
Saturday 30 April 2022

Scenic and Margo gets into the saddle

Morning everyone, time for another challenge at Allsorts and this week Lynn has selected the theme of 'Anything Goes with a Scenic option'. This weeks prizes are a lovely Indigo Blu stamp and three images from Ruth Hamilton Design.

Above a touch of Fairy magic using lots of Lavinia stamps, Oxides and Pan Pastels blended together on the background and of course some glitter to finish off.

A second scene of a totally different kind, this time out in the paddocks with the hens and newly hatched chicks......sadly we don't have any this year as one cockerel was too clever and chanced a night out in a tree and the prowling Fox, the other killed off along with several hens by a neighbouring farmers dog.....I won't even get into the ensuing story!!

Most of the images/dies on this one are from Two Red Robins Morning Sunshine collection and up in the tree Cecil or Sidney, you can choose which one it is. The Tractor is called Old Tom from Bumblebee Barn collection, the Reflections come in several colourways but for me it had to be an old red Massey, just like one that still trundles around here with a trailer for 'collecting'....or poo picking as it's aptly called in the horsey fraternity, there are lovely scoop and rake sets in all sorts of colours for the purpose, we have pink and purple!! 


And before I go, baby Margo, eight months old yesterday, had her first sit on a horse at the weekends Hunter Trials. This one is Ben, not her own pony Penelope (yes GG went soft at Christmas) as yet, Ben is totally bombproof so the safest option for starters and with Anysia had a clear on Sunday. Judging by her face Margo is a chip of the old block and her excitement when she sees dogs or horses echoes my own.

Have a good weekend, here in the UK it's a long Bank Holiday weekend but the weather forecast doesn't seem to have taken account of that and temps of 12/13 deg promised.
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  1. The first card is stunning and beautiful and the second lovely spring hello from farm. Enjoy the weekend, the lake is open from ice in our sunny side;-))m

  2. Gorgeous scenes from fantasy to reality (apart from chicks.) Was it not a fox that got them then but a neighbour's dog? Vee xx

  3. I haven't used my pan pastels for a very long time - should get them out and hope for fab results like yours. It's a beautiful scene and I love the wings. Great farm scene and lovely to see Margo so cheerful and enjoying the animals.

  4. Your fairy card is amazing Brenda and the farmyard scene is lovely. Margo is so cute and looks really happy up there x

  5. Gorgeous pictures of Margo!Fabulous cards great pan pastel background and love the chooks one and so sorry to hear about your losses.
    Carol x

  6. Amazing fairy card Brenda such beautiful colours….your sorting scenic card you could just jump into a lively creation….
    Lovely photos of Margo …

    Enjoy your weekend


  7. Beautiful pics of Margo,she looks like a happy baby,Two wonderful scenes,the fairy card is magical,the farm scene so peaceful

  8. Prachtige kaarten.
    Lieve foto's vrolijk meisje
    Geniet er van de tijd gaat erg hard
    Groetjes Gerrie

  9. I just loove the fairy card! The other one is beautiful too, but not my favorite one... Margot looks to have no fear for the big horse (for her); great to see her enjoying this! Enjoy the weekend!

  10. Love all the detail in both your cards today and how wonderful to see Margo looking so happy and healthy xx

  11. Two beautiful cards Brenda and I love the photo at the bottom with Margo saying hello to Ben.

    Sue xx

  12. Both cards feature such beautiful scenes. Great combination of Lavinia stamps an love the sparkles!
    And what a peaceful scene with the hens and chicks! I just love how it all came together.
    Margo is such a sweetie! Love the look on her face!

  13. Oh my goodness, Margo has stolen the show Brenda, what an adorable little girl and the delight on her face is such a tonic, beautiful photos. I'm like with horses and dogs, wonderful creatures, been years since I've been riding, doubt I'd manage on a horse now.
    So, your cards are stunning, especially the fairy card, I love all the images and colours, beautiful country farm scene, lovely images.
    Interested to see you lived in Javea, read it on Wendy's blog I think. My ex-husband and I had an apartment there many decades ago, when it was really just getting established as a resort. In order to get rid of him, I had to give up the apartment, now doubt it's all changed now as that was 40 odd years ago, Kate x

  14. Two fantastic cards Brenda, Awesome work on both. They are both extremely different but both are awesome in their own right. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous photos of Margo, it is so lovely to see her so well, happy without a care in the world. She doesn't know how many people were praying for her.

  15. I aodre your cards Brenda. Your Margo is just too adorable. Have a great weekend. Hugs ANesha

  16. Stunning cards Brenda, the blends and colours of the Lavinia card look amazing and ethereal with the twinkling highlights.
    How adorable is Margo, such a sweetie.

  17. Absolutely stunning card scenes as always Brenda but my heart has been stolen by the vision of your adorable Margo on Ben. What a lucky girl to have horses and dogs on tap! The met office got it wrong here and we've had a glorious bank holiday Saturday so fingers crossed for the rest of the weekend! Vicky x

  18. Came back when I saw the update, Brenda. Margo has such a wonderful smile and obviously great with the horses. Vee xx

  19. gorgeous cards Brenda and what cute photo's

    Gr Karin

  20. 2 gorgeous card scenes - one magical, the other so realistic - brilliant work. And how adorable are the pics of Margo - she looks so delighted! Gorgeous!!
    Pauline xx

  21. Two beautiful cards Brenda, gorgeous fairy scene. Gorgeous photos of Margo she looks adorable.

    Pat xx

  22. Just catching up with your blog.I love all the fab detail you put on your cards.They are both beautiful in their own right.And as for Margo,that photo of her looking into the horses face is just priceless and so beautiful,her expression says it all.xx

  23. Popping by again to say hi and to wish you well. Margo is a little darling, those eyes... 2 beautiful cards in their own right and so many special touches from you. Brilliant. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs x

  24. Love the fairy scene you created Brenda and what a lovely farmyard scene too.
    Gorgeous photos of Margo, she is a little cutie and obviously thrilled to be around the horses.
    Avril xx

  25. Ciao Brenda, sono un po' indietro con i commenti, ma ho avuto molto da fare con mamma, orto e altre faccende.
    Margo è davvero una bimba deliziosa!!! :) Che meraviglia vedere il suo visino sorridente ed eccitato per il cavallo! E che prima grande avventura per lei! Il sangue di famiglia non mente, come diciamo noi in Italia! Amerà sicuramente galoppare!
    Amo le card di oggi, come sai adoro le scene di Natura, con le fate e gli animali! Quella magica con i timbri di Lavinia dà un senso di prospettiva stupendo e il glitter sulle ali delle fate è davvero luccicante!! Stupenda anche la scena con i pulcini, le galline e gli scoiattoli, lo steccato e il trattore e lo splendido scenario! Adoro queste collezioni di Two Red Robins!! Mi dispiace invece per i tuoi pulcini e le galline reali... :(
    Dalle foto vedo che finalmente avete avuto un po' di sole, mi fa piacere! :)

  26. Your cards are great, as always! But oh my goodness--Margo steals this post!

  27. The scenes on your cards are both wonderful. What a sad loss from the hen house but these things happen unfortunately. Love the expression on Margo's face as she encounters horses! I too am a horse and dog lover and have been for my entire life! It's a great feeling!

  28. What a darling Margo is, she is so happy and what a brave little girl she is, with all she has come through....Sending tons of hugs to her x. Oh forgot to mention the two fabulous x.

  29. She looks so happy and a real cutie, xxx

  30. Great cards Brenda but Margo steals the show today and the lovely Ben of course. Her face is a picture and I can't wait to see her on Penelope when the time comes x
