamped onto the same to carry the colour and a ring purloined from one of hubby's greenhouses.

Now at the risk of giving Sarn and Miss Di a fit of the vapours (I've got the smelling salts ready) it just occurred to me mentioning the use of snippets that I just might be able to link the above card over at the Playground. It's been an awful long time since I popped over there, I think they all got the hump when I got my own treehouse (photo below built by one of our son's). I did plan inviting the gang over then thought better of it as I know names mentioned....have a tendency to have impromptu midnight feasts and I need my beauty sleep.

The photo was a couple of months ago with the essential Lab on guard, this one being baby Rosa, but it's becoming nicely hidden now the trees are bursting into life.

I do hope you can join us this month.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. I love your awesomely artistic artwork Brenda, so inspirational. I also have treehouse envy! See you at the Maypole ;) xxx

  2. Ugh! Those smelling salts are disgusting - but thank you for reviving me! Lovely to see you in the Snippets Playground & I hope you’ll join in with the Maypole dancing later!!!!

    All of the cards you’ve put in this post are delightfully inky and arty. Loving that shaped card.

    Thanks for submitting homework to the Snippets Playground- now put in your flower headdress & come dance!!! Xxx

  3. Your floral cards are beautifully designed as always,especially love the stamps on your shaped card

  4. beautiful cards Brenda and with great backgrounds.......... what is she cute

    Gr Karin

  5. Well I had to go and check out yesterday's post while I was here didn't I. Doesn't Margo look captivated by the horse and well done to her Mum on a Clear. Cannot imagine that there will be many times in the future when Margo lands to find her mount looking down at her with an expression of "now what did you go and do that for?"

    Fabulous cards as always really like those new stamps x

  6. Stunning cards today Brenda - fabulous inky techniques and gorgeous new stamps on the extended triptych (wonder if there is a word for it??) and fabulous use of the Textured Florals with another fab inky background. Lastly love the gel plate background and paper piecing on card number 3 - they are all inspirational. Woo hoo - love your tree house ... I think we should be setting up a second playground there ... summer cocktails beckon !!
    Pauline xx

  7. Awesome cards Brenda, love the beautiful images on your panel card, the gorgeous colours on your coneflower and the beautiful gelli plate background. Great photo Rosa is so sweet. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  8. Very beautiful cards, Brenda - each one has so much of interest. Rosa is adorable. Vee xx

  9. WOW,Awesome cards again.Beautiful backgrounds and lovely colours in all the cards.such imagination.I adore the lil Lab want to to give him/her a cuddle right now.Great Tree House.xx

  10. I love all the cards, but the one with the squirrel has a bit bigger piece of my attention... As allways a treat to gome here! Hugs, Gerrina

  11. All beautifully designed cards Brenda, such pretty floral images and colours. Rosa looks as if she's standing guard at the treehouse, Kate x

  12. Such a gorgeous selection of cards once again Brenda. I love all your inky designs and backgrounds and the colours are so beautiful.

  13. those new AALL and Create stamps look pretty special, I will have to check them out. Love the vibrant pink cone flower on your second card and the green tones on your third. Thanks for sharing the pic of the tree house, how special. Just the place when you want to get away from it all xx

  14. Oh wow Brenda, you have been a busy bee. Your cards are simply beautiful and so arty. The colours, stamps and techniques used blow me away each time. Love them all. Love the treehouse etc too. Take c are. Huge hugs xx

  15. A beautiful showcase of these pretty stamps, Brenda. Lots of wonderful florals and I love that you incorporated the squirrel too! Love each one of these but of course the one with squirrel is my favorite :) I just love them and glad I have so many in my backyard although they can get in trouble like when they chewed off all branches off my young Magnolia tree/shrub! But still love them!
    The tree house looks wonderful! Your son did a fabulous job building it! Little Margo will be enjoying it in no time!

  16. Fabulous cards Brenda, but my favourite has to the the Coneflower, such vibrant colours.
    Love the tree house, bet Margo can't wait to grow up and play there!
    Avril xx

  17. Fabulous cards as usual brenda. the colours on the first two and the lovely stamps really have caught my eye. be careful in that tree! xx

  18. Such beautiful florals really really gorgeous but still the fur baby stole my heart. Happy May day xxx

  19. Che bellezza avere una casa sull'albero!! Ne ho sempre sognata una! :) Rosa che fa la guardia alla casa mi fa sorridere, che tenera cucciola :)
    La card a 5 pannelli ha colori molto delicati e primaverili e sai che mi piace molto questo tipo di layout! Sei sempre di grande ispirazione! Io mi riprometto sempre di farne una ma poi mi dimentico...
    Stupenda la card per WLS, una palette che amo molto e il fiore risalta così bene sul tuo caratteristico sfondo e lo scoiattolo è così carino!!
    Anche l'ultima card con lo sfondo fatto con il gelli plate è molto interessante, amo sempre come usi un cerchio per catturare l'attenzione!

  20. Fabulous selection of cards Brenda-love all the stamps and your panel fold card-great tree house by the way-does Rosa need a password before she lets you in lol
    Carol x

  21. Fabulous cards Brenda, every one a beauty and I especially love the panel card. I missed your last post so have just scrolled down. Margo is absolutely beautiful, what a sweetheart! xx

  22. Gorgeous! I really love your gelli backgrounds - I am still trying to get some of that right. The pink cone flower is stunning. These are truly inspiring.

  23. Gorgeous cards & love your tree house! Baby Rosa is a cutie!

  24. Three gorgeous cards today Brenda. I love the tree house too.

    Sue xx

  25. Gorgeous feminine creations, full of colour with eye catching designs x. Fun little squirrel on card number two x. Thanks for the fun at the end of the post Brenda x.

  26. Beautiful cards and lovely scenes, x

  27. That's a fabulous screen card Brenda, the pretty botanicals are perfect. Coneflowers seem to be very popular at the moment and I love the matching envelope too. I can see parsnip and Rosa keeping any shenanigans under control Brenda!! x

  28. Gorgeous cards Brenda, such pretty florals in beautiful colours.
    That treehouse looks amazing too.
    Emma's team lost yesterday, but she really enjoyed the game...fingers crossed for the next match!
    Lorraine x

  29. Wow.. Brenda.. they are all awesome! Love all the flowers and colours!


  30. Love the quad card and the beautifully images. i haven't tried to extend yet!
    Two wonderful inky cards, love that little squirrel. Great tree house too and lovely to see Rosa.

  31. Re: your comment Brenda - haha, no guilt allowed in Blogland - we all know how hectic life gets at times! Loving your three beauties here, especially the second, and love that squirrel friend gets in everywhere! Good to see you playing along at The Playground. We don't stay up THAT late and any singing is usually brought on after the Hot Chocolate (which we later discovered was made with Baileys!!) Your own tree house looks great fun although I think I'd stay on the ground floor and have a chat with your adorable Rosa. Vicky x

  32. Gorgeous card, as always, Brenda! Everytime I look at your cards on a new post I think 'Now, just how does B do it?!' Always such fabulous work.The star of the show has to be Rosa, posing so beautifully beside the wonderful tree house - it's brilliant and Rosa is adorable!


    Di xx

  33. Beautiful cards Brenda but my favourite is the stunning Cone flower, the colours are fabulous.
    The tree house is fantastic, bet Margo will have lots of fun in there.
    Avril xx

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  35. Stunning and fabulous cards;-))m
